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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

matt looked up in a dark room then a hole popped out of it,a blinding light came down on matts face,and then after a while of standing he realized that he was standing in a circle in the middle of a desert [its time i guess] and there was a bunch of other people in the middle was a whole bunch of supplies, axes swords medicine, they had it and then he heard a voice saying 10, 9

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Desert?! Maele blinked in the harsh light, struggling to hold back panic. Where could she possibly hide? Forget that, where could there possibly be water?! Surely the game-makers wouldn't let them all just thirst to death, how would that be entertaining? A few meters to her left was the boy from her district, and the other tributes were ringed around the cornucopia; supplies everywhere. Closest to her was an axe, something she hardly knew how to use; but it could be better than nothing...

And the voice was still counting down... 8, 7...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

matt looked around and saw another girl [maele] standing in across the circle [she could be a valuable ally] matt looked around and saw a assortment of weapons to the right,a bunch of tools and materials to the left,and in the middle was food and water....lots of water [which one am i gonna go for?] then he heard a voice again


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The axe might be her only chance - and she was fast, maybe she could make it. Maele did a quick check of the other tributes, and saw that across the circle, the boy from 4 (Matt, she remembered) had been looking at her. Was that a good thing; would he help her? Or did he see her as a threat, a rival? But the axe was close - she decided she had to at least try, because she could quite possibly be dead before the day ended anyway. Focus on that first, worry about the others later.

The numbers still counted down ... 4 ... 3 She lowered into a slight crouch, preparing to run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Blossom, looked around the arena pedestals and seen other tributes ready to run to the cornucopia, amongst the weapons she caught eye of a bow and arrow, this had to be hers from the moment she begun run, but there was a chance she wouldn't get it as she was not a fast runner, but she promised her self she will get it eventually.

And then she heard a booming voice count from 3....2... and she paced her self into a running stance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

matt looked around at the pile then all of a suddenly heard

2.....1 and then he heard the sound of a cannon then he looks around as all the kids scream and run towards the pile,matt grabbed his head thinking of what to do and then someone kicks him onto the ground and tries to cave his face in with a axe but matt crawls away from him [barely] and grabs a metal water bottle and smash the persons leg then reaches for the axe out of the mans hand but he tries to carry it,matt kicks him in the face causing him to drop his axe,matt grabs the axe then cuts off the persons arm then smashing the axe in the persons head so hard when he pulls his axe out of his head the guys brain is showing,matt grabs his water bottle and turns around then runs away from the horde of kids killing each other
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jenniferloveshp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jay sprinted to the cornucopia, snatching a backpack, a pack of daggers then sprinted out. A boy who grabbed a cross bow aimed at her and shot. She quickly put her backpack where he threw it, deflecting the shot "Hah! Thanks for the arrow!" She yelled at him, sprinting into the desert, the sand shifting beneath her feet. The hot sun pounded against her back and face as she ran through the sand, stumbling occasionally. She found a place with large dunes and looky here, a large pine tree. 'What the hell? This is a desert. Not a forest' she thought to herself as she scurried up the tree. The branched weren't sturdy and they broke under her weight. She fell to the ground with a 'plop' And sand flew up around her. She coughed and saw the sane boy with the cross bow run after her 'make the kill. Do it or he'll kill you' she thought and as he came closer, threw a dagger. It made a crunching noise as it implanted itself into his skull. He dropped and she crawled to her feet, taking another dagger and stabbed him in the chest to make sure he was dead then disarmed him, taking his pack and bow along with the two daggers she threw at him and ran to the large dunes again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

matt ran off into a tiny little forest/desert place and saw a girl [jay] he watched her kill a kid who was trying to kill her [gruesome] then run off 'hey wait up!' matt yelled to the girl [jay]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jenniferloveshp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jay looked behind her shoulder at a boy [matt] and fear flashed in her eyes. Another person out to kill her? She pumped her legs harder, trying to run faster while getting a good grip on her dagger. Obviously being the graceful girl she is, she tripped. 'Wow' she thought to herself 'talk about a horrible way to die' she tightened her grip on her dagger, ready to throw it as the boy [matt] gained speed and got closer to her as she struggled in the sand to grab her backpack and get up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The sprint for the axe was easy; what to do when she had it was not. There were screams all around as tributes killed and maimed, and Maele decided that there definitely wasn't time to screw around trying to pick too many things up. Right next to the axe was a tiny backpack, which she reached for, and across the pile she saw Matt use another axe to take out another tribute. Someone behind her yelled something, but it was lost in the rest of the noise.

Maele turned to get away, her path blocked only by a boy with a crossbow, who luckily was too focused on the girl from 4 to see her. Running hard, she sprinted away up the nearest sand dune, expected any moment to feel searing pain in her back; it didn't come. At the top of the dune, she lay on her stomach to get a look of the cornucopia, hoping to wait until it was empty, then go back to scavenge. She could also see not too far away that the girl from 4 had killed the crossbow boy, and was headed toward a thinly forested area, followed by Matt.

At the cornucopia, the fighting was almost done; but it didn't look like she'd be able to go back in any time soon; a group of tributes apparently working together were patrolling the area. She waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

matt reached out to grab the girls hand and said 'alliance?' and dropped his axe to show that he was friendly then noticed another person to his right,another girl [maele] matt said 'if we are going to survive this we will have to work together' to both of the people
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Maele looked over at the cornucopia; still crawling with the patrolling group, and then back at the two tributes from 4, Matt and Jay. Matt's axe was lying on the ground, the gesture of peace clear. From the looks of it, they were heading into the forest area, and she doubted she'd last the night out in the desert; for now at least she should go there too. "Alright." Maele nodded, agreeing to the alliance, and looked to Jay, to see how the other girl would respond. But Maele didn't relax her grip on her own axe; she'd seen both of these tributes kill now, would she really be safe with them? "What's our next move, then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jenniferloveshp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jay looked between the two "a-alliance" she stuttered and got up slowly, but keeping her grip on her dagger tight "I say, the forest-ish area, stay there till dark then we hunt for food." She suggested, still a bit tense. She had seen Matt kill a guy, it wasn't pretty. She hasn't seen Maele kill anyone, yet. Could she trust them? 'Ok. If there is anything suspicious at all, you know what you have to do' she thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Maele shrugged. "That'll do." Hunting... that could work, though so far she hadn't really seen any animals. Maybe they'd find some in the actual forest? "There's also the cornucopia. There's still a pack of tributes - careers, no doubt - sticking around there, but if we could manage to distract them, or sneak back... there's bound to be plenty of food and water still there; there was far more than could be carried away."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

sounds like a plan matt said and the group walked towards the cornucopia and noticed that the group of tributes ran off to go hunt or something,and left only one person to guard,'ok this will be easy heres the plan' matt picks up a rock from the group and hands it to jay 'you see that big rock over there' matt points to a rock near the cornucopia 'throw that rock and maele you go take as much food and water as you can SUBTLEY and i'll deal with the tribute'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jenniferloveshp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jay huffed quietly "man, rocks. Rocks are awesome." She says sarcastically and sneaks over by the rock, not getting noticed which she was glad of that. She looked at Matt and Maele for them to get to their desired spots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jenniferloveshp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((Sorry for the short reply, I've got a bit of a writer block))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Do we really have to kill him?" Maele asked, seeing that the tribute left as guard was the boy from her District. "Could you just, I don't know, knock him out?" She knew she was being ridiculous, all of the tributes in the arena were dangerous; one less should be a godsend. But she hadn't killed yet, and the idea made her sick to the stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jenniferloveshp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Maele, it's kill or be killed. I don't like killing either but guess what, I like living." She whispered to her, crouching behind the rock. The tribute guarding the cornucopia heard her and turned around, quickly loading his arrow into his bow and shot. He missed by about a centimeter and she rolled from behind the rock, throwing a dagger at his chest but it missed, due to him moving, and it hit his hand. He didn't go down though and loaded another arrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by millificent228
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jay was right, and the boy attacking just proved it. Maele watched Jay roll out from behind their rock and toss a dagger, the boy focusing on her as he drew another arrow, and she saw her chance. She had gotten them into this with her reluctance to kill, so she had a responsibility to end it.
While the boy aimed at Jay, Maele dashed out from the other side of the rock, ready to strike with the axe. She was on him in seconds, and buried the weapon deep into his chest, killing him, but not before he let out a blood-curdling scream.
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