If you'd like this RP to be in private, feel free to PM me. Name: Sachiko Kimura Nickname: Sachi Age: 15 Personality: Wild, seems insane but very intelligent "Why thank you mister!" Her voice echoes down the alleyway as she speaks to the dead robot. "But, I can't have oil. That's for you, silly!" She continues to skip along, the gun around her neck swinging back and forth. She's lived on her own for 5 years after the war had finally ended. Her parents were scientists that worked with the facility that created the robots. After a long time of living in piece, the robots wanted more. They wanted to govern the world themselves. Many of them got a hold of guns and started forming their own military of advanced robots. Soon, the world went to hell and humans finally lost. Robots still roam the streets so she has to take the back alleys. She wasn't even sure how many others were still alive. Sachiko skips around the corner and hears something. Wheels! Quickly, she jumps against the alley wall and grips her gun to her chest. The robots whir by on the main street. She waits until they are a far enough distance away and then hops up onto the nearest ladder. It leads up to the roof of the building she stays in alone. Once she is up there, she opens the roof door and enters. She runs down the long flight of stairs and makes her way to the apartment room 153. On her way there, something catches her eye. There are muddy footprints on the ground. "H-hello?" She calls out down the hall. Then, she realizes that the apartment room's door is wide open. Sachiko runs to the door and walks in. "Hey! This is my place! Get out!" She yells at the stranger standing in the room.