plot : persephone died at the hands of a demon hundred years ago and Hades devastated started causing the world a lot of problems. Zeus unable to take it made Persephone come to life but a human girl to have hades go after. But hades doesn't know she has not a bit of memory of him but he would do just about anything to make her happy. Persephone works in a school teaching kids about wild life and nature. Hades gets himself as a job in math and on lunch break tries to get closer to her, but he can't give away who he is. But even Persephone has one dark secret. She isn't all human and god she has one different blood type inside of her.

Name :Persephone

age : she looks around 21

Race : She is a goddess that was allowed to live after death by her father Zeus.

History : she was a fair Goddess that Hades kidnapped and dragged to the underworld as his queen. Persephone ignored him and refused to love him but after a long time they fell in love. persephone ate 6 seeds of a pomogrante fruit so she would be forced to be with Hades for hafl a year and with her mother half the other part of the year. She has been with Hades for thousands of years till disaster hit. A demon rebllion caused a uproar and the queen of the Underworld was struck down and died in Hades arms.She woke up confused and dazed in the human world with no memory of her husband Hades.

Personality : her sweet and loving personality has never changed, loving nature and somehow dying fruit for some reason. she loves all animals and always looking forward to alone time with animals.

Power : Being Hades wife and the spring goddess

She controls plants, she can change weapons into plants making a sword into some sunflowers or a gun into a rose. She can communcate with dead as well as control shadows. she has small earth control and make small tremors in anger or fear.

Picture :

Her pet : Washi a bat that hades gave her after she was trapped in the underworld