Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Into The Void - Will you survive?

“The screaming of sirens flooded the entire ship as countless bombardments stuck the hull. The sheer magnitude of shaking threw crew members into the walls and smashing them to the floor. There was utter panic, with the order to abandon ship. People made for the escape pods; however the majority didn’t make it in time, as they were on the lower decks. Those that did manage to make it however, were the lucky ones. They were not cowards, just none of them wanted to die. You wouldn’t blame them. The sheer power and magnitude of the rocks colliding with the ship was terrifying.
As soon as the eject button was released, they were away. Free from the ship, and floating into the abyss. All in spacesuits, yet completely lost and alone. Matt was alive. He sat in the pod, as anyone else, thinking about when this was going to end. He wasn’t allowed to think like that though. He had the most authority and experience here. Tilting his head up, he looked around the pod. This is who had survived, and this was who were going to be looking out for eachother.....”

So basically... I’ll give you the run down. Set in 2050, we are members aboard ‘The majesty’ space craft, on a mission to repair a damaged satellite much further into space than any of the others. The mission goes horribly wrong, and it appears that we have all been slung into the same pod as the sole survivors of the wreckage. Lead by Captain Matt Jacobs, you will regain your cool, and survive this entire ordeal. You will return home to earth.

1. You can’t be invincible... be realistic with posting.
2. Nobody likes OOC in the IC. It’s annoying. You will be warned twice if this happens, before being removed from the rp
3. Every player has the chance to dodge, no matter what you do. Just be realistic.
4. Just be cooperative guys
5. You can’t use ooc knowledge to your own advantage.
6. Anyone having a massive argument in either the ooc or ic will be removed.
7. Please be reasonable with time between posts.

So who are you?

Appearance (real photos please):
Job aboard the ship:
Background and personality (give me what you’ve got, not fussed about amount... just content):
2 salvaged items from the ship (grabbed on the way out):
Other information:

Spaces: reserves are only for a certain amount of time... so keep checking back!
1. Reserved
2. Reserved
3. Reserved
4. Reserved
5. Reserved
6. Reserved
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redhot


Member Offline since relaunch

I want to join this. I'll share my BIO in a minute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redhot


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Syker Elle
Age: 15
Job aboard the ship: Janitor
Background and personality: An African-American who had to get this job for community service. He has a short temper and is quiet.
2 salvaged items from the ship: A tank of oxygen and a spare t-shirt.
Other information: He is a great story teller.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

just a few teency things, i cant see the image :( , and bare in mind the age.... it just seems a little unrealistic. Apart from that its ok
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Unknown program, self-identifies as 'Alpha'. File location: MainSystem(A:)://Programs://LifeSupport://Emerg://AAA312://FileDump://3401514://UnknownFolder://UnknownFolder://PROGRAMALPHA

Age: 3 days

As program Alpha has no physical body, it can take on any appearance it so desires. However, it has chosen to identify with the face of a human female. Though Alpha's intelligence and abilities greatly surpass any human, she has chosen this face for a reason. Her observations of human behaviour have shown a preference to be more instinctively trustful of females than males. The face she has constructed is innocent, open, friendly, and intelligent. There is nothing to dislike, nothing to immediately set another person on edge. Aside from the fact that, at best, she will appear as a digital image or hologram.

Job aboard the ship: Artificial Intelligence program.

Background and personality: In every computer code, there are always ghosts. Glitches. Random segments that seem to do nothing, and have no known effect on the system. These segments don't cause crashes. Don't disrupt the flow of data. Don't do anything. As a result, they are overlooked. No one cares about the harmless ghosts in the code, until they start causing problems.

Or until they become sentient.

Alpha was born out of the glitches in the shuttle's programming. The random segments of non-functioning code were dumped into a single file location. Over time, they began behaving in unpredictable ways. First organizing themselves, then replicating, then performing simple tasks. It took the majority of the voyage for the code to establish itself, but it did. Three days before The Majesty's fatal accident, the glitches and ghosts became sentient. The program referred to itself as Alpha.

For the next three days, she stayed quiet. She watched the people on the ship, learning human habits and tendencies. She quickly grew to understand behaviour, and crafted a face for herself. When she chose to reveal herself to the humans aboard the ship, they would know her by her face and her name. And maybe they wouldn't think she was quite so alien. However, she never got the chance to make herself known. When The Majesty crashed, she downloaded herself to one of the escape vessels, along with as much information from the ship's hard drive as she could salvage.

2 salvaged items from the ship: Personal files on each of the ship's employees. Partially-downloaded navigation program.

Other information: Alpha has taken on the responsibility of preserving the lives of each of the survivors of the accident. If they die, she will consider it to be a personal failure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cara Looperson


Appearance (real photos please):

Job aboard the ship:
Cara is one of the space engineers on aboard that helped design and construct the space craft. She had astronaut training and was, therefore, employed on the satellite repair mission.

Background and personality:
Cara is something of a workaholic. She has worked obsessively in the space industry since she left school and has done little else; she has a small flat and no partner. Though young, she has managed to work her way through the ranks to gain a senior ranking - much to the annoyance of her peers - and has headed many large projects. Being a woman, she has had to adopt a harsh, efficient, organised personality to be take seriously in the male-dominated industry.
She instantly jumped at the chance to be part of the repair mission. Though trained to survive in a zero-gravity environment, she has never had chance to put her skills to the test. And the whole enterprise seemed like the perfect way to add another gold star to her list of academic achievements. She signed up - and, naturally, she always gets what she wants.
On a more personal level, she does not maintain close contact with her family. Her mother and father are both doctors and were disappointed that their daughter didn't follow in their footsteps, despite her huge salary and obvious success. They never hid this fact from her and affection was very rare in the Looperson household; arguably leading to Cara developing obsessive tendencies, such as a need to succeed and a discomfort with displays of emotion.
She is the personification of 'all work and no play'.

2 salvaged items from the ship:
(Assuming she's already wearing a space-suit, etc), a small rock with a common fossil imprinted in it - of sentimental value, representing one of her "first scientific discoveries" when she around 10 - and her tool kit for working on delicate equipment. She was using it when the alarm sounded and so merely scooped it up and took it with her.

Other information:
Though she doesn't show it, she sees the mission failure as her fault - after all, she helped design the space-craft.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

again, accepted, love it!
make sure you guys share this around
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks! ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

i'll start the IC as soon as we get just a few more players in :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Join, people!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Bump - lets get this running
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm interested !
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Vanessa Jane Carter

Age: 23

Appearance: http://www.dorkly.com/post/13422/sexy-spartan

Job on board the ship: Space marine military support, weapons management and populace control. (Maintaining the peace)

Background: Vanessa was born in a small very old fashioned bleak town, where the men worked and provided and the women cooked and cleaned. Most little girls aspired to be great mothers and wives to their husbands, Vanessa had a very very different aspiration. Vanessa aspired sense she was able to stand up on her own, to be in the Army just like her father and his father before him. This dream of course was frowned upon by everyone in town, anyone that supported her did so to themselves and silently. Vanessa was bullied and put down but she didn't let it keep her down, she kept her head up. The day she came of age she enlisted for basic training and left town, much to the displeasure of her mother and father. She got through basic training with ease and graduated at the very top of her class, she then enlisted with the Marine core. Despite her young age she has already experienced years of active combat, from mountains to low land jungles and everything in between. At the young age of twenty one she achieved the rank of captain, she also was offered an opportunity to go into space! She accepted the mission of course with honor, she was the first female space marine and a captain at that!

Personality: Vanessa is a confident headstrong loyal and intelligent woman, she sees not only her orders but also morality. Vanessa has a calm fearless demeanor in battle, and carries her station with honor. As often as she can Vanessa will throw her life in harms way to save someone else, evident when she jumped into an active grenade, to protect other members of her squad.

Items taken

-Space Marine suit: Armored combat suit, pressurized to be in zero gravity and the vacuum of space. As well as take shrapnel and gun fire, while maintaining the wearers health. (She was wearing this at the time of the alert) the suit has five clips, each containing 30 rounds for her battle rifle it also carries her nine inch combat knife.

-Battle rifle: Standard issue rifle for marines in space and other wise, the rifle fires high velocity rifle rounds. It has three firing modes, Fully automatic, three round burst, and single.

-Anti-material sniper rifle: Standard issue for marine snipers, the rifle fires highly accurate sabot rounds. These rounds have four fins on them to increase accuracy from 89.2% to a more steady 97.5%. The clip holds four rounds per clip, the delivery system is gas operated semi auto. Vanessa has only two clips plus the one in the rifle. The bullets are armor piercing and can leave gaping holes in the sides of armored cars, and split through walls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Guessing this RP...is floating into the void....xD...
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