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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Fayth Morrow

Wind whisper through leaves and grass. Even particles of dust rolled in the breeze, and Fay could hear it. Panic subsided, drifted like sand in the ocean tides. But still remained, never gone forever. Her senses picked up on everything now. Sensitive to every last detail. The drops of Anton's blood where Kalib took her off to. Buzzing from bugs in the night, even the faint footsteps that came nearer and nearer to her. Fayth clenched her fists tight. Nails digging into her own skin, near the point of drawing blood. Soon she moved into the directions of the footsteps.

Then came the voice. A girl. Not the voice of anyone she was familiar with. Fay continued on until she came face to face with the stranger. It must have been a shock. Her dyed blonde hair with blood in it. Red all over her hands, her cheeks. She stared at Vanessa, looking her over. Letting her scent wash over. Eyes finally went from violet to her human blue. Not violent, not on the verge of insanity. This time around Fay glanced all around herself. Like she was in a daze. Lost in a world where no one could reach her. Until her gaze met Vanessa's.

"You shouldn't be here. It's not safe. You're not safe. You should go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Vanessa looked at the girl and smelled that most of the blood she was covered in wasn't hers. She saw the change in her eyes and gave the girl a warm smile. "Don't you worry" she said and did a few steps to her. "I'm a friend, and I wanna help you" she said and from her bag she took a bottle of water. "Here.. Drink something.. It will help you staying calm, don't worry I'm not a hunter.. I am just like you" she said with still a warm smile around her lips.

She kneeled down, thirty centimetres away from her. "My name is Vanessa.. I come from Las Vegas" she said. "My pack is murdered by hunters, I came here in search for a new pack.. Who are you?" She asked, she used her omega 'skills' to calm the girl and give her the trust she needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Fayth Morrow

A friend? Fayth nearly laughed, but she was too exhausted to do even that. Friends were scarce, even those in her current pack weren't close enough to truly know about her. To know everything was to invite the darkness that came with it. Could anyone accept it? Accept her? Fay was ready to smack the water bottle down to the ground and reject her, but the blood on her hands. She needed to be rid of it. Rather than drink, Fay remained silent as she listened to Vanessa speak. Pouring the cool liquid over her hands and rubbing them clean. Then she splashed it up to her face, getting rid of the stains as much as possible. Fayth could tell the new girl was trying to keep her calm, that she was a wolf, but the way she spoke made Fay grit her teeth in frustration.

Finally she took a small gulp of water. Breathing out in some relief as her head became a little more clear.

"I'm not just like you, you're not like me. And you're not going to be my friend by showing up out of nowhere." Fay crushed the empty bottle and tossed it aside.

"Did he send you? Is that what this is?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Vanessa saw and heard that the soft omega way of helping didn't work so she got up and looked at the girl. ''Listen, I can easily leave you here in all your spite and your bad feelings, I ain't the one that attacked someone which, probably, was innocent'' she said and she raised a brow at the girl. ''True, I am not your friend, and I guess that with that attitude of you, we never will become anything closer than two wolves that live in the same town but don't think that my Omega status is something that can't make me be a Beta.. I was a Beta, close to being a Alpha even.. My family got killed and I decided that I could better survive as a Omega so I took on the Omega rank for my own safety'' she said and raised a eyebrow. She wasn't the kind of person that would easily be defeated by someone that she didn't know.

''I don't know who this He is.. But I guess I don't even care enough to get to know who or what you mean.. If you had listened carefully I told you: I just arrived here and smelled the blood which make me throw away the coffee I just had bought and get over here because that is my nature and all I came here to do is help you but its okay.. go swim in your own pity and anger'' she said and turned around, she took her bag from the ground and walked away. She simply wasn't gonna let some stranger ruin her good mood and if this girl though she was some goddess then she was very wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kalib held onto Anton's hand as far as he the doctors let him but had to let go once they got to the surgery room doors. A nurse blocked his way and ask him some question about Anton but he could only give the nurse her name before he was told to go back to the waiting area. He didn't need to be directed, he knew only only family and people close to Anton would be able to see her once she's out of surgery. With a dazed look on his face, he went back and sat on a chair. From there he waited for what seemed like hours as the doctors did what they needed to help Anton.

A scent wafted to his nostrils. A sharp, metallic smell he had learned to identify when he was away from home. "Silver." He thought, the light of awareness coming back into his eyes as he glanced around. He tried to look inconspicuous as he searched with his eyes which way the smell was coming from. But then there was something else, something a little bit more familiar. "A wolf?" It didn't smell like Anton's scent; her's was covered by the heavy blood smell anyway. It made him curious but not curious enough to move to look for the source just yet. He had to be smart about this. New wolves in town was sometimes a touchy thing after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


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Carlson made his way to the hospital with haste, reguardless of his distaste for them. it wasn't really the insitution of the hospital that he disliked, moreso the smell. it was rather.... unplesant. but that wasn't important. He headed up to Kalib, and approached him "Status?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Vanessa decided to get herself a new coffee and then do some research for the packs around here, maybe the one man she saw from a distance carrying the injured girl could help her! She took a walk to the hospital, sipping from her coffee and not rushing this time. That girl she had met first sure could use someone that would show her where she stood in this world, she shook her head and sighed. She was close to the hospital and smelled two wolves now, she waited for a few minutes, not really knowing what to do. She was a newbie in town and most packs didn't like it when newbies sniffed around in their territory but she really didn't know where else to go too meet other wolves. She took the last sip of her coffee and took a deep breath.

She then entered the hospital and literally followed her nose, she saw two wolves standing together and she didn't know what to do now. As a omega she should not just step up to them but she didn't want to wait till they noticed her and would talk to her. One wolf asked the other what the status was, in his way of standing, talking, and looking at the other wolf she could tell he probably was a Aplha. Right what she actually needed! She did a few steps closer but then waited, they where probably busy with the pack member that was so injured.. She took a step back and decided to sit down on one of the chairs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"The nurse told me that Anton's in a bad way. She'll need stitches at the least and the doctors are going to need to examine her head to see if her brain's ok. . ." He hesitated. Something must have happened to Fay for her to act like that. He didn't want to get her in trouble if something bad was already up. So he avoided the subject, lowering his voice so only Carlson could hear. "I smelled silver and another wolf here. It seems like its coming from one of the patient rooms but I can't go over or the nurses will think I'm up to something."

Kalib sniffed and caught another new scent. "What?" Immediately he looked up and was able to see where the scent is coming from. It was a girl. "Who's she and what's she doing here?" Noticing his own mistake of staring a little too openly, he averted his gaze to not seem so weird. He was sure Carlson could take the hint and maybe, y'know, do something alpha-y.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carlson listened carefully to what Kalib said, and drank in the information that there was another werewolf both in the hospital as a patient, and right near them. The silver was disquieting "Alright, thank you, Kalib. Keep an ear out for Anton's doctor, or whoever you are getting your information on, and inform me on whether she dies or not." he instructed, and looked at Vanessa. He walked over to her moving his braid to the side to let the back of his neck cool off, and he calmly put his hands in his pockets.

"Can I help you?" he asked, perfectly calm
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa looked up and smiled softly at the man standing in front of her, she kept her place on the chair but did look in his eyes. ''My name is Vanessa. I am new in town.. And the smell of the blood from that girl he'' she said and pointed at Kalib for a second before continuing. ''carried all the way here from the dump kinda made me worry.. I am the same as you.. just two ranks lower.. I kinda followed my nose, first ended up at the dump where a pretty rude girl told me to back off simply by her way even though I tried to help.. and then I decided to see if I could help..'' she said and stood up this time, she was smaller than the Alpha in front of her and she did a small step back so she could easily look at him.

''My pack.. Family, was killed... I hope too find a new pack here... I used to be a beta but to survive I lowered myself too a omega'' she said, whispering so the humans in the room wouldn't hear what they where talking about. ''I didn't try to stick my nose in your business, though its hard when almost the whole town smells like it'' she said, the last bit as a joke and she smiled at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Lowered? Betas are the basic members of the pack. Omegas are our peacekeepers, the most important job next to mine" Carlson raised an eyebrow to her "you cannot "lessen yourself" to an omega." He kept his hands in his pockets "now, where are you from?" He asked. Despite his bluntness, he did not sound at all threatening. He knew that for people smaller than him (particularly werewolves) all he had to do was square his shoulders and he'd look intimidating, so what was the point of being threatening to someone obviously in a bad way? Carlson was many things, but a bully and a jerk were not in his repertoire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

''That sure is true but in the Latin alphabet Omega is the last in line.. There for used to say your the lowest rank in a group'' she said but smiled. ''anyway.. then I would be a Beta, that is fine by me too.. I am from Las Vegas, it is a real change but I like it here and I hope too find a good pack which will become as a new family'' she said. She looked at him but didn't feel threatened, he was taller for sure but she saw in his eyes that he was a nice guy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He watched Carlson go to the girl but didn't stay long to listen, instead going to the nurses station to ask for any update. The nurse apologetically told him there weren't any updates from the doctor and said she'd come over if there was any new developments. Disheartened, Kalib sighed as he had hoped Anton would be at least out of surgery by now. He needed to run, or walk, or do something while he waited. Sitting was unbearable. Somewhere in the back of his mind he imagined that maybe his parents or friends sat in a waiting room like this, waiting for the blood found in the forest to be tested and hoping that it wasn't Kalib's blood.

Pushing that from his mind and regretting even thinking like that, he spotted a vending machine down a hall adjacent to the waiting area. He walked slowly to the machine of snacks, quietly smelling for the other werewolf and the silver. By the time he stood in front of the vendor, staring at the mini-pretzels, he scented out the silver. "Room 105." He dug into his pants pocket and fished out some coins to put in the machine, acting as normally as he could for a guy in a hospital waiting for their friend. It wasn't until he put the third quarter in that he smelled the gunpowder. Looking with his peripherals, he saw a tall man in the doorway of room 105 and felt his throat go dry. Ejecting the coins from the machine he moved over to the drinks one closer to the room, fishing more money and picking an energy drink.

The scent of gunpowder, silver, and earthen flavors were coming from the room and he didn't like it at all. He sensed movement behind him and guessed the tall man went into the room and shut the door. If he was a hunter, then Kalib's friends were in for some trouble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carlson smiled. "Well, with your attitude, I think you might fit im well with my pack. We live right here in the city, and your timing is very apt, as the full moon is tomorrow, so we can indite you very quickly" He assured "And for future reference, no one here really cares much for the order of the Latin alphabet" he attempted to jest, but only lightly "I am here because a member of my pack was apparently injured by another member. I am here to wait her surgery out." He explained the situation
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa smiled and nodded. ''What is the girls name? I might be able to help... I just wanna try something, please let me show you that even though I am a regular member, I can be very useful'' she said with a smile and nodded again. ''I know, I know... Thank you for the opportunity to join your pack'' she said with a smile and slowly started to walk to the other man. ''hello.. I am Vanessa'' she said with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Blinking out of focus with the door, his attention was got by the girl. Vanessa, was it? "Oh, I'm Kalib." He inserted his coins into the machine and watched it work as he talked. "You new here?" His usual friendly disposition was thrown off by the knowledge of danger literally behind that door and he felt a smidge bad that he couldn't be more welcoming at the moment. Quickly he took his energy drink, walking with Vanessa back down the hall and hoping the hunters wouldn't notice them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

''Yes, just arrived actually.. Ehm, I am wondering, what is the name of the girl that you brought in here? You seem to be concerned which of course is normal when a pack member is wounded but something is telling me that you don't know much about her status'' she said and laid a hand on his shoulder. She had noticed the smell of silver and looked at the door he had looked at, she didn't know what to think but she was now more concerned about the man she was talking with.

''Your alpha asked me if I wanted to join, I would totally love too and I bet there is a try out trial which I totally would love to start with from now on'' she said and sat down, she tapped on the chair next to her. ''I am a regular member'' she said so for any other it would sound like they are talking about some group event or something. She smiled at Kalib and then looked up at the Alpha again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kalib didn't take the seat, looking grim about the happenings of the day and uncertain about this new wolf in the pack. "Her name's Anton, and she'll be fine." He said, curter than he wanted. "It's nice to meet you, Vanessa. Welcome to the group." It's not that he had anything against her but it did make him a little confused. From the blood guy in the bar and the thing with Fay, he wasn't really up for making friends at the moment. He didn't mean anything by being rude.

"I just. . . Give me a moment." He strode over to Carlson and began to inform him of what he found in a whispered voice. "Boss, there are hunters here; in room 105. What should we do? Anton's still in surgery with the doctors and we can't just sit here." The anxiety in his voice did nothing to make Kalib feel better. He felt his worry almost turning into panic. It was just a very bad night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carlson took every word that Kalib said seriously. He was one of his best Omegas, and he wouldn't take the threat. However, Carlson showed no fear or tense-ness. "Remain Calm, Kalib. We have to be inconspicuous. There is no way for them to know that we are weres unless they have seen us before. Are they familiar scents?" He asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yeah, I think." He rubbed his nose. "There was the guy, I think, from the bar all bloody and stuff. Smells like he got all cleaned up but yeah, here's there. There were also two other smells: another guy's and a girl's?" For a moment he had to think over what he scented. From the shock of scenting out their natural enemy, he was worried he might have forgotten something. "And I think the other werewolf was there, or at least used to be." Kalib added in a hushed voice. "What do you think it means?" With his question came a sense of calming down. Surely Carlson would have some idea of what to do.
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