Let me preface this interest check by just saying, while I'm a huge New World of Darkness (WoD) fan, that loves stems more from books like Hunter and Promethean. At least for the start of the story, turning my original characters over to Geists, Changelings, maybe even Beasts when the book comes out, is an idea that only makes those originally human characters all the more fun to play. But that's just it, I like WoD because I can start a character as a normal old schmuck (or at least seemingly normal in the case of Promethean) and watch him evolve. What I'm trying to say here is that while I can be convinced to play all manor of characters, I don't want to create a vampire/Werewolf/Demon or what have you kind of story. I'm willing to watch characters die, awaken, turn, or fall down a hundred rabbit holes but I want the fall to be a part of the story.

Anyways, I'd wager a lot of people just closed the interest check since they have no idea what I'm talking about, so for anyone unsure of what WoD is here's a little primer.

In short it's the the real world seen through a dark looking glass and filled with monster, both human and otherwise. The setting is a doomed world, albeit rather than overwhelming oppressive cataclysmic impotence and moral degradation, it focuses on hidden horrors, kitchen sink despair and moral degradation. And that is why I love it, for the struggle against impossible odds, because the goal isn't to master anything but to simply keep a grasp on your humanity. With the base book you just try to survive, with Hunter you try to fight back, with Promethean you literally try to gain humanity.

Now that I've gone through all of that I'm going to explain one simple fact. WoD doesn't have a overlaying mythos. This isn't a call of Chutulu kind of setting, things can be removed and added for the sake of the story so don't think you have to go study how all these books I've been listing interact. It's all about the basic setting and overall mood.

So now that I've scarred most folks off lets get on with the interest check proper.

I've got a tendency to play male characters and generally they are of a similar vain (I apply to the 'write who you are' school of logic) and am looking for someone with female characters in this mad world. I want to create a story with a pair of characters who are, at the start, normal people. People who have been through something that changed their world. It won't have been pleasant or peaceful, it will ostracize them from friends and family, it will make them questions their own sanity. And most importantly it will drive them to ask questions, questions that will lead them to each other. They'll watch, study, learn, maybe even fight (my characters will almost always fight, it's a natural aggressiveness), and try to make sense of things going on around them.

From there the characters will develop. Eventually, and I want to stress eventually, they will fall, or rise depending on the situation. The might awaken to the forces of magic, one might be pulled away to the halls of the Fae only to returned Changed, one might decide to dedicate themselves to hunting monsters and protecting his city block or track of woods. One might even be the monster being hunted, or doing the hunting themselves. The story can change whenever it needs too, I've got more ideas then my notebook can handle, I can kill one character, only to have him return at a latter date, and replace him with a Promethean that your character stumbles upon in an old temple.

I hope I'm making sense, if I am shoot me a PM we can brainstorm a starting point and if not it's back to the drawing board for me.

I should probably include all the requirement stuff here as well. I consider myself to be somewhere between the advanced and casual level by which I mean i like to think I'm a decent writer, but I won't pretend that I'm some master of grammar. I take my time on posts, usually 1 or 2 a week, and only hold my partners to the standards I set for myself. It's just an annoyance when I put several hours into a 5 paragraph post only to get a few lines back. I'm interested in the development of characters and so it's a rare thing when I'm not interested to know what they're thinking. Obviously I'm down with adult themes, I've no qualms with blood, violence, language, the works so long as it applies to the characters and the situation. The characters will see horrible things, they'll do horrible things, but they'll also do good things, they'll laugh, they'll cry, they'll be people. Beyond that I can't think of anything pressing and I think I've done a thorough job of running folks off with a lack of clear point by point ideas. It's a talent really.