Hey there! I'm deduction, and I am really looking for a bbc Sherlock roleplay, but the only pairing I'll except at the moment is johnlock! I am just itching to roleplay this!
My posts are usually at least a paragraph long, and I would appreciate it if your posts were at least a paragraph long. No one-sentence posts, I will not accept that, sorry. :3
I'm good with grammar and spelling, though usually I'm on my phone and spell-check will find some way to mess me up.
I have so many plots that I can give you if you just pm me! I can rp any kind of scene (mature romance, violence, etc.)
But yeah, that's about it. :3

Also, if you really wanted, we could put side pairings in. The ones I will do are: Mystrade, Molstrade, Mormor.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day! :3