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Rumplestiltskin - The Dark One

Rumplestiltskin, "The Dark One"


Unknown, seems to have been around forever (at least 300 years old)

Neutral Evil

Status and Job:
The Dark One – Dark Sorcerer | Deal-making

Magic Capabilities:
There is very little that Rumplestiltskin can’t do, however he is unable to traveling in time. Being the best person to understand that magic always comes with a price, he has learned long ago the rules and restrictions of the art of magic. Whether it comes to spell casting, enchanting, cursing, or even potion making, he has done it all - his supply closet constantly full and always seeming to have just what he needs when striking a deal. There isn’t anything he can’t or won’t do to remain superior against other magic users.

Rumplestiltskin mainly uses his magic and sharp mind as a weapon, however he is known to use items such as daggers, swords and a bow and arrow from time to time and can be quite deadly with them.

Rumplestiltskin has the ability to outright make you squirm. He knows how to pull all the right strings to make his puppets dance; and since what he has to offer is always so much greater than what others have to offer him, he can keep the puppet show going on for years at a time. His patience is outmatched by no one, able to sit on a plan for centuries at a time before striking when it benefits him most. He's a phenomenal negotiator, always making sure that he comes out on top in some way, even if it's just the simple notion of taking something useless to him while downright precious to someone else. He also has an uncanny way of telling when he is being lied to, and often-times calls the liar out on it unless he can spin the lie to his advantage in some way.

His knowledge on most all things is unmatched by anyone he has ever come across in his lifetime, his use of magic and power seemingly unlimited of which he as the utmost control over. He is incredibly feared by most (if not all) people in some way, shape or form - notorious for his villainous acts which give him quite the reputation - most of which is the truth to some extent or maybe even worse.

Rumor has it that there is a magical artifact that can kill The Dark One. Rumplestiltskin is what a lot of people in The Enchanted Forest (and any other Kingdom or even realms) would call "unfriendly." He hasn't a true friend to his name despite what people might say about his relationship with The Evil Queen, and with that he is oftentimes seen alone when not making deals with people. He can oftentimes be very head-strong and come off as aggressive and intimidating, making him hard to approach. He also has a vulnerable soft spot in his heart for Belle, a woman who believes to be in love with him, and he with her, but his cowardice continues to push her away any time they become close. He is very quick to anger, having a very short temper, especially when someone brings up his past or his long lost son.

Brief Bio:
Very little is known about Rumplestiltskin himself, as the rumors about him seem to confuse the truth with each passing year. Even those that consider themselves close to the man don't know much of his past, nor do they particularly care as long as he gives them what they want.

Rumplestiltskin is a haunted man. Over three hundred years ago, he was an ordinary man. A poor spinner working hard to provide simply for his wife, Milah. He got his chance, however, when he was called to the front to fight in the Ogres War. However when faced with the harsh reality that he could die, and after being told by a Seer that he was to be a father, Rumplestiltskin injured himself so that he could go home. What he wants others to believe is that moment came from not wanting to leave a child fatherless, but deep down, Rumplestiltskin knows that it came from his own cowardice of not wanting to die - child or no.

When returning home, injured and branded a coward, Milah strayed from his side. Though still married to him, she indulged in other men until she met a pirate she was more than content with leaving Rumplestiltskin and eventually did - leaving Rumplestiltskin a single father. Determined more now than ever to protect his son, Rumplestiltskin had himself and Baelfire flee their home to avoid his son being drafted into the Ogres War. However he was stopped by the army, and forced to turn back. Though on his way back, Rumplestiltskin came across a hooded figure, promising him more power than he could ever imagine. All he had to do was kill him.

Rumplestiltskin was tricked into a curse, taking on the centuries-old role of The Dark One. Overnight, Rumplestiltskin became the most feared man in all the realms, being able to not only save his son, but ending the Ogres War and making himself and his son live in comfort. Baelfire, however, did not take very well to his father's transformation and wanted desperately for his father to rid himself of the curse. However, not able to, Baelfire called upon the Blue Fairy and she in turn gave him a magic bean that would take Baelfire and Rumplestiltskin to a land without magic where the curse could not follow him.

Terrified of losing his power, Rumplestiltskin let go of Baelfire at the last moment, abandoning his son to be sent through the portal to the land without magic on his own. The very second the portal closed, Rumplestiltskin regretted his decision, and has spent every day since planning on how to get himself there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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Regina – The Evil Queen

Regina Mills, "The Evil Queen"



Chaotic Evil

Status and Job:
The Evil Queen – Queen of The Enchanted Forest

Magic Capabilities:
Having been taught by Rumplestiltskin himself, Regina’s magic nearly rivals his own, though she has more of a knack for enchanting objects and ripping out hearts for control than her mentor does. The sole reason Regina wanted to learn magic was to bring back the dead, which she still hasn’t been able to accomplish and has just settled down with the fact that even with magic, it isn’t possible.

Regina’s favored magic abilities include those of the use of magic mirrors, a poisoned apple, disguising herself to look like someone else, taking people’s hearts and brewing potions for her own selfish reasons.

Regina doesn’t have any need for weapons, however she can be caught with a dagger from time to time when magic has failed her (usually hidden in one of her boots) and knows how to wield a sword with master precision.

Regina is the Queen, and therefore has an entire army at her disposal and runs the entire kingdom, her power even branching out to other Kingdoms in their fear of her. She has eyes and ears everywhere; not much goes on in the Enchanted Forest that she doesn’t know about. Her magic aptitude also keeps her on top, as very few can rival her power. She is quick, cunning and manipulative as well as secret and seductive. She can make a person believe to be her friend while she plots on how to make them the most miserable. She is both brash and introverted, making her a deadly threat as she is often unpredictable with her methods.

Although Regina won’t ever admit it, she is very lonely and just wants someone to be there with here even though her harsh personality constantly drives people away (which she does not understand). Also, even though Regina is a very powerful magician, she is still human and can still bleed, therefore is weak to any normal status ailments or weapon. It’s just harder to injure her because she’s so magically protected and can heal herself with a simple spell. She also has a knack for making her superiors constantly proud of her, which drives her to do irrational things in order to prove a point which often makes her work sloppy or unsuccessful.

Brief Bio:
Regina was born in the shadow of her mother who constantly reminded Regina that whatever it was that she did, it was for her "own good." Regina was raised Royally though she wanted no part of it; all she wanted was to ride horses and be free, however her mother would not allow it. Regina grew rebellious and eventually fell in love with the stable boy, Daniel. The two met in secret on a regular basis and one day, Daniel proposed. The two planned on running away together, Regina cared not for her royal future; all she wanted was true love even if her mother didn't approve.

On the afternoon before they were to run off together, Regina heard a little girl’s cry for help and spotted the girl on the back of a spooked horse, running to their sure death. Regina jumped on her own horse and chased them down, eventually stopping the wild horse and saving the little girl's life. It wasn’t until Regina got home that she realized that the little girl was King Leopold’s daughter, Snow White, and King Leopold was out and about looking for a wife. And since Regina had saved his daughter from her death, he sought out Regina at once.

Regina’s mother, Cora, accepted the betrothal on Regina’s behalf and in anger, Regina ran to the stables, determined to run away with Daniel. She met with him in the barn and cried out her worries to her lover, however Snow White, who had come to thank Regina and also welcome her as her new mother, overheard everything and ran off, crying. Regina chased after Snow and tried to tell her about true love, and made her promise not to tell anyone. Snow White promised not to tell. Regina and Daniel then decided that it would be best for them to run away on a different day, and so their secret remained hidden.

Cora took it upon herself to start spending time with little Snow White since she was to be her step-granddaughter. Cora then began telling Snow that she was jealous that she and Regina got along so well, since Regina seemed to distance herself away from her. She then went on to tell Snow that she was upset because all she wanted was to make Regina happy. Snow, unable to hold the secret any longer, then begged Cora to not make Regina marry her father because she was in love with someone else. Cora then took it upon herself to put the pieces together.

On the night that Regina and Daniel were to run away together, the night before the wedding, Regina met Daniel in the stables; however Cora had followed her daughter there and found out everything. Out of rage that Regina was going to throw away her right to be Queen, Cora ripped out Daniel’s heart and crushed it in front of Regina, demanding that she marry King Leopold and take the throne as Queen.

Now heart-broken and left with no other choice, Regina married the King and became Snow White’s step-mother. But she never stopped thinking about Daniel. It was because of this empty hole in her heart that got Regina thinking... can magic bring back the dead? There was only one person that would ever be capable of doing such a thing... and so she summoned Rumplestiltskin and became his apprentice, learning the ways of dark magic although Rumplestiltskin made it quite clear that “...dead is dead...” So Regina began to fill the empty hole in her heart with power, anger, and vengeance towards Snow White and in the process, banished her very own mother into a different world where she could not return.

Years of plotting and planning, Regina finally came up with the perfect way to get back at Snow White. Through her heart. Regina staged Snow’s father’s "accidental" death and reveled in her tears at the funeral. Afterwards, Regina sent out her Huntsman to chase Snow down through the woods and bring back her heart. The Huntsman, however having a kind heart, let Snow go and tried to trick the Queen by bringing her the heart of a stag instead. Regina was not fooled.

Regina spent the next couple of years searching for Snow White through the forest, but never prevailed. Snow just always seemed to be one step ahead of her, all the time. And so Regina, tired of playing the game of cat and mouse, took matters into her own hands and began to torture her subjects. Anyone who knew information about Snow White but kept it to themselves was killed and thus the blood count by Regina’s own hand grew and grew the longer Snow hid. Snow was unable to take it anymore, unable to let others take the fall for something she had done, and so she agreed to meet Regina to make the bloodshed stop.

Regina handed Snow a poisoned apple, telling Snow that if she did not take it willingly, Regina would kill Prince James (Charming) as she had him captive and continue to torture the innocent people in the villages. Seeing that Snow had no other choice, she bit the apple and fell lifeless to the ground.

Now all Regina had to do was make sure that "True Loves Kiss" wouldn’t be able to break the curse, and so, she went to Rumplestiltskin for a curse that would keep the two of them apart forever, as she was cursed to not be able to harm either of them in this land. However, the curse came with a heavy price, and Regina was forced to rip the heart out of her very own father to create the curse. Now, it is only a matter of moments before this curse is unleashed and will destroy the entire Enchanted Forest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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Baeden Cassidy

Real Name:


Occupation (If Any):

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 9 ):

Appearance - Today (Age 22):

Personality Traits:
Baeden is a kind, loyal soul with the best interest of others in his heart. He’s not very social (by choice) and prefers to do most things alone but he’s not against having company if the invitation is put out there. He’s smart, independent and is perfectly content with living life as ‘the middle class.’

Baeden is very fit, therefore the more rigorous tasks of day-to-day life come fairly easy to him. He’s also quick on his feet as well as quick-minded. He’s also an adept thief and although he hardly uses these skills anymore, breaking into a house or car is not at all beyond his abilities.

Biography (Before Earth):
Baelfire was born in a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom while his father, Rumpelstiltskin, was enlisted in The Ogre’s War. His father returned shortly after his birth and the two became nearly inseparable. Growing up, he hardly knew his mother as she was always busy with other things, as his father would often tell him. All in all, Baelfire never really knew what it was like to have a mother. Even though his was there, it was his father who tucked him in at night, read him stories, played with him, taught him how to work and so on.

When Baelfire was nearly ten years old, the age limit to be drafted into The Ogre’s War was dropped down to ten years old and within a few months, he would be drafted. His father became fearful of what would happen to him, and set off on a journey with promises to return and keep Baelfire out of being drafted.

Baelfire never saw his father again.

Nearly two weeks after his father’s departure, the village was under attack. Baelfire ran from home and eventually found his mother, Milah, and the two managed to slip out of the village without any notice. Mother and son were then cast into their own journey, braving the wilds until reaching the next village over where Milah learned about the portals that would be opened up to be able to send their children through for safety. Putting in their lot with them, Baelfire and his mother journeyed with the others to gain access to the portals despite Baelfire’s pleas to go and find his father first.
The Queen’s soldiers were upon them quickly, but Baelfire managed to slip through the portal before it closed, the last thing he saw being a sword slipping between his mother’s ribs and falling to the ground lifeless.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Baelfire spent his birthday living on the streets that first year. Having learned how to fend for himself at an early age, living on the streets in this strange new land wasn’t a difficult task. Two years later while raiding through a house on the richer side of town, Baelfire was caught by the owner’s daughter, a few years older than himself. She was understanding towards Baelfire’s situation and though he didn’t go into his past or where he came from, she accepted him and did what she could to help him.

He was kept in a hidden room in the nursery where the girl would sneak him food as often as she could and while the parents were out, he was allowed to come out and play. It only lasted a few weeks before the parents found out and Baelfire was taken to an orphanage immediately. When asked his name, Baelfire simply responded with 'Bae' since thats what his father preferred to call him, and his mother always defaulted to 'boy.' He was adopted rather quickly into a home that reminded Baelfire very much of his own and his name was quickly changed to Baeden. It was a trashy place, the father always gone and the mother always coked up on some kind of drug. He was quickly put to work in what Baelfire quickly realized wasn’t a family, but a job. He was forced to do the mundane tasks of a ‘gopher’ in the world of the drug trade, and hated every minute of it. He was beaten often, and fed very little. By the time Baelfire turned sixteen he had enough, and left without a word.

He has been living on his own ever since, working in construction since he left home and slowly climbing the ladder over the years and finally reaching a place in his life where he feels content.

Baelfire has a bit of a drinking problem and could be considered a bit of a ladies man when he has the time on the weekends to hit up a bar.

His birthday is also coming up very soon.
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Jefferson Madden - The Mad Hatter

Name: Jefferson Madden, The Mad Hatter


Age: 29 (+5 cursed years)

Affiliation: Neutral Good

Status and Job:
Hatter | Portal Jumper and Odd Jobs

Magic Capabilities:
Jefferson himself does not wield any magic however he does have means to a hat that allows him to 'jump' between magical realms and knows the rules of the hat like the back of his hand.

Aside from his quick wits and suave charm, Jefferson himself does not wield any weapons and has never had to deal with a situation that could not be solved by his own fists when he was required to take action (as he would sooner run from a threat or talk his way out of it).



Brief Bio:

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Name: Red


Age: 26

Affiliation: Good

Magic Capabilities: Has the ability to turn into a wolf which she has been able to master controlling as of late.

Weapons: Red carries around a couple hidden daggers within her boots and belt. She also uses a bow and arrows (favorably) and has been known to wield dual blades.

Strengths: Tracking, hunting, survival, natural instincts, heightened senses. Whenever Red is in the forest, she will never perish as the forest is like home to her. Her keen sense of smell and sight also make it easier to track down either people or potential food.

Weaknesses: Red often times reverts back to her past when she was unable to control the wolf inside of her and often times blames herself for things she couldn’t control. She is also very sensitive when it comes to her granny and will do whatever it takes to protect her. As a wolf, the only known thing to be able to hurt her is a silver dagger.

Granny, who she has spent her entire life with and was raised by.
Snow White, arguably her best friend.
Anita, her mother who is since deceased.

Brief Bio: Red was a very little girl when she lost her father and two brothers to the Wolf and has since been raised by her own Granny. Many, many years later, Red and Snow were out to find the wolf to put an end to all the death during Wolfstime, however what they found nearly broke Red's heart. A set of footprints in the snow that led to Red's window led Snow and Red to believe that Red's boyfriend, Peter, was the wolf. Snow White, however, had other matters she had to attend to but Red decided that she needed to stay with Peter and help him; what if he didn't know he was a wolf? She let Snow go and found Peter, telling him of her findings on the wolf who had been terrorizing the village. Believing that he really was the wolf, he chained himself up to a tree so that when he transformed, he couldn’t hurt anyone. Red stayed with him the entire night, however it came to be that it was Red who was the wolf, and since Peter was chained up, he became a snack for Red as she was unable to control (or even remember) her wolf part.

Red didn't even realize what had happened until her Granny came just as it was too late with Red's red cloak and draped it over the wolf, which instantly transformed Red back into her human self. Overly distraught by killing her love, Red fled into the forest, unable to bring herself to return home where she and Peter had shared so many memories. It wasn't until a few days later, still hiding out in the forest, where she heard of Snow White's death, and blames herself. If she would have gone with Snow, then The Evil Queen Regina wouldn't have killed her, and Peter wouldn't be dead. Red went to visit Snow's resting place once, however she stayed by her best friend's lifeless side for days. She didn't acknowledge the dwarfs who were there, only staring blankly at her best friend and feeling the guilt of the two deaths wash over her time and time again. She decided to leave Snow's resting place and let herself become victim to the forest; she wouldn't even put up a fight. However, in her wandering, Red came across her mother who she believed to be dead, however she was also a wolf and in hiding with a whole pack of werewolves. Red stayed with her new-found mother and taught Red how to control (and remember) being the wolf when she transformed. One day, a lost little boy happened upon their den and Red's mother wanted the boy immediately killed since he knew where their den was located. Red, however, couldn't allow this to happen and in a struggle to help save the boy, Red killed her own mother.

Red returned the little boy to his village, but she kept on going...deeper and deeper into the forest to once again find a reason to live. Anything at all. Lest, she will let the forest consume her.





Status and Job:
Waitress at Granny’s Diner

Ruby is pretty damn good at playing the social game; especially when it comes to men. By using her sexuality, Ruby can practically make any man do anything she wants within reason, however this usually only includes things such as getting a guy to buy her a drink or give her a ride home or even sometimes getting two guys to fight over which one can take her home for the night.

Being a waitress for as long as she can remember, Ruby has immaculate balancing skills when it comes to larger dinner orders, and can walk with ease in six-inch heels. She also has a sense of fashion that really shows off the assets of her body while also reflecting her personality.

Ruby is a head-strong individual that isn’t afraid to speak her mind. When it comes right down to it, she will fight tooth-and-nail for what she believes in and oftentimes sways other people to agreeing with her way of thinking.

She also has a rocking body that she isn’t afraid to show off in the least and has a very good fashion sense when it comes to clothes and makeup that help bring out the greatest features in her body.

She can hold her liquor exceptionally well for a girl as thin as her, and has proven on a couple of occasions to be able to drive home drunk without screwing anything up.

She is also a loyal friend to those close to her, and will do anything to help them if it is in their best interest, however she’s unafraid to tell her friends that they are complete morons if what they want isn’t in their best interest.

Ruby can be very opinionated, which can get her into a lot of trouble since she sees things a bit differently than what would be considered the ‘norm.’

She also likes to dress up in items of clothing that hardly cover anything about her, thus giving her the reputation of an easy girl looking for a good time. Ruby personally has no problem about this, but the other people in town who aren’t men ogling after her have a big problem with having a harlot running around town.

Ruby also hates responsibility. She wants to party all the time and when her Granny asks her to open up the diner in the mornings, the whole town can hear their fighting. She fights a lot with Granny, and thus does not have a good relationship with her even though all Granny wants to do is to teach her responsibility, but Ruby just isn’t interested.

Ruby seems to know most all of the men in Storybrooke, and seems to have had some sort of relationship with all of the ones within her age range.
Her Granny owns the town’s most common eatery, Granny’s Diner as well as Granny’s Bed and Breakfast where they use a separate part of the building as their own home.

Brief Bio:
Ruby works for her Granny in both the Bed and Breakfast and the Diner. Ruby usually takes the late afternoon or night shifts since she likes to stay out late and sleep in all morning if she’s even there at all, since most of the time she gets out of work to go and enjoy the company of a man.

She has no interest in any sort of ‘serious’ relationship, she’s having way too much fun partying the nights away and staying single, allowing herself to have more fun as well as keep a sense of freedom about her. Not being tied down to anyone is the best feeling to Ruby, and she doesn’t see herself wanting to settle down for a long, long time.
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Name: Cora, The Queen of Hearts


Age: 56

Affiliation: Strives for nothing but the greatest of success, and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, even if said actions are pure acts of evil, though she doesn’t see it that way.

Magic Capabilities: Taught by The Dark One himself, Cora’s magical capabilities far surpass everyone else’s in all the realms, and is arguably even more powerful than Rumpelstiltskin. Her favorite use of magic involves impersonating others, taking and collecting people’s hearts, and binding of any kind. There is very little that Cora can’t do, and even less that she wont do.

Weapons: Cora has very little use for any sort of physical weapon, though she does keep a slim dagger on her person just in case (bonus points if you can even find it).

Strengths: Magic and Power. She is Queen of an entire realm after all.

Weaknesses: Any mention of Cora’s daughter (which very few know about) causes Cora to get a slight temper, though this is usually a disadvantage to those who are in the path of her fury, it seems that Regina strikes a raw nerve in her as well as any mention of humble beginnings.

Relationships: Cora has very little time or interest in getting to know much of anyone on an intellectual level, however some relationships had to be made in order to get her where she is now.


Regina Mills:

Henry Mills:

Killian Jones:


The White Rabbit:

Will Scarlett:

Brief Bio: She had been proven once before that love was weakness, but it wasn't until the second time that Cora became who she is now.

Born the daughter of a miller, Cora had taken her last belittling when delivering flour to the kingdom’s castle. Princess Ava, who was visiting at that particular time for a grand ball that would take place later that evening in order to find a suitable wife for Prince Henry, tripped Cora causing the flour to spill everywhere, and yet the King, who had witnessed the entire thing, had Cora bend on knee and apologize to the princess. Cora did as she was told, but she was done being treated in this way, and so that night, she stole a dress and a mask for the ball and wormed her way into the Prince’s heart.

The King was not fooled, however, and caught Cora in her lie of posing as nobility. In an effort to make the King feel foolish, Cora claimed to be able to spin straw into gold, and that she could have ended all his problems but was blind to see her for who she really was. Not taking her lie for a second, the King made up a deal, that if Cora spent the night locked up in one of their towers and managed to spin straw into gold, then she could marry his son, Prince Henry.

Locked up in the tower, Cora was sure she was going to throw herself out the window to spare herself the humiliation in front of the entire kingdom when she wouldn’t be able to spin straw into gold the next morning, however a voice caught her off guard with some kind of joke about jumping and Cora met for the first time, Rumpelstiltskin.

In a deal Rumpelstiltskin proposed, he taught Cora how to spin straw into gold in return of her first born child. When Cora displayed in front of the entire court that she could indeed spin straw to gold, the King had no choice but to keep his word and offer his son to her. Cora couldn’t have been happier, except for the lingering feelings she felt for the man who had saved her life. She continued to meet with Rumpelstiltskin in secret, forming a very close, romantic bond with the Imp. The night before she was to be married to Prince Henry, Rumpelstiltskin came to her room once more, and Cora expressed her need for wanting to feel loved to Rumpelstiltskin, and asked if that was something that he could provide for her.

There was talk about running away together, that love would be enough for Cora, that maybe nobility wasn’t what she wanted after all. Rumpelstiltskin, in a moment of weakness, amended the contract so that instead of receiving ‘some random child’ that he wanted his child. Cora agreed to the new terms with a promise to make the King suffer for humiliating her in front of the entire court before they were to run off, and so the two sealed the promise with a lustful night of passion and love.

When Cora went to the King later that night, the King called her out for being foolish; that he knew about her nights of passion with Rumpelstiltskin and that she was to marry his son as an arrangement, that love was a stupid notion only found in fictitious books. Going to the King with the intent to rip out his heart, Cora instead left with her own heart ripped from her chest and placed safely in a box. She met Rumpelstiltskin just as she said she would where they were to run away together, but Cora admitted to him that running away with him was not what she wanted any longer; she wanted power and to get it, she had to remove her own heart so her feelings wouldn’t get in the way. She then swore to Rumpelstiltskin that any child would not be his, even if it were in blood, and that he would never have it, thus breaking their deal. Rumpelstiltskin was too much of an emotional state to fight back, and thus disappeared until Cora gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who she had announced to the realm was named Regina, for one day she would be Queen.

When Cora returned to her bedchamber for the evening after a feast in Regina’s honor, Cora handed off her newborn to a nursemaid to take care of. It didn’t take too long though for Rumpelstiltskin to reveal his true self (though Cora had a seeping suspicion before he had) as he held Regina in his arms. Right away he knew that she belonged to him, that he had helped to create her, and thus the blood war between Cora and Rumpelstiltskin began, 36 years later yet to be finished.

Cora ended up raising Regina as nobility with little interference from her true father; and Prince Henry was none the wiser. She was raised in the very light of Cora, making sure that each and everything she did was a reflection of what a Queen should and would be. Cora wouldn’t even bend a little when she found out by dear little Snow White that her daughter was in love with a pathetic stable boy when Cora had worked so hard to arrange a marriage with King Leopold.

Cora cut out the middle man, as it were, by killing Daniel in front of Regina to prove a point; love is weakness, and Regina had no other choice but to marry the King. Cora finally got her wish, and watched her daughter become Queen. In an unexpected turn of events, one day Regina seemed to snap and sent Cora through a looking glass by using magic. Where Regina even learned magic to begin with Cora didn’t know, but she was thus sent to Wonderland, a strange and exotic place; the perfect place really for Cora to keep tabs on her daughter and climb her way to the top to become a Queen herself, and thus, became The Queen of Hearts, waiting for the day that her daughter would need her again.

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Jafar Sholeh
“Give a man the proper motivation there's no telling what he might do.”

Jafar Sholeh

Other Names
The Serpent King, The Sultan of Agrabah


Chaotic Evil
A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.

Status and Job
Sorcerer - Sultan of Agrabah


Magic Capabilities
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Weaknesses stuff goes here

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Partner: Anastasia Tremaine
Father: Sultan Babak Asha, of Agrabah
Mother: Ulima Sholeh
Siblings: Nasira (Twin Sister), Mirza Asha (Younger Half-Brother/ Deceased), Jasmine Asha (Younger Half-Sister)
Pet/s: None
Other: Jafar killed his half-brother, Mirza. He had a mentor, Amara

Biography stuff goes here

Theme Song
Theme Song goes here
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