Neoterram. The first colonial world, now completely independent of Earth's sovereignty.

Gentlemanly Conduct is nonexistent within this game. Lie, cheat, steal, pillage. I don't care. Nudity and graphic scenes aren't really in here, although horrors of war posts are appreciated.


Troop types
The three types are recon, juggernaut, and trooper.
Recon has bonus over Juggernaut
Juggernaut has bonus over trooper
Trooper has bonus over Recon.
The ranks are three, two, and one. 3<2<1.
Heres how you write a unit:
J1 for Juggernaut rank 1. R for recon, and T for trooper.
Thus, battle looks like this:
J1 is defending Ferds. R2 attacks. For a moment, we will ignore ranks. Recon beats Juggernaut by one point. Now, lets just count ranks. The juggernaut is ahead by 1 point because his rank is better by 1. When we add the bonuses, it is a tie. In the event of a tie, the defender wins by default. You keep a territory so long as you were the most recent player to have troop in the territory.
Territory values:
Land territory-2/1
The first number is the point value. The person with the largest point value at the end of the game wins. The second number is the troop generation. After every rotation, you gain troops equal to your troop generation minus your total rank values. If you have a capital and 4 land territories as well as an R3 and J1, you generate:
2 (capital) + 1 (territory) + 1 (territory) + 1 (territory) + 1 (territory) - 3 (Juggernaut rank 1) - 1 (Recon rank 3) = 2 new ranks.
The example player decides he will get two T3s. He could also have gotten 1 T2. He places it in a vacant land territory/capital he owns, or a sea adjacent to his home land territories. in his home region, blue. You own territory so longs you were the most recent person to have a troop in it. Seas and capitals require a unit to be within them to count for you, unless you the capital is your home capital. Capitals count as an immobile rank 1 unit that ignores unit type for bonuses. They can be additionally fortified. Capitals are identified by brackets on the map. You may not deploy any troops if your capital is taken. If there are no troops in your capital, it is considered to be yours.
Game Phases:
The game begins at 50 RAL (Rotations after Liberation, referring to the liberation from earth). Each rotation is divided into 4 seasons/phases:
Koeld: Units are deployed according to territory currently controlled.
Tumnia: Negotiations about alliances, strategy, and armistice.
Refird: First phase of unit orders.
Kiders: A brief negotiation period and conflict resolution.
Take the first 3 letters of the territory, add 'S' to the end with hyphen if it a sea, and put the entire abbreviation in brackets if it is a capital. Use the first letter of the original territory color (at Koeld 50 RAL), using 'N' for neutral, separating the territory and original holder with a dash.
[O-Cys] = Cystim
G-Byc = Bycyv
N-Re = Re
Vyb-S = Vybsian Sea
Orders consist of the following:
Hold (H)–Stay in the current territory
Cys*-J3 [O-Cys)] H
Support (S-(action abbreviation of the other unit)–Support another unit's action. If there is conflict with the supported unit, attacking or defending, the bonuses are combined. Unit type bonuses of the supporting unit do not count, negative or positive. Supporting units cannot support units that occupy territories they could not move to if vacant, Ex: J3 [O-Cys] cannot support R2 N-Re because J3 could not move to N-Re if there was no unit there.
Cys*-J3 O-Hyj S-H J3 [O-Cys]
Attack/Control (A)–Attack an adjacent territory or move into a neutral or unoccupied territory to claim it.
Cys*-J3 O-Hyj A N-Fyl
*Substitute 'Cys' with the first 3 letters of your capital.
Movement Map

You can only move through intersections if the territories you are moving between are yours. Seas can be moved through by any unit. All units can only move through 1 territory per turn.
All troop movements are secret until conflict and should be messaged to me.
Victory/Elimination Conditions
You lose if…
•You cannot generate units for 2 years
•If your nation value drops to 3 and you have lost your capital.
•If you do not regain your capital within 3 years of it's taking
•You surrender
•Some sort of impossible catastrophe happens that I deem makes you lose.
You win if…
•I deem you and perhaps another as victor or co-victors. This means you can have actual alliances, but I won't call victor if you go UN vs Orange or something like that. I may name a chief victor and allies if it was really more one person doing the work, and the other guys not pissing him/her off.
Now, for the random
I can call, at any time, a random event. Space pirates, earthquakes, economic shortages, orbital strikes, whatever. I will try not to target the little guy when I make an event, but…
Luck Points–How to give your enemy a headache.
Each player starts out with 100 LP (Luck Points) and gains 10 per year. You can PM me and ask for any manmade event (meaning I won't let you control earthquakes) and I will name an LP price or say it is impossible. These can vary in effect, it could result in mini-games, or just unit depletion. Get creative. If you make it sound feasible and take the time to construct some method of determining things, or suggesting a contest in which you could lose equally if you fail will make me offer far more reasonable prices. Rolling can come into play here, but I will do it. Forum games, tic-tac-toe, online checkers match, and other creative endeavors can be used to determine these.
disasters that I come up with can also include similar things.
Read through this a few times. It may take awhile to make sense. Post any questions.[/ooc]Gameplay inspired by Diplomacy and Risk.
In addition to players, I am seeking 'journalists' who describe what is going on every season. They should be done in the format of a newspaper or online column, being the internet exists in Neoterram. The names of the nations are the same as their capitals. Players can be both nations and journalists. Once the nation seats fill up, players may join as journalists. Journalists should make up strategies that won the battle, although they will not affect gameplay. In addition, certain morale boosters would be common. Battle journals should be written after the outcome is decided. Feel free to make up general names and politicians, although if the nation you are doing this for is also a journalist, please leave most details to them. Nation-journalists, feel free to post nation info. Please apply to be nation (with nation claim) and/or journalist. Claims are first-come, first serve. If somebody drops out, I will wait a little while for a replacement, then declare all troops to be on permanent 'hold'.