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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Since the site's been down I've been saving up on my character sheet for Kali *cracks knuckles* I also discovered like 50-zillion grammatical mistakes in Malik's so as a supposed English Lit student (next year) I should be taken out and shot.

Oh and Percival's such a cutie. Or maybe I'm just biased for the Misha Collins?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

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McHaggis said
Since the site's been down I've been saving up on my character sheet for Kali *cracks knuckles* I also discovered like 50-zillion grammatical mistakes in Malik's so as a supposed English Lit student (next year) I should be taken out and shot.Oh and Percival's such a cutie. Or maybe I'm just biased for the Misha Collins?

You're just being biased because it's Misha Collins. ;)

I'll respond more when I get off work tonight but I have another character done and ready to post and uh... Gotta work on that writing sample, er, and a third, mostly side character that's related to my second character and I'm stopping myself there because I will ramble on my phone with a lot of weird grammatical errors and autocorrect typos. >_>

So yeah, expect more rambling to read when I get home! XD And I used to hat bios but that and personalities are more favorite parts. Also written descriptions that I plan on editing into my CSes when I get everything done and ready. Ugh, I just needed to say something because I've been waiting forever to. ;_; But I've already taken forever and I'm at work nao. D:

EDIT: it's boring here and I have paper... Which means I only have one thing to do to fill the time. Haha , take that boring night job. >:O (Minus sulking over missing a brand new episode of my favorite show and not being able to watch my recorded episode of TWD ;_;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Added my writing sample.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, I finished my writing sample, I just need to type it up. Expect it and my other characters within the hour. Nom nom. I may have gotten carried away with the sample but I had no idea where to end it. ;_;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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I just finished my writing sample. It's at the bottom of my characters' post. I'm very tired right now, so I promise I'll review everyone'e stuff tomorrow. I have feeling either some people have disappeared mysteriously, or don't know the site it back up, so may have to reopen and contact anyone who asked to join while it was closed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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I'm still here, and I'm almost done with my CS. I just wanted to complete it before posting it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll have his sister up soon as I get this writing sample on screen. :o

Also, just a tad torn between using Magneto Fassbender or Ackles for Aldous. Hm... *le taps chin thoughtfully* I've been itching to use Ackles likeness for a character, just because he's kinda adorably gorgeous ;_; I guess that's a weird reason to use any drawing or picture for a character. I'm sorry, I'm being weird and I feel the judgmental eyes about to veer my way. Pls no. ;_;

Oh, and Chef for our delicious meals of canned beans and granola bars!! If anyone needs a dog burger to die for, then Aldous is your man.

NAME: Aldous Gallagher

AGE: 31


There are various words to describe Aldous, all a variety of obscene slurs and plenty of praises. Aldous doesn't necessarily like to hide who he is, or at least what he's feeling, from the general populous and it can come off as a bit aggressive and standoffish with how easy he lets his emotions sway his thoughts and actions. Of course, Aldous is far from bipolar, nor does he have any really noticeable emotional disorders of any kind; emotions just come naturally and whatever he feels he lets out in whatever way he deems necessary. Sometimes it can be a little raucous and out there, but over all, Aldous is a sincere man and true to his word and his heart. And he appreciates honesty and sincerity in return; in fact, he expects it. Aldous likes to boast that he is, indeed, an open book for all to read, emotionally speaking, of course. There's nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve, even if it's not your whole heart. His attitude usually comes out in a gruff manner, in quiet humphs and huffs as he meanders through the back of a crowd, content to keep to himself and watch other people. It's part of the reason he loves his diner so much: the amount of people that come in and out leaves a lot of room for the imagination and a long time from the window in the back to watch them. Though, many would argue that Aldous is far from the quiet type. He can be loud and unruly, despite his preference for a quiet night of people watching. Among his crowd of friends and family, Aldous is a man who likes to please.

Behind the careful line of emotional vulnerability Aldous likes to display is a carefully knit wall to keep those he doesn't necessarily trust from getting any info on the inner workings of his mind. Aldous is a smart man, though his smarts may not line up with society's definition of the fact. He's a quiet thinker, someone who hashes out philosophy with the best of them, and prefers a book in his lap to a football game on the television (though he won't object, as it is still one of his favorite pastimes). But most of all, Aldous is a man made of complexities wrought from the tragedies he'd faced as a younger man. There's a broken individual in all the layered snark and sass, someone desperate enough to hide away in piles of work and friends. What he keeps hidden is his inabilities and his disorders, the routines he's put into place to keep him from slipping down a path he'd already been down before. Drugs and alcohol have always been a big issue, which he replaces and alleviates with work and routines that consume all of his time and leave no room for anything to sift its way through the cracks. The stress that's piled up and the memories he's pushed behind walls have eaten him alive the past few years, sinking him into bouts of depression he wasn't sure he'd make it out of, that he alleviated with more work and a group of people that knew where his boundaries lay. However, he's content to just wait this out—wait for the moment where he can just explode and let everything go, instead of patching it up piece by piece, maybe finally looking back and forgiving himself.

All of the issues that have piled up and all of the problems he'd had to face have molded Aldous into the man that he is today. He is quick to throw out his honesty, expecting people to trust his word, yet in a hypocritical manner, he's skeptical of others, wary of their motives and always keeping an ear to the ground in case they decide they weren't actually telling the truth. It's difficult for Aldous to open up, in spite of his appreciation for genuine honesty and no one can really blame him for that. It comes at a great cost, as indecision is often his worst nightmare. Aldous is a submissive individual by nature and more than willing to give someone else the reins whilst he follows. He's good at that, prefers it over putting himself in a spot to make mistakes, but it's difficult to find a middle ground between submitting to a worthy leader or a supposed friend or deferring to his own skepticism and jadedness. It doesn't help that Aldous isn't just gruff for a reason and those huffs and puffs aren't for mere show; many people have been victim to the stubbornness that plagues Aldous and, to an extent, his family. He's willing to stick to something of his choice, regardless of the consequences and is more likely to be beaten down than to give that up willingly. It's a whole mess of contradictions brought on by past struggles and issues that have forced him to take his trust and hold it tight so no one can up and take it, though he longs to find that happy place between giving into an answer and keeping cautious, one foot out the door, just in case.

OCCUPATION: Owner and Cook of a Small Diner called Dock of the Bay

ETHNICITY: Irish-American

EQUIPMENT: Flashlight, A Few Power Bars, a Brown Duffle Bag, Some Water Bottles, A Compass, and a Watch

WEAPONS: A Bowie Knife and a Claw Hammer


-Father; Theodore Gallagher: Deceased
-Mother; Linda Gallagher: Deceased/Walker
-Adopted Sister; Grace Gallagher: Alive


Born and raised a proud Georgia citizen, Aldous was given his name from his mother's favorite author and was treated just as such. Being an only child was a privilege then, as his parents, Aldous being just an infant then, attempted to conceive another child. The first stillbirth his mother had affected the family, unbeknownst to Aldous, harshly and holding what could have been her second child was enough to send her into a deep depression. It wasn't until Aldous was around four that they tried again, to no avail. She conceived, but the complications were more dire and began to affect her as well, past any mental trauma she suffered. However, they were insistent the third time was a charm and Aldous was then consumed by the frantic, panicking father and a mother he nearly lost due to the birth complications. This child was exactly like the others and due to the dire situation it had thrust his mother in, they'd soon given up. It wasn't until Aldous was six that they'd finally succeeded, rushing for adoption in lieu of the circumstances his mother was in, from the physical pain it put her through to the mental trauma that wracked her mind. They'd adopted an infant put up for adoption in Sierra Leone, hardly even one by the time they'd flown to take her back to America. It cost a fortune, coupled with the medical bills their insurance barely paid off, but it was worth the work they'd have to pile on themselves and the risk of caring for another child.

From then on, Aldous was considered the oldest and was expected to act as such, caring for his little sister whenever his parents could not. At such a young age, but old enough to understand the implications of having a younger sibling to care for, Aldous could only love her like their parents did and cared for her with a fervor of a six year old who'd finally gotten a sibling. It wasn't until Aldous was in his teens did the whole sibling thing finally affect him. The fact that his parents paid more attention to her, cared for her despite her not being born into the family, grated on the growing boy and the neglect he felt hurt him deeply. He craved his parents approval but only got babysitting duty in return and when he asked for their help, he only got dismissive remarks that he was old enough to take care of it on his own. Aldous had no one to guide him and it was tough wading through puberty and the idea that certain things that didn't matter before were everything now. Being a Gallagher meant a lot of things, and clinical depression was among one of those, aided by hormonal changes and it was a wonder he got through high school unscathed... or relatively unscathed.

After wading lost in the sea of hormones and daily freak outs, Aldous found himself falling to whichever crowd would take him in and a wandering teenager was the perfect target for a growing clique of junkies to pull him under too. He looked like he needed a joint or a pill or whatever they could get their hands on. It wasn't until it was too late did Aldous find out he was more prone to addictions than most of his teenage counterparts and soon drugs were all that ever mattered to him and it brought his family slowly down with him. It wasn't until Aldous found his way through the city did he find the perfect supply to get what he craved before it clawed its way out of his skin. And before he could stop himself, he found a way into one of the numerous gangs that floated the city. They provided him with whatever he needed and in return he did what he had to do and some of those things he was certain he couldn't have done without some kind of toxin in his system. And the only one who knew was his sister and she kept her mouth sealed tight. She wanted the love of her bigger brother, who she'd put on a pedestal. She wasn't expecting that pedestal to be ruthlessly knocked down.

School was still a thing though and even if he'd barely made it, he still graduated with what dignity he dragged along with him. It was the least he could do for his parents, if not the sister that constantly hung around, worrying quietly to herself. So far into his state of mind, Aldous had no collection and no thought as to what he was doing to the people he loved, but most of all what he was doing to himself. The only thing that woke him up was the blinding fury that followed a tragedy that no human should have to bare on their shoulders. Two years after he'd graduated, doing absolutely nothing with his life then and still living it with his parents, a twenty year old Aldous was steeped in favors and debts he owed to supposed friends he'd made, desperate for some kind of fix. After not coming home for two days straight and with her parents not yet concerned enough to file a missing report, his sister fled to find him herself. It took until sundown before she stumbled upon him in the apartment of what he'd deemed a close friend, someone he'd grown to trust over the years. She found him completely incapacitated and incoherent, high on a multitude of things and probably drunk too, though from what she'd seen he seemed to be coming down from it by the time she walked through the apartment's open door. Aldous friend, a fellow gang member, sized her up not too soon after she demanded Aldous come home with her. After a fit of arguing, he'd determined she was good enough payment for the various debts he'd collected from her brother and by the time Aldous regained his sense of mind, it had already been too late. In a fit of uncontrolled rage, Aldous had beaten the man within in an inch of his life before his sister dragged him away and out.

It wasn't until they'd gotten far enough away that he'd realized the state she was in and rushed her to the emergency room. By the time she was hauled out, she'd already fallen unconscious from blood loss and exhaustion and Aldous was left to his shame in the waiting room, accompanied by confused and sorrowful parents. The entire event lead to Aldous coming to terms with his addictions, deciding that night he'd find a way to make up for what he'd done, or at least run far away to spare his family any fallout that was sure to come. However, there were things he was required to settle before leaving and the issue that was bound to rise with his family was among those. He'd confessed everything in that waiting room, under hushed breaths that escalated to yelling that got he and his father promptly escorted out. The bond their family shared was shattered, but from there it could only heal, that is if both parties tried. Aldous was still their son and his parents had always been there for him, whether he wanted to admit it or not. He made amends as quickly as he could, patched things up so that they could properly heal over the years.

When Grace had been released, she'd retreated into her shell, with as much contempt as her petite frame could muster. Aldous figured he didn't deserve her forgiveness, but he'd make it up to her whether she wanted it or not. Eventually, over the passing years, Aldous paid off what debts he could, settled the bad blood between his severing ties with the gang he'd fallen into and determined it was time for him to leave, so that he wouldn't stall or slow the healing process for his family, his sister most of all. Addiction was still a very big issue and without help he'd inevitably fall back into his old habits, so he decided rehab was the best decision and insisted he pay for it. However, his family saw his attempt to leave as an attempt to fix things, which wasn't entirely wrong—he figured leaving would fix things—so they kept his name under the health insurance and the company paid in full for his rehabilitation, though they didn't necessarily know he was heading to California for it.

In San Francisco, Aldous recovered and recuperated, found a way to channel all of his stress into good habits—among which he found cooking to be the most thrilling hobby. And, eventually, he turned that hobby into a job, but only after a few years in community college in order to start a business. He founded the diner right on the San Francisco bay he named after an old Otis Redding song, 'Dock of the Bay,' however obscure that reference was, it fit. Work and relationships kept him busy from dawn till dusk, leaving no room for anything else in his life. He found life fulfilling, though maybe missing a thing or two, but was mostly satisfied with how far he'd come, though he didn't leave without developing ways to cope with the trauma that gripped him so hard in his younger years. It was hard, at first, but that was what rehab was for and eventually what his diner was for. He didn't quite realize what would come of that once shit hit the fan, but survival seemed more important than what happened to a diner you poured your life and time into, especially since that was in a world so far away from where he was now.


-Was visiting family in Atlanta when the world went down the drain.
-Is named after the author of Brave New World
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Strawberry425 said
That's what I was to have posted yesterday, but then things went crazy LOL. Oh and guess what I still haven't done....*cough*writingsample*cough*. I've been reliving high school literature and been badly preoccupied with reading again. And soon I'm going to pick up which I'm not looking forward too...

-le snip-

I'm grasping at straws with that one, but I was sifting through my tabs and saw it and was like... "Was I seriously going to use this as Percival's appearance? Was I drunk?" and then I realized it was intended to be one of those reaction stuff. So, I had the strong urge to use it. <3

As for me, I hated bios and personalities, but now I enjoy them to the point where I ramble and rant about their backstory. In a sense, I realize it's more for myself than to get accepted into an RP. I've found, after leaving the guild for like a three month hiatus between both times I left, that I left because I didn't feel attached to my characters, that they didn't interest me enough to stay in the RP. I'd just whipped them up on a whim to join because I thought the concept of the RP was cool, until I realized that was no longer cutting it. Now, I think over each character very thoroughly (I actually outlined the important things in bullet points for Aldous, though that didn't help as much as I'd like. Connecting points for a character doesn't quite line up like doing it for a legit story lol. But, I still love his concept deeply) so that if the interest in the RP is waning, I'll still have my characters to keep me grounded. If you want to look at it from a technical point of few, I'm interested in RPs by proxy. Which isn't as bad as I'm making it to be, lol. It's why I deeply love character driven plots because a lot of my drive is behind my characters.

I think I've digressed from the original point of my post. o_o Anyway, this all means that I put a lot of thought into backgrounds and personalities because if I get an idea that hooks me, it'll sink all the other hooks that the GM originally cast deeper. It means I'm dedicated because I want to see where these characters go and by that, it means I am immensely interested and invested in the overarching plot. Though, sometimes my libido catches me just as I make the character and can tie them to a potential partner a little too closely. But, I've not done that in this RP, I made sure I caught myself before I did :P so that these characters can stand as individually as possible, should I avoid any romantic side plots that may or may not go on. ;P Though, I may have detached myself from one of these characters (I'm talking in the span of three, because I am in the process of creating one more; the most I've juggled was six and it was hell, so I'm stopping at three) just because I think killing them off sometime during the RP will help set a good character development arc. I may have revealed a bit much, there, but this is a collaborative process, you know? And I think people need to see where we've planned to take it, or at least in the general direction because I don't think anything should be too set in stone in an RP. Though, I do have a soft spot for surprises, and juicy plot twists, so I definitely don't intend to share everything. >:O

As for High Casual RPs, I've been in a lot of Casual RPs, though I think most have been High Casual. I dunno, I don't keep track of sublevels in RPs I've been in. Though, I did recently join a few Advanced ones. I've always been afraid of jumping to Advanced and had no intention of doing so any time soon, but a friend of mine had weaseled me into it by not mentioning that I'd joined an Advanced RP until it friggin' started. Well, that's not true. He didn't tell me, just assumed I'd know, but I didn't cause I failed to look at where the RP was located until it practically began. >_> Like, that was weeks or a week, I dunno, until I finally saw. I'm a ditz and can be very oblivious sometimes. ;_; But, yeah, that boosted my confidence right up and I've been sliding myself into Advanced, though I enjoy Cas a lot more when I'm feeling more active. It's faster paced, but a lot more relaxed, I've found. I just hope I'm up to par for your standards. I have self-confidence issues, so I keep looking at the sheets and thinking very degrading thoughts about my ideas and writing. But, that's nothing new and I think it's pretty evident, even though I don't voice it very often. Or much at all unless I think I'm bragging about myself like I think I am. Lol.

Anyway, I think I've rambled enough. LIKE FOR SERIOUS.

Oh, as for the fact that a priest is the antagonist, well you just helped further develop Percival without any intention from either of us. I dunno how it'll play out (and I suspect the group is gonna be a little wary of Percival after the fiasco) but I know it'll push Percy along some kind of path and that makes me absolutely giddy. Gah. Even for a man who has been lacking in faith for years now; he was still a priest and, by Catholic doctrine, technically still is, so this should affect him, despite any denial he may have.

When I told you guys that I rambled, I wasn't fucking KIDDING OMG WHY IS THIS OVER 1000 WORDS LONG? It's probably not a thousand words, but seriously? @_@ Ugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barksdale


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It's definitely still fun to read! Even if it is longer than the average in character post. :P Another great character too, and they're so fleshed out I probably wont screw up and call them Cass and Dean at any point. Though I did get a chuckle out of Aldous becoming a chef, linking it to Dean's deep love for food, haha.

Brave New World is a great freaking book, I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird though. With how popular it is despite it's age I'm going to assume it's a good book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

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I'm very much glad that they're unique and fleshed out enough that you won't mistake them for other characters. I don't think I can say the same for myself, though lol. Or the situations my brain will come up with I need to stop thinking sex for like two seconds. Anyway, when using real life pictures for appearances I'm vastly more comfortable using actors for reasons I will ramble about endlessly. So, my natural habit is to separate the character from the appearance. I may pick out the picture first, but it never plays a part in character concept. I usually have a solid grasp of who the character is before I write and before appearance comes into play, so that helps immensely.

Anyway, I actually came up with the diner name before doing anything else with Aldous probably cause I was listening to the song that inspired it, lol. Actually, now that I think about it, it's kinda funny that I used Ackles and had Aldous be a chef. Though, pie isn't his favorite food; Aldous actually is smitten with cinnamon buns and will kill anyone who denies any that he makes. And he likes cats and his favorite movie is 27 Dresses because I said so and because it's actually my favorite movie and he tried any kind of food at least once, so he'll have no qualms with eating any of the dogs if the occasion arouse.

Brave New World confused a lot of my friends and it was kinda weird for them, but I loved how descriptive it was and how eccentric it could be. Ugh, it was a wonderful read and is do it again if I could scrounge up the money to buy it. But, yeah, amazing book and I actually was going to name Aldous Helmholtz, but decide that would be too much like copying what Straw did lol, so I went with author name because I always loved Aldous Huxley's name and I'm a sucker for eccentric, antique names over things like John or Eric. No offense to anyone using a common name for a character, though lol.

Regardless you should definitely read To Kill a Mockingbird cause it's awesome sauce and then you should watch the movie cause I'm sure that's awesome sauce too. I haven't watched it yet but I intend to in the near future. ;o If I watch it before you, I'll tell you how it is. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If at anytime you guys feel I'm rambling way too much for my own good or your own sanity, please tell me to kindly shut the hell up. Lol, but seriously. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Here's my CS. I do hope it's okay.

NAME: Katherine Rivers

AGE: 25

PERSONALITY: Born and raised in a cultured household, Katherine is very direct with her thoughts and enjoys making her speech elegantly like the movies of old victorian English films she often watched when she was a kid. Because of this, she has an air of rudeness in the eyes of others. She is stubborn on her views and equally as tenacious in things that interest her. She has a goal oriented mind and keeps it in front focus.

OCCUPATION: 3rd Year Medical Student

ETHNICITY: Caucasian

EQUIPMENT: Due to her daily schedule of always being stuck in school or a hospital practicum, Katherine carries several energy bars and a large water bottle with her. She also has a bottle of tylenol and a small first aid kit with her.

WEAPONS: Large Pocket Knife, Crowbar


Leon Rivers - Father - Deceased
Meredith Rivers - Mother - Deceased
Kyle Rivers - Brother - Unknown
Colleen Rivers - Older Sister - Unknown
Samantha Rivers - Twin Sister - Living
Angela Rivers - Younger Sister - Living

PAST: Calling Alabama her home, Katherine was raised in the city where her family ran a successful trade business that went international. Her father and mother had placed her siblings and her into a prestigious preparatory school in hopes of their generation establishing connections with other affluent families. Her father wanted a legacy, and his children was the way he decided to achieve just that.

It was during her high school years when Katherine decided that she wanted to go into medicine. After a severe car crash where she was hospitalized for several months from the severity of it all, she realized how much society depended on the medical professionals. When she was in ICU, she filled her periods of doing nothing with talking to the nursing staff and her doctor her visited her frequently.

Pushing through her undergraduate at Emory University and then getting admitted into the school’s medical school, she continued to attack her studies. It was within her third year that the news of the super virus spreading across America took the hot seat of the evening news. At first, her professor and her class assumed the virus was nothing but a mutated strain of rabies. It explained the aggressive behavior; however, many holes littered the explanation, which didn’t make any sense. The debate continued amongst her colleagues. It wasn’t long before she would see one of these ‘infected’ up close and in person. During her rotations, the hospital was in a state of panic as the newly dubbed ‘walkers’ moved and ate the flesh of others. Patients, doctors, nurses. It didn’t matter to them. Though she felt obligated to stay, Katherine fled as the rest of Atlanta fell into the clutches of the virus.

What she had thought fantastical had come to fruition.


-Considers herself Pansexual
-Hates the very notion of guns contrary to her families love of them
-Loves mountain climbing and anything outdoors
-Fascinated with classical music

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kali seems great! She's accepted! I'll be honest though she's the type of character I think Selina would absolutely loathe. Somehow makes her more appealing.

Both of em' are good to go!

Nice character, she's good to go!

@Revans Exile
I'm going to have to say no, at this point, whether both your characters are finished or not. Your writing sample lacks coherent description and seems rushed, and the writing sample was one of the most important aspects of the CS that I had chosen to include. It's up to you, whether you want to rewrite it, or not.

I'm going to edit my characters a bit and set up a list of all presently accepted characters. We have many already, so if everyone presently accepted would like, we could start the rp tonight. That's if all you guys are on board with that.

I'm in a pissy, stressed mood today, so I'll be in and out sporadically. Though I'm mostly in and out sporadically, so I guess that wasn't really worth mentioning. I have to register for classes, and I've been doing a lot of college comparison and the present college I'm attending is, I think inferior in the English department when compared to another college of the same system, and god I don't know if to transfer or not. AND THEN tomorrow, when my registration appointment comes up, I'll be in class taking a MIDTERM. This absolutely sucks ass, and I'm so stressed out. Also the system I'm talking about is the CUNY system, if any of you know it, or have had experience with it. Ugh, sorry I'm ranting, but I needed to. Luckily, I'm going to rant to my friend later today, so I'll be getting my double dose of stress relief. But if I had bf/gf maybe there would be a different stress relief, you know what I mean

Okay, but, pervy jokes aside, I am really stressed right now, so if I sound snappy at times, it's none of ya'll fault.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*pats* I understand the stress, if not the crazy college/university system you've got over there. You need some tea. <3

I'm on board with starting it tonight (even though it's already tonight here but w/e).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When I was a first year, the college class registration process was a total pain in the butt. The orientation was hardly any help, and I had to go see an advisor. Totally made me miss the good ole' days of high school where I could just check mark stuff. Anyway, I feel your pain - kind of - Strawberry. Like McHaggis suggested, drink a nice warm cup of tea. That always helps me when I'm stressed and stuff. You could also try going out for a walk/run too! Love, love, love my runs <3!

I'm good with starting tonight. Finished my midterm yesterday, so I'll be 'free'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tea's a very browny thing to suggest McHaggis. Are you actually Indian, or did you just create the characters for the heck of it? (Of course tea could fall into the realm of many other cultures.)

Also, I'm taking both of your advises. Bout to go for a walk and come back, take a shower, and drink a nice big ole' cup of tea.

EDIT: Also good to know both of you are down for starting tonight, or you know, my version of tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barksdale


Member Offline since relaunch

*Gasps* You mean to tell me tea ain't English!?

I'm down for starting tonight but I probably wont be posting just yet, for some reason I'm really damn tired. I'll post sometime in the morning if not tonight though. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tea's a very browny thing to suggest McHaggis. Are you actually Indian, or did you just create the characters for the heck of it?

*Gasps* You mean to tell me tea ain't English!?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Strawberry425 said It's up to you, whether you want to rewrite it, or not.
I edited. Go back and look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Revans Exile said

Meh, however you want to deal with it.
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