Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia looked over to Aranhil as he stormed his way into the room, just barely containing his rage. He was acting all too cheery, too sweet. & then he began to speak, frustrating her again. Did he really think that she would just go with him, like a dog? Well, she wasn't.

"Hallaer, I am currently planning the Harvest Featival with your mother & sister," Sylvia told her husband with an even voice, "We can continue our discussion later, after you've calmed & I'm done with my business here. I do have things to do other than wait for your attention all day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Aranhil picked his wife up and threw her over his shoulder. Just like the sack of flour he told her she'd be. One hand on her back, and one across her legs, he turned and bowed to his mother and sister. "Excuse me, please, ladies. I'm afraid I require the attention of my wife." He turned, then, and carried her out of the room.

His mother just looked shocked as she watched her son leaving with the young elven princess. Cendres was squealing and laughing like a fool. "Don't forget what you have to do to him, Sylvia!" She shouted after her sister in law. "You still have the handcuffs!" She giggled eagerly, excited to find out if they managed to make her nieces and nephews or not.

Aranhil ignored them both. He carried his wife right back to her room, and set her down on her feet. "Hoppy, you'd better stay right in here." He warned the rabbit. Looking at his wife, he just frowned. "Just what has gotten into you, Sylvia? You are suppose to be setting an example! My father agreed to this marriage, because he saw how well behaved you elven women were, and he wanted you to come and help teach our woman to be more docile!" He hissed at her. He hadn't wanted word of this to get around. "And yet, here you are, acting worse than most of them! You are suppose to be setting a GOOD example for my sister!"

He groaned and sank down onto the bed, his head in his hands. "Cendres is far too wild, and woman everywhere are taking after her. We have tried everything, but it's not working. Cendres is going to have to be married within twenty years. Father wants her wed as soon as she is of legal age."

Looking up at his wife, he allowed her to see his fear and uncertainty. "Father is fond of the idea of sending her to the king farthest away from us. We have fifteen men who have made offers. Fifteen! The one farthest from us....I'd never see her again! I love her, Sylvia, she's my baby sister. I want her to be safe. But last time he came to visit, that....that man! He said he would be happy to train her. Like a dog!" He was clearly furious about this. Standing up from the bed, he started pacing. "I know what he intends to do to her. She'd hate it there. He wouldn't just make her into a lady, he'd break her spirit. She'd never survive as his wife."

He turned to Sylvia, clearly angry with her. "When you arrived, you acted perfectly. You were sweet, you answered politely, you treated me like your king. I AM your king, damn it! Now you're acting like my sister! I need you to teach her to be a wife, a lady, not for her to teach you how to cause trouble!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia was deathly quiet as Aranhil ranted & complained to his heart's content, barely able to holding a scream of pure rage. The truth of why she was picked to be his bride had finally come out, & it chilled her to the bone. He hadn't even chosen her himself, like he told her he had. What else had her husband lied about?

"Aranhil, you are a pig," Sylvia announced flatly, "You are just as terrible as the man that wishes to train your sister. Actually, you are worse; he doesn't pretend that he's chosen Cendres for her beauty or her mind. Did you really think I would arrive already broken in for you & ready to serve you? I am your wife, not some... some pet; Elven women submit to men who earn it, not just anyone who demands!"

Sylvia went back to the door of her room & opened it once more, her steps slow & deliberate. Her entire body shook from her anger & sadness, she was so overwhelmed that she didn't dare look back at her husband.

"Don't come after me again," Sylvia ordered in a low voice, venom dripping from her words, "I don't even want to see your face right now."

Sylvia walked out of the room quietly & let the door latch behind her before she began to wander the halls. She didn't know where she was going, but anywhere was better than around Aranhil in that moment. She wandered around dumbly until she found a small library & locked herself inside, sliding quietly to the floor as her legs gave out from under her.

What should she do now? Emera would know how to fix things, but she was back home, enjoying her own lover. Sylvia couldn't bother her now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Aranhil had no idea what Sylvia was going on about. "Of course that's what I expected!" He called after her. "Our parents chose you for a reason!" He didn't know what that reason was, but he knew his father would never have chosen Sylvia if she was not suppose to be well behaved. He'd had no hand in his own marriage, as he had made very clear from the beginning. He didn't know why she was suddenly taking offense to him doing the same thing for his sister. "Sylvia, don't you dare leave!"

He was furious that she'd disobeyed him. "Ugh!" The prince shook his head, unsure of how to handle his wife's sudden change. This was not what his wife was suppose to act like. He didn't understand how she could just be so stupid. She was worse than River when it came to her emotions. He sighed. He'd let her have her little temper tantrum. She'd realize she was wrong soon enough. Smoothing out his clothes, he stepped out into the hall and shut the door behind him.

Hoppy glared at the door with all the ferocity a bunny could master. How dare it shut him in again.

Aranhil made his way down the corridor, heading outside. He really needed to go beat something up. He didn't even bother with changing his clothes. These might get ruined, but that didn't matter. He'd just have some more made for him. Thankfully, it was easy to find the men who were training, and even easier to join in. As his muscles adjusted to the workout, he felt himself relax. This was so much easier than understanding a wife.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia stayed in the library for some time before she calmed enough to think straight. There was a dull ache in her chest as she dragged herself to her feet & righted her footing, the woman's body still swaying from exhaustion. Well, she couldn't stay in the library forever.

Quietly, the elf walked back to her bedroom, thankfully finding it empty, except for Hoppy. Sylvia climbed into her bed with her rabbit & rested her eyes, trying not to think of her fight with Aranhil. Just laying there helped a bit, & at supper, she told the maid that she felt too ill to go eat, knowing she'd have to face her husband if she went to the dinner table.

Hopefully, Aranhil would have enough sense to leave her alone for a while. Where did he get off thinking that she would be so obedient, anyway? The reason elves didn't go to war often was because they settled things peacefully, & respected one another as equals. If her husband thought that she was going to settle as being lesser than him, he had another thing coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Aranhil sat at the table, unsurprised that his wife had not shown up. She would fight like an elf. A quick strike, then run and hide. He thought to himself. That's how elves have always fought. Why would she be any difference? Strike hard and fast, then flee. She forgets how a dragon fights. I won't be cruel to her, though. She is my wife, I will not be fighting with her. She'll see that her little jabs and insults can not hurt me.

Satisfied that he was being the more mature of the two, the dragon prince focused on his meal. She would come to see that he was right sooner or later. The longer she wanted to isolate herself, the longer she could spend acting like a child. That was all on her. He ate his meal in peace, unconcerned by the gossip the maids were determined to spread. He realized part way though the meal, which today was braised rabbit, that perhaps it was good his wife had not attended. He was sure she would be quite upset to see one of Hoppy's relatives on her plate.

Aranhil got to his feet when he finished. Entering the kitchen, he grabbed a small basket. He put into it a piece of kale, some dandelion, and a few handfuls of whatever was growing in the lawn. Then he gathered a plate with last night's leftovers. They'd had venison last night, which he felt was safer to offer to his wife. Rather than sending a made, he himself went to her room and knocked. "Sylvia, open up. I brought dinner."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Go away!" Sylvia grumbled aloud from her bed stubbornly. Hoppy, who annoyingly had a strong liking for her husband, wiggled from her arms & bound over to her door, scratching on it in a pitiful attempt to get to Aranhil. Sylvia found it rather odd that her husband seemed to be perpetually threatening to eat the small creature, & still, the rabbit adored him & wanted his attention.

Sylvia rolled her eyes at the traitor & head her face under a pillow before groaning aloud. Even if she wasn't still angry, she probably looked terrible enough that you only heavy makeup would help her now. Why couldn't Aranhil just leave her alone & let her mope in peace?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Aranhil smirked at the scratching at the door. Hoppy survived partially because he was so amusing. As much as he wanted to eat the rabbit, Aranhil was a little too entertained by him to do so. "Sylvia, open the door. I know how to open it even if you don't come do it for me, so you might as well. I'd hate to break your door or ruin your lock. Just come open the door. Alright? I brought food for your damn rabbit, so stop starving your pet." He knew that his wife had trouble resisting anything in regards to her rabbit. He was certain that she'd open the door if she thought it meant her rabbit was going to starve.

"Sylvia, I'm running out of patience." He warned her a moment later. The plate of food was kinda hot, and he was not enjoying having to hold onto it for so long. "Hurry up." He shook his head, annoyed by having to stand around like a servant. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, waiting to see if she was going to come get her door, or if he was breaking it open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Much to Sylvia's dismay, Aranhil was being particularly bossy at the moment, even going as far as to threaten crushing in her bedroom door. As much as she wanted to challenge him in on it, she was already climbing out of bed when he told her that he had food for Hoppy as well. Sylvia quickly brought herself over to her boudoir & rubbed some powder onto her face to hide the redness left from her tears. Sylvia knew Aranhil despised seeing make-up on her, but she didn't want him to know she was still crying. The man sounded like their fight had taken place a whole week ago, & she refused to let him know that she was bothered.

After she finished hiding the redness of her face, Sylvia hoped the puffiness in her eyes wasn't too obvious & went to her door. She picked up Hoppy, gently cradling him in her arm as she opened her room quietly & pouted up at Aranhil. Just as she suspected, he looked just like he normally did, completely unphased by their earlier fight. Did he not take her words seriously?

"Must you bully me right now?" Sylvia sighed, "I'm really not in the mood for your impossible expectations." Although Sylvia clearly showed her displeasure to Aranhil, she did stand to the side for him & let him into her room. Even as angry as she was, she couldn't avoid him forever, nor did she want to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Aranhil barely had to look at his wife to know she was all upset. Elves were too emotional. When he finally gave her children, he'd have to make sure that they did not take after their mother. Perhaps it would be wise to separate them for a few years while they grew up. At least until the children were old enough to rationalize, and to realize their mother's flaws for themselves. He decided not to mention that to her yet, though. She'd just cry, and he didn't want to see her doing that. Again.

"Here." He set down the plate he'd brought her on the table. "Eat." He glanced over at his wife and nodded to the chair. "You can't skip dinner, it's not healthy. I'll feed the soup." He walked over to Hoppy's little cage, and set the items he'd brought in the rabbit's food dish. "Alright, Soup, come eat." He told the bunny carelessly. "So I can lock you away for the night. Don't want you getting stepped on in the middle of the night. Well? Hurry up."

Looking back up at his wife, Aranhil frowned a bit. "I am not a bully, Sylvia. You know better than to throw names around. I am to be the king. Just because I am firm, and in charge, does not mean I bully you. You need to learn a little respect." He stood up and gestured back to the plate of food he brought her. "I did not think you would like tonight's dinner, so I had the cooks make you something else. There is a maid coming by in half an hour to take your plate. If it's not out in the hallway, she'll knock so you know she's there. Alright?"

Not wanting her to think he was worried, but not yet wanting to leave, he glanced around for something else to talk about. Coming up blank, he just stood there, in the center of her room, frowning at things. He didn't like being at a loss for words. Sometimes, he really missed his brother. River would know what to tell him to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia was completely silent at Aranhil's words, watching him put away Hoppy into his cage before going back to lecturing her. His words cut deeply into her, making her feel more like a child than his wife. Was she really such an obstacle to him that he had to insist that their arguments were entirely his fault? What happened to that man that used to find amusement in their little spats & admit fault when he had it?

Slowly, the princess sat down before her food. Meat was the main focus of the meal again, of course;Sylvia could only imagine how much worse the other meal had been if Aranhil believed that she would be offended by it. Sylvia admitted to herself that she ate the dragons' food, followed their customs, & even bowed to Aranhil in things that she felt strongly against. How much harder could it possibly be to become exactly what Aranhil wanted?

"I will do as you want," Sylvia mumbled quietly as she began to eat her food, "I am sorry to have worried you, Husband. I've just been feeling more emotional than usual; it must be the pressure of planning the Autumn Festival with your mother & sister."

Sylvia made sure to keep her words mild, ladylike even, & kept her gaze away from his so her actual emotion wasn't betrayed in her facial exprssions. Her excuse was pathetic, but it seemed like one that a dainty, submissive princess would give to someone. All she had to do was do things like this to please Aranhil, right? Perhaps he could stomach her more if she just did as he commanded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Aranhil accepted her explanation without question. Personally, he thought she was just too shy to tell him she was on her period. He was sure that if he was bleeding for a few days straight, he'd be moody too. Walking over, he kissed her on the top of the head. "I forgive you, wife." He replied in kind. "Sylvia." He smiled at her and touched her cheek gently. Tipping her face up towards him, he bent down and kissed her gently. "I am sorry to have upset you earlier. Forgive me." He drew back, though his hand remained on her cheek. "You are very beautiful, you know."

Stepping away from Sylvia, he glanced about her room. "I should let you sleep now. When you finish your meal, dear, leave it out in the hallway for the maid. Like I said, she'll be coming around in a half hour." He turned away, then, walking over to the door. He paused, though, as he reached it. Back still her, and his hand on the handle, he called back, "Don't forget though, sweetheart. Your new maid will be here in two days." With that, he opened the door and stepped out. He had to get back to his room so he could rest for tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia stayed completely still as Aranhil went about normally, covering a serious fight between them with calm words & a kiss on her forehead. She wanted to punch him in the face so badly now, but instead, she kept true to her goal & stayed completely complacent. As she was now apparently wasn't enough for Aranhil, so she would do as he wanted, & maybe he would start to see her... well, as a woman. She was desperate at this point, willing to push away her pride to lure in her husband's affections.

After Aranhil left the room, Sylvia went back to her food & quietly ate it, letting Hoppy back out of his cage. The little, furry creature rolled around on the floor & battled a piece of lettuce that Aranhil had left him, averting the dull, throbbing in Sylvia's chest while she ate. The elf quietly ate her food & brought the dishes outside before locking the bedroom door. She felt almost machine-like when she pulled on her nightclothes & climbed into bed, seeing that it was barely dark enough for night. As much as she wanted to stay up for a while longer, Sylvia curled up in the sheets while Hoppy climbed into the foot of it & struggled to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Aranhil was up with the sun the next day. He was also out with it. in the field, he fought any opponents willing to face him. Men, women, children, adults, he didn't care. He liked practicing and training. Everyone had something that he could learn from. "Heh." He grinned at his last opponent and rubbed his jaw. "Nice punch. My teeth still hurt." He glanced up at his wife's window, wondering when she would wake, and come our to see him. He didn't want her to learn to fight, he didn't like the idea of good wife being hurt. She was too little and delicate. This was a wife better suited to staying inside and taking care of children. "How long now until breakfast is served? That usually wakes my wife."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As if her mind was attuned to Aranhil's desire, Sylvia exited the castle with two handmaidens in tow, as a woman of high stature would usually have. This morning, the crown princess was the epitome of graceful & ethereal. Her dress was a simple gossamer lavender & her honey brown hair was loosely braided & laid over her shoulder, framing her face. Sylvia had also used a glamour on her that she rarely bothered with, giving her the flawless, soft perfection elves were usually known for. Keeping her gaze soft & composed as she walked to Aranhil, Sylvia did her best to ignore curious glances & murmurs among onlookers, her sensitive ears catching words of jealousy towards to Aranhil & of her beauty. Sylvia did feel pride that her presence caused a stir, but kept herself composed & didn't halt her steps until she was within standing distance of Aranhil. "Good morning, Husband," she said softly, "Are you perhaps ready for breakfast? I came down to fetch you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Aranhil made a face. His wife looked different today, but he wasn't sure why. He didn't like it. He preferred his wife the way he was use to. This looked wrong. "Hello, wife." He answered in kind. "Thank you for coming to get me. Yes, let's go eat." He led the way into the castle, silent as some. He was busy trying to place what was different about her. He Couldn't Decide, Though. They entered the dining room, still without Aranhil having said anything. He sat down and nodded to a servant to bring them their food. He was hungry. "Sit, wife. Eat with me. What have you done today? And what do you plan to do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aranhil seemed to be apprehensive as Sylvia approached him, which concerned her a bit. She was doing as he wanted, & being submissive to him. She even went through the trouble of adjusting her image to be the "ideal" Elven bride. It was a bit of a pain, but pain Sylvia was willing to endure for Aranhil, if it was truly what he wanted from her. Together, the couple walked silently to the dining hall, Sylvia's handmaidens parting now that she was with her chaperon. Sylvia hated having them follow her around at all, but if she wasn't allowed to protect herself, she needed to be surrounded by sturdy dragon women that could. At the dining hall, Sylvia politely & carefully took her seat beside Aranhil, waiting for servants to help her sit instead of sitting down herself. There was a lot of pausing for royalty to let servants wait on them, Sylvia was quickly realizing, & it was grating her nerves that she could just get it done so much faster if she did things on her own. Still, Sylvia bit back her annoyance & faced Aranhil as he spoke to her, keeping her expression patient & serene. "This morning, I released Hoppy back into the forest," Sylvia told Aranhil as food was brought out to them, "You were right, a rabbit isn't suited for a pet, so while I appreciate your thoughtfulness, I released him so he may join the natural order once more. As for today, my tutor has agreed to see me while in this country, since there are minute things I have yet to learn about the culture here, & I possibly couldn't bother you with such a triviality. I've also informer Mr. Broan that I will not be training with him in hand-to-hand combat anymore, it takes too much of my time that I could be devoting towards more productive things."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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The back of Aranhil's hand caught Sylvia's cheek before he could prevent it. He watched a small trickle of blood as it pooled up, and ran down her gentle cheek. His ring must have cut her. The bright red liquid dripped into her lap. He watched the single spot spread and soak in. Once it had done, so, though, he snapped out of his silence.

"YOU DID WHAT?" He roared, absolutely furious. "You never do anything of the sort without my permission, and my consent! How dare you act on your own without discussing with me something of this importance!" He was on his feet, almost shaking with anger. He couldn't believe she'd go so far against their customs, against her duty. This was his wife, she reflected him. If she acted without talking to him, what would the country think was alright? She had to be put into her place, and controlled, before his whole country fell apart around him. If his people didn't love her, they'd revolt. If they saw he had no way to control her, they would know they, too, could not be controlled. He had to reign her in before she ruined him.

"You will go immediately to fix your mistakes!" He demanded of her. He lowered his voice, realizing he had no desire for the whole castle to hear their fight. Better she finish up what she had to do and repair her mistakes in silence. It would be easier if less people knew. "I will not tolerate my wife taking such actions into her own hands. I am your husband. If you wish to change decisions such as this, you come to me and discuss it first, you do not change it of your own account. Go. Now. Fix what you have done. Do not return to me until it has been repaired."

Having lost his appetite, Aranhil could only sigh. He turned away from the table as he shook his head. "I am going out for a flight." he muttered, not having the time for his emotions right now. "There are things I must check on. I will be back in the evening. I expect everything to be back to normal by the time I return."

With that, he turned on his heel and exited. His boots clicked angrily against the stone floor as he made his way outside. Approaching the barracks, he pointed to a young dragon, a man he knew had the reputation of being a fast, competent flyer. "You, with me. I have places I must go, and things I must check. You will come with me." With that, he shifted instantly and took to the sky, expecting the man to follow without question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia kept her gaze to the floor as Aranhil angrily reprimanded her, too stunned into silence as he left her alone. He... he'd just hit her, hadn't he? he must have, with the way her cheek throbbed & the evident blood clouded in her lap. Never in her life did she think Aranhil would lay his hands on her.

She hadn't even realized she was crying until one of the maids came to her side, gently dabbing her eyes before placing a soft cloth against her cheek. Sylvia just stared at the woman, at a loss for words. What was she supposed to do right now? Pretend it didn't happen?

"Don't worry, Milady," the woman said quietly, "Your rabbit will be found in not time, I suspect. The master will be pleased with you when you have it again, right?"

"There's no finding Hoppy," Sylvia mumbled with a shaking voice, "I can't possibly track him again, Aranhil will never forgive me. He will hate me. & he'll hit me again, won't he? I don't think I can bear it, him despising me for the test of our lives."

The maid shushed Sylvia quietly & helped her to her shaking feet, leading her back to her room with another maid's help. Sylvia could barely comprehend walking in her panicked state, the women leading her to her bed & letting her sit on the edge. With a few words of assurance, the women left her to try & relax while they went out to find Hoppy.

But that wasn't enough. Sylvia felt sick to her stomach, remembering Atanhil's sheer rage just a few minutes before. She would fix this herself. Sylvia quickly changed into her riding outfit & escaped her room through the window, & out into the forest. She wasn't coming back until she found Hoppy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Aranhil circled over the small village town one more time. Things looked normal to him. The construction was going well. A few months back, a strong storm had washed out their main bridge. So far, the shepherds had just been flying their sheep across the river, one at a time. But that was tedious, and annoying. The bridge they were working on building was going to be even bigger, and stronger. They had decided that, rather than driving the sheep twenty miles up the river, and crossing at the usual point, then twenty miles back down to the grazing fields, they would just build one beside the town.

The problem with this was that the river had cut a huge gorge in the mountain. Where they usually crossed, the river was level with the ground. But from that point on, the banks got steadily deeper and deeper, until it cut a huge ravine in the side of the mountain. They had agreed that it would be easier to make a bridge across the gorge. Unfortunately this was taking time. Right now, Aranhil was glad that it was. It gave him time to check out the progress and get away from his confounded wife.

With his young soldier by his side, he surveyed the progress with a critical eye. A flap of his wings, and he was sailing away from the bridge, and towards the town. He landed in the town center. Gently, his wings folded to his sides. Most people barely gave him a second glance. As amazing as it was that the future king was in town, they didn't have time to take from their busy lives to gawk.

He shifted into his human form and glanced at the boy beside him. Once that solider had changed as well, he started towards the office of the appointed Mayer. He wanted to talk about the bridge to waste a little more time. He was not looking forwards to going home to his wife.
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