Hello, Hello, Hello! I decided I'd try my luck at this 1 x 1 Sub-Forum (I'm used to 1 x 1 Roleplays, but not advertising for them so bare with me!) So hopefully we can see if our writing is compatible and we enjoy the game we create!

In light of the recent stalemate that the public games I have joined are in (Sad but a seemingly not uncommon side effect of forum gaming) I've decided I'd brush off a few of my own OC's that I don't often get to play, and one style of OC in particular.

Occasionally, the urge takes me to write and roleplay a female lead who is dangerously obsessed with the poor fool who has unwittingly taken her affections.

Thisb!tchhere. More than likely:

In anime terms, a Yandere. I like playing Yandere characters, is what I am saying.

Now, for clarifications sake (and because I have recently seen this while searching for such a roleplay), I'm not the sorts to post that my character is singing creepily in a forest and she turns with a psychotic look on her face covered in blood.

Nooo. No.

One, that's probably a Yangiri. Two, it's a very flailing attempt to convince people this character is SO scary and evil. No. Nononono. I should be upfront and say that my Yandere characters are more subtle. They don't stab everything in sight, they merely observe, and act in ways that may branch off to be violent or twisted, it's a natural progression either way for some of them.

Expect some twisted minds and probably some blood, that's my warning.

About my style:

I do casual - Lit, now that I've perhaps gotten your attention (Don't go!.. ;A; ) So anywhere between a paragraph to a page or two, since I've been rping for years now and can put a fair bit of effort into my posts. For Yandere, Slice of Life and School genre's work well, but I am up for suggestion, yo!

Do not GodMod. I shouldn't even HAVE to say this but I will. And please make... an effort to spell. I make mistakes all the time, and that's fine, but text talk is a personal irk of mine. Also, I don't do mature in the sense of erotic. I just don't, sorry. Even in PM's. If it get's to that point, a fade to black is fine by me.

I'm in Scotland. Which means my time zone is GMT. Just in-case people think I'm ignoring them for not posting immediately after them. (For all you know it's midnight and I'm too tired to reply in a way that has the effort that I like to put in all my posts.)

Not liking the story/My style? Feel free to tell me and we can cease the rp! I'd much rather know that have you floating off into nothingness.

Any questions / Interested in a game? PM me! So we can talk through the details!