Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You're putting the poor beauty through torture with those breaks on. She's not supposed to make those wheezing and groaning sounds" he gave his opinion as a sigh escaped his lips. "She certainly didn't when I took a hold of her" he chuckled at the memory and shook his head. "Opinions? Well yes as a matter of fact I do, Doctor" his eyes flickered with a hint of definite certainty. "I may be stubborn but at least I am very well aware of what I can and cannot handle, Doctor" his tone growing firm as he stood looking to the Time Lord "I preferred to be alone, I didn't want to be with you. Not after everything"

Oh how his hearts ached at remembering the past. "We were married once, we were in love we had it all. I had everything I thought I ever wanted but …" his voice trailed off as a sigh escaped his lips his eyes slowly closing at the memories. "After.. " he gulped down a knot that was forming in his throat "After that night I … hurt you beyond my own control. .. I knew being around me was not safe. Regardless of you stubbornness saying it was alright." He reached out and shoved the Doctor against the console "I had nearly sent you do one of your regenerations. Against my own will. I knew I was dangerous and I knew I couldn't be with you any longer"

Tears seemed to well within the Master's eyes but he forced them away and inhaled deeply to calm himself and those … foolish emotions. "It's why from that point on I told you I didn't want to go with you and created this … mask of anger and hatred toward you. In all honestly, Doctor I love you, even now." He took a breath to try to calm his breathing as it had elevated once the memories came flooding into his mind. "Yes, we were married once, and the love I felt for you then has never diminished, not once not in the slightest. I love you as much as I did back then." The Master reached out and cupped his cheek "My Doctor..." It seemed he had finally gotten control over his emotions and drew in another breath and slowly exhaled "I never accepted your help, because I knew if I had stayed around you long enough.

Something would happen. I injured you more than my hearts could take. I still have that image of you. Curled dirty blonde hair, crisp blue eyes full of tears… staring up at me as I held you in my arms. Your voice forgiving me, that I wasn't myself." It seemed then; the Master could not hold back his tears as one broke free from his eyes. "That memory has plagued me. It is that memory, knowing that I had hurt you so much that fueled my own inner anger with myself. I vowed to never travel with you again for that reason alone, Doctor"

Reaching up he wiped heir tears and took a breath "So for you to have me here, against my wishes… Doctor…" before he could say anything the two were embrace in each other's arms and sharing a kiss. "My love for you wants to keep me away… and your love for me keeps you trying to reel me in.. Oh my Doctor" the Master smiled as he pulled the Time Lord close, trying to comfort him during his tears. "I know you don't hate me, it's like I can never hate you even if I tried." Before he knew it he was being shoved away and pulled back by the collar, the Master took each hit and did not flinch; he deserved every single hit and more, so much more.

"Doctor…" the Time Lord finally spoke as he looked to man he loved through eyes full of sorrow."… I don't know... we can try but… I honestly cannot make any promises… Doctor" Whatever it was that was happening, both Time Lords felt it. Slowly the Master lived his gaze to look about the TARDIS with such curiousness, what was it? What could it be? It seemed all of his questions were put to rest as the whimper of his Dear Doctor. A look of definite concern coming over the Master's face "Do-" before he could finish the Doctor was on the floor screaming in agony. The Master's eyes widened "Theta!" before he could move toward the Doctor he was floored as the TARDIS landed. "Theta…." He spoke in a worried pant as he neared the Time Lord, pulling the man into his arms.

"I'm here… please…" he closed his eyes and placed a glowing hand upon the Doctor's temple and connected them psychically. As he took note that whatever it was that pulled them off course had somehow began to send a feed of pain to the Doctor's mind, trying to break through the Doctor's mental barrier. "Well… these being are out of luck" a smirk formed upon the Master's lips as he began to focus his energy. Using what was left of his 'sane' Time Lord energy to build a thicker barrier, which would bring down the pain that the Doctor was feeling. "I promised you that night we exchanged vows that I would do all in my power to protect you" leaning in he kissed the Doctor's lips and rested his head against the Doctor's as he held him close "and I will keep that promise, even now. My Doctor… stay safe"

Taking the Doctor into his arms the Master placed him gingerly in a seat on the lower level of the TARDIS "Keep him safe, beauty" he called out to the TARDIS and reached into his coat pocket and felt for his sonic laser before racing up the stairs and toward the double doors. Throwing them open he walked out. The TARDIS extending her barrier to allow the Master space to move that was beyond her perimeter. Up ahead he saw three cloaked figures "You've messed with the wrong Time Lord" were the Master's words, drenched in crazed fury but even still a sinister smile spread across his face as he looked to them through a maddening gaze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor was laying there in pain. “Ah Yes I remember when. You turned her into a paradox machine, she really didn’t like you even more after that, and took ages to make things right. “he knew the Master used to have two TARDISes from his own. He did wonder what had happened to them. He knew both had working Chameleon circuits.
He would probably ask about that later. Whoever was trying to harm him, really was trying hard. The Doctor let out another whimper of pain. He really did look like he was trying to fight off whatever was hurting him. He breathed deeply and tried to hope for the pain to go away. Normally the Doctor was tough and could handle a bit of pain, but he was clearly was in too much pain to hide or even tough out. He knew the Master had never liked seeing him In pain either.

He was looking at the Doctor. “Ah your stubbornness is still attractive.” He smiled up at him. He couldn’t help but still be attracted to the Master.
The Doctor was listening to everything the Master said, He always responded as he didn’t think it was fair not to. That was why he had wanted the Master to have opinions on what he said before. He was closing his eyes as he winced from pain. The pain was increasing more and more, He seemed to be finding it hard, He cried out in pain and wanted the pain to go away. The Doctor was not feeling at all very good.
“I can never stop loving you.” He looked into his eyes.
“It hurt me more when you left… The injures seemed like nothing.” The Doctor replied. He seemed sad as he spoke. He knew that sometimes things were just to hard.

He did want things to work better. He didn’t want to go through the pain of the Master leaving him again. He didn’t want to cry all night anymore. There had been so many nights where he had missed the Master and would cry. He had slowly managed not to. Expect for until he thought the Master had died after their last meeting. He had tears in his eyes a bit.
“When I thought you had died, I was miserable.” He whispered. “Well both times, expect I guess after the events of the valiant you truly had died. “ He was unsure If the Master had known if he would be resurrected then.
Though there was a lot that had happened then. He wasn’t sure what the Master’s real reason for dying was. He wasn’t sure if the Master had done that to avoid travelling with him and make him suffer or for some other reason. He knew the Master loved him.

“I know it will be hard… I just am not keen to go through the pain of you leaving me again.” He was shaking a bit as another wave of pain hit.
“I’m still not afraid of anything happening… even on my last regeneration, Even though I am angry for you leaving me, I didn’t stop loving you. I did cry for days after you left, then I just got angry you would do that.”
He sighed a bit. He curled up and screamed in pain again. His body was shaking. He really wasn’t sure what was causing him pain right now. He knew that whatever was causing it was very strong. He knew the Master was going to be angry at whoever caused him pain.

He grunted in pain. He seemed too much in pain. He knew he needed to find out what was going on. He knew the Master probably wouldn’t let him do that.
It was going to be a bit hard to fix their relationship. He could tell the Master was guilty for hurting him in the past.
“Master..,” His eyes closed. He held onto the Master when he came over to him. He didn’t want to let go of him. He remembered all of the times when the Master had been there when he was hurt.
The Doctor knew he didn’t want the Master to cause any trouble. But he doubted that he could stop him, not when he was in pain. He knew right now the Master wanted to protect him.

“Master,” He seemed to keep repeating his name. He felt the pain ease when the Master touched his head, He knew that the Master was trying to help him.
He really did love the Master. He was trying to keep focused on not passing out. He looked into the Master’s eyes. He wanted to go and see what the problem was out there as well. He wanted to find out what had lured them there. He was breathing deeply. He closed his eyes and he seemed to be sweating. He holds onto the Master and closed his eyes.
“My Master..,” He seemed to have run out of things to even say at the moment. He knew that he needed the Master when he was injured. He did want to go and get up. But he didn’t have the energy really. He sighed a bit.

The Doctor didn’t want him to go anywhere. He wanted to just be comforted by him. He closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure if the Master would kill or not.
He groaned in pain again as he was still a bit miserable. They tried again but seemed to be attacking him in other ways as well. He wished they would be able to end it another way. He knew the Master always solved things by killing them. “Be careful Master,” Was all he could say. He felt so unsure if he could actually do anything. He pulled out a blanket. “She will keep me safe… but she doesn’t want to listen to you.” He knew the TARDIS would do what she could to make sure he was safe, but wasn’t keen on the Master’s presence in the TARDIS. He hoped the Master wouldn’t do anything to upset the TARDIS.
“Try not upset the TARDIS,” He wasn’t sure if the TARDIS would do stuff for the Master, if it wasn’t for the Doctor been hurt really. He closed his eyes a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Attractive? When I think of stubbornness I see annoyance…" a smirk curled upon his lips as his fingers brushed through the Doctor's hair. "But I suppose it can be attractive at time" he winked and leaned in to kiss his lips "Just.. try your best to relax" he held his Doctor close "We can discuss the past once you're safe" Right now he just wanted the Doctor to conserve his energy, because he knew the weaker the Doctor got, the more susceptible he was those psychic attacks.

"Sssh my Doctor" his voice a whisper as he held him close "You… " he took in a breath "I promise you I will always be here to protect you" it wasn't him saying he was staying for good. But it was indeed very similar phrase that left his lips the night of their divorce before they parted ways.

'I will always love you, Theta, until the end of my Time. I will protect you with my life and I will always be there when I am able to make sure no harm comes to you.' The Master placed a kiss upon his Doctor's forehead "Rest now, My Doctor" he got up and headed for the doors "heh.. Careful? You do know its me right?" he glanced back flashing the Time Lord a grin as he winked before exiting the TARDIS.

Once outside the Time Lord looked to the three hooded creatures "Filthy Time Lord!" one hissed "Give us the Doctor and you will live!"

Hearing this the Master wasn't all that impressed "Ah, telepathy, of course" as he looked between the three "Now.. how will I deal with you three, hmmm?" his gaze flickered with a definite undertone of Darkness "Oh I know!" his hands clapped together as his hearts began to race.

The three cloaked beings looked toward each other and gave a shrug of their shoulders "A game? You're attempting to save your precious Doctor with a game?" the leader of the three questioned before bursting into a cackle as the other two joined in.

Seeing this the Master held a wicked grin "Laugh to your heart's content, my enemies, for it will be the last thing you do"

Hearing this they stopped and looked to him "You? You're scrawny to the bone you can do nothing, not even a weapon on you. Lies!"

The Master gave a nod "You're right, I have no physical weapon on me" he hadn't tested his sonic laser so he wasn't sure how well it would do against these three "But" he held his hand in a 'wait a minute' fashion "I am a Time Lord" he gave smirk. With that he headed toward them in such a way that would chill any person to the very bone. "and your time, is up" the words leaving in lips in such a way it caused the two of them to begin to back away.

In an instant, he lunged for the leader who took a step back, but the Master was quick and was able to grab the man's sword. "Thank you, old Chap" he swung the sword getting a good feel for the weapon "Very nice craftsmanship I might add" he took in a breath "Now…" he toyed with the sword in his hand, his eyes looking to the three "As my Dear Doctor used to say. Allons-y!" with that he charged toward them.

By the time it was over with the three bodies lay dead at his feet, blood pooled around his shoes, the sword in his hand. "eh…" He dropped the sword "At least the thread is gone now" he dropped the sword and reached into his pant pocket to pull out a handkerchief and began to wipe the blood from his face though he couldn't do anything for his clothes. With a sigh he headed into the TARDIS beginning to pull off his suit jacket, his tie since they'd taken most of the sprays of blood. "Doctor?" he questioned as he neared "Are you alright?" oh he knew his Doctor would not be happy with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor was laying there closing his eyes. He knew that he needed to rest. The time lord had no energy. He wanted to conserve his energy if he could. He wasn't sure when everything would be over.
One of his hearts seemed to be struggling. It seemed the ceatures had done more to him.
"Stay safe," He trailed off. The time lord was shaking.
What ever was wrong was taking its toll on his body. He didn't want to die. He knew he had no more regenrations.

Though the Doctor was still unsure if he was dying or not. He just was feeling worse as time went on. He stayed slumpped in his chair. He closed his eyes still and was thinking of the past. He had been through so much with the MAster. He didn't want it to end at just this when he finally had his Koschei back.
He was shaking more.
He seemed really unable to keep himself relaxed. He was shivered more and more.
"Master..,." He whispered more.

The Doctor didn't want the Master to leave him in the TARDIS, but he knew he couldn't stop the Master from going after the creatures. He had a feeling the MAster would kill them, He just couldn't barely even move.
He was just too weak to move.
The time lord ended up falling asleep. There was nothing he could do when the Master was out there stopping the creatures and he was stuck laying weakly in a chair. He seemed very pale. He breathed deeply.

When the Master returned, he saw the blood. He coughed and tried to get up. "What did you do!!" he growled angrily. He gasped and fell back. He wasn't feeling good, his heart had slowed. He knew he may only have 30mins left. Though too him that was alot of time.
He had been used to having limited time. He coughed more as he struggled to breath.
The time lord knew that creatures had made sure that they had given him a fatal attack.
"I think this was fatal." He groaned. His hearts were now both slowing, He gasped weakly in pain.

The Doctor was groaning and he rolled to the side and coughed up blood. He was shaking and whimpering in pain. "Koschei." He knew that the Master hated been called that, but he felt more vunerable now.
He held his chest and tears went down his face. He had no idea what was been done to him. BUt now he was sure that he was dying. It didn't feel like he was going to be ok. The time lord needed the Master to help him.
"Help me...," he said weakly. He had never said that often to the Master.

He was closing his eyes. It was getting harder for him to stay awake. He held out his hand to the Master. He wanted to feel the Masters touch. He coughed badly. He was still mad with the MAster.
But he didn't have enough time to aruge really. He thought maybe he would if he surived,
One of his hearts gave out and it was getting close for the other one too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When the Master had entered the TARDIS he'd expected the Doctor to get angry with him, that was a given. But what he saw was the man he loved even weaker than before. For a brief moment, the Master was at a loss for words "… I had to kill them… they were telepathic, that was the only way to break the thread to you. I had to do it" his voice firm as he stared to the Doctor, watching as the man fell back.

Hazel green eyes widened "Theta!" he closed the gap between them as rapidly as possible. Hearing his words, the light that had been forming within Koschei's eyes was dimming "N-No.. No don't say!" his voice angrily but not because he was mad at the Doctor. Because he wasn't. He was mad at himself for not trying harder to break that link the enemies held to the Doctor's mind. "Theta… stay with me.. stay awake" he pulled the Doctor into his arms "you're going to be alright, you hear me?"

His fingers shakily brushed through the Doctor's hair as he tried his best to keep the Doctor calm. The Master was on his new stream of regenerations. The first new batch out of thirteen, so he had plenty to spare, and you bet he'd break one up for the healing energy to pass onto his Dear Doctor. Closing his eyes the Time Lord held his dying Doctor in his arms "Stay with me.. Theta" his voice a semi-painful whisper; it would seem that forcing the regeneration energy was a tad painful on the second cycle of regenerations but it was nothing compared to the pain he'd go through if he truly lost his Doctor.

As his eyes opened, they took on a somewhat familiar, yet slightly different tinge to them as he stared down into the Doctor's eyes "I'm not letting you leave me, Theta. Now it's my turn to beg you to fight and stay with me. I'm not letting you die. I will help you" leaning in he placed his lips to the Doctors as he pulled the man's form closer against his own, passing on the healing energy from one of his regenerations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor could see the Master was desperate for him to not die. He truely knew the Master cared now. He was truely suffering . He had known the Master was just doing what he could to keep him safe. Though he didn't quite agree with the Master's ways.
"Master... you know how I feel about all that."
He didn't have the enegry to aruge about it. He closed his eyes. He doubted he could ever change the Doctor's views there.
Though he knew the MAster still loved him deeply. He kissed him weakly. "I Love you."

He knew that the Master wanted to save him, for him not to die. He felt so weak and knew he would die without the Master's help. He had no regenrations and no was to recover himself. He knew the damage was too great for him to even surive.
"I love you...," He gasped. He coughed and struggled to breath.
He was looking at him. "My Master." he whispered. He coughed and groaned in pain.
The time lords hearts were beating slowly and he held the Masters hand.
"I don't want to die, not when I just go you back." He let out a painned breath. He moaned and closed his eyes. His hand still clutching the Master's and his face was very pale. He almost seemed pale as a ghost. He knew they needed to get off this planet. He didn't want anything happening to the Master either.

"I'll try I cant make any promises... my hearts are slowing." He groaned weakly. He coughed up a mouth full of blood. He clung onto the Master weakly. The creatures having damaged his body quite badly in thier attacks. His head was still pounding. It seemed there was tears spilling down his face. He was sweating and that seemed to have soaked his brown hair. He really did look terrible.
He knew he was running out of time. He groaned weakly again. "If I die.... make sure you get the TARDIS out of here. That you look after her and make sure she doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Be kind to her and maybe she will get used to you."
He was trembling. He normally wouldn't let the Master have control of his TARDIS. But now if he was dying, he wasn't sure who else would look after his ship. "You know sexy is i..important to me." He was getting much weaker as he spoke.

"I Love you." He looked at the Master when he begged him to stay with him. He smiled sadly before he took one last breath and closed his eyes. His two hearts had stopped. He still had his hand in the Masters. He seemed peaceful laying there. At first it seemed like the Master had been too late and it hadnt worked. But it had, it was just taking the Doctor awhile. He was so weak and just couldn't wake so easily or revive,
He had tried so hard to fight this and not die. But he had been attacked quite badly and he had been suffering. It seemed he was just sleeping though he wasn't breathing and his skin was deathly pale.


It was weeks later before the Doctor finally opened his eyes. He gasped and coughed, His hearts were beating. The Doctor was looking around where he was. He seemed to be very weak still.
"Master?" He tried to get up but he was very weak. He had no idea how long he had been 'dead' He was also quite confused.
The time lord fell onto the floor in his attempts to get up,
He seemed extra clusmy compared to normal and fell agaisnt the wall as he tried to walk.

He didn't look like he should be out of bed. He needed a bit more time to rest and heal. His eyes seemed dull. He wasn't really that sure if he had died or not. He breathed deeply and groaned again.
"Stupid legs." He muttered. "Why wont you let me be in control."
He kept complaining and fell over and lay on the ground. He looked a bit annoyed and blew hair out of his face.
The time lord hadnt remebered ever feeling so weak.

"Master..." The Doctor whimpered. He needed help up. He was starting to think getting up had been a bad idea now. His legs weren't holding him up and he felt all floopy and useless. He looked around, The TARDIS seemed to have stopped making strange sad noises.
Though was now more making noises like she was concerned.
"I'm fine sexy... Guess I'm a little weak." He sighed a bit and lay there annoyed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Shh.. Theta… please my Darling.. conserve your energy.. the more you talk.. the faster your .. yo-" he couldn't finish his statement, the realization of it all was far too painful for him. "I will take care of t he beauty.. don't worry" he caressed the Doctor's face, wiping away the blood from his lips "just.. please.. Theta… stay with me" he begged as tears streamed down his face, golden glowing tears as that. Leaning in he rested gazed into the Doctor's eyes "I love you too, I always have, I always will" he kissed the Doctor's lips.

It would seem to the Master for a moment that his beloved Theta had truly passed on. Upon that realization, his hearts threatened to stop. Slowly the shade of vibrant glowing golden eyes faded to hazel green "Th-Theta…." The Time Lord clenched his teeth together "Theta!!!!" he held his beloved time Lord in his arms as close as he possibly could. The Master was inconsolable at this point as he sobbed, not releasing his Doctor. Holding the fallen Time Lord in his arms as he rocked their bodies together "Theta" yet in the middle of his break down, he sensed it. He hadn't failed, Theta had received the energy it seemed that it had taken Theta's body longer to register it.

The Doctor was alive, but in a coma. A smile tugged at his lips "You're alive… oh you lanky man with a chin I could kill you…" he sighed and leaned in kissing the Doctor's lips before picking the Time Lord up. Carrying him to the bedroom where he laid the man down, giving him a clean change of clothes and tucking him bed. Yet it seemed that breaking apart one of his regenerations, as well as the battle and the emotional chaos the Master had gone through. His body too was weak as his legs gave way beneath him. The man pulling himself close to rest with his head near Theta's hand as he let sleep take over.
Nearly seven weeks later, the Doctor still hadn't awoken, it was normal, the Master himself had been through a healing in the past so it did in fact take time. In that time, the Master spent his time in the library reading, playing one of his old violins that… somehow the Doctor had gotten a hold of. It was one of his favorites that the Doctor 'insisted' it went missing. Yet now it was proven that the Doctor had lied and kept it within the library. In a sense, the Master was joyous; his Doctor was alive and recovering. On the plus side, the Master had his favorite instrument.

The Master sat in the main console room, he'd actually gotten into the habit of holding conversations with the TARDIS which was …unlike him. But ever since everything that happened with the Doctor, he felt.. truly grateful to have even been given this chance to save him. The Master sat in the console room, playing his violin as he closed his eyes focusing on the beautiful yet still dark tone to it. Some things never changed. It would seem that there was a different hum in the TARDIS for her hums no longer matched the his music. "…" he stopped mid note and slowly set the violin down "… is he awake?" with that he took off in a mad dash.

As he neared the bedroom he looked toward the bed and noticed the Doctor wasn't in there but instead on the floor "……typical" a sigh escaped his lips "Oh Theta…" making his way over the knelt down and pulled the man into his arms, carrying him toward the bed "You're still eight weeks too soon.. your body still needs to heal. You literally were reborn from death….. but you're alive" a smile tugged at his lips "and I am ever so grateful" tucking the Doctor in bed the Master leaned in to kiss his lips "Now rest, My Love"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor was looking at him "Master." He felt so weak. He was laying on the floor and looking up at the other time lord. He was quite sure he was going to need to stay in bed for awhile longer. He was almost annoyed he had woke before he was fully recovered.
Though either way he had a feeling he would still be weak when he woke.
He was shivering a bit. "Can I have some tea and jammy dodgers. Please" He whispered. He was quite hungry actaully.
The time lord didn't want to stay in bed too long. He also felt bad for making the Master have to get him things. Though the time lord knew that he was not going to be able to get up and get food or anything so easily. He hated feeling weak and useless. He knew that it was still a slow recovery process. He was just glad that he was not alone. Being alone he knew he would have died and even if he didnt he would have been suffering on his own.

He clung to the Master when he was carried back to his bed. He looked very weak. "My legs arent working. I think they gave up on me." He pouted. He was breathing heavily. He at least was alive now and trying his best to recover.
He though seemed to be doing ok.
The time lord merely smiled when he was tucked into his bed. He looked so weak.
His stomach was growling a bit. He knew he was still tired as well. The Doctor knew he would be hungry, it had been weeks since he had anything in his stomach and he needed food to help him heal and get better. He only wished that he could get up and get himself food.

"Rest... but I have been asleep so long." The Doctor whispered. He had no idea his body had all but shut down making him seem dead. He was shaking and he curled up in his blankets. He soon was asleep despite what he said.
He did need the rest. He knew the Master would look after him.
The Doctor was sleeping and he breathed deeply. He seemed relaxed as he slept, only for the time being as that soon changed. He was soon moaning and crying in his sleep as he had nightmares. He shivered a bit in his sleep.
He was pulling the blankets tightly around himself as he was sleeping. The time lord twitched a few times in his sleep.

He started dreaming of when he lost Amy and Rory to the weeping angels. He had tears in his eyes as he dreamt of his two good friends. He was sleeping still " What are you talking about? Back away from the Angel. Come back to the Tardis. We'll figure something out. " he started talking in his; sleep.
He seemed to be uncomfortable as he slept. The time lord was looking miserable and he kept tossing and turning as the memory plauged his dreams making his sleep far from peaceful. He knew it had been awhile since he had peaceful sleep all the time. Tears slipped down his face as he slept. He seemed very upset as he lay asleep in his bed. The Doctor whimpered from discomfort .
The Doctor was burning up with a fever. He cried out "NO!!!" He was crying more.
"Amy ... Rory." he sobbed harder and soon awoke.

The Doctor seemed to be rather pale. He then just fell back asleep. He was so tired. He was likley to be even more hungry when he awoke though. He curled up even more in his blankets. He still seemed to have bad dreams and dreams that were memories from the past. He seemed to be dreaming of the time war now. Before dreaming of some the other losses in his life.
Though he started seeming even more distressed in his sleep as he had a dream where the Master died. This caused him to cry and yell in his sleep "Koschei!!!" he yelled. The time lord really needed to sleep without having any nightmares.

He was breathing deeply, He seemed to have a nasty fever. His body was trying to heal and he had already been through. He seemed to be moaning and shivering and bit. The Doctor was needing time to recover. He had still a bit of healing to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh how could he say no to that face? That voice, that frailness, the quiver, the shake. Oh how it pained his hearts to see his Theta in such a condition. "There is no need to say please with me, Theta" he leaned in and placed a kiss upon the frail man's forehead as he laid him back in bed. "Of course I'll get your favorites" his voice but a whisper as he leaned down to kiss his lips tenderly "Rest now" he encouraged.

Hearing the Doctor's next words and seeing that pout the Master couldn't help it when a smile tugged at his lips, a chuckle soon escaping them "Well of course they're not working. You're still in recover. You should know as well as I do that a healing coma takes time. You went through it before. Believe me, I know. I've been inside that head of yours in the past" The Master wasn't about to go get the tea and cookies just yet. He knew how it worked and knew the Doctor would be falling asleep in no time at all again. "Shhh" his voice leaving his lips in a whisper as his fingers combed through the Doctor's hair. "I know, but your body still needs healing, my dear Doctor"

Sure enough, the Doctor drifted off into slumber once more, the Master gave a chuckle and leaned down, tucking him in as he moved to a chair to sit beside the Doctor as he rested. The nightmares began, the names that were mentioned, the Master had seen footage of them within the TARDIS' data core during those weeks the Doctor was recovering. So he knew who the Doctor meant. He knew he couldn't disrupt a person's dreaming, even if it was a nightmare. So … against his own emotions, Koschei didn't move from the chair and watched his Doctor through sad eyes.

But the Next nightmare? Oh the Master couldn't sit still for that one, he couldn't. In an instant he was on his feet and rushing to the Doctor's side. Moving into the bed he held the Doctor's body close against his own "Theta.." his voice a whisper near the Doctor's ear. His fingers softly caressing the man's cheek "Theta.. it's alright" he placed a kiss upon his forehead 'I'm here, I’m alive and I’m well" he wanted to reassure the Doctor he was there, so the Doctor wouldn't worry "Rest now my Darling. don't fear the nightmares for they're in the past" he held his Doctor closer. "I'll be right here, I won't leave your side"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
Avatar of Magic223


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor was shaking. He felt the Master's touch. He seemed to be miserable and had tears in his eyes. He moved as close to the Master as he slept. He seemed to have a really nasty fever. His breathing seemed to be breathing heavy.
His body was trying to heal, despite not wanting to sleep, he couldnt keep himself awake. The time lord needed to rest. His body was very weak. "Koschei." he whispered in his sleep. With the Master's presence he soon calmed down.
The time lord was now peacefully sleeping. He wasn't sure if he would have more night,

The time lord kept dreaming though. He seemed to be dreaming of some past memories with the Master. Ones that didn't make him distressed and unhappy in his sleep though. He curled up under the blankets. He seemed to be paler.
The Doctor was soon whimpering again. This time he seemed miserable from his fever.
He was shaking more and pulled the blankets around him tighter. His breathing was heavy.
"Master." he was muttering in his sleep quite alot. Mostly just calling for the Master.

The Doctor groaned again and shivered more. He awoke and sighed looking weak. "I'm uncomfortable and miserable." He said weakly. He puts a hand across his own forehead and noticed the fever. "Damn."
He sighed a bit. He looked at the Master, He then looked around for some water. "Master can you get me a drink of water,?" He asked. He sounded weak. HIs eyes closed as his head was hurting.
He figured most of what he was going through was because he had alot of healing to do. He knew he had woken too soon and had also been through something simular when he just regenrated into his Tenth.

"Master." He whispered. He knew he didn't sound too well. He did have the Master to look after him. He just hoped that it was enough to make him feel better, He groaned again. He was shivered more.
The time lord rubbed his aching head. He wondered how much longer he was going to need to rest for.
The Doctor really felt like he had died and come back to life.
He coughed slightly and groaned more. He wanted a drink. He looked at him. The Doctor's stomach growled. Well at least he was still hungry. He knew he would need to eat to get his strength back. He rubbed his aching head. The time lord was not feeling good though.

"I think I'm a little ill," The Doctor frowned "I think my body hates me, why does it hate me." He groaned. He wasn't sure why he had to go throiugh this as well. He didn't want to stay in bed longer.
"But I am hungry." He hoped he wouldn't regret eating. Though he knew he was feeling ok enough if he was hungry. He did need the food as well. He felt rather weak and useless. He hummed a bit he was trying to keep himself relaxed.
He held his head bit though as the pain in his head did not go away. He needed some medicine. He wanted to get up and get it. He groaned as he rememebered he barely could stand. Even if his body was healing, he felt terrible.

The Doctor was wondering if the Master was ok with helping him this much. "I hate not been able to do anything for myself." He whispered. It was simply annoying. He was used to dealing with things himself if he had to. He closed his eyes.
He knew the Master loved him and would do anything to help him feel better.
The time lord tried to get up again. He was going crazy staying in bed.

Though he realized he didn't really have the energy to get up. He stumbled and leaned on the bed once he was up. He also wanted a bath. Though he fell back onto the bed and sighed blowing hair from his face.
"Dammit." He whispered. He blew his hair from his face. He looked annoyed laying there. He gave up knowing he wasn't going to be able to get up at all yet. He didn't like that he was going to not be able to get up yet. "Stupid legs." He whispered.
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