I'm looking for a solid female writer to play the yin to my yang in a very long reaching RP

here's the basic ideas:

The Year: 2019
Location: New York, Then DC, Then Los Angeles
The Premise: Kahlil Ibn Kasiiim Al Ahad, is the last remaining member of a splinter cell of Islamic terrorists. he is wealthy beyond reason, and in his heart burns a deep hatred for the west. initially a translator in Iraq during OEF, Kahlil was forced to watch as his wife, child, and family were brutally murdered in retaliation for his assistance to coalition forces. when his visa application to the United states was rejected due to a paperwork technicality, he became despondent, finding solace in a radical mosque where his anger was eventually turned into a sharpened point of a weapon. an accident in a chemical weapons plant left him contaminated with a slow acting toxin. the doctors have given Kahlil a year to live.

Kahlil has decided that as a final act of vengeance, he will destroy the one man whom he responsible for everything. He has set a plan in motion to destroy the life of the soldier who convinced him to work for the Americans. To this end he has hired Roland Miller, the world renowned mercenary sniper code named: Serpent, and his partner, the enigmatic bomber known only as The Jackal. together, the three set forth for New York City, intent on death destruction, and mayhem...

James Ashland is a 33 year old agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Formerly the Special Agent in Charge of the NYC Joint Anti Terrorism Task Force, Ashland was demoted and placed on leave after an incident involving the disappearance and suspected murder of his former partner Thomas Wells, during an attempt to apprehend Roland Miller. James is ready to return to work, but finds himself largely buried at a desk filing paperwork, and reporting to a young, newly minted SAC who was brought in to replace him while he was on leave, and wound up as his partner.

Here's where you come in: You will play the role of the young newly minted SAC. the character's age may be no higher than 27. other than that you're more than welcome to take on whatever personality style and quirks you desire. Ideally a romance (and potentially mature rp) can develop from their partnership, but then again, maybe not. I will be handling the roles of James and the Three villains, you get to play the role of the other agent. A lot of this RP will involve being one step behind the bad guy, hoping to catch him at the opportune moment.

please be willing to post on at least a high casual level. I'm not looking for perfection, but definitely would like someone who isn't going to post 1 liners constantly. occasionally dialogue requires it, but I'm looking for a real person to flesh out a character that I can't write for

if you like the idea, PM me with a character idea. This RP can be done via PM, skype, forum, or IM. I'm pretty much open to anything.