I'm going to divide the ideas into two categories, need to be In pm and regular thread rp's.

Now for what im looking for in (a) partner(s):

· Mature

· Able to post at least once a day, though with reasons I am not too picky as long as it comes without out waiting a week I'm good.

· Post length about a paragraph or more.

· Please be detailed in your writing ( example: She brushed his hair out of his face, bad. She brushed his auburn color hair out of his face, good)

· Pleas web able to play a mainly dominate character.

· Do not be disturbed by my weirdness.

· Must play a male

Now since we are done with my regulations here are the friendly thread ideas I have have.

Two adventures meet up and start a journey together thru a mysterious ever changing planet.

OPEN to ideas

Pm only ideas. In pairings

Survivor v survivor
Monster v Female
Alien v Female
Vampire v Female
Werewolf v Female
Magician v Female
Prince v peasant girl
Apocalyptic survivors
OPEN to suggestions.

I'm not really one for fandomss as most worlds don't get me shocked th at much but you can try and cconvince me.