Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sepiachord


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Don't look at the clock. Don't look at the clock, you just looked at it two seconds ago! Staring at the clock is just going to make time by go faster-- Fuck he looked! Ugh, he had been sat in the office for like, four hours though. When exactly was this guy planning to show up? Did he skip out, did he forget? He hoped not, because this school was huge and he didn't want to get lost trying to find his way to class or something. He tried to ask if maybe one of the office ladies could do it, but they all said they were too busy. Busy with what he'll never know, they all just seemed to type a lot, maybe flip through some files and then type some more, like what are they even doing?

Sigh, anyway, and he obviously couldn't show h i m s e l f around, so he was just kind of stuck right now which s u u u u c k e d.

Arvo d I d finally get the bright idea that maybe pacing around the room like the nervous idiot he is wasn't really helping the matters. He just paused, took a breath and made his way over to the wall near the door to make himself comfortable on the ground. Maybe playing with his phone would distract him or so, not like talking to anyone here would do him any good. He had tried to ask how long the boy would be, but he got the same answer everything.

That he'd only be a few more moments. Well, you know what, Arvo was pretty sure three hours is a little more then a '' few moments ''. He shook his head, trying not to get frustrated at this school a l r e a d y, he just got here! He'd give a few days at least, you know? He sighed as he leaned on the wall, and slid all the way down until he hit the floor, then taking off his backpack to start digging through it.

Huh, well theres his mp3 player? If only he had headphones. Maybe if that other guy even comes by he can ask him if he has any spare earbuds or something. Books, books, more books. Notebook. Ugh, why he'd even bring this again? He was told he didn't even have to do any work today.

Oh right, because he had a panic attack about the idea that they lied and he would have to do class but he would have nothing and everyone would hate him. Yeah that happened, thankfully Natasha was around to help calm him dow-- Oh hey his phone!! Hell yeah man, maybe he can text Tanner or something, he hadn't talked to her in awhile. That or like, play Candy Crush-- SLAM.

Well. Okay one, ow that was his face, door. Two, the kid that was meant to show up him around finally showed up finally! Annndd had busted into the room in a panic since he was late and slammed the door in Arvo's face in the process. Though thats what he gets for sitting there honestly, so.

“ OW! “ Arvo squeaked out in pain, since that door had slammed into him pretty hard honestly. Thhaaats gonna leave a mark later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vantas
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Vantas the radical

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep.
The dull buzzer rung in his ears for what Jack assumed to be about five minutes before he could actually open his eyes. Looking at the clock he saw the time flashing "4:00am". Jack always had to wake up at this ungodly hour because it took him so long to get ready, he needed at least 3 and a half hours before he could finally drag himself to school.

The alarm kept beeping for another minute or so.
It beeped for ten minutes before he could make himself sit up- Fifteen minute before he could make himself reach over with his left arm and turn the alarm off.
Then he looked at the clock again, "4:28am".
A new record.

The first thing he did was sit up, and then stumble over to his laptop. He clicked the power button, as it turned on he reached over and grabbed his glasses, putting them on, now he could see the world with a new clarity.
Turning back to his computer he pulled up his internet browser, then clicked on 'youtube' in his bookmarks, turned on some music, and then turned his speakers up.
Fallout boy- hum hallelujah played loudly throughout the apartment, music kept him calm, kept the world from hearing him and him from hearing the world. Just how he liked it.

His morning routine was more or less the same every morning.
take a shower
get dressed
eat (a lot of the time he skipped this one)
let Brenda out of her kennel and feed her
Take med's
Jack had to take a variety of medications, for depression, mood stabilizing, allergies, daily vitamins, ect, ect.
All of this was boring and it never faulted, it was the same every morning, calm, rhythmic, steady...Stable. Jack needed stable.

At about 8:00am he was about ready to walk out the door.
He walked to school, walked, never driving and never getting a ride. He refused to get in any kind of car or bike or anything, death traps waiting to happen. Luckily the school was only about ten minutes away from his house.
The school never minded if he got there at 8-9 because his classes didn't start until 10 and they 'took pity' on him, because he was a shy disabled depressed kid, who was extremely friendly to everyone in the main office, they all warmed up to him and it was surprising what he could get away with.

While walking to the school he checked his phone, something he did when he was anxious, then he noticed the reminder on his toolbar.
What on earth could that be?
4:00am, show new kid around school."
The ladies in the front office had asked him to come into school early to show the new exchange student around school before it started, fuck fuck fuck. He rushed forward, stumbling and tripping every which way in attempts to get to the school.

Finally, he got there, and wen't into the front office, when he opened the door a dull 'thud' could be heard, he looked around to find the source of the thud when he noticed he had banged into someone.
"O-Oh m-my god. I-I-I am so sorry!" He apologized, stuttering uncontrollably, he slapped a hand over his mouth, both in shock and because he felt stupid because of his stutter.

"Oh my, Arvo are you alright?" One of the front office ladies, Mary, asked.
"Jackie, watch where you're going, oh my..." She said, looking between the two of them.
"Well, Arvo, you're guide is here." She said, in attempts to make a joke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sepiachord


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After the door had been slammed into his face and he had let a loud yelp of pain, he had stuck his hands over the side of his face. That was kinda the place that took the most blunt force of it, so. Well, I guess that’s one way to make a first impression on someone, huh? He didn’t mind too much though, he was sure it was just a accident, plus he guessed thats what he getted for sitting right by the door like that.

He looked up at the other when they had gasped after noticing what they did. They seemed really nervous and surprised, maybe a little embarrassed too. They were stuttering up a storm and and he swore if the guys eyes went anyway wider they'd pop out of his head. They were probably guessing that Arvo might be a little peeved, for multiple reasons. Though honestly he was just glad he finally showed up despite the not-so-nice introduction. Arvo just gave the other a awkward smile before he tried to get back onto his feet. When had stumbled onto his feet he just absentmindedly went back to rubbing his cheek. It wasn't even hurting anymore, it was more a nervous thing now and he just hasn't noticed yet.

" U-Uh! No, no, is okay! Is.. Is just face, not is like important, right? " He said, trying to make a joke to calm the other down and lighten the mood just a little. Hes not completely sure it was working though. Though hey! He was finally going to get shown around, at least! There was going to slightly less of a chance of him totally getting lost in this school tomorow when he starts classes. So that was good, even if this did end up being like s u p e r awkward.

” So, you is Jack then, yes? Well uh, nice to meet, despite the.. Door thing.. ” He said, nervously just sticking out his hand towards him.. Would be shaking their hand be weird? Like, was that too formal or something? Well, too late now he guessed because he had already stuck his hand out, so he kind of just had to hope. Though honestly, despite his worries, it probably wasn't that big of a deal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vantas
Avatar of Vantas

Vantas the radical

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack looked at him in confusion as Arvo stuck out his hand to shake hands, he wondering for a moment if this was some cruel joke or a simple mistake. Probably the latter, judging by the fact that the other was also in a leg brace [this made Jack wonder if the front office had put them together for this similarity alone] Jack didn't think this guy was the kind who would make a joke out of someone else's disability.

Instead of ignoring the hand he stuck out his left hand instead, "I-I apologize for using the incorrect hand, but-." He said, wiggling the stump of his right hand, hidden by hoodie fabric.

The front officer workers then told them they better get going, so Jack nodded and wordlessly opened the door and began limping out, telling Arvo wordlessly to follow.
"So, you're from...Russia?" Jack said, trying to make small talk. He had never been good at small talk, or talk in general. But, if he was going to be showing this guy around he might as well try and make a friend, why not.

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