First, if you read this do me a favor and don't steal it... It's actually writing from a story I started but, as the title says, never finished. I thought maybe, since I can't finish it because I can't decide what direction to take, that I could try using it for an rp. What I'm looking for is someone, or a few someones, who are willing to throw out plot twists and add their own ideas to this story... co-writing instead of just one person leading the whole thing.

Basically, the story revolves around warring Deities. There is Era, the Goddess of Chaos; Aya, the Goddess of Light; and Ina, the Goddess of Neutrality. There are also many others, but those are the premade characters and I can play them all if no one bites for them. There is also Azel, a Lesser God who is Era's servant and Rien a Lesser God who is Aya's servant. Ina's servant is never named. Since Ina is reborn you can make her human form however you want so really... beyond her past she's your baby if you want to play her. Same with Era, Azel, and Rien actually...

Background to the Story: To make a long story short, Era watched Aya creating wonderful things and did not have the ability to create anything herself... only destroy. She grew jealous so she drew from the Void itself, the place where all the Gods/Goddess' originated... a place of Nothing, and tried to create a living thing from that. The being that was created went insane and Aya was forced to calm it and give it true form and balance... She named him Azel and he loved her for saving him. However, Era played Azel's jealousy over Rien against them both... She lied to Azel and told him that now that Aya had created Rien, a being of light and life, she no longer needed a tainted creation of darkness like him. This was further solidified when Azel initiated a fight with Rien and Aya defended him, growing angry at Azel. Afterward Era told him she'd heard Aya tell Rien she planned to put Azel back in the Void where he belonged. He fell into the trap and again lost his mind to the madness of the Void within him. He nearly killed Aya and during the battle all of Creation began to unravel. Just as she was convincing Azel that she DID love him, that she TRULY loved him, Rien opened the Void and tried to force him in... Afraid that he was already too far gone. This caused him to disbelieve Aya's statements and he ran her through with the Tainted Blade he'd drawn from within himself. As Aya was dying Era told Ina the only way to save things was to seal Aya away, thus stopping her death and the Taint spreading through her from the wound Azel had left... Ina, being the more gullible of the sisters believed this and helped Era to do so... Azel was lost to the Void until he grew stronger and later escaped it, Aya was sealed away in the mortal realm as the Source, and Era... having gotten rid of her main threat cursed Ina and cast her also to the mortal world to be reborn over and over as a mortal herself and always remember her deaths. Rien escaped the realm of the Gods just in time and has been seeking Aya and Ina's mortal incarnations out for centuries, trying to save them each time only to fail... until Fallyn. I'll figure out how to tie in your original characters be they Gods/Goddesses/Lessers or otherwise once I get some bites...

How Gods/Goddesses were 'born'. Before Aya created the Pattern of Reality, the only thing out there was the Void. Inside it were mildly sentient beings made up of the Nothingness around them and driven by the primal urge to feed. They devoured one another, slowly growing in intelligence and strength as they did... Once there were many of them the beings began to formulate speech and unique powers, it is thus that Aya discovered her ability to Create. She wove the first Pattern of Reality, and all other realities that came after, so freeing the others from the Nothingness of the Void by creating them their own realm beyond the realities she'd created... The Realm of the Gods. Ina made the creatures to fill the realities, Era maintained the balance of Life with that of Death. The system worked... until Era grew jealous.

The actual story is below, in the Hider.