Good day.

Who wants to explore outer space with me? 'Outer space' being the term for the space between planets, but of course we'd also go onto the planet surfaces themselves.

'Why explore such places?' The reasoning is your own, you have motivations that drive you, I'm sure. Treasure, revenge, or the craving for adventure, perhaps. My point being: you tell me. Why am I exploring such places? I'm looking for a man - the one who destroyed my right arm and lung, and left me to die. I would have died there it wasn't for a curious engineer, who found me and saved my life, because he wanted to push his skills and try to replace most of my right side with clockwork. He could and did. With more pain than I wish to word he rebuilt my lung and arm with cogs and springs, and I plan to find the man who took my real flesh away from me.

The places, characters, or story won't be based off of any already known work. We'll build the place as we go, and build the characters to fit. References are okay, but perhaps not as a huge part of the story since not everyone would understand them, I.E. I've seen a few animes that are set in space, but haven't seen Marvel's GOTG, so I'd understand nothing from that. Any species are welcome, come one, come all.

All in all, the point is to have a good time writing - if you don't want to write lots, but have one point that you want to get across, then just write enough to get that point across. Stop writing when you stop enjoying it.

So, back to my original question: Who wants to explore outer space with me?