Welcome to Fabletown, New York where all fables resign from their homelands all the fables are now grown up and live in a society normal like any other except, most are immortal due to being a fable. But that's besides the point, Bigby otherwise know as the big Bad Wolf is the sheriff he keeps everything in line making sure that Fabletown seems normal. there is this potion called glamour that makes a non-human fable human it's expensive but worth it, all fables must be glamoured unless they want to go to the farm (Based off of The Wolf among Us, Male or Female may join, Pick a fable any fable I don't care CS required )

Name: Big Bad Wolf
Alias: Bigby Wolf
Race: Fable (Wolf)
Fable: Little Red Riding hood, Three little Pigs, Boy Who Cried Wolf

Wolf Form:
Height: 7' at the shoulders
Length: 13' snout-to-tail
Weight: approx. 500lbs
Coat: Black
Eyes: Yellow

Human Form:
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 220lbs
Build: Muscly, hairy arms legs and chest
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Bigby is a wolf at heart. It's often hard for him to repress his lupine instincts, leading him into moments of animistic carelessnes. He tends to get into fights often, using his brute strength to beat his enemies into submission. He takes great pleasure in intimidating people as well, finding that it's easier to be left alone that way. Solitude is something that he values, preferring to be alone rather than being around others that are liable to just get in his way and cause him problems.

Despite this rough exterior, Bigby has a strong belief in the law. He is reformed, trying to move past the days where he killed and devoured anything in his path. Although, most Fables still remember the monster he was and judge him harshly for it even now hundreds of years later.

Immortality: As a Fable, Bigby is effectively immortal, having lived a lifespan that encompasses several hundred years. It was over two hundred years ago when he, along with every other Fable, left the Homelands in exile.

Transformation: Bigby possesses the ability to instantly alter his form from that of a wolf to that of a human and back again. Although he spends the majority of his time in human form, his natural shape is that of a wolf. When he shape-shifts into a wolf, Bigby's physical body increases in size and mass. He also grows sharpened canines, claws and pointed ears.

Enhanced Senses: Bigby has naturally acute senses, in particular, his sense of smell. He can correctly identify an individual merely by smelling a sample of their blood. In fact, his smell is so acute that, to avoid sensory overload in the middle of bustling New York City, he is forced to smoke constantly and heavily to deaden his senses. Even then, he must exert considerable willpower to mentally filter all of the millions of scents and smells.