Howdy people,

I am looking once more looking for a lit. partner who loves story building and character development. I am open to developing the plot ideas I already have in mind.Below is the list of cannon and OC characters I would love to play with, the two semi plot ideas I have along with a sample post. I do ask who ever takes this rp can post a couple meaty paras.

Male characters I am looking for
A ranger from the north.
An high elf from mirkwood
A rider of rohan.
Bard the bowmen.
open to suggestion.

Story idea #1 (For an elf)

He liked nature. Being about nature. Something not uncommon for elves but he seemed to take it to extremes. One time out in their lands he caught the trail of a wounded animal. It seemed the creature was in pain and it would only be right to put the creature out of its misery. When he found the creature what he also found was what looked human but moved and sounded like a animal. It was only pity for the creature that stayed his hand that day. Still something about it caught his attention. The more time he spent around it the more he realized she was intelligent. Maybe if he brought back more of her humanity he could learn what had brought her here and how she ended up in such a state.

Story idea #2 (For a Dunedain)

Her lands where all but destroyed during the time of Sauron leaving the young skin changer on her own. Always living just outside human society and only staying in human cities long enough to earn enough gold to by supplies. Truly out in the wilds is where her heart lies. Unlike most skin changers she takes the form of a great white wolf. This one is open since it can take place before lord of the rings, during or after.

Posting sample

The winter night was cold and thick as it seemed to have been snowing for days. Only an idiot or a desperate creature would be out on a night like tonight. She was a mix of both. An idiot for living among the sons of man for as long as she had and desperate to put some distance between them. The cold winter air howled and whipped as more snow fell. A few miles ago she had given up traveling in her human form finding the sleek white wolf form traveled so much better through the deep snow. By now she was miles away from the last human settlement she had stayed in. She was prepared to move on to the next. With the threat of the dark one growing again the attacks by orcs had been growing in numbers which made entering into downs difficult. People where becoming suspicious of outsiders.

Coming to a stop she felt the cold air brushing over her fur as she looked around much of the landscape clouded with the snow storm that had settled into the area. For the most part the smell around her was normal. Wood, deer, rabbits....and blood? That wasn't something normal. Not when the blood smelled of a Dunedain. Her ears perked up as she slowly started following the trail of the scent quickly picking up speed.

The closer she got to the scent the more things where becoming clear. The blood of a Duendain and the smell of Orcs. None of this boded well for the duendain since she could tell form the smell that he was greatly outnumbered and wounded. As the smell grew stronger her steps slowed as she slowly moved over a small perch that rested above the area where the battle was taken place. Hunkering down she slowly crawled forward she looked over the scene below noticing that the Duendain was indeed in trouble having been back into a corner by an approaching group of Orcs. Normally she would have turned and left leaving the person to their fate. Something about this one though made her stop and see for a little what was going to happen.