Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azuris
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So this is my first draft (not proofread) of an rp I'm thinking about making, minus all the detailed and hopefully interesting information that goes along with it. Just wanted to check to see if anyone was interested in the basic idea before doing all that work.

Also if you've got any ideas for realms and/or gods feel free to throw them at me, I might scream profanities at you because you are the son/daughter of a hamster but go ahead and tell me anyways. I've got a handful thought up but thirteen seems like a lot. I'm looking at you Tray.

Nobody knows everything, not really. The world is just a fractured truth, a small and misshapen piece of an incomprehensible puzzle. Even the gods are subject to the natural ignorance that shapes the realms. There are thirteen, we think, thirteen realms that were crafted by the creators. There are thirteen distinct worlds that exist against the backdrop of the chaos, hiding its horrors behind a thin yet impenetrable wall of reality.

This story, like all others, is merely a short narrative taking place in an endless eternity. It began, as all stories do, with the creation of this world. The first creator, a nameless creator, crafted the world before abandoning it. In his absence a lot of unimportant things happened. They gained more and more knowledge until they finally gained the power to open the veil beyond their reality, beyond the limited truth that they knew. This… was a mistake.

They discovered the other realms, sure, but they also were discovered by the horrors that are the dimensional gods. The residents of that world, the humans, fought back against their unknown threat as best they could. Their world on the brink of collapse, their race consumed to near extinction, but through that hell they developed the weapons that could slay even gods, the Longinus.

With no small effort the humans managed push back the dimensional gods. Decades passed, and after bickering, studying, and learning, the humans created the group known as FATE, a group of individuals whose job it was to explore the chaos, the dimensional gods and the other realms. Originally their goal was merely to study, however with each exploration the dimensional gods became more and more emboldened. Perhaps they had not realized that the realms could be entered so easily or perhaps when the humans entered a realm they left the door open behind them.

Either way the dimensional gods became violent. FATE’s objective changed from research to protection of the realms. Eventually other realm’s residents that could use the Longinus were discovered, and accepted into fate, and these people were recruited.

Many realms also host a pantheon of terrestrial gods, deities who rule over the realm. They know only of their own supremacy and the nature of the realms they regulate, and see both FATE and the dimensional gods as invaders. These deities often time clash with both, despite FATE’s continued efforts for cooperation.

The Realms

There are thirteen known realms within the chaos. They are numbered by the order discovered by FATE, as opposed to the order of their creation. FATE has the ability to observe these realms externally to some degree, and has already determined a realm’s societies, language, and rules. Between the realms is what is known as chaos, a white void inhabited by the strange entities known as the dimensional gods. It also has strange structures, temples, complex mazes, and sometimes even detached patches of land that still act as though they were part of a larger world floating randomly in it.

The realms are made of an energy called divinity, and they not only consist of it but emit it and wash it out into Chaos. From the outside they look to be large black suns blazing against the backdrop of non-reality. Divinity is spewed out violently from the surface of the realms similar to how plasma, light and heat flare up from the surface of a star. They are cold, however, and hard and deadly to touch.

Although there is no air in Chaos anything can, potentially, survive in it. Each structure or island within it operates under different physical laws as well. Despite this the only creatures that actually dwell here are the dimensional gods, who take a variety of shapes and forms but all share the common trait of being carnivorous towards anything with any divinity.

The Thirteen Realms are
[Need to insert information on each individual realm]

Realm Number
Realm Name
Cultural Parallel (ex. Europe, Japan, Egypt, ect)



It is the proof of life, the drive of creation. The spark of divinity is the inspiration, the soul, the order that separates something that still breath from something that does not. All living things generate divinity in some small degree, however the amount of divinity found in a single mortal creature is too sparse to be of use. Mortal’s divinity can increase under several conditions, however, such as when they fight in wars or intact acts of worship. This divinity is then absorbed by deities. In this way gods use the massive populations of mortals to acquire large amounts of divinity.

Gods themselves are life made of raw divinity, and with their massive power they can shape the world around them. Even if they have no followers the world itself produces divinity from which they may survive, and this divinity flows out of the realm and into the chaos, creating and feeding the dimensional gods. If a being obtains enough divinity then they can even create a world that suits their tastes.


Gods are entities that are born of raw divinity. Their origin varies, some are made by a creator who shapes them by manipulating raw divinity, others are born from preexisting gods, and a few were originally mortals or demigods that managed to gain enough divinity to ascend past their mortal coil. Gods are immortal, to a degree, but are subject to various influences. They usually remain abstract; within the realm they reside and yet not physically present anywhere.
Gods can be separated into two categories, dimensional and terrestrial.

Dimensional Gods –
This refers to entities who reside in the chaos. Their forms are very diverse, some having the forms of monsters and demons while others might looks like angels or proper deities. Usually they resemble creatures of myth that exist within the realm they were born around, although not always. Their forms are born from the divinity produced by the realms, and they usually don’t stray far from the realm in which they were born. It is hard to say whether it is due to their proximity that the people of that realm thought of that form or whether they were made that way because the people had imagined it.

Many times a dimensional god will dwell in a temple or landmass floating in the chaos, and rarely through some means a mortal, demigod or deity will find their way to that mass. Equally as rarely, although much more common recently, a dimensional god will find their way into the realm of mortals. Most dimensional gods will simply devour humans or other living things that produce divinity on site, although most have the intellect and capacity for communications they see no need to.

There are an innumerable amount of dimensional gods living in the chaos, swimming around it like it was a great ocean. They understand more about it, perhaps, than those from without. Deep within the chaos are extremely powerful dimensional gods, but most of them are notably weaker than their terrestrial counterparts.

Terrestrial Gods –
Terrestrial Gods are entities born within a realm. Some were created by the creator, whether they realize this or not, and are made into the image he imagined them. Others were made through procreation of some kind, usually the normal sort but in some cases they were born from the remnants or pieces of another god. Rarely the gods will grant a lesser being godhood, or a lesser being will take godhood for themselves. Even more rare is when a dimensional god manages to acquire the position of a terrestrial god, and mutates in order to fulfill the role. While not unheard of it is extremely uncommon.

Terrestrial Gods can create spaces or realms within a world that are unique onto them, projecting a special area that reflects their domain. These special places, although part of the realm, are normally inaccessible to most humans and awe inspiring if seen by humans. Gods may refer to them as a separate dimension, but this is out of their own ignorance. All the gods in all the realms believe their realm to be all that there is, and none are capable of leaving the realm, they are bound to it tightly. This certainty reinforces their roles within the world.

These gods often time take interest in mortals. Most gods realize that they should be worshipped, although none truly understand the flow of divinity that gives them greater strength. Some gods place a great amount of importance on worship, withholding or promising blessings for it. Others see it as secondary to their roles and desires. Others still ignore it all together in preference of other means of gathering divinity, such as war or death.

Terrestrial Gods also have varied personalities and motivations within the world. Some realize that they are part of a larger machination, an order that must be preserved for the good of all, and so regulate their roles. Many only exercise their desires or manifest their powers, or plot and scheme against other gods. A few live their eternal lives content with their station and yet feeling no responsibility to it. Most gods believe themselves as the highest authority.

Demigods –
Much like one would expect a demigod is the child of a mortal and a god. They possess and produce large amounts of divinity, so much so that at times their powers can rival gods. They are stronger, faster and even in many cases more intelligent than most mortals; however they can’t use magic or other mortal arts. They can, however, create, acquire, and wield legendary weapons and arts.
Legendary Weapons refer to artifacts or weapons that are forged or imbued with large amounts of divinity, giving them unique attributes and abilities. These weapons can be acquired from gods or forged through their own divinity, providing they can acquire the power. These weapons feed off their divinity, and normal mortals and gods alike are unable to wield them because of this. Using these weapons some demigods can even rival the terrestrial gods.
Demigods possess a mortal body, however, and are capable of dying. Every demigod meets one of two fates, they either die or ascend. Most die in battle or in some comical manner, after asserting their heroism and greatness they are often times slain by the very people they tried to save or allow their hubris to get the best of them. A few simply fade away with old age. Every once in a while though a demigod ascends, their acquired divinity being great enough for them to imprint their entire being onto it and leave behind their mortal coil to become a god.

Mortals –
Mortals are mortals, small and fragile species that exist in each realm. They far outnumber gods and demigods, and through ingenuity, spirit and effort they have survived in cruel and unforgiving worlds and shaped it far more than either. Mortals possess a variety of abilities known as the mortal arts. These abilities are ones gained through years of study, effort, and requiring skill, and vary from realm to realm.

These abilities, often times called magic, function by the rules of the world around them. Thus they become unusable in any realm other than their own unless the person uses a familiar, a being who is made from or represents the essence of the world itself. These familiars not only boost a person’s ability in their own world but allow for them to use their brand of magic off world. The process for making a familiar is complex and very difficult, however more mature practitioners will often time make familiars for novices to help guide them. Although each realm has different magic they all have familiars.

Even with a familiar present magic will be weaker in a realm that is not its own. Because of this most studiers of magic that have managed to traverse beyond their home with their magic have not been able to return, and studies involving it are rare.
Although a mortal is weaker than a god their magic is often times a much more effective weapon against a fate operative than even a deity.

Fate –
Members of FATE use mostly science to operate, magic not existing in their realm. Because of this they are more likely to use machines and guns in their own world, and have sent probes and satellites out into Chaos. They also possess the End Gate, a gate that can temporarily be used to open and close pathways into the realms. Usually they travel through the realms in ships that can house a small team that can cloak itself. The ships can transport a person into or out of a realm from within certain proximity, and so it usually stays outside of the realm it is trying to enter.

Active field operative of FATE can also use a Longinus, which has been implanted into their right arm. It takes the form of a small gem and several black veins running across the hand, down each finger and up the arm to the elbow. Upon activating it will produce a weapon of some sort (I should have more information about it somewhere) which can nullify divinity and thus allow the user to fight even the most powerful of gods. The conditions for using it are complicated, however a person who can use magic can’t use the Longinus, and so most members of FATE are the magically impaired.

Despite FATE originating in the first realm they have recruited candidates for Longinus from every other discovered realm at some point. Their primary objective is to eliminate any dimensional gods that manage to infiltrate the worlds, preferably while remaining undetected or without affecting the world too much. Because of this they usually use disguises or aliases, although anybody who is actually compatible with Longinus will be able to sense the weapon itself, even when it is within another person.

Creators (not playable)–

This title is given to any entity whose divinity is high enough to create a realm. Theoretically anything and anyone can become a creator, whether they are mortal, demigod or either type of god, providing that they can acquire the divinity. Currently no creators are present within any realm and aside from vague legends or the testimony of the eldest of gods nothing is known about them. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere deep within Chaos?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


Member Offline since relaunch

Just saw this. You always make good rps, so I'll definitely join if you make this.
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