Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyDove09


Member Seen 15 days ago

She put her food down and took a deep breath. "Ok, so you irritated Apollo. Probably not the brightest idea anyone has ever had." She said slowly. The whole idea of the old gods being around a little hard to grasp, but hey, why not go with it. At least for now. She sighed and ran a hand through her dark auburn hair.

"Well, It sounds to me, and this is just a theory, that instead of embracing the lesson you are running from it. Have you ever bothered to get close to someone? I mean really close. Have them be the first person you think about in the morning, the last person you think of at night?" She sat up in the chair swinging her legs around so she was now sitting in the chair properly.

"You said you didn't know the meaning of having people close that you cared about. Do you yet? Could you get hurt? Sure! But you know what, so could I. Hell I did. I have lost friends and family. It has nothing to do with never dying James. I think the problem is you have never learned how to LIVE."

She stood up making sure he could really get a good look at her. "Life is all about loving, and yes sometimes losing. No one, present company excluded, lives forever. I mean sure. I could never make friends, never fall in love, never get married or have kids, but have I really lived my life if I hide away from all that?" She demanded to know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She had a point, that was the first thought that went through his head. "Your the first person I've actually gotten to know over the last few years. Though I guess I can live a life like any normal person alright Sam I'll try no more hiding no more running." He reached out to take her hand, "thanks its hard to get through this thick skull of mine."

He smiled some, "I may have all this weight on my shoulders from old memories, but all I can do is push through that and start anew. Sam thanks for this I really needed some sense beat into me." He smiled some, at that his grip tightening some. "Plus I may have bad communication skills because I'm out of my own time here."

Letting out a breath, "I will be really happy once I'm out of both these casts because they itch." He whined like a child trying to lighten the mood in the room somewhat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyDove09


Member Seen 15 days ago

"No more hiding, no more running." he said and that made her smile. "Glad to hear it." She said giving his hand a squeeze as he grabbed her hand. "It's not going to be easy you know." She sat back down still holding his hand.

"You are going to have a lot of times when you want to just hide away from the world, but you can't. That is when you HAVE to go out. Go to a bar, flirt with the cute waitress. You will have to keep that in mind." She leaned over and laid her head against the edge of the bed with a sigh.

"You are going to have to learn to let those old memories go. Grieve for them, cry, scream, throw a tantrum, but learn to let them go. They will eventually stop you from having the life you want to have. You have to communicate, you have to tell someone what is going on in your head. The more you talk, the better you get at communicating."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He grinned at her words before nodding at that. Sighing when she said times were only going to get harder from now on. "I know its only going to get harder, but I guess I can push through as long as you stay by my side through this since you are my first friend in years."

Nodding at her words to grieve for the people that he had lost. "It'll come out eventually to you anyway since you haven't called me a lunitic or crazy for saying I'm immortal, but I rather keep this off the radar with the doctor. Since I kinda already know what they'll do."

"I want these casts off," he was trying his best to keep the mood in the room light at least since he had put this place in turmoil from dropping the information on her like it was nothing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyDove09


Member Seen 15 days ago

She Smiled and brushed her thumb across his knuckles. "Of course I will be right here with you. We will get you through this no matter what happens. Of course I am not going to CALL you crazy." She said teasing him. She gently slipped her hand out of his and went about starting to clean up after dinner.

"You'll get the casts off... in 6 weeks. Let yourself heal up, unless of course you heal faster than normal. If that's the case I have a sawsall in storage." She said with a grin tossing the empty food containers in the trash and packing up full ones and putting them back in the bag. He would need left overs tomorrow to hold him over until they discharged him.

"So 150 huh?" She asked almost absently like her brain was still trying to process the information. "I bet you have some stories to tell."

(Sorry for delay and short. Got crazy here)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Laughter filled the room, "meh I should CALL you crazy for believing me." He teased setting back into their old rotine joking around he couldn't wait for tomorrow. "I don't heal faster the immortal part just heals the wounds that are fatal quickly then leaving minor wounds or broken bones alone."

He groaned at the six weeks though. He wouldn't be on crutches more like he would be stuck in a wheel chair for six weeks. "The therapy is gonna be a pain in the ass." Because he would have to build the muscle back into both limbs, and it would be hard as hell.

Blinking slightly, "your five years off Sam even though I'm in my hundred I look as handsome as I did in my twenties." He joked before about the stories, "yah I got some stories on me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyDove09


Member Seen 15 days ago

She laughed as he began to joke with her about being crazy. She shook her head and settled back into the chair, it was going to be a long night. "Therapy always sucks. I think that is the point, to make you so miserable you never want to get injured again." She said with a sigh. "You'll make it though. Although something tells me this isn't the first time." She said with a smile.

She just sat there in silence. It was hard to believe he was over one hundred years old. It was going to take her some time to get used to this. It wasn't something you ran across every day. What was she doing just sitting here accepting this like it was normal? Part of her rebelled against the idea, that there was something seriously wrong. The other part of her brain, well she always had been a little off center, why not just go with it.

"Do tell. We have all night, and no new movies." She said kicking her shoes off and curling up in the chair trying to get more comfortable. "You might as well share."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He shrugged, "therapy sucks I already know I broke a bone before they even had all this fancy stuff." Waving his hand around the room. He frowned slightly, thinking on the story to share. "Hmmm alright then lets see when I was a kid having a small hand held device sounded totally crazy didn't listen that it would come true." He was a little out of place as a kid.

"Basically I didn't think it would actually happened it did after awhile though the phones were the size of bricks so I didn't get a cell phone till they got to the smaller flip phones." He was maybe about twenty by then. "Ok fine when they first made the first roller coaster one of my friends dared me to I was scared the hell out of my mind, but I did it never went on one ever since then."

A sad smile came to his face, but it was obvious he was grieving for his friends while he talked about them to her. He felt at ease slightly in her presence not wanting to hide who he was from her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyDove09


Member Seen 15 days ago

She smiled a little and shook her head. "Hell when I was a kid, having a small handheld device that made calls and gave directions was still science fiction." It is always crazy the things you remember when you start thinking back. She could remember a few of those strange little things about growing up too.

She listened to his stories, and her eyes grew wide when he mentioned going on one of the first roller coasters. "Ummm didn't the first roller coasters often break the necks of riders?" She asked slightly horrified. "If that is the case I can see why you have never gone on one again, but they can be fun if you let yourself relax and enjoy the ride."

She sighed and shifted in the chair again. "When you're all healed up maybe we will try an amusement park. You might find you enjoy it after all." She wasn't going to pressure him, but it was important that he get out of his comfort zone. If she let him get comfortable and complacent, he would never make the changes he needed to to start living his life the way he was meant to.

"Maybe not an amusement park, but something out of the ordinary for you. Maybe Seaworld, or the Alamo. Act like a tourist, go do silly things, have fun. You know, start enjoying rather than dreading life."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grinning at that, "they were science fiction back then." When she mentioned going to an amusement park or SeaWorld. "Believe it or not I've been there once alright I may be going to an amusement park, but and only but I'm dragging you onto whatever roller coaster I can find maybe an old wooden one. Let you experience old school."

He nodded at her explanation, "I get the explanation I really do we can if you want seems like your going to be dragging little old me to a lot of places." He chuckled a little at that, "plus I guess I can take you to a good restaurant since I owe you for bringing food for me oh and it was slightly the food that got me hooked on your visit."

He grinned, taking her hand in his. "Looks like I owe you for getting me to stop hiding and running so I will repay you as best as I can." Blue eyes meet the dark brown once more, "and don't try to say I don't because I won't listen it took yelling to get through this skull of mine."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyDove09


Member Seen 15 days ago

She laughed as he threatened to drag her on the roller coasters. "I happen to love roller coasters thank you very much." She said sticking her tongue out at him. "They are a lot of fun actually." She shifted in her chair again trying to get comfortable. She figured taking him out and teaching him how to live life was going to be a lot of fun for both of them. She hoped that he wouldn't fight her on some of their adventures.

She shook her head as he mentioned taking her out to a decent restaurant. "See. I told you it wasn't so much my smiling face as it was the food that came with me." She loved teasing him. She didn't care what they did, if it made him feel better to take her out she was all for it.

Her mood suddenly changed as he mentioned owing her for all she had done, and offered to do. She sat straight up shaking her head. "James, listen to me. There is no price for what friends do for each other. That's how you know true friends. There is never any expectation of repayment. Friends help because they want to." Her face was deadly serious. She was not backing down on this.

"I will hear no more of this 'I owe you' stuff. Just remember, there is no price for what we give to each other."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He groaned at the mention of her loving roller coasters. "Now you've ruined the fun of me dragging you on them nice just nice take all the fun out of that." Really depended at what she would drag him into, "as long as we don't get arrested I'm all for it." He teased her on that. James just felt more at ease in Sam's presence than anyone else's he didn't like the doctors here. Of course he didn't they gave him a head ache.

A chuckle escaped his lips, "so !maybe it was the food and your smiling face its hard to say no when you have a beautiful woman and food in front of a man its hard to say no." He wondered what she would do at that, but he would leave it alone at that. Wondering what her reaction would be at the word beautiful he had put in the sentence though he still thought she was.

Lifting his hand up in surrender when she said she didn't want to hear the I owe you stuff. "Right alright sorry I won't I promise Sam." As long as she didn't complain at him for taking her out for a meal. "Plus with my age I kinda know where good places to eat are."
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