I'm a girl, over 18, with close to two decades of roleplay experience in the play by post world. I also have a bit of writing skill which I like to exercise regularly. I primarily stuck to AOL, but I'm finding now that most of the good players in that arena have vacated. As such, I'm branching out.

What I'm seeking is simple but also seems to be the most difficult to achieve - I'm looking for someone who wants to be a long term writing partner.

Though this is not a call for a specific story, I have dozens of ideas. Some are ready made characters who could be dropped into any story (genre notwithstanding), others are fully fleshed out stories where several characters are pre-defined. Some are strictly modern and focus on action, adventure and intrigue. Others are set in varying historic settings. There's fantasy in some that's far fetched, some more ground to earth. I have sci-fi stories that take place in the distant future or another galaxy. I've done the zombie apocalypse and comic book style heroes. I like an incredibly broad variety of things and pride myself in playing characters that are against my own type whenever possible.

What I am interested in is long term, one on one play. My preference is to take this off-forum and into IMs or, at times, via email. To me, this is just the easiest way to exchange ideas and get the instant (or near instant) gratification I crave. I'm less interested in the specifics of what story we do. I'm happy to provide one of those mentioned above, or work with you to collaborate. What's more important is that my partner and I like each other and want to work together. If that's happening, we can write virtually anything. Even switch between various stories to keep from being bored.

I want quality writing, first and foremost, and a partner who can roll with the punches. Be inventive. Be thoughtful. Ask questions. Most of all, be engaged and ready to actually write!

So, that said, here's some of the nitty gritty rules:

- I write in the neighborhood of 2-5 paragraphs for most posts, but I can run much longer in opening posts or when introducing new settings or characters. I expect the same back.

- I use spell check and take care to execute my posts with proper grammar, writing in novel format. If this is a struggle for you, we will not mesh.

- Story and plot is important, not just a self-serving character. I like to discuss some things, let others develop organically, but this hinges entirely on my partner being cooperative. Be willing to work together.

- I am female, of age, and I prefer a male who is also of age (at least). Again, this is partly because the content of my play might not be kid-friendly and I want to make sure that there's some degree of screening. However, more so, I just get along better with the fellas.

- Again, one on one in IMs or email is my exclusive preference. Please do not ask me to join your group or complain that I won't make forum posts.

- Despite having some rules, I'm very nice. Usually, I'm friendly and happy to chit chat while we work on specifics for play. It's important to me that we get along and are able to work together as a team for the sake of the longevity of our possible writing relationship. Please come with a positive attitude.

- If you're still with me, here are a few older character pages I can offer up to give you an idea of what I offer. Again, please remember I have MANY others. What we do is not limited to what you see here:


- To contact me, you can use AIM to reach out to my SN there, dareanything. Otherwise, you can email me at dareanythingemail@gmail.com - I answer and check both throughout the day and I'm usually quick to respond to messages.

Last but far from least, please include some information in your initial contact if at all possible. I want to know who I'm talking to! In return, I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. Just ask. :)