Well hello there! Thank you for checking out my interest check :) I want to get back into the swing of story creating, and I have a few cravings!!! This particular gem is a semi-original young justice league (I am perfectly fine with older characters as well, but mainly a youthful set) I personally love marvel more, but by no means do I dislike DC. My vision matches moreso the sloghtly dark justice league set up. I am looking for a partner to create some original hero characters with me. I am a casual-advanced writer, and I love playing male and female characters. I am looking for a partner to play a male and female superhero character. They can be inspired/related to existing iconic characters if that tickles your fancy, but I want to attempt to create our very own young justice league team. Story line is completely up to our developement. I am perfectly fine with all mature content so long as it fits with the story development. PM is the preferable place for the story. Do let me know if this interests you as well :) Thank you!