OK, so to begin with apologies for this interest check being so bare; at this point the idea is still in the concept stage. My intention is for this RP to have an extremely short life span of a mere 5-7 days, lasting from the 16th of December till Xmas eve (at the latest). I think I would like this to be a cheerful and humorous RP, but I suppose it really depends on what plot we go for and the players this attracts.

A couple of rough concepts (which I won't go to much into detail over because of spoilers) include:
  • Santa being kidnapped by evil snowmen, resulting in a couple of elves (the GMs) recruiting some older teenagers to help rescue him.

  • A Rise of the Guardians type thing

  • A crazy alternative nativity thing. Like if you were to somehow RP the Life of Brian.

  • For now, let me know if you are interested and what you think. Once some semblance of a consensus is reached (or I choose to force my will upon you) I'll change this post into a proper interest check. Given that this needs to be very active and fast paced there will likely be a high player cap so we're not so reliant on individuals.