In the December of 2012, on the winter solstice, a date prophesied by the Mayans as the end of evolution, a date prophesied by Nostradamus as World’s End, man chose to evolve by the process of natural selection through self-extermination from nuclear fallout. The decade long War on Terror escalated to a series of short events between many warring nations that ravaged the known world on all sides in 24 short hours forcing man into an Exodus that would last 20 years for the chosen survivors, before they could return to the ruins of civilization and start a new era of man. The survivors are the lucky ones, the people that made it to fallout shelters, and those that somehow survived against all odds.

One of the side effects to the nuclear war was complete destruction of virtually every major city, these are now known as yellow zones due to the radiation still surrounding these areas. In the process of destruction it has wakened a long dormant primal instinct in Mother Nature. She has released magic once more into the world of mortals. Magic has only been released to the races that still kept their old ways such as the Native Americans. Because magic is still new there is a lot of fear and misconception. There is also a slight learning curve, so even though a person has magical abilities they will not be able to do perform great, magical deeds without practice which will definitely include some trial and error.
The story begins in the year 2042, vaults around the country are opening up and some people, born in the vaults are seeing the sky and sunlight for the first time. Vault 9271 is located in the Ohio River Valley 60 miles west of Pittsburgh in what was known as the Tri-State Area. The area was once known for their coal mining, as well as the fertile soil in the area. As the citizens leave their vault for the first time they are forced to decide whether to stay together and set aside their differences to begin building a town or to go their own way.

• Not everyone will have magic, if you have magic you will only be able to do minor things at first
• The game is set around the area of Ohio, PA, & West Virginia
• No God Modding
• There won’t be much in the way of technology or electronic due to massive EMP waves from nuclear blasts
• Weapons will have to be made or found there will be a minimal number of weapons in the Vault.
• This game is about politics & survival, not everyone is friends
• If you are from outside the vault you better have a good back story
• If you decide to travel near a "Yellow Zone" you will have some sickness and other problems

Magic User Notes
1. Magic will start very minor, for example healing or growing plants with a touch, creating water in a small area etc
2. Magic will grow as it's user grows and advances
3. Magic users will be shunned/disliked by people who do not understand/appreciate them for being different

Magic Spells will mostly fall under the plant or water domain to begin with, The sun domain completes the peak of the triangle and magic cycle.
I can work on a spell list if necessary because I don't want the magic users to strong to begin with.

Please use a little common sense with this RP if we work together we can make this story great.

Plot antagonists first will be nature itself, you will have to survive, create shelter, plant crops etc. because food is running out in the Vault.
There will be raiders from other vaults or just survivors who miraculous survived