- I'm female, in my twenties, and currently attending university.
- I normally play characters of both genders, but since I'm pretty burnt out on playing males, I'm mostly looking for a male partner for a female character. That being said, I'll still play male for a female partner if the plot is good.
- I have personal issues which often affect my posting consistency; if you can't be understanding (i.e. you expect me to post every day like clockwork), it's likely we won't make good partners.

WHAT I LIKE - *important*

- Characters over 21 years of age.
- Strong-willed characters.
- Playing one main character with several minor characters/NPCs thrown in where relevant.
- Dark, gritty/realistic themes.
- Violence/gore, war/military, tragedy, conspiracy, angst.
- Romance between characters, but only as a subplot (meaning the main storyline comes first).
- No censorship/fade-to-blacks.
- Textual description of a character rather than a picture/face-claim.


- High casual to advanced posting standards. That doesn't mean you have to write a novel (my own posting length can range from two solid paragraphs to eight or longer, if I'm particularly inspired) - it just means you should possess the ability to write fluidly an descriptively, with good grammar and punctuation.
- Creativity and the willingness to brainstorm when it comes to plot twists/world details.
- Politeness in OOC. Rude individuals will be ignored.
- Good communication. Let me know if you're busy, bored, or if you wish to drop. I'm very understanding, I promise.
- A thorough read-through and acknowledgement of everything I've listed above.


- Anything set in high school.
- Anime.
- Animals.


Key: Craving | (My Preferred Character)

- Soldier x (Childhood Friend/Journalist/Civilian)
- Celebrity x Ordinary Person/Childhood Friend
- War/Military
- Dark Dystopia
- Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland
- Apocalypse/Disaster
- Supernatural Apocalypse
- Supernatural Being x Human
- Urban Fantasy
- Dark Medieval/Fantasy
- Science Fiction/Space Opera/Space Fantasy
- Space Pirates
- Bounty Hunter x (Bounty)
- Survival Horror
- Haunted Town
- Government Conspiracies/Experiments
- Gifted/Superhumans
- Political Drama/Thriller
- Crime Drama/Thriller
- Spy Drama/Thriller
- Legal Drama/Thriller
- Royalty/Court Politics/Arranged Marriage (Tudors-style)
- Chosen Hero x Guardian/Familiar
- Small Town Drama
- Childhood Friends
- Bride/Bridegroom x Best Man/Bridesmaid
- Ex-Spouses
- College Students/College Drama


- PM me, don't post here. Posts on this thread will be disregarded.
- I'd appreciate a writing sample (old posts will do), although it's not absolutely required. Ask me if you'd like one of mine.
- Please don't be offended if I refuse you - I've got limited time so it's not going to be a "first come, first serve" thing.
- If you don't see something you like above but still think I'd make a good partner, feel free to make suggestions.

Thank you.