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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gypsy_Lady
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(This is just a temporary picture. I do not claim this art as my own)

Name: Kristoph Verquise

Nickname: Kris, Captain, CK

Species: Human

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Occupation: Sky Pirate Captain

Kristoph is a well built man from years of working on a ship. He stands at almost 6 feet tall, and while he isn't too much taller than most of his crew, he still pretty intimidating. While he looks a bit skinny for a pirate captain, his body is mostly well built muscle. His skin is a deep bronze from spending most of his days outside tending to the ship when he first became a pirate, and more recently from his time spent captaining his ship.
He has unruly shoulder blade length chestnut brown hair that has some slight highlights thanks to his time spent out in the sun. He usually keeps it tied with a black ribbon at the nape of his neck but it still ends up coming loose no matter what he does.
He has dark jade green eyes that sometimes appear almost black depending on the lighting and his mood. They will vary between a lighter almost emerald color to a dark green almost black color.
Kristoph's clothing isn't quite as embellished as some pirate captains. He prefers to wear a simple long sleeved white cotton button up shirt, preferring to keep the top three buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Around his waist is a red silk sash that sets him apart from his crew as he's the only one allowed to wear the sash, the rest make due with whatever they can for a belt. He wears black pants that come down just below his knees and are tucked into a pair of tall black leather boots with silver buckles on them. Over his cotton shirt he normally wears a deep red colored captains coat embellished with silver buttons down the front.

Father - Raphael Verquise(retired captain)
Mother - (Unknown, his father wouldn't speak of her)
Siblings - Emerson Beardall (Unknown if he has any blood siblings)

Kristoph likes to be calculating, he is quite intelligent and considers captaining to be like a form of Chess. He is also a very ruthless man, and has no problem killing innocent people if they refuse to do what he says. His philosophy is if you value your life you'll listen to him. He doesn't have a problem being loud and boisterous, nor is he very subtle. Kristoph is very much a guy in that he likes women, he likes looking, he likes touching, and he has many notches under his belt that he's not afraid to brag about.



A pirate style cutlass meant more for dueling.
A pirate assassin dagger.
A dueling pistol with a flared end.

Since he was but a child of just a year old Kristoph has been on his father boat and part of the crew. His mother had left without a trace once the ship had docked at a port. His father sent out a crew to try to locate the woman but it was almost as if she had vanished.
For the most part even though he had no mother, Kristoph was rather happy to live the life of a pirate. Something most children only dreamed of. As he got old enough to be of some help on the ship Kristoph started off as a deckman, raising the masts and making sure everything was in order on the deck so his other crew mates didn't have any issues should they need to react quickly to a situation. It was when he was a deckman that his father bought Emerson from the orphanage; while Kristoph was younger than him by a couple of years he still sought to make sure that the boy was treated fairly on the deck and not abused by the other crew people. He didn't baby him, but at the same time if it looked like he needed another person on his side Kristoph was there in a heartbeat.
As he grew older Kristoph was moved to more important roles on the ship, although one position he never had and never wanted was being his own fathers first mate. He knew the man chosen for that had many more years of experience. It came as just as much of a surprise to him as to anyone when his father offered him control of the ship when he decided to retire. While he accepted it Kristoph knew that the first mate was angry at the situation. He found his intuition to be correct when the man, in his fury, tried to kill Kristoph. He was quickly taken care of, and it was then that Kristoph appointed Emerson as his first mate, knowing that the two of them could be a dangerous duo.

Name: Zeva "Ze" Tesoro
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Currently seeking employment

Zaria Tesoro (Twin Sister; Alive)
Sewell Tesoro (Father; Deceased)
Lisbeth Tesoro (Mother; Deceased)
Tompkin Vallois (Uncle; Alive)
Daralis Vallois (Aunt; Alive)

Zeva is just a bit shorter than her sister standing at 4'9". Her hair is nearly as curly as Zaria's however the color of her hair is a more brown with dark red highlights weaving through it. Zeva likes to keep her hair shorter with it falling just at her shoulders, normally she keeps her hair in two low pigtails tied with white ribbon to keep her hair in place and out of her face.
Zeva's left eye is an emerald green like the grass on the plains, and her right eye is a pale light blue color.
Zeva normally wears shirts that come down to the tops of her hips. The sleeves are usually midarm length coming down to just above her elbows and are usually a bit flowy in appearance. The color of her shirt varies between light blue or lilac colors. Her pants are usually made of a heavier fabric and are either dark blue or black. The waist normally fits her snugly and as the pant legs get towards the knees they flare out just a bit.

Zeva often likes to be independent. While she would never turn her sister away when she feels the need to protect her, she wants to be allowed to do what she thinks is best. Being the younger of the two sisters by a couple minutes, Zeva feels like she has to prove herself to her sister, her family, and the people around her. Despite this Zeva normally is upbeat and cheerful, but she also has a tendency to rush headfirst into things sometimes not thinking about the consequences

Born in the capital of Tiriene, Eagleharbor as the youngest of the Tesoro twins, Zeva was named after their mother's middle name. She grew up for two years in a happy home full of singing and playing. Their parents noticed that within those two years their eye colors began to change and their daughters would always say the names of places and people that they had never been to or met. Their parents took them to a local shaman on Tiriene where their parents were given instructions to keep their daughters safe and to never speak a word about their dreams. Unfortunately news spread fast on Tiriene and a week after the twins’ second birthday, their village was attacked by pirates. The villagers were hesitant to aid the Tesoro family until the baker and his sons spotted the pirates taking away the toddlers. The baker, a hefty man, quickly interfered and gathered a few more men to help him. The twins were slightly injured - a few bruises and scrapes but otherwise perfectly fine.
They were sent to live with their aunt and uncle in Nightfort, a small mountain village in the heart of Tiriene. While Zeva loves her home of Nightfort, the woman seeks something more outside of the protection of the mountain village.

-Being a rambunctious child, Zeva has had her share of injuries. The most prominent one is a scar that goes from her right shoulder blade down to the bottom of her right ribs. It is from an encounter she had with a wild animal while exploring the forested area around Nightfort.

- Because her connection is to the surface world and the surface coordinates for the treasure, Zeva has always found herself fond of woodland flora and fauna. Wanting nothing more than to be surrounded by the sweet scent of flowers to relax herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Zaria "Zar" Tesoro
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Currently seeking employment

Twin sister
Sewell Tesoro (Father; Deceased)
Lisbeth Tesoro (Mother; Deceased)
Tompkin Vallois (Uncle; Alive)
Daralis Vallois (Aunt; Alive)

Appearance: Zaria stands 4'11" with extremely curly dark red-brown hair that falls to her mid back. She prefers to wear her hair up, with a white ribbon tied around her head that she tucks her hair into. Her left eye is as blue as the skies she was born under while her right eye is a light shade of olive green. Zaria often wears loose fitting dressed with a belt slung around her hips and smaller bands at her elbows and wrists to keep her sleeves from getting in the way. Her clothes are typically brown or dark green.

Personality: Protective since she was able to gain coordination over her arms, Zaria always looks out for her sister and her family. She doesn't remember their mother or father much but she keeps their memory alive by frequently writing simple letters to them, she always burns them later so not even her sister can read them. She has a fondness for the lullabies that her mother used to hum at night; those are the only things that she can ever remember about their parents.

History: Born in the capital of Tiriene, Eagleharbor as the oldest of the Tesoro twins, Zaria was named after their paternal great-grandmother. She grew up for two years in a happy home full of singing and playing. Their parents noticed that within those two years their eye colors began to change and their daughters would always say the names of places and people that they had never been to or met. Their parents took them to a local shaman on Tiriene where their parents were given instructions to keep their daughters safe and to never speak a word about their dreams. Unfortunately news spread fast on Tiriene and a week after the twins’ second birthday, their village was attacked by pirates. The villagers were hesitant to aid the Tesoro family until the baker and his sons spotted the pirates taking away the toddlers. The baker, a hefty man, quickly interfered and gathered a few more men to help him. The twins were slightly injured - a few bruises and scrapes but otherwise perfectly fine.
They were sent to live with their aunt and uncle in Nightfort, a small mountain village in the heart of Tiriene. Nightfort is the place that Zaria calls home and she loves it dearly.

Weapons: N/A

- Zaria broke her leg when she was around ten years old; it has since healed but gives her mild trouble and a slight limp.
- Being connected to the sky coordinates, she has a love for birds and had a few pet birds growing up.

Name: Emerson Beardall
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: First Mate

Thalia Beardall (Mother; Deceased)
Unknown Father (Fate unknown)
Whitby Beardall (Younger brother; Fate unknown)
Thatcher Beardall (Younger brother; Fate unknown)
Kristoph Verquise (Adoptive brother; Alive)

Appearance: Emerson is a relatively tall man, standing an even 6'0 with hair as dark as the night. Emerson keeps his hair long and in a low ponytail. His eyes are a soft blue-gray like his mother's eyes. He sports a simple braided moustache and a slight beard. Emerson favors lighter clothing that allows him the freedom to move; a simple white cotton shirt with short sleeves, a dark leather belt and a pair of black pants that are tucked into his boots (on occasion he's known to go barefoot.) Emerson wears a simple black bandana over his hair to keep the shorter bits out of his eyes while he's working.

Personality: A bit of a bleeding heart, he's out of place on a pirate ship. Emerson is the voice of reason for his captain and his opposite. Where Kristoph brags about the notches on his bed post, Emerson never speaks a word. He's quiet and often takes his time in picking and choosing his words before speaking. Emerson does enjoy the company of others despite his quiet disposition; he'd go insane if he were left alone for extended periods of time. He is strict with the crew and doesn't hesitate in dishing out simple punishments (examples include cleaning the decks and killing the rats but never anything that will put the men in harm's way).

History: Emerson was born to a simple woman who made her living by selling fruit in the markets of Hilarest. He was her oldest son, borne from a night of passion with a handsome man at the tavern. Whitby followed a year later and almost a year and a half after came her youngest son Thatcher. With three young children all under the age of four, Thalia Beardall took up work as a maid in one of the manors owned by the ruling family of Hilarest - The House of Goldborne. Emerson had a simple childhood helping his mother carry a few pieces of laundry down to the washing room before scurrying about with his brothers. They didn't have much but that was alright with Emerson, he was happy. When Emerson was around eight years old an epidemic hit Hilarest. His mother was one of the casualties. After that the Beardall boys were taken in by the Goldbourne family and raised as simple servants. Thatcher was the troublemaker and after one particularly bad beating by their master, the Beardall boys were sent away.
Emerson was separated from his brothers upon arrival at the orphanage. The orphanage had underhanded dealings in human trafficking; they would sell children to pirates and merchant ships alike. Emerson was sold to a pirate crew where he met and befriended Kristoph. He worked as a powder monkey on the ship and eventually worked his way through the ranks.

-Cutlass (He usually keeps it near his bunk)
- Dagger (Keeps it hidden in his boot)
- Pistols (His go-to weapons even though they're a hassle.)

- He has several large scarred over burns on his arms and hands.
- Emerson hopes to find out what happened to his brothers.
- Due to the time spent as a powder monkey, his hearing isn’t all that great.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gypsy_Lady
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm just listing all the important repeat characters I'm playing to keep things in order for when I reference them later on. It's easier then going back through the posts to try to remember names and personalities.

Barley Verton
Pirate Captain and Kristoph's main rival
Age: Approx. 38
A heavier set, shorter man with jet black short hair, a black bushy beard and murky brown eyes. His clothing is that of a typical Pirate Captain, with the embellished captains coat, white cotton shirt, blood red sash, black pants, and black silver buckle boots.
Has a short temper that especially short when things don't go his way. His crew is loyal to him out of fear, because on more than one occasion he's tossed a man overboard for even thinking about mutiny. If you're part of his crew, you're part of it for as long as you live. He likes to drink quite a bit and usually overindulges after a particularly good cargo capture.

Russel "Merk" Quinn
Engine Mechanic for the Silver Arrow
Age: Approx. 45
He wears a white cotton shirt like most pirates, but instead of the normal easy to move in pants that most pirates wear Merk opted to wear overalls because of all the tools he carries around with him. He also wears a brown leather tool belt around his waist that carries even more tools than the overalls. He almost always wears a pair of leather gloves to protect his hands from the steam of the steam engines that are inside of the main engine. He's got some scars on his arms from burns. He wears a pair of tall black heavy boots that have laces so that he can cut the laces if they get caught in the machinery.
A tall man with plenty of muscle from his time spent working on the engine. He towers over Kristoph by a good foot and a half. His hair color was once a light blond, but now days he keeps his head shaven due to him losing his hair, and also because of the heat he has to endure while working in the engine room. His eyes are a watery blue color.
Merk isn't exactly a pirate, but more the behind the scenes man. He is considered part of the crew but, Merk hasn't actually been in too many fights since he doesn't really like fighting due to his size. He thinks of himself as too big and bulky to be any good in anything other than a fist fight. He has a pretty calm personality since he needs to be able to think on his feet when things get heated and dangerous.
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