Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Ozias

Mr Ozias

Member Seen 1 yr ago

/Run video recorder

. . . . .

Identification . . . .

Ozias Ogden



. . . . .

Identification accepted opening video recording program please wait. . . .

Video Feed open, type record when ready . . . .

/Record . . .

Video feed on . . . .

Ozias Ogden

The date I.. have forgotten to be honest, in this place time is like an irony that only serves to show you just how long the world has existed after the outbreak. The current global time however is 5:45 pm on a Monday evening. Testing has been concluded for now and unfortunately permanently. Our lead Scientist Dr. Abrams was lost recently to an accident in the isolation chambers where subjects for internal studies were kept. After receiving a bite wound to the neck, Abrams expired within a time period of ten hours, medical help was.. useless as is the case in all Walker related incidents, and with his passing we have lost one of our only hopes to possibly finding a way to survive this Apocalypse. It is obvious to me now that I have failed in my duties to protect this facility, and that if the Armed Forces of this country still existed I would no longer be a serving Colonel in its ranks.

. . . . . . .

If you would like to keep recording please speak into the microphone . . . . . .

[Audible sigh]

Things are clear to me now, three years, three long years of being cooped up in this facility protecting it with not only my life but the life of men whom of which have served me long before this Hell spilled into our world. Its clear that all of this was for nothing, just a piss poor attempt to try and rectify a situation, a disaster that had no solution or way to come back from. How much blood shed can one man endure before he finally breaks? That is a question I have asked myself for a long time, when we fought before, there was a chance, there was.... something to fight for. But now... there is nothing left that is worth protecting. As I speak these words I don't even know if there is anyone out there listening to me, anyone left that cares.

Audible sigh

There is no more use in staying here, behind these walls, because there is no safety even within this place, for even when we die of natural causes we all turn. This is our end game, this is the final inning of life as we know it, all the fighting and the war, everything we ever gained, loved, respected, earned... it all ends and it was all for nothing. We all have to face our death, face our... mortality, which is why tonight we drink until we feel no more, because tomorrow we leave these walls. There is no use hiding anymore with delusions of hope, delusions that the world can go back to the way it used to be. If I am going die, I would rather die fighting and knowing that there was at least on thing out of all of this that was... was worth dieing for. Iv never put stock in God, but in this hour, this night which could be the last night I spend on this planet, I ask one thing to God... Help us All.

. . . . . . .

Recording Ended

Hello and Welcome to my re-make of The Walking Dead: Hanging on. I am restarting this because as you know the first guild went down and we are starting new again ^^. Hanging on basically takes place three years or so after the infection began. People whom are alive are dwindling and these people alone are slowly but surely losing whatever hope they once had that their could be any survival from this disease. Supplies and ammo are very sparse and many of the survivors now have formed groups that pillage and killed others for what ever they have. You will be thrown into the middle of all this mayhem, and through it you will either make friends or you won't, what you do I leave up to you. There will be blood, there will be death, there will be tears, that much has already been decided in your case, your going to die if it be by the Walkers or by someone else s hands. The one question you have to ask yourself is how your going to die. Welcome to my version of the Walking Dead, where Hope is dead and all that is left is the will to survive if it be for a future you believe can exist or because your too afraid to die.

(Note: This Role play will be taking place in my state of birth Michigan, in a town called Saginaw it will be winter at the start so be sure to add in clothing that is for winter or you might be cold haha. For those of you who are curious as of why I picked my own state, probably because iv always wanted to see it disintegrate ;))

Bio Format




Appearance: (No anime. Picture with general info)

Equipment: (What are you carrying on you? Be realistic if its heavy then you will have to deal with that in the RP)

Weapons: (Keep it realistic and be sure to include a current ammo count)

Major Skills: (3 Things you are really good at)

Minor Skills: (3 Things you are good at but no all that good)

Personality: (Don't have to be extremely detailed if you want to save it for the RP but give a general mind set)

History: (This is Opt. if you choose to reveal it in the RP however tell me a paragraph or so about how you got to where you are now.)

Other: (Anything else the other sections don't cover)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Ozias

Mr Ozias

Member Seen 1 yr ago

My Bio coming soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Ozias

Mr Ozias

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Ozias

Mr Ozias

Member Seen 1 yr ago

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