I recently watched Black Bullet and actually liked it quite a bit, so much so that I would like to do a role play based on it. I would like to make some minor changes though in hopes of making a more unique and fun role play. It would probably be easier just to explain the layout though... That way, those who have seen the anime will see the differences and those who haven't can still see what it'll be like.

In the year 2021, mankind is ravaged by the epidemic of Gastrea, a parasitic virus, and is forced to live within the Monolith walls, which are created from Varanium: a metal that is able to subdue Gastrea. Soon, children who were born with the Gastrea virus and obtained superhuman abilities as a result, are discovered and labeled as "Cursed Children". Due to the Gastrea virus' intervention, the Cursed Children could only be born as female. It is because of their origins and nature though that they are seen negatively by society and highly discriminated. Civil Securities are formed to specialize fighting against Gastrea, operating with the pair of an Initiator (a "cursed child"), and a Promoter (a regular human serving to lead the cursed child and keep them in check, often male). Little is known of the strange nature of the Cursed Children, only that they are rarely seen to live past the age of twenty, that they run the risk of turning into Gastrea themselves, and that they are the best shot humanity has to combat the Gastrea and stop them from wiping out all of humanity as we know it...

To those who have seen the anime, you can see that I only made a few changes (aka the age), but this would actually make for easier role play and artistic freedom. In this role play, I would like the role play to focus on two characters; the Promoter (your character) and the Initiator (my character). So I's like to find a single partner to role play with, though we can both use as many characters as we wish. I personally have some side characters thought up already, having a certain plotline in mind. I like role playing with someone who is willing to add to the plot though and even throw me for a loop here and there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me! I'm actually really bad at making interest checks and often leave things out on accident... But I'm really friendly and love to chat either way. ^_^ As of right now, I'm only looking for a single partner for this role play, and it would kind of be like a choose-your-own-adventure kind of story.