Alright, let's keep this quick and simple:

I'm looking for partners to write with! *Gasp!* What a surprise!

So, a little bit about me:

  • I'm 26 and female, and strongly prefer to play characters around a similar age. High-school rps have pretty much lost their appeal by now. I can play both males and females, though admittedly, I do have a preference towards the latter. Still, with a good plot, I don't mind picking up a male role or doubling up.[/*]
  • I do not have many limits or boundaries that I am not willing to cross. I like to experiment with new subjects and odd plots, and I do have a fondness for dark undertones to my rps. Swearing, violence or gore definitely isn't an issue, and I have no problem with sexual content, as long as it fits the story. If there's something you'd like to try but aren't certain of: pitch me the idea, I might be up for it![/*]
  • I prefer modern rps, from every day life to the supernatural. I also like apocalyptic, dystopian and survival rps. I occasionally dabble in some fantasy as well. I'm not too fond of space-age or war-based rps, but again, a good plot is everything. If it's interesting enough, I'll give it a shot![/*]
  • I like conflict. My characters won't automatically fall in love. They can be bitches and assholes. They can be difficult to get along with. They tend to be independent and sometimes opinionated. If this puts you off... I'm probably not the partner for you.[/*]
  • I prefer to rp somewhere between casual and advanced. I prefer to stick somewhere to “high-casual”, with just enough detail and depth to keep it interesting, without it turning into a tediously long drone.[/*]
  • Frequency: I can generally manage at least a post a day, but as I work full-time, I occasionally might not be able to.[/*]
  • Grammar and spelling: I'm not a teacher, and I definitely won't be painstakingly combing over your work for the tiniest little mistake. But, please be literate. The odd mistake certainly isn't a deal-breaker, as long as it isn't every other word.[/*]

Here's a few pairings I'm currently interested in, but feel free to suggest others!
Note: Not all of these have a plot ready and waiting, but we can work things out together!

*Possible Plot for it

[*]*Young Adult x Childhood Imaginary Friend[/*]
[*]*Rancher's Daughter x New Ranch Hand[/*]
[*]*Dragon x Dragonrider [/*]
[*]Enemies forced to work together[/*]
[*]Supernatural Hunter x Local[/*]
[*]Cult Member x Outsider[/*]
[*]*Ex-Incarcerated x Dealer's Girlfriend[/*]
[*]*Slaver x Slave[/*] >/list]


Looking for possible story-partners to these characters:

Anyway, if you're interested, please PM me!