Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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A small half smile finds it's way to Akito's lips as the empress proves to be quite a fighter,staunchly holding her ground as her husband tries to molly coddle her. 'I guess if there is a place for a woman like her here at the royal table then maybe I can learn to get along here without it taking my entire life. She may be a sweet woman, but there is a fire in there I can relate to' Glancing over at his father the two of them share a look and Akito comes out of it with a slightly wider smile. 'How many times did he have to tie me down to keep me from rushing to the battlefield after him and the others? I mean, I could untie them if I wanted to, but it was more a sign of how serious he was that I was unwilling to do such a thing. He tied me up for my own good. . .'

The captain too recalls those moments, but he with a bit more trepidation than the boy. 'He is willing to rush in head first no matter what, a long as he believes in it. If he gets too comfortable here with the emperor too quickly I see quite an epic set of battles that this place is just not ready for. After the way he put down his son like that, if Aki starts actually feeling for the prince. . .' More than once a delegate from another unit, or from the palace, had come to visit the general to either hand down orders or talk about replacing fallen comrades, and if they had ever shown any disrespect for the captain Akito had to be restrained to keep him from handing down some righteous wrath. 'Cute, but rarely helpful' He chuckles under his breath, also wondering what kind of older brother his on will make. He himself will have no claim to the child, not that he has much to Akito himself, but dear Aki will be this little one's dear sibling. 'I think he will make an excellent older brother, after getting over being terrified that he'll break the baby'

Soon enough lunch is over, though too soon for the shy youth and as they all stand after the meal he looks to his father with sorrow filled eyes. The captain returns the look with one of comfort and confidence. The two walk side by side behind the royal family, the royals allowing them the small comfort of one another's presence for at least a little while longer. Akito stands a few steps from the captain as the others say their good-byes to the stout man, the sight of the empress maneuvering in for a hug around her belly quite amusing. The young soldier does his best to keep his eyes down, not wanting to insult the royal family by letting it show how much he is aching to keep his adopted father with him. 'Don't need them to take it the wrong way. . .Like maybe I dread staying here with them. While that is how I feel, I don't need them knowing that for sure' When at last it is his turn the general turns so his back is to the family, blocking his son from view.

Akito looks up at the man, not even trying to put on a strong face. He is terrified of what's going on, and going at it alone has him on the verge of tears. Without hesitation Kaura clonks the youth on the head before pulling him into a bear hug. Akito yelp at the strike but smiles and hugs the ban back best he can. “Just be yourself and imagine they are all puppies.” Akito outright laughs at this but nods as the captain releases him from the firm embrace. Wiping away the single tear that had managed to escape he presses his forehead to the taller male's chest for a good minute before finally letting him him go. After that they simply look at one another, communicating more with their eyes than they ever could with words, until the groom shows up to announce his horse is ready.

Ruffling Akito's hair best he can in that tight high pony he chuckles as the youth whines and pushes his hand off before smiling at the man as he heads down the long stairs to his horse. He doesn't move a muscle other than the ones behind his eyes as the man mounts, looks back one last time, then turns his horse towards the woods. His breathing is slow and once the captain is out of sight he lets out a long sigh, his gaze falling to his feet. “Thank you.” he murmurs just loud enough to be heard by the prince who had moved to the doorway moments after the groom had appeared. He was just out of sight but as it use to be his job Akito easily detected the young man's presence even before he moved forward.

'It's how I am. It's me being myself. My senses are always working overtime, I just need to learn to keep them in check' Turning around to face the giant doorway he moves back into the building, pausing even with the prince. He does his best to relax, taking a calming breath before looking to the taller male. His very slight smile returns and he waits quietly for the prince to decide what they are up to next. 'I mean, I'm not a lemming, I have my own ideas, but until I at least get the layout to this place I'm kinda at his discretion as far as wandering the grounds applies. And though once I've been a place I can find it again, I know we've barely touched the barest edges of this place so far'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Hironori wandered around patiently, giving Akito and the general their time to say goodbye. It wasn't hard to tell that his betrothed would probably have a harder time relaxing knowing that the one relatable person he had was leaving. But the prince wouldn't mention anything of it, instead he would work at Akito's pace. If he didn't want to open up, then he didn't have to. If Akito wanted to take his comfort in training, it was fine by him. This didn't mean Hiro wouldn't give him a gentle push forward every now and then. They'd get nowhere fast if it was nothing but baby steps the whole way.

He moved back to the doorway just in time to see the general leaving. The prince gave a smile in return to Akito's. 'Well, he's trying. That counts for something. In one day, I'm sure he's learned quite a lot.' Hiro held his hands behind his back and slipped his hands inside his sleeves. "I've got an idea where you can sleep. And a few of our seamstresses are preparing to make you some clothes, or they're planning to buy you some. I don't know how that will work. But I'm sure you'll have clothes and such before bed." He paused and looked around the hall, almost as if he'd forgotten where he was. After a moment, he continued on. "Oh, and your room. I figure you wouldn't want to be in mine which is understandable and I don't mind, so I figured you could just take the room right down the hall. . .which is right. . .here."

He pushed the doors apart to reveal another, fully equipped and lavish room. "And, obviously you can ask to redecorate. The servants are at your service as well, since you are practically royalty now." He glanced over at Akito and smiled as he said it. "Of course, you don't have to stay in here either. You're free to roam, to sleep when you want, etc." Hironori chuckled and leaned against the wall. "I must sound quite repetitive huh? I guess I'll be quiet. You're smart, and you can just ask questions anyway." The prince shrugged and looked around. "And if you want me to go and leave you be. . . I can do that too. Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings or anything."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The prince's smile helps to calm Aki a bit, the sight of it combined with the rest of his features creating a very lovely picture. Sometimes the soldier thinks himself a little odd, seeing such things as if he were looking at a painting or tapestry, but at the same time he feels there's nothing really wrong with it. His own hands mimic the taller male's and slip behind his back. However for him it is a simple “at attention” pose that keeps him for fidgeting. He follows after Hiro, doing his best to keep his eyes up rather than glued to the floor. At the idea of new clothes he pauses, looking down at himself. “I've only ever worn. . .” He doesn't finish that sentence, the implication obvious.

Instead he nods and follows the youth into the room. He takes a moment to look around, his eyes widening a bit as he realizes this room is likely considered normal. 'I know a few families that could all fit in this room together. And the décor, though simpler than in the prince's room, it's still so. . .What am I even suppose to do with all this stuff?' He feels a little shamed that he doesn't even recognize a lot of the things laying about the room, and the fact that this simple room contain twenty times, if not more, the amount of stuff he's ever owned in his life he feels overwhelmed at the thought that this is suddenly his room. He swallows hard, almost wondering if he should ask to stay with the prince just so that he doesn't have to suddenly acquire even more new stuff besides a new life, but after less than a moment of thought on the idea he dismisses it. 'I can put up with the stuff far more than I can adapt to sharing a room with someone I'm suppose to. . . .'

He nods again slowly, trying to think of ways to ask the servants to remove most of the stuff without looking completely insane. Most of his feelings are hidden behind his life long mask of concentration and curiosity, but as he moves further into the room, running his fingers over the wood of one of the bed posts, a touch of his inner turmoil shows through. Despite seeming like an open book since arriving, now that the captain is no longer around Akito can feel himself retreating inside. He knows he needs to change that, and soon, but for now it's all that's keeping him from asking if he can just live on the training grounds.

“No. . .” he says softly. “I don't feel like being alone here, unless you have need to be away from me. . .” His hand grips the wood beneath his fingers a little tighter as his gaze once more falls t his feet. With the prince leaning against the wall by the door Aki's back is to the young man as he says what he needs to say. “I want to thank you again for not telling your family what I did. I'm going to work hard so that it doesn't happen again. . .” He chuckles lightly at the idea of doing whatever he wants. “I think the first thing I want to do is work out a schedule for myself. I grew up in a very structured environment, and honestly the idea of living a life where I don't know what I'm suppose to be doing next terrifies me. . .” Looking over his shoulder at the taller male his smile widens slightly. “Knowing where to rest my head is a comforting knowledge, thank you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Hironori let Akito ponder his offer as he drifted through the large room. He couldn't possibly know what the male was thinking, whether he hated the idea, whether he liked it, or if he was simply going along for the ride. The prince figured he'd find out sooner or later if Akito ever decided to open up. They'd cross that bridge when they got to it. Hearing Akito deny his offer made him surprised. He assumed he would jump at the offer to be left alone. "I don't. Everything today was focused on getting acquainted with you and the general. My schedule is- I don't have a schedule actually. . .It's a palace, there's lots of things to do- and ironically there isn't much to do at all. . ." He pondered his own complexity until Akito spoke.

The prince waved his hand dismissively. "As I told you, I'm fine. You're fine. There was no reason to gain unnecessary attention." Hiro gave a rather confused look when he explained that he would work hard not to do it again. "How hard do you have to work to not freak out?" It was sort of mumbled but still audible, and once again he waved his hand dismissively. "Again, with the schedules. You just might be terrified for awhile." He gave a small laugh before continuing. "Well, I can start your schedule with the basics. One thing set in stone is the meal times. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner." He gave him the appropriate times before mentioning, "Though the servants may just give you a nice little bell to wake you if you sleep too long or if you want to be woken up. I've had my share of being woken, so it's no problem if you wake late. I do it often."

He pushed off against the wall and took a seat on the bed. It was soft and comfortable, just like his own, making press against the cushions a bit. "Oh, you can schedule your baths. Just tell one of the servants to have it ready at a certain time every day. Then, yeah, scheduled." He nodded, turning to watch Akito again. He returned the smile with one of his own. "Well, of course. I couldn't just leave you stranded in the halls. That would be quite rude of me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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As confusing as it sounded, to Akito the “Something/Nothing to do” analogy makes perfect sense to the man. 'In a place where you are free to do anything, it seems really a simple thing to do everything, and have nothing to actually do. With nothing that has to be done, everything you can do, is nothing to do really. . .' He shakes his head slightly, trying not to think too hard on the fact that the prince basically just said that anything he does with his days now are of little consequence. He glances up at the half mumbled statement and decides to address it later. 'He needs to understand, that was not me “freaking out”. That was my training coming into play. Even if I am to work on it, he should know there are some things he could do to help me. . .If he wants to that is. . .'

He nods, logging away the times in his head for the meals and also noting that he can ask to be woken up. 'Not that I need that, but it sounds as if, should I need it, the servants will help me keep track of my schedule, should I get wrapped up in something' He can feel his heart skip half a beat as the prince comes and sits on the bed. Being so close, and without seeming to be bothered by it, Hiro's casual nature seems to disturb the soldier more than anything else at the moment. He could relax around his fellow soldiers, around camp at least, but he doesn't trust Hiro that much yet. He does not have that connection which allows for him to switch out of 'battle mode'.

Ne nods again about the bath scheduling option, and does his best to keep his smile in place despite the faint hum of nervousness running along his skin. “I am sure I will ask for their help for a little while, until I get my own rhythm and timing down. I am rather good at working my internal clock.” He coughs lightly, turning around so he can rest his back against the post he'd been gripping. He lets his eyes travel across the room once more, his hands slipping around the wood behind him, the fingers lacing together so he's held in place, unable to flee despite the urges. “About, what you said. . .About me “freaking out”. I just. . . I need you to know that that is not what happened.”

He glances at the prince, a serious expression on his face before he continues. “Yes, I was on edge, but what happened was my training triggering. I am not sure if this will make sense, but. . .I just want you to know this so you know when you should probably not touch me.” He coughs, looking away in the opposite direction from Hiro. “If I look alert, or my head snaps around to look towards something, even if you can't see it, it's best you not come close until I relax. Instinctively, anything coming close when I'm not looking, comes across as an enemy. It's a good thing for staying alive on the battlefield, but until I get it under control around here it's just too dangerous.” He bites his lip. “If you come upon me and I do not look at you, or if I am practicing and have not acknowledged you, it's best to keep your distance until I at least look at you. . .” He's unsure how all this is coming across to the youth and with a sideways glance he looks at the prince curiously, trying to determine if he's freaking the guy out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Hironori's gaze wandered around the room. "Whatever you think suits you, Akito. I still get servants to wake me. I can be quite late sometimes." He chuckled at his own little mistakes and then looked over at Akito with his usual calm expression. "That's not what happened? That's what it looked like." He quieted and listened when Akito gave a serious look. That was new, compared to his normal shy or nervous looks. It must've been rather important. Carefully he listened to what Akito had to say. Hiro figured the simple fact that Akito managed to speak was pretty important anyway.

The prince's face scrunched up into a sort of thoughtful frown and his gaze went to the bedspread. "Hm, soo careful not surprise you or face possible death." He said the last part with a short laugh. His frown disappeared and he looked at Akito. "Alright. Got it. Be careful." He turns completely to face him, sitting on Akito's new bed. "Hm, so when I hugged you and kissed your cheek," Hiro couldn't help but grin playfully as he remembered how embarrassed Akito had gotten. "Does that mean you could've and might have accidentally hurt me then?" Despite being told to be careful for his life by his own betrothed, Hiro seemed to be in his normal light hearted mood. "I guess I should've expected something like that from a soldier. I suppose I'll just be. . . Well, careful. Hm, don't worry. The servants knock before they approach and do their work."

Hiro turned again and stood, slipping his shoes back on. "Good to know these things before I get myself in trouble. I should warn you though, my stepmother won't be swayed by such a thing like that. So she may give you a pat or squeeze every now and then." He didn't know exactly why he stood, considering there was no where he needed to go, so he sat back down and looked at the male across from him. "Is there anything else I should know Akito, or anything you'd like to say or do?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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When the prince glances away Akito can feel his heart beginning to try and race again, however he carefully controls his breathing, trying to force it to calm. 'I have no idea what he's thinking, so I should stop fearing the worst every time. . .That's part of my problem around here I think. Living on the constant threat of being killed, you always expect the worst first. That's how you stay alive. . .' Akito stutters at the word “death” wanting to quickly dispel the idea that he'd actually kill without checking first but the prince moves right on so all he gets out is a mumbles, “Not kill. . .” and a few off squeaking noises. He swallows hard when the prince actually asks him a question and despite the deep flush that runs rampant across his cheeks at the question he manages to get back enough breath to respond fairly quickly.

“No, highness. I was tense but very aware of your presence. . .” His words are quiet and he looks to his feet, trying desperately to relax even if only a little bit. Somehow simply talking about anything but serious matters with the young man seems to send the soldier into a nervous breakdown. 'No, not anything but' he muses. 'More anything about . . .”Us”. . .And it may have just been a kiss and a hug, but that's still more. . .Except for those times the whores went the extra mile to try and convince me, but they knew to back off when I gave them “that” look, but I can't. . . .I can't look at the prince like “that”. . . .That would be so rude and I know we'll eventually have to and I'd rather him not thinking I'm going to kill him. . . .'

"I guess I should've expected something like that from a soldier.”

The line strikes him harder than it really should, he knows that, and the prince didn't even say it in a mean way. However those few words are enough to bring back the soldier's mask and Akito reverts to looking at his feet, all traces of his flush fading in a matter of moments. He nods at the information on the servants, glad that he'll at least have a few seconds to compose himself before facing them. 'I wonder if the prince will just walk in. . . .I know some couples do that. . . .' As Hiro stands Aki straightens up, ready to follow. “I can hear her coming a mile away, and even if I don't hear her, I will smell her.” His eyes snap up. “That is not an insult, it's just, the fragrance she wears, it's one of my favorites.” He shakes his head slightly, not really having anything to say at the moment, his mind having kinda shit down because of what the man had said. He remains at attention, a stance he didn't even notice he slipped into moments ago, and waits for the prince to decide on what to do next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Despite being such a relaxed and carefree prince, he did notice Akito revert and straighten up. Once more, he had gotten quiet just like before. The prince wasn't sure why, so he mentally back tracked his words to see if he said something of merit that would cause him to do such a thing. Unfortunately, he couldn't think of anything, so instead he decided to figure out something to get Akito's mind off of it, and to something more relaxing. Hironori tapped his chin in thought, trying to figure out what the soldier would enjoy doing. . . 'This is harder than I thought.' He stood again, gesturing for Akito to follow. 'I'll figure something out. . . I know I will.' At the time, Hiro was sort of wandering again, as if he was lost. He caught a fleeting idea for a moment, and his path changed. From wandering in a straight line, he an abrupt turn to his right.

In a quiet, open room, two older gentlemen were playing a game of Shogi intently. Hironori paused to peek into the room. Both looked up simultaneously and nodded to the prince and Akito before going back to their game. "When father is bored or wants peace and quiet, he comes down to play Shogi or Pai Sho. You can come down here too if you like. They let anyone play, and teach others. I've come down here a few times myself. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst either." He let Akito linger in the spot before he moved on to his next idea. It wasn't much of an idea actually. It was more of Hiro showing Akito other places to run away to if he felt the need. The places were quiet and serene, though the palace never really got too loud- besides during celebrations.

"You haven't seen all of our indoor gardens, but we have two or three large ones around the palace. . . Or you can think of it as one really large Two on opposite sides and one in the back. Anyway, it's better to see them for yourself instead of me talking-" A familiar voice in the distance made him pause and quickly turn around. "And of course, we can always start on the opposite side." Though, before he could usher Akito around, he heard his stepmother call out to them.

"Boys! Come here for a moment please. You simply must help me!" With a soft sigh, Hiro turned on his heel and walked over to the Empress who was surrounded by servants aiding to her as she waddled around, and others who were helping her prepare the wedding.

"You have all of these people. What could you possibly need our help with, hm?" Hironori smiled politely and watched as she used one of them as a crutch. "You should really sit down. You're going to hurt yourself with all the walking around. . ." But his comment was brushed aside.

"Which side of the palace should we hold the wedding? East or west?"

The prince shrugged and ran fingers through his hair. "Hm, I suppose east. Less chance of someone falling into the pond. . ?" The Empress seemed to beam at the idea and nodded, pointing to one of the many around her to write that down.

It appeared they would be stuck there for some time. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Akito follows obediently behind the youth, not even really thinking about where they may be headed. He recognizes the gait as one who has not decided on a destination and keeps his pace such that the is not in risk of drawing even with the prince. 'For some reason I do not feel right walking there just yet. I doubt I will feel ready to walk there ever, though I have no doubt that he will make me, or circumstances will call for it, more often than I would like' The sharp turn draws his eyes from the ground to the young man's back and he pays a little more attention now that Hiro seems to have a goal in mind.

His first thought as the enter the large, nearly empty room, is that it's quite a waste of space. Spotting the two men he immediately marks one as a master, the other, he is unable to tell. 'Something about masters of their craft, they have a certain air about them, something that screams “I rule here” to eyes like mine' The prince seems to pause for a bit so Aki takes the opportunity to watch the game play. He's never actually played board games, though his father often tried to get him interested. In truth, he does have some interest, however he'd always been to busy with either training, or his one hobby. He never felt like he had time for anything else. 'However, now, I may just need something to keep my mind occupied at times. . .'

Soon however they are off once more and he listens silently to Hiro's commentary. 'I feel like I'm with a tour guide I am terrified of to asks questions' Hearing the queen up ahead a little before the prince his head comes up and he watches as she comes into view right after Hiro turns around. He stands still for a moment, wondering what's going to happen and a moment latter his question is answered. 'Why would he want to not be around his mother? She seems really sweet, and she's his mother. . .' He shrugs off the quandary, not really feeling the need to dissect the familial interactions or the royal family right now.

He follows behind the prince, listening to the exchange, his own worried glances added in here and there as it is obvious the queen is over exerting herself a bit. 'She should really be more careful. The child looks almost due and such strain could make it come out too early, or so I have heard. . .' After her question about the garden however he becomes thoroughly distracted from his thoughts as she turns and looks directly at him for her next question. “Aki dear, do you think we should have a pavilion or simply have it open to the sky?”

Caught off guard he simply stares for a moment before stuttering out his answer. “I, um, I like the outdoors. . .”

She claps happily, obviously pleased with his response. “Yes, a little bit more of a common or rustic feel, I like it.” Another servant writes that part down before she tries to launch into more questions.

However, from somewhere behind her, the king's voice booms out, “Darling, what are you doing up and about?! You should be resting!”

An expression crosses her face like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “Oh darn, he caught me. Oh well, I now have some things to go on, thank you boys!” She looks up at her husband as he comes up on the group of them in the middle of the hallway and shifts her weight from the servant's shoulder to his arm and with a smile the two of them head off towards their chamber. Aki lets out a long breath, feeling the pressure ease off of him a bit. Glancing over at the prince he realizes that it's going to be a long time before he's consciously comfortable anywhere in this place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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"An open space is nice." Hiro mused and looked up at the clear blue sky. Hopefully, it would be even more beautiful on their wedding day. . . Not that he was truly looking forward to it. Arranged it was though. Traditional, he was reminded constantly. So, Hironori could only accept this fact. Well, at least Akito was cute. That was fortunate for him. And, if he ever needed it, Akito was certainly going to be a good bodyguard- however people loved the Emperor. No one would want to do them harm. . . And if he could get Akito to relax, there would be plenty of things for them to do. The voice of his father snapped him from the daydream he was falling into. "Mhm, he's right. You're near due, don't worry, all of the arrangements will be taken care of." Hiro tried reassuring his stepmother as she walked off with the Emperor.

"Oh, and note dear that you simply must keep your hair up. I'd love to see all of your handsome face." She waved to the two. "I hope you are enjoying yourself Akito!" Though before he could answer, she was gone.

"What a persistent woman she is." Hironori chuckled. His medium length hair was down at the time his stepmother spoke of his hair. He sighed and smiled before running his hand through hair, pushing it back and out of his face. It didn't last though, because soon enough it fell right back into place. "Hmm. . . Now what did I plan to show you. . ." Once more, the carefree prince was in his own thoughts, attempting to figure out what to do with the soldier. "Ah! Right. The grand tour from yours truly." He gave a smile and lead Akito out and towards the much larger outdoor gardens. He had no real reason to show his betrothed such things besides the simple fact that if Akito needed some alone time, he'd have more than one place to go- that wasn't the forest.

Despite being one large garden encompassing the entire palace, each three sections seemed to be grown differently. Each section had its own story to tell, each one looked completely different yet still fit the other somehow. . . Hiro noticed it all before, and yet it was still beautiful to him. "Beautiful enough to make into a picture, huh? To bad that would take forever- so, we keep this place pretty as possible."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Looking back and forth between the prince's retreating parents and the prince himself Akito is one more assured that there is a gentle peace between the two parties. 'Different from Father and I, but not like those spoiled brats in the villages who can be seen up and down the streets yelling at their parents or ignoring them to chase some tail or hang with friends' The soldier knows he's an oddball in that he never once considered defying his adopted father, however he is glad to see at least an above average amount of respect from the man he is to marry towards his parents. 'She isn't even his blood mother, but he has a fond eye for her. . .' he muses, eying the prince with a gentle appraising look.

His eyes follow that errant hand as it makes a poor attempt at taming that soft mass and pulling it away from his slender featured face, but the attempt prove inevitably futile and he suppresses a half smile at the way it kinda just flops back into place. 'I myself was teased for a long time about getting my hair long enough for a simply pony, and then after that dogged by everyone but Father about keeping it at a “manageable” length. I am not about to laugh at his hair controversy. . . .' He returns the smile with a small one of his own, falling into step in a respectful position to make himself feel more comfortable.

He follows along quietly, taking in the décor as it passes in fleeting glances, but mostly keeping his eyes on his feet as his ears listen to all the noises around him. 'If I am ever going to stop reacting this way, I must aquatint myself with all aspects of this place. If I can learn to hear approaching footsteps as not something to flee from, distant shouts as not something to prepare for. . . .' Once outside however his eyes come up and stay up, his concentrated gaze reacting ever so slightly with the lack of walls confining him. 'Not to mention the lovely scenery' he muses silently, taking int eh vista with a small smile.

The prince's words fall softly on his ears, widening his smile. 'I may just have the time to do just that, even if the finish product will be drab in comparison to the reality' All of his confidence wrapped up into being a good soldier leaves every little to be used for other things, especially hobbies. A faint breeze catches the prince's hair and once more Akito finds himself looking at it. 'So soft, and fluffy compared to my own. Mine is flat and simple when it is down, making me look like a drowned rat. . .' He lets out a sift sigh, watching the hair toss about for a bit before returning his attention to the gardens. “Yes, they are quite beautiful highness. . .” He murmurs, looking out across the lawn with that same small smile that tends to hide behind an expression of neutrality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Hiro smiled, pleased to know Akito agreed with him. There was a contentment to how Akito spoke that reassured him that he hadn't been dying of boredom or fear. For awhile, he simply enjoyed the serenity of the silence between them as they walked along the massive garden. He had to admit that the serenity was nice every once and awhile and he wouldn't mind it so much between the two, not that he wouldn't mind sharing a nice conversation either. Then again, not many things bothered him. Wandering around the palace was proving to be a lot of exercise, and becoming tiresome for the prince. Sure he had walked through the palace, but never majority of it in one day. Well, he did have himself to blame considering he did give the offer. Hiro only figured that Akito would have probably been more comfortable knowing where most of everything was. And his parents thought it was a good idea as well. In the midst of the long walk, Hiro paused and sat in the grass to rest his feet. He even laid back and stayed there for awhile. With his eyes closed, it wasn't clear if Hiro had fallen asleep since his eyes were closed, but they were there for some time until the prince rolled to his feet and sighed. "Okay, back to what we were doing." He stretched his arms over his head and began walking back to the palace. "I hope that woman went to sit down. She's always on the move for some reason." He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, but a passing servant bowed and responded. "Yes your Highness. The Emperor managed to get the Empress to relax. Nothing to worry about, sir." Hiro smiled and nodded his thanks before carrying on with their small journey. There were other things Hiro showed, everything different from the first. There were even a few empty rooms in the palace that were still decorated as if people planned to visit them. He hadn't realized the time going by so quickly as the light outside grew dim and the servants started to move to their night chores before heading off to their own section of the palace in order to relax from the day's activities. "Oh, we're going to be late for dinner if we don't hurry up. Don't want you to be late. I on the other hand have done so several times." With a much quicker pace, he hurried in order to make sure Akito wasn't late for his first dinner in his new home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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He only has a few moments to simply stare about at his surroundings before the prince is once again on the move. His hands slide behind his back as he walks and despite the lovely setting for their little stroll Akito can feels his nervousness building. 'Something about being in a garden with someone I am to marry soon. It makes me feel like I should do something, say something. I've always had something to do, my time off spent either alone or with Father. Something like this. . .It's new. . .It's. . . .' He lets out a soft sigh, alternating between gazing at the landscape and keeping an eye on his soon to be husband. Aki pauses, staring a bit as at first the prince flops on to the ground, then simply lays back like he has not a care in the world. For several long minutes the soldier is at a loss, staring down at the man and wondering seriously if there's something wrong with him. 'Is he having a fit? Is he ill? Should I call someone?' Before panic can set in however he spots a few servants in the distance. He watches as they spot the prince on the ground, then continue about their evening. 'They don't seem worried, so, is this normal for him? The only time I ever felt safe doing something like this is when there were fifty or so warriors not a hundred yards away. But then again, the prince knows nothing of the fears of a soldier. . . .' Letting out a faint sigh Akito kneels at the taller male's side. Settling in comfortably on one knee he simply waits, his eyes scanning the trees. He can not help but feel protective of the other male. Making himself so vulnerable, relaxing despite all the possible dangers. True, the war is over, but that does not mean those defeated will not try something to uproot the country, and killing the prince before his younger sibling is born, and before marrying the war hero, would definitely send some serious ripples through the kingdom. As soon as the prince's eyes open Akito is on his feet, snapping instinctively to attention and following close behind the other man as they make their way inside. It feels oddly familiar when the prince poses a thought to no one and promptly receives an answer. 'Reminds me of those under the general. He would speak and someone always seemed to be there to deliver the information he needed. It was always quite impressive. . . .' The rest of the tour is uneventful save for a few moments where Hiro has to peel his betrothed away from a particularly enchanting piece of art or a fairly entertaining device. His stomach drops a bit at the thought of once again dining with his soon to be in-laws but the feeling does not show as he dutifully follows along behind Hiro as he picks up the pace. Much of the prince's side comments about what he normally does have the soldier a bit curious about why he's not just being himself. After all, they are suppose to be learning to live together, and acting in a way you would not normally creates a false front and is normally meant to mislead the other person. 'But by flat out telling me that what he's doing is abnormal, and telling me what he normally does, he's destroying the illusion. . . .But if he's not trying to make an illusion, then why act differently to begin with, other than to “Be polite”. But he doesn't really have to do that since, if the emperor and empress are any indication, being honest is alright in this family' The confusion continues to tumble through his mind as they approach the dinning hall. However once those doors swing wide his insides plummet a few more feet and his focus is brought to the present. The empress smiles and waves, one hand settled upon her belly protectively. It is not her smile that catches Akito's attention first though. It is clear from the emperor's face that he is displease by something, and as he glances at his wife it's easy to deduce that he thinks she should not be there. 'Likely worried for her health, even though she looks fine. A little paler than before, but more pregnant women get like that at night' He forces his eyes away from the irritated protective man, knowing that if he doesn't he'll just get more and more nervous, and instead turns his attention on to the feast laid out across the table. 'More food than even fifty people could eat in one sitting. . . .I suppose the staff get to eat the leftovers. . . .They can't be letting all this go to waste. . . .' The scent of one of his favorite meats wafts through the air and draws a faint smile to his lips. Though rare when on the go as a soldier, Akito had managed to snag this particular meat more often than the others in his team due to the simple fact that it also happens to be his pet's favorite food, and audrat happen to be good at catching soribird. The smile is more for the fact that it's normally considered the common man's pheasant and seeing it on the royal table is more than a little amusing. 'I bet the servants cook it and put it on the table because they like eating it' He knows he's being a little judgmental, and after thinking about it for a moment he realizes that the king likely grew up snagging it off the side roads as a soldier too, but for his own amusement Akito continues imagining the servants in the kitchen reveling over the savory little bird, making it to their liking. With this thought still at the forefront of his mind he takes the seat he's grown accustom to and nods towards the happy woman on his left. The empress smiles and pats his arm before turning to Hiro and asking about their day. While they are busy talking Aki coaxes Hoko out. The little beast seems far more awake now, chittering happily and standing up tall, trying to find the source of the scent of soribird. The little reptile bird is half way down the table and once the servants begin making up the plates Aki asks politely for two portions of neck meat. He feels a little bad, if his imaginings are correct, but as he listens to Hoko chatter on in anticipation the feeling fades and he pets the creature's back gently. “Good boy, just wait a little bit.” There is a fond look in his eye as he gazes at the little rodent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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As they entered the dining hall, Hiro nodded to both his parents and then quietly took a seat. It was obvious of his father’s disapproval towards his wife’s moving about. Everyone seemed to disapprove it, however the Empress had no intentions of staying still until she was sure she couldn’t move anymore. Though, with how stern the Emperor was, and how she had been short of breath a few times, she decided that she might as well ease up a little on all the moving around. That didn’t mean she would stop helping for the wedding, even if the Emperor insisted that they had the finest planners there was. As both young men sat down, Hiro looks up and smiles at his stepmother. “Our day?” For him, it was filled with simply explaining the whereabouts of Akito’s new home. It wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but he had to admit that reminding himself where everything was had been pretty helpful. “Well, it was nice, but I’m sure Akito’s opinion would be the judge of that. After all, I simply went around showing him where everything was. He got a grand tour from me personally.” The prince chuckled lightly. “But, that doesn’t mean it was all that great for Akito. Along with that grand tour, I also showed him to his new room of course and explained that he could also ask the servants for assistance. All that stuff.” Hiro waved his hand as if wrapping up what he had to say. “Mhm, so in any case, Akito should be the one to give feedback.” The Emperor raised an eyebrow as Hiro spoke. “New room? You two won’t be sharing a room?” He didn’t sound disappointed but his tone did hold curiosity to it. His gaze went from Hiro to Akito with the question. The Empress, who had seemed to catch on to Akito’s timidness more so than the Emperor smiled and spoke up before Akito could. “He’s probably just getting settled dear. Not to worry. Though that does remind me,” She motioned to one of the servants standing by. “Do get someone to take Aki’s new clothing and put it in his room. Not Hiro’s. Thank you darling.” She smiled as the servant bowed and hurried off. “Oh, that is still such a lovely and cute pet you have.” The Empress smiled in delight and then nodded. “Anyway, yes, how do you like everything so far? Anything you’d like, or like to know?” While the attention turned to Akito, Hiro quietly grabbed a few meats and veggies for his plate and began to eat. He listened, wondering how Akito would respond, or if he'd crack under pressure from all the attention he was getting. 'Poor thing. . . Maybe I shouldn't have put him on the spot like that. . . Well, he's going to have to learn eventually.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Clicking his tongue lightly Akito has a kind of conversation with his pet while they wait. Until of course suddenly his betrothed drops all the attention on to him. His body freezes and his eyes go a little wide against his will. Luckily he has a few extra seconds to compose himself as the emperor takes interest in their sleeping arrangement. That exchange however brings about whole new levels of tenseness in his middle but he's able to push it down and smile back at the empress when she once more compliments Hoko. “He's a rather healthy example of his kind.” he murmurs, the faint movements of his lips causing the rodent to paw at his mouth with his large paws. Akito to blows on them to make him pull them back and the Empress giggles at the exchange. With a faint cough, his heart racing and his cheeks flushing lightly he looks to the food now being placed before he as he begins responding. “The tour was thorough and informative. There are a lot of wonderful things here in the palace I would like more time to look at, but his highness was very efficient in showing me most everything on the premises.” He clicks his tongue and motions to the second place, letting Hoko know he can start eating. 'So far so good I thin' he thinks to himself, licking his lips. Looking up at the empress he notices a faintly curious look on her face but as she does not speak up right away he decides to continue. He doesn't even notice he's sitting rather stiffly, just as he would when delivering a report to the general. That is not what has her curious however, but he will find that out soon enough. He goes on to praise the gardens and the murals, the king having a few offhanded comments on how old most of the artwork in the palace is, until at last the empress asks the questions that just won't leave her mind. “Aki dear, what do you mean by 'most everything'?” The emperor looks a little surprised then thoughtful. After a moment he smiles at his wife, proud of her attention to detail. For his part, Akito looks a little uncomfortable. Well, a little more uncomfortable. 'Why is she asking? Does she think that I think that some things are being hidden from me and that I'm suspicious? Did I see something I wasn't suppose to? Why. . . .' He lets out a faint breath. “I just meant, we did not go down every hall, and we skipped the servant areas altogether.” he says softly. He can feel his body tensing even further as both the rulers look at him with great confusion. 'Why would he want to see the servant areas? He's going to be a royal. Those areas are of no consequence' the empress thinks, tilting her head to the side. Her husband's thought mirror hers. When he'd come to this palace he'd been nervous for sure, and curious, but it never even crossed his mind to wonder about the servants and how they go about their day, save for getting done what needs to be done of course. Hoko senses how tense he is and begins looking around for danger, his lips pulling back to expose his needle sharp teeth. Not really knowing what to do now, Akito remains silent, staring at his hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Hiro nibbled his food, watching the interaction go on with a curious gaze. The prince was still surprised by how much Akito blushed- even at the simplest things. He wondered if his parents noticed it too, however his betrothed had been with him most of the day, so he didn’t guarantee they noticed too much. The young soldier’s response made everyone, save for Hiro, give a curious gaze. HIm wanting to see the servants’ quarters was of course odd for any of the royal family, but Hiro quickly intervened by clearing his throat. “It’s no big deal. I suppose he may have wanted to better acquaint with the entire palace, just in case he got lost. Either way, it doesn’t hurt to be curious.” Both parents looked at each other for a moment before seeming to come to terms with the assessment of Akito’s actions. It fell silent for a moment, so the two could take a few bites of their food, Hiro took that opportunity to give an apologetic smile for putting the male in the spotlight. The prince then took a breath, as if demonstrating it to Akito, then mouthed the words ‘Relax’. The poor male would probably pass out from how embarrassed he was. After he managed to catch Akito’s gaze, Hiro was once more eating, paying no mind to the bristling little creature Akito had. The Empress stopped for a moment making a small ‘oh’ noise before placing a hand on her large belly. This caused the Emperor to stop and turn to her quickly. “Relax love. The baby just kicked is all.” She smiled and then went back to eating her food. After a few moments, the Emperor did the same. Hiro had looked up in concern as well, however relaxed before his father. He learned that when his stepmother said she was fine, she meant it. However, he did notice her gaze go up to Akito again as if to speak, so once more Hiro politely intervened so Akito wouldn’t have to speak. “Ah I was wondering, something about the wedding.” This was the first he openly displayed some sort of interest in it, so both the Emperor and the Empress looked at him with curious gazes, Hiro, as much as he didn’t want to talk about it, decided to ‘take one for the team’. “So, who’s all invited? I hear so much about decorating, but I’ve heard of no one showing up.” This seemed to make the Empress perk up in delight. “Ah! I almost forgot to mention it!” She thinks over the list. “You remember the Kurosawa and Mazashi family, yes? I hear The Kurosawa’s daughter has gotten engaged as well. The Mazashi family and their baby boy will be showing up. Oh, I can’t wait to see their cute baby!” She begins to ramble and gossip like a teen, not seeming to care who listened. However it seemed, the Emperor paid the most attention. Hiro met most of the families she had mentioned, but their interaction with Hiro was normally brief. While his mother rambled on, Hiro finished his own food, glancing over at her every now and then to show he was paying attention- at least somewhat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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It is with great relief that Akito slowly looks up from his hands, feeling the rulers' eyes move off of him and over to his betrothed. His hands slowly come apart – slightly slick from nervous sweat – and he reaches out to stroke a finger down Hoko's back. The creature calms, turning around to lick at the warrior's chin before curling up and going back to eating. A smile finds it's way to his eyes alone and for a moment all he can think is that there is something unmistakably sweet about the man he is to marry. . .And that is not a bad quality for a husband. 'Of course those reasons are valid too, but that's not really why I want to explore those areas. . .' That paranoid part of his mind can not get those suspicious images out of his head, and for now he considers his vigilance a good thing.

The smile in his eyes reaches his lips for a moment as Hiro graces him with one of his own. 'So beautiful' His thought brings a flush once more to his cheeks but a moment later the youth across from him once more encourages him to 'relax', so with a concerted effort he takes a deep breath and turns his focus back on to his food. He tenses moments later but relaxes immediately as he recognizes the noise of a woman with an overly active bun in the oven. As the emperor looks to her, concerned, Akito offers up an amused smile before taking another bite of a meal he has as of yet not been calm enough to actually taste.

Only a bite later there is once more talking going on around him. However since it does not directly involve him at the moment he is able to listen while focusing on his meal. At last that savory meat touches his tongue and sends him back to the field with it's flavor. Hoko chitters happily, having finished his portion a while ago, the beast is not above begging more off his master. The soldier however is too busy with the duel task of remaining calm – an act aided by the nostalgic flavors – and actually paying attention to stuff that will affect his future.

Like any excited mother planning a wedding a wave of excitement seems to pass through the woman as she goes off on her list of attendees. The looming prospect of being surrounded by so many nobles threatens to spook the man once more, the urge to flee to the woods returning. However as her list comes to an end she turns suddenly to Akito with a smile. Despite the smile the young man has to fight the urge to jump and looks up at the empress with a subtle polity questioning expression. “Yes my lady?” he asks softly, setting his fork down.

“Oh, I was just wondering, who will be coming from your side?” Her tone is light and for the first time Akito realizes that she knows of his familial situation.

'She knows that the general is my only family and that I was orphaned. That I have no blood ties. . .' He swallows slowly before taking a sip of his drink and dropping his gaze to the happy animal on his knee, now licking it's paws clean. Just out of sight of his gaze the empress adopts an apologetic expression, fearing she did not approach the subject delicately enough, however before she can make amends Akito speaks up softly, but clearly. “Well, the general will be coming. As. . .As he is my family. He will stand with me. And, um, I think I overheard him saying that my unit will also be invited to come.” Trying to brush away some of the awkward he adds on with a small laugh. “I'm sure they'll all show up. It's free food after all.”

The emperor chuckles at this, nodding. “Yes, they are invited, as your closest companions. I'm sure a few will have something to say in your favor when it comes time to speak of your virtues.” He says this with such jovial confidence that Akito does not have the heart to admit that most of them barely know him despite having served with him for many years, some so far back as to have been around when he was adopted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Hiro's gaze drifted from his mother to his betrothed. The list was done, and his mother decided to once more try and pose a question for Akito. This time, Hiro decided not to intervene- then again, he couldn’t and didn't really want to. The young soldier would just have to learn that he needed to relax. Which seemed like it was going to take a while. The prince's gaze flickered around the table until finally it rested on Akito's plate as he spoke. He didn't have anyone attending the wedding for him, save his parent and maybe the soldiers he fought with. "Well, at least we'll be protected even more." It wasn't an intentional sly or sarcastic comment, but it seemed to have came out that way.

The Emperor's gaze turned to his son, showing a faint hint of annoyance. However his voice remained calmed. "Is there a problem with it?"

Hiro absent-mindedly shook his head and shrugged, not bothering to look up from toying with his chopsticks. "None whatsoever. I mean, who wouldn't feel safe? After all, it's to be sure enemies we have don't ruin anything." The Empress cleared her throat and pushed her plate forward. Hiro noticed and did the same and the servants began to collect dishes. The conversation between the two had subsided before it could begin and end on a bad note. The conversation travelled to different topics, most trying to figure out a little more about Akito.

After sitting and listening, Hiro became fairly bored. "Well, if you don't mind, or if you do doesn't matter, I'll be stepping away." He had finished dinner and didn't feel the need to stay longer and chat. It didn’t interest him too much.

"You're not going to stay and talk to your betrothed?" The Empress gave a curious look.

Hiro shook his head. "I'm sure he is probably sick of seeing my face most of the day. I'm fine with giving him his space." The sarcasm was noticeable in his voice. He had already stood up and began walking out. Before he did, he gave a small wave.

"What a troublesome child." The Emperor muttered lightly with a shake of his head.

Meanwhile, Hiro had decided to relax in the bath. Walking to his room, a servant was already notified of his request and rushed to get things together for him. The prince let out a soft sigh before removing the band from his hair and tossing it on the bed. It fell into a messy style and he merely ruffled it out of the way. "Your bath is ready Your Majesty." The prince nodded and walked over to the bowing servant.

"Thank you." The servant gave a small 'of course' before following after him as he retreated to the baths. Once there, Hironori stripped off his robes and shoes and climbed in the wooden bath. The servant had waited just for that, grabbing his clothing and setting up two folded towels on a near by bench. Hiro gave a small sigh and sank lower into the water. What the others planned to do, he had no idea, but it was late and the day was coming to a close, so it didn't matter too much- unless of course they needed him for something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The mood around the table goes from a little nervous and light to rather tense in the matter of moments as the prince's offhanded comment seems to rouse a bit of irritation in the lord and lady of the palace. Akito feels a little twinge at the way the man before him put it, but at the same time he knows the prince's stance on the war and all things related to it so he's not shocked to hear him say such things. 'Still, they are the only people who are coming for me and you see fit to just cast them off as faceless killers in a bare five seconds. You were so sweet until a moment ago, why. . . .?' He lets out a soft sigh, focusing on Hoko the best he can, once more unable to taste his meal even as he continues consuming the sweet, soft meat.

The conversation quickly turns once more towards the soldier and with a start he does his best to answer the emperor's and empress' questions. The things they ask are fairly vague and related to the wedding itself so nothing of real consequence is revealed in the exchange and before long the prince bores of the prattle and excuses himself. Aki feels a bit abandoned at the sudden departure however it is clear form the young man's tone and quick exit that he is nos invited. 'Where did that kind youth go from this afternoon?' he muses, still rather upset at the sudden change but resigned tot he fact that he, as a soldier, is unwelcome around the prince when it does not suit him.

Aki has nothing to say to the pregnant woman's assessment of her step son and rather than offering up his own thoughts focuses on finishing his meal. The two rulers talk amongst themselves for a time, recalling a few times from the prince's younger years where he'd gotten into mischief or had a row with his father over various things. Akito listens intently despite keeping his eyes firmly on his food, and makes several notes on the prince's perceived character based on the parent's assessments and observations. He knows better than to make judgments without knowing the full truths, or at least both sides of a situation, however with the prince's current mood he knows there is no way he will be getting any civil conversation out of him any time soon.

'I don't know what suddenly turned him, but I have the feeling it was my fault' That depressing thought takes root in his mind as Hoko slips back beneath his obi to get a head start on his evening nap before his nightly prowl. As soon as he's finishes the rulers depart with a smile and wave, summoning a servant to show Akito around should he need someone to wait on him. The soldier looks nervously at the servant, a comely middle aged woman who’s smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. After several long silent moments he murmurs softly, “Um, could you point me towards where I may rest?” He's not quite got the confidence to call it “my room” so that's the best he can do.

The woman bows and begins leading the way. He'd much prefer if sh simply pointed at the right hallway but does not complain, his shyness returning in full force now that he does not have the young prince to back him up. 'As I recall, he's only a few doors down, so if anything. . . .' That thought cuts off half way as he realizes that no matter what, he will not be visiting the young man's room in the night. He can't even begin to let himself consider such a thing, even if it's for something as simply as he's unable to sleep and would like someone to talk to.

Instead he resigns himself to sleepless nights on a comfy bed never meant for people like him, in a place where his kind had not been housed in many long decades. True, the king had been a soldier like him, but unlike the panicked youth - now bowing to the servant as she hurries off to continues with other duties after showing him to his room – the king had quickly taken his place and had the poise and confidence that made the transition almost flawless, as if he'd never been a soldier.

With a soft sigh Akito closes the doors to the room silently before impulsively checking it over for any possible threats. In the back of his mind he knows he's being ridiculous, but that does not stop him from following through til ever corner is searched thoroughly. Once that is doe he allows himself to relax slightly, and glance at the bed. No, he's not ready yet. He can still feel his energy far to high to even consider laying down. With slow precision he removes his outer clothing, setting it carefully on the end of his bed so it does not wrinkle, then follows with his inner clothing. Hoko, who had plopped to the floor when the obi was removed, begins examining the room thoroughly and Aki can't help but smile as the critter mimics his own actions not minutes earlier.

Once he's down to his unders, his tabi and sandals settling just under the edge of his bed, the soldier falls into some basic warm-up poses, his sheathed sword arcing gracefully through the air as he loosens up before bed. As soon as his inspection is over Hoko climbs up a bed post and crawls on to the bed, making sure it's good and comfortable for his owner by rolling over and over the covers, getting his soft little hairs all over the place. Akito is too focused on what he's doing to notice until at least he gets through his exercise and looks over at the now still critter.

“Hokooooo!” he whines, looking at all the fur, a fear setting up in his stomach that the servants will grow tired of having to defur his bedding whenever it gets changed. However after a moment he realizes that the whole room will be eventually quite furry due to the fact that an animal now lives in it and allows himself to relax ever so slightly. “I'll just have to try and do my own part in the cleaning. He's mine after all. . .” At the sound of his name Hoko had sat up quite cutely and now is at the edge of the bed, demanding attention. With another sigh Aki takes a seat beside the rodent, obliging him by petting him just the way he likes it for several minutes.

Finally he feels relaxed enough to at least try sleeping and with a stern face he picks up his partner and looks him in the eye. Hoko looks back at the man intently, paying close attention. “Now listen up Hoko. We're still sorta guests here, so no exploring too far, stay inside, and stay out of sight. I don't need you scaring the servants or getting yourself chased if they think you some sort of pest, got it?” The rodent feline chitters in response and Akito huffs softly before setting him on the ground and blowing out the single lamp lit on his bedside table. In the darkness the moon's glow from through the large windows running along one wall of his room makes to room look almost like it's underwater and Aki can't help but smile at the image. Quickly slipping between the covers he tosses and turns for almost and hour before giving up and dragging half the covers on to the floor along with a pillow. On the hard surface he's able to get comfortable rather quickly and in no time, he falls into an uneasy sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Your highness,” One servant quietly got Hironori’s attention. The young prince was neck deep in the heated water and a warm towel was resting over his eyes. She wasn’t sure if had been asleep, but after he had cleaned off and settled to relax, she couldn’t help but debate that was the case. A soft, questioning hum answered her question, and she cleared her throat lightly. “My apologies for disturbing you. I just wanted to let you know that it is getting fairly late. I wouldn’t want the water getting too cold for you.” Her gaze stayed on the towels in her hand as she spoke.

There was a moment of silence as the servant waited for a response or a command to leave. Instead, the water splashed a little as Hiro stretched his arms over his head and removed the towel off his face. “I suppose you’re right.” A yawn escaped before he could continue. “I should probably head to bed. I’m sure everyone else is asleep now.” He stood and climbed out of the bath. The servant quickly handed him his towel before looking away from him. It was obvious that few of the younger servants had been infatuated by the prince, but most occasions he paid no mind to them, unless he was in a good mood and decided to be flirtatious. He toweled off and thanked her for the robe. He was left to his own devices and walked his way to his room.

He decided to take the long way to his room. It was quiet, save for the few night servants shuffling about. He realized it was pretty quiet all the time around the large home. There were dozens of people who occupied the place and yet it always seemed pretty empty. He passed his father’s dojo, peeking inside just because. There was no real value to it for him, but there were occasions that he thought maybe just maybe he could appeal to his father and at least attempt to try out his interests...Of course those thoughts faded and he continued on his way. Hironori walked along, stopping by his personal study. Another small yawn escaped him but he shuffled inside in order to clean up a bit more. The books were stacked and pushed into place and he reorganized a few more things. Eventually, he wandered to his own room, looking over at Akito’s door before continuing. Unlike his betrothed, he comfortably fell asleep on his lush bed.

Morning seemed to come way too soon and Hiro buried himself deeper under the covers as the sun shined. He could have sworn the servants moved his bed and angled him directly in the sun. He didn’t want to get up and face the world today. His first day had already been hectic. The second day would probably be less interesting. As he mentioned to Akito before, they could do anything they wanted in the palace- and yet there was nothing to do. He sighed and stayed hidden, only debating to get up when his stomach growled. He could already sense the monotonous conversation at breakfast. ”How did you sleep?” “Was there anything you wanted to try doing today?”

Farther down, a servant had already knocked on Akito’s door in order to get him ready and awake for the day. In fact, they had done so thirty minutes before even bothering to get Hironori up. All were well aware of Hiro’s tendencies to sleep in, so they decided to give him only a few extra minutes- but of course, not enough to be late for breakfast.
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