"Monsters are tragic beings; they are born too tall, too strong, too heavy, they are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy"
- Ishiro Honda

Hello! I am very excited the Guild has made a triumphant return and, with the start of this new site I would like to bring forward an idea. I have had an itch for quite some time to create a Survival RP based in a world where a certain radioactive lizard awoke to wreak havoc upon the world. An RP not set Post-Apocalypse, but rather in the beginning. Shifts in the Earth's climate and ecosystems awakens Godzilla from his centuries long slumber. Godzilla would then proceed to become Nature's executioner, punishing man for his irreversible damage to the Earth. Our characters could be officers, businessmen, construction workers; everyday citizens caught in a living hell as the beast carves a path of destruction across the planet.

I have been torn between making this in the Advanced forum, and I may end up posting this in both, as I wish for this to be a serious RP with a dark tone. Story-driving characters such as scientists and high-ranking soldiers will be played by myself, but I will also have a character playing a part as well. You can play as many characters as you feel you can handle in this, but I would advise against having too many, just so the story (and our posts) don't get out of hand. I would like for any major plot ideas to be brought by me first, but I definitely want to build the plot with everyone involved! Seeing as this is just an Interest Check, I'm going to stop here. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

A little about myself:

- I love stories with dark tones and violence. Survival, Post-Apocalyptic, and Sci-Fi are my favorite genres to dwell in, but I am not against branching out.
- I prefer not to involve detailed sex in story-telling. Allusions to the fact that it happened I don't mind, but I prefer to leave actual sex scenes out of the RP. That does not mean I am against romance, however. Love, especially in stories such as this one, can make for some very powerful moments and excellent character development.
- I write what I feel is needed for the situation. Conversations are scenes where I write short posts. I don't feel there's much to be explained, save for inner thoughts, while two individuals are conversing. Scenes such as setting or major events (i.e. a battle or evacuation) will have longer, more in-depth posts to fit what is necessary. If your post is short, but well-written, then I will not mind. Quality over quantity. I also tend to reflect what I am given.
- I can post anywhere from once to four times in a day. School is slow right now, so my life consists of RPs and Netflix, so between marathons of Dexter and Breaking Bad, I will be on here with the Guild!

That about does it! As I said, feel free to ask any questions and I'll put up an OOC when/if I get a few interested!