I was wondering if anyone would like to start up an ingress-based RP.

For those that do not know what is this Ingress is. Ingress is an augmented reality game you play on your phone. Ever since the Cern tests a few years back it has released a particle known as Exotic Matter (XM for Short) into the world. It is up to the player to gather the XM to use to capture objects known as portals which can be either monuments, historical sites, and other places of significance. It is at its simplest form a game of capture the flag and territories playing against each other in two separate factions.

Their is the Enlightenment which believes that XM particles are the gateway to humanities evolution and that their are higher beings that will help us along the way. This has lead to some to pursue this goal with extreme zealot-ism believing these higher beings is humanity's savior from all their troubles.

Based on experience: The Enlightened faction is like all factions a mixed bag of tricks. But what stands out to define the group is a feeling of superiority above the other faction, Heavy hitters that play to no end (eat, sleep, ingress), and above all else willing to go to whatever length to achieve their goals. Group tactics are the key to their success. Their groups of more organized than their Resistance counterparts in most respects, however that trend has started to be challenged.

The second faction is the Resistance, under the guidance of an AI of unknown origin known as ADA (a detection algorithm) they stand to stop the spread of XM. This has led to some intrafaction conflict on with a rough 50-50 split on how to use XM particles. One side wants the complete eradication of XM while others want to use it for Humanity's benefit, however what sets this sect apart from the Enlightenment is that they want Humans to make their own destiny free of interference from other groups (Higher beings).

Based on experience: The Resistance prefers to solo tactics making it to where everyone is skilled to equal level this leads to a general standard but there are fewer who at higher levels. Very independent minded and refuses to follow orders unless it serves a common interest. Most think logically in terms of attack but prefer tactics that follow terrorist/guerrilla fighters keeping the enemy off balance and not sure where the next attack would be at.

The Story:

In the near future the game has picked up more players however there is starting to be a fundamental change with the interconnectivity of the world through media the internet has actually become physical effectively becoming augmented reality or Reality 2.0 (See Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne later chapters to take my meaning). You play a member of a faction and you may have been a casual or pro player at the game however something has fundamentally changed. Your abilities in the game start to actually effect the world around you. XM Busters and other gadgets from the game start to effect you enough to where it can change the world. However forces are going to want to use you and your whole life will be turned upside down. Now it is up to you and few other to find answers and if this game was actually the grand plan of some higher beings or something more sinister.