Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was about 20 minutes by the time I finished up my conclusions on the three essays, I hadn't had to do much since I'd done the majority of them yesterday. I was just sitting there blowing on the ink to dry it when Alex slid over and addressed me. "Obviously we can't read this here, but...I'm interested in this book here. I'm not sure why, not yet, but...I think I may get some answers. Actually, there's a lot of books of yours I'd be interested in reading..." he said.

Glancing over, I took the magnifying glass right out of his hand (managing to ignore the tingling that went up my arm) and put it to my eye. I saw he was holding a copy of The Darkest Flames: A Study of Fiendfyre. My curiousity was immediately piqued. "I see," I said, setting the glass down on the table. I avoided eye contact for obvious reasons and tested the ink's dryness with my fingers.

Rolling up the parchments, I tied neat ribbons around them and labeled the outside, then tucking them into my messenger bag. Obviously, I didn't have a distraction anymore, so I turned to face Alex, who was still sitting on the arm of my chair. I looked up and met his gaze, cheeks flushing slightly.

"We can go somewhere else if you'd like to, you can pick. I'm sure you know some remote places too, since we both seem the type to hide out alone. I don't want any Professors getting a hold of this, for obvious reasons," I pointed out.

"If you'll just put that away, and attach the glass to the inside of the lid in the chest, we can go," I said, standing and slinging my other bag over my shoulder to emphasize the point. "By the way, I DID do the spells for that. I love to read entirely too much and learned how to when I was really young. I've charmed pretty much everything I own at this point. Anyhoo, shall we?"

I hesitated a moment before adding, "If you don't mind my asking, what's so interesting about that particular book? I mean - you don't have to tell me, and especially not here, obviously. I'm just curious."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I flush slightly as Bridget says "I see. "We can go somewhere else if you'd like to, you can pick. I'm sure you know some remote places too, since we both seem the type to hide out alone. I don't want any Professors getting a hold of this, for obvious reasons" I gaze at her for a few moments, before turning away, hoping she doesn't notice the slight red tint to my normally pale cheeks. This is where being naturally pale skinned really sucks. When you blush, it's damn near impossible to hide it. I then think for a moment. It would have to be a place that nobody would interrupt. ESPECIALLY teachers. Or a Slytherin. They would jump at a chance to get a couple of Ravenclaws expelled, or worse, thrown straight into Azkaban. Any common room is definitely out of the question.

"If you'll just put that away, and attach the glass to the inside of the lid in the chest, we can go." Briget's words shatter my thoughts. I nod, placing the book and magnifying glass back into the chest--making sure to put them exactly where they belong. I rest my hand over my chin, folding my other arm across my chest in thought. There was a place...It was 3rd year. I was attempting to sneak into the restricted section of the library late at night. Of course, there were charms I hadn't realized that were protecting that section. Very LOUD charms, which sent Mr. Filch running. Him and that psychotic cat of his, Mrs. Norris immediately came after me. I was NOT about to be interrogated by anyone, regarding just what I was looking for or why. So I ran.

Mr. Filch, persistent little bastard, somehow managed to stay with me, all the way up to the 7th floor. I thought I was done for. I was in a corridor, I could hear footsteps on either side...so I began pacing, trying to think of an excuse for why I was in the restricted section. I remember vaguely panicking, only being able to think I need a place to hide, I need a place to hide, oh SHIT I need a place to hide!!! Much to my surprise, the wall that I'd been pacing by, suddenly grew a friggin' DOOR. I blinked, not sure if I should go in or not. I could hear Filch's footsteps getting closer, and at the other end of the hall I was almost sure I heard Snape glowering at Filch. I leapt into the door, and saw a small room. It was mostly barren, and dark, but was a good hiding place.

I didn't find out until later that this was a special room, appearing only for those who are in great need. It took me awhile, but I eventually figured out how to make the room appear again. I'm now able to make it appear at will, but it has been over a year since I've actually used it. I find myself wondering if Bridget has ever found the room of "coming and going" as I've heard it called. Suddenly, I find myself hoping she hadn't. I could almost see the smile and approval on her face, that I'd found such a room--and figured out how to work it.

I turn even more red, because I obviously care so much what she thinks of me. I turn and catch her gaze when I shut the lid of the chest, and offer a small smile. "I know the perfect place, Bridget," I say, with a wink. "I sort of found a...special room. Only we will be able to get inside it. Well, once we're in it. I'll explain when we get there, but it's on the 7th floor. It's really impressive, by the way, that you enchanted that yourself," I say pointing to the chest. "You definitely belong in Ravenclaw."

I drop my head a little at her asking me why I'm interested in that particular book, simply because I can't say for sure myself. Something I'd read somewhere else, a term...Endearing Fyre was mentioned in some book I read about dark magic, but I can't quite recall where. But something about it...I shake my head softly. "To be honest, I'm not really sure, but...I think this may hold some explanations for..." My voice catches in my throat, because I can't bring myself to say it. To say I suspect this book may tell me just why I couldn't save my family. My sisters. My brother. My parents.

"I'll...I'll explain everything when we get to the room..." I say, my voice low, dark. I blink a few times, shake my head, then gaze back at Bridget. "Come on, let's go! Want me to carry that chest for you? It's going to be a bit of a commute..." I smile lightly as I speak, not in a mean or condescending way, but as someone who legitimately wants to help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I was surprised when Alex actually stood up and told me we were headed out now. I shook my head at his offer to carry the chest, instead handing him my messenger bag and slinging the chest over my own body. That was one thing I wouldn't let anyone else handle. The things I possessed...

For sure Alex hadn't seen everything, he'd mostly been looking at the books. Which was fine, I wasn't ready to explain how I'd obtained most of the things I had in there. I could be pretty shady, though.

Alex had been right, it WAS a long walk. We went all the way up to the seventh floor, across from a disturbingly uncertain picture of someone teaching trolls how to dance. I had followed Alex to the end of the hall and he suddenly turned around, heading back the other way. Not sure, I slowly followed him, thinking he had gotten lost. Then he turned around AGAIN, but this time stopping in front of a door that had not previously been there.

"Huh," I said. "This reminds me of something I read once, but I can't place it." I scratched at my head in confusion.

I followed him through the door, there was no seating in the room except...a loveseat...I sighed loud enough that he probably heard and went to sit down, trying really hard to ignore the fact that we would have to sit next to each other. I set the chest down on the floor next to my feet, draping the strap over my legs.

"So, uh...what did you want to wait to tell me?" I asked. He had sounded...almost miserable but dark at the same time. Almost scary. But curiosity had gotten the better of me, so here I was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Huh, This reminds me of something I read once, but I can't place it." Yeah," I answer in response to Bridget, "There's little things here and there. Whispers of the room of 'coming and going' or a room that only appears at great need, or a hidden place." I follow as she opens the door; and am taken completely by surprise. The room is spacious, with thick fluffy carpeting. There are several wall scones complete with candles. In each corner of the room, I can see small end-tables topped with a single Candelabra per table. And there is just one piece of furniture, a big, fluffy love-seat. I hear Bridget sigh as she pushes past me. I stare, gaping in surprise. I...I certainly had not expected this. I hadn't tried to make that happen...it just...it just did. Huh...Interesting, I think to myself. The room must be attune to more than just conscious thoughts. It must be able to sense those lingering in the back of your mind, ones that you might not even be aware of. Arching an eyebrow, I walk into the room, letting the door swing shut behind us.

"So, uh...what did you want to wait to tell me?" I hear Bridget ask as she sits down, chest at her feet. I walk over, sitting down beside her. Though large, the chair is small enough that our hips are brushing together. I flush again, unsure of whether or not I am entirely okay with what the room decided to conjure. If she'd heard of the place, and knows how it works, she might think I did this on purpose. Oh well, better to NOT draw attention to it. Besides...the question she asked...I did say I'd answer, when we got here.

I take in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Well," I begin, gazing into her eyes for a few moments. "It's a bit of a long story. It...it was my second year. I'm a mudblood, you see? Muggle-born. My mother was a witch. My father...well, he was an amazing person, but he was about the muggliest muggle I've ever met in my life. He didn't know anything about magic, never bothered trying to understand it. He didn't hate magic, though. He just...had the mentality of, 'if I can't use it, why bother trying to understand it?'

I pause, gazing at my hands. Biting my lip, I continue on. "I have--had two sisters. Kira and Elsaria. And an older brother, Eldarin. He would have graduated Hogwarts if...My sisters would be in this year with me. The three of us were the same age. Just before the start of the second year..." I choke up. I clench my robes in my fists, feeling a deep rage, and a deep regret. I failed them. I failed to protect my family. My hands begin to shake.

"There was a fire one night. Now, we're in a muggle neighborhood, mind you. My mother thought it would be good for me to experience life as muggles do, that way I would better appreciate not only magic, but the hardships the non-magical community has to deal with every day. Anyway, there was a fire. I don't know why nobody woke up before it got so bad...the flames. They were so hot...too hot. I'd never felt anything like it in my life...When I woke up, it was just raging. I ran outside of my bedroom, to hear my father yelling for me. Everyone was in the living room. I jumped down the banister of the stairs, using featherfall so I didn't break my ankle. There they were, my family, in the center of the room, surrounded on all sides by flames. Soon as I leapt off the banister, it, too, caught fire. We tried, you know. I tried, but I...I couldn't..." I can feel the tears glistening in my eyes, but I clench my teeth, trying desperately not to cry, not to let them fall. Not now, not like this, not in front of her..

"Aguemente. Freezing charms. Hell, my mother even tried to make it rain. My dad had the fire extinguisher...Eldarin was literally spraying out water, my mother shooting jets of ice from her wand. I tried Aguemente myself, but nothing...nothing worked. My mother told me to go. I refused. Elsa...she was the first to go. As the circle of flames got closer and closer...it was almost as if they reached out to her. At once, her body erupted into flames. Her screams...I'll never forget them. The same thing happened to Eldarin, then Kira, my dad...my mother was the last. Her last words...'get out of here, Alex. Go! Just go--I love you!' I cast the protego spell around myself, following it up with a cone of Aguemente, and I ran for the window, leaping through. My family...all of them...dead."

By now the tears are falling down my cheeks. I failed to NOT cry in front of her. In front of Bridget. Just like I failed to save my family. I swallow hard, my knuckles white from clenching my robes so hard. "The next day," I go on, "the house was a pile of ash. The flames were so hot, the police said, that...that the bodies were incinerated. No bones. Nothing but ash. To this day I don't understand why our magic couldn't fight the flames. I suspect magic. And that's why that book interests me. FiendFyre. I've heard the term before, but I don't know what it is. I just know that somehow my family died, and they shouldn't have. I...I failed them. They are dead, and it's my fault because I wasn't strong enough! Wasn't wizard enough, I let them down!!! I can't take it. Tears streaming down my face, I leap to my feet, yanking my wand from my robes and hurling it across the room. It hits the wall, bounces, hits the floor. "What kind of wizard can't protect their own family?!" I yell, slowly succumbing to all he grief and hidden (and some not so hidden) feelings and thoughts I've had since whatever had happened...happened. "They are dead because of me." I state flatly, arms folded across my chest. "I don't deserve that damn wand!" I stare at my wand as it lies on the floor, a grief beyond measure filling my heart. Chest heaving as I sob, all I can see are their faces. My dad...my mother. Eldarin, best older brother someone could ask for. Kira, whom I loved and often pretend dueled with...and Elsaria. Elsa. Elsie. My favorite sister. We did everything together. Gone. Just like that. I continue staring, but all I can see are the all consuming flames that took everything from me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

By the time that Alex was done talking to me, I'd completely forgotten about the uncomfortable seating arrangement. I stared at him standing up, watched him throw his wand. I think the thing that finally did it was when he said he didn't deserve to be a wizard, didn't deserve his magic.

Tentatively standing up, I walked over and picked up his wand, then turning to walk over to him. The tears running down his face made my heart hurt too, a sensation that I wasn't familiar with. Reaching out, I took one of his hands and set his wand in it, closing his fist around it. I then closed my hands around his.

"Alex..." I started, before deciding to take another approach. "Look, what happened to you was TERRIBLE. Losing your family, losing...everything. My parents were forced to marry, and my controlling father pretty much kept my mom locked up, all because she was a Muggle. I'm lucky to even be here. She tried to KILL me while I was still developing because she didn't want me to grow up under his thumb. But...I did. Then...she killed herself after I was born. I don't even remember her. All I ended up with was a bastard father."

I sighed deeply, shaking my own tears back. "He passed me off to someone else to raise me, and only really ever acknowledged me when I started to show signs of magic. He didn't have a daughter to be ashamed of, at least."

My hands subconsciously tightened around his. "That's why I don't care, why I throw money and whatever I want around, because I could really care less about him."

Holding up our joined hands with his wand in the center, I told him, "And this is exactly why, Alex, you are a wizard. This is why I'm a witch. We went through some horrible things and now we are reaching out, trying to find out how to keep this from happening again. You say that you don't deserve your magic?"

I dropped our hands and pointed straight at him. "You're wrong. You can use the talents you were born with to find out what happened, and do something about it.

"If you give up, if WE give up, then who else will make them pay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am taken by surprise as Bridget pushes my wand back into my hand, closing hers around mine. As she holds my hand, it's like a wave of calm rushes over me. I know it's no charm, at least not a spell, because I'm pretty good and identifying when someone is trying to use magic to influence me. A couple years ago when the Veela came? Yeah, their wily charms had no effect on me. But this...this was something I'd never quite felt. It is like, in that single moment, as she holds my hand, there is someone that cares, that understands. And that feeling terrifies me.

I listen as Bridget tells me of her parents, her father who sounds almost as bad as You Know Who, what happened with her mother...suddenly, it was as if my own pain wasn't as bad. No...not that. More like, here was someone who knew. Who could look me in the face, and tell me she knows what it's like to lose people you love, to be flat miserable, and mean it. I see her struggle to hold her own tears back; I understand the sentiment.

She drops my hand, and I turn to look at her. "You're wrong. You can use the talents you were born with to find out what happened, and do something about it. If you give up, if WE give up, then who else will make them pay?" I look down at my wand. Cypress, rigid and strong, Doxywing and Dragon Heartstring core. I didn't choose this wand. Hell, I didn't choose to be a wizard. Magic chose me. Make them pay...make those that hurt us...pay. I slip my wand into my sleeve, and nod confidently.

"No...we won't give up. We will stop these kinds of things from happening, ever again!" I stare directly into her eyes now, a firm look etched into my face. "People like these Death Eaters. Like You Know..no. Screw that, monsters like VOLDEMORT, who just want to bring pain and heartache to people. We should be rid of them. One day, I will stand against those like the Dark Lord. One day we will. Because things like what happened to us? We should try to end them."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was almost...scary when Alex calmed down then became adamant. He wasn't quite angry, but whatever I had said to him sparked a fire. I took a step backwards at the mention of You-Know-Who's name. Not that I hadn't heard it before, but I tended to avoid using it, myself. It made me feel...well...something like an itch that you couldn't scratch, because it was inside. Just that nagging sensation.

Stepping around Alex, I sat back down on the seat and picked up a pillow, wrapping my arms against it and holding it to my chest. I wasn't entirely sure what to say, so I sat there and stared between my vault and Alex for a minute.

"Alex...I want revenge too. Trust me, I do. But I don't want it like that, to just 'end' the pain and suffering by getting rid of the source. Then I'd feel worse. What I want to do, why I study and connive, it's for a purpose." I clutched the pillow tighter.

"Someday, I want that jerk - no, that BASTARD - to suffer. I want him to look back and to KNOW where he went wrong. Even if he doesn't regret everything, at least he will know that someone knew about his secrets and mistakes, know that he screwed his own life over," my voice was slightly elevated.

Dropping my eyes to the floor, I picked up my Vault and put it in my lap, casting the pillow aside. Faster than ever, I drew my wand and traced the intricate pattern to unlock it, casting a summoning charm into the depths. Three small frames landed in my palm. I sat them on the other side of the loveseat, since Alex was still standing up.

"Engorgio," I said, pointing my wand at the items. When they grew to full size, they appeared to be pictures.

"These, Alex, are all I have to remember why I want to fight." I held up the first one. "This one, at their wedding, I suppose my father was light and charming, because she really does appear happy." Then the second one. "This one, was shortly after they were married I'm assuming. Look at the change! She's...empty." Finally, the third one. "And this...was right before she had me. You can see misery all over her face, all over the way that she is sitting. She's almost...vengeful but afraid."

I took another deep breath. "Reducio," I said, shrinking the pictures once more. I put them back in the mini-chest, where I kept them safe. I kept my vault open, however.

"I want him to live the rest of his life as miserable as I have had to live mine knowing what he did. I'm not out to kill people, Alex. Just to make them see what they did and make them live with it. What they choose to do after that is not my problem," I said. I motioned him over to sit down.

"As for you," I said, motioning to the open chest in my lap, "You should do the same thing. Study, look for clues, and someday, when you know who did these atrocious things, you make them PAY for it. They can't pay if they're dead."

Without a word, I summoned the book he'd been interested in earlier, about Fiendfyre. Increasing it's size to normal, I set it in his lap, a wordless encouragement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bridget sat back onto the couch, holding a pillow to her chest. For a moment, I wonder if I've frightened her. ""Alex...I want revenge too. Trust me, I do. But I don't want it like that, to just 'end' the pain and suffering by getting rid of the source. Then I'd feel worse. What I want to do, why I study and connive, it's for a purpose. Someday, I want that jerk - no, that BASTARD - to suffer. I want him to look back and to KNOW where he went wrong. Even if he doesn't regret everything, at least he will know that someone knew about his secrets and mistakes, know that he screwed his own life over."

I can't help but think she has a point. It would be all to easy for people like her father. Death. It can be such a sweet, easy way out. Death, really, can be an end to suffering. Wasn't there a time that I wanted death? Because, in the end, I knew death would be release. And now? Now what. I'm torn. Because, if people are executed, they cannot come back to hurt people again...however. If you break them...break their spirit, break who they are...

I nod, moving to the chair and plopping down beside her. "You're right," I say thoughtfully. "Some do deserve to suffer. And I'll help you, Bridget. I'll help the world. Because I'm going to do my best to become a great wizard. And I'll do my best to make it to where people never want to bring harm to others. The...consequences will be so great, they will fear it more than a lifetime in AZKABAN!" I take in a deep breath, eyes flashing darkly. I will make the world a better place. And maybe, just maybe, I'll have someone to help me along, because my road will be a lonely one.

I look over at her, as she takes 3 items from her vault. A quick engorgio spell and I see the pictures. I look at each one as she explains when they were taken. The story behind them. I stare into the eyes of the man, assuredly a dark wizard if I'd ever seen one. Yes, he looked happy, right along with his wife, as they dance. But there was something in those green eyes. A malice. A cold, calculating glint that is unmistakable. The second picture, I see a woman who is weary, already breaking, already torn. The last is heartbreaking. Broken. Given up. On life, on humanity, on everything. I glare with a malice of my own, my hand gripping my wand so tightly, part of me was afraid it might shatter.

"A lifetime in Azkaban would not be punishment enough." I mutter, my voice low and dark. But a lifetime of slavery, torture, pain beyond his wildest dreams...that would be. I think to myself. Daily Cruciatus curses. Beating, healings, rebeatings. Bloodlettings, bringing him to the brink of death until he begged for the last drops to be spilled just so he could be released from his misery. THAT would be a more befitting punishment.

"As for you, you should do the same thing. Study, look for clues, and someday, when you know who did these atrocious things, you make them PAY for it. They can't pay if they're dead." I look over, drawn from my dark thoughts, as she places the book in my lap. I nod, then as she watches, slowly turn the pages, ready to take in whatever happens to be etched in these pages.

"They can't pay if they're dead." Those words will stay with me. I'll look back on this day, in the future. This is where it starts. How do you combat people like He Who Must Not Be Named? Make examples. Show the world that people like that will not be tolerated. Make them beg for death, then continue to make them suffer. THAT is how you combat people like the Dark Lord. And that, is just what I intend to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

After a few moments, Alex nodded at me and took the book in his own hands, starting to thumb through the pages. I remained sitting next to him and watched his gaze follow the words, but I was curious about something else.

Standing up, I walked a short distance away and stretched out on the thick carpet, lying on my stomach. I got out my own reading material, setting my vault next to me. It was a well-worn book about wandlore that I was fond of. There had always been something about wands I found enticing. Once, I talked to Mr. Ollivander for a while about the art, and he had tested me the next year on all the things I'd learned and felt about them. I hadn't actually MADE any yet, but I was pretty decent with wand identification.

The vibes I'd gotten from Alex's wand, plus just the way his whole life was, it made me curious to know as much as I could about the possible connection, about the meaning of it all. Propping myself up on an elbow, I started to thumb through my own book.


It was a while later when I finally looked up, having gone through at least two-thirds of the book. I leapt to my feet, wondering what time it was. I dashed over to the window and was surprised to see that it was dark outside.

Looking over to Alex, he was still reading as well. I walked over to the small couch and touched him on the shoulder. "Hey, er, Alex? It's dark out. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired...want to continue this another time? I promise you can still look through my books."

As if to emphasize my point, I went to put my own book away, holding the open chest in my hands and sitting down next to him.

"Are you...are you all right?" I tentatively asked, not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hey, er, Alex? It's dark out. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired...want to continue this another time? I promise you can still look through my books. Are you...are you all right?"

I slowly look up from the book, a fire in heart. Fiedfyre. Why had this never occured to me before. It wasn't a natural fire that day. Impossible. The way the flames just attacked my family. The way it just consumed the entire house. No...fiendfyre. And only dark wizards use fiendfyre. It is widely considered an evil magic. Almost demonic in nature. But I'd use it. And woe be to the wizards responsible for this. They will feel the same horror my family did. That I did. Fiendfyre. The best way to fight fyre, is WITH fyre.

"This book leaves more questions than answers," I sigh at last, closing the thing. "I am 100% certain it was fiendfyre I was dealing with. I'm lucky to be alive..Anyway. If I'm right, and I'm absolutely sure of this, then why? Who killed my family. why go after them? It was almost certainly an attack on my mother, as she was the witch. You don't need fiendfyre to kill a muggle. A witch, however... I frown, standing to my feet and handing Bridget the book. "I don't know. I need to find out who would have had reason to murder my mother. Once I discover THAT little bit of information...it will lead me right to those who murdered my family. Maybe you can help with that, in fact. See if you can find any mention of a witch named Arianna Celeste White. That is my mothers name. I need answers, Bridget."

I pause awkwardly for a moment. She has already helped me so much. And for what? There aren't many people like her in this world. Suddenly filled with a surge of gratitude that goes beyond anything I've ever felt, I reach out, pulling her into a solid embrace. "Thank you," I say, my voice shaking slightly as I release the hug, holding her shoulders and giving a slight shake as I speak. "You've given me some answers already and I will eternally be grateful for it. So thank you." I let go, suddenly feeling my face flush red and turn away. Perhaps she is right. Perhaps it is best we go to bed now.


As time passes, Bridget and I meet at the Room of Requirement nearly every day, unless we get swamped with homework. I read more of her books, but more than that...I feel I finally have a friend. This scares me, but it also satisfies a part of me that I thought had died in that fire years ago. The more time we spend together, the more alike I can see we are. She is damn good with wand lore, and sometimes we just discuss wand theory. Of course, she walks circles around me in that regard, but I've not spent near as much time studying wands. It is a weakness in my knowledge that I intend to rectify eventually.

There is an odd thing I've noticed over the last couple weeks. MOST days, the Room of Requirement has no problem letting us in. But on rare occasions, it refuses to let us in. I'm not sure why, either. It has only happened a few times, and I'm inclined to write it off as a glitch in the magic of the room. Perhaps whatever enchantment created the room in the first place is starting to degrade after all this time? I don't know. That's what I want to think. But...there is something nagging in the back of my mind that I can't quite shake. I have a bad feeling about it.

Christmas break comes, and I'm no closer to finding out why someone would want to kill my mother. But I'll find out. I'm determined. And I have the smartest witch I've ever met, helping me. You hear people talking about how smart Hermione, a Gryffindor girl, is...but Bridget, I think, could outsmart her in every way. I've met her once or twice, in passing, so I feel I can make that judgement.

I sigh, glaring at the 18 inches of parchment in my hand. Ridiculous. Still, at least it's my strong subject, Defense Against the Dark Arts. I still can't believe Snape assigned an essay this long the day of Christmas break. Thank you, professor. I look up from the parchment towards Bridget, glowering. "You know, just one day I'd like to just walk into class, and say 'did I write your essay? NO Professor, I did not, because you're about as warm as Merlin's excised left NUT, and I flat refuse to work this hard during our breaks!"

I roll up the Parchment, done for now, and stuff it into the folds of my robes. "How are things coming along for you? Better than ME I hope. I'm just not in the mood for this right now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

After I got my book back, I was just turning to put it in my chest, when I was swept into a hug. I immediately flushed and had no idea what to say after that. I merely nodded and gave a semi-smile in his direction. I gathered up my things, slinging my bag and chest over a shoulder. Peering out of the door, I didn't see anyone and started to sneak back to the Ravenclaw Tower - since it was a little after curfew. I bid Alex goodnight and disappeared.


In the weeks that followed, some semblance of a routine was established. Alex and I sat together at the Ravenclaw table, attended our similar classes together, and studied. A lot of days, we went into the "come and go" room, but sometimes we just couldn't get in, no matter how many times either of us walked back and forth. There was no way I was going to just study the dark books in an open area.

Instead, we talked about some of the things I was interested in. Alex seemed to be interested in wandlore, although my knowledge clearly outstripped his by a wide margin (which gave me secret satisfaction). It was like...well...I had a friend. It was a really strange concept but a happy one.

We had both been researching his mother (with no luck) and I was just about at my wits end. Just about the time I would normally start tearing my hair out, it was Christmas break. Now, I didn't want to go HOME (I never did), but if Alex wanted answers then this was a great opportunity.

We were in the study room just down from the library completing some DADA essay that Snape had given us (the jerk). It was late, and the next day was when departure for break was.

"You know, just one day I'd like to just walk into class, and say 'did I write your essay? NO Professor, I did not, because you're about as warm as Merlin's excised left NUT, and I flat refuse to work this hard during our breaks!" Alex said, stuffing his parchment into his robes before adding, "How are things coming along for you? Better than ME I hope. I'm just not in the mood for this right now."

I burst out laughing, startling several other students and getting a few dirty looks before calming down. "You know, I could almost see you saying that if it weren't for the fact that I KNOW you have some respect for Snape."

The smile stuck on my face for a moment before I rolled up my own essay (finally finished) and looked up at him. As I stuffed it in my bag, I started talking.

"You know, Alex, tomorrow is the Holiday break...how would you like to escape Hogwarts for the duration? I know a few places we might be able to get some answers. Now I don't want to go home, no way, but we could go to the Leaky Cauldron and stay there. My..." I trailed off for a moment, unsure how to put this.

"My connections," I emphasized, "are either IN Diagon Alley, or have contacts there." I realized how shady that sounded, but that was exactly what it was, to be honest. I put my elbows on the table and played with the bracelets on my wrists alternately, waiting to see what he would say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You know, I could almost see you saying that if it weren't for the fact that I KNOW you have some respect for Snape." I nod, slightly in disgust. Unfortunately, she's not wrong. I mean, big of an asshat as he is, the man definitely knows his stuff, both by way of potions AND Defense against the Dark Arts. I sigh, shaking my head. "Yeah, true. I do have a marginal respect for him. But no one can deny how much of a jackass he can be. Well, unless you're one of the slytherin's that have their noses shoved so far up his bum they can smell his tonsils."

Folding my arms across my chest, I lean against the wall, listening as Bridget asks me if I'd like to escape Hogwarts for the day tomorrow. Diagon Alley...How long has it been since I was there? The beginning of my second year. 4 years. I never went back. Too many memories of my family and I walking those streets. Having fun, playing with my sisters, admiring the broomsticks. I was an aspiring Quiddich player in my younger days, but THAT dream died with my family years ago. Still. To find the answers I needed, I will have to face certain things.

"Connections huh?" I say, arching an eyebrow with a malicious grin. "I don't know, sounds a little sketchy to me, Bridget..." I watch as she toys with the bracelets on her wrist. It occurs to me that she is always wearing some sort of bracelet or covering; I've never NOT seen her wearing something.

"Oi, you really do enjoy those, don't you. Bracelets and such. Might have to get you something like that for Christmas," I tease lightly, striding over to her. "I'm up for it. Diagon Alley. It's been ages since I've been there, but I'd love to come along. Especially if you can get us answers. At this point, idk. Most would give up, would say that there is just nothing to find but...intuition. I just feel like there's something more to things. And if I have to venture into the very bowels of You Know Who himself, I will." I offer a smile with those words, then withdraw my wand from my sleeve and begin tossing it up into the air, catching it, then tossing it again. A habit I've seemed to have picked up of late, especially when contemplating something serious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Er, Alex?" I asked. "I know that this situation stinks, but that doesn't mean that you should march into anyone's bowels to find the source. There are other ways, you know," I said, biting my tongue so I don't smile.

For a moment, I watch him toss his wand back and forth. "You know that confuses your wand, right? If you try casting a spell right after tossing it around, there's a possibility it might come out the back end and hit you. Try it if you don't believe me," I said. "Anyway, I'm glad, at least we're not stuck here for the entire year."

"My "connections" ARE shady, Alex. I won't even deny it. But if you want to be the best you need to have an open mind and watch your own back, not other people's back. That's how I got most of the things I have in my chest, if you really want to know." I shrugged, trying to pass it off. Truth be told, I had experienced a few scares, but with a few aids I was able to get around fairly easily. No one even knew the difference, which was fortunate.

I stood up after putting my essay into my bag. "Well, it's late, although I'm glad we did this NOW instead of waiting till the night before class starts again," I admitted. "I don't know about you, but I need to get my things ready if we're going to go tomorrow." It came as a bit of a shock when Alex stood up too.

We headed back to the common room, avoiding a big group of Slytherins that were shooting us dirty looks. I had been tempted to curse them, but resisted.

"Well...goodnight, Alex. I'll meet you down here at 9 tomorrow? That should give us plenty of time to...well...grab a quick bite and then dash out the doors to the carriages. But hey, it's late. I'm not getting my stuff ready tonight."

After shooting him a smile, I turned and headed up the stairs, the door to the girls' dormitory squeaking shut behind me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I snort at Bridget's pun about things stinking, and try to look irritated, but I can't do it. I laugh instead. "Well, I guess you really have a nose for these things, so I'll take your word for it." I stop laughing, however, when she mentioned how I could confuse my wand. I gaze at the thing, turning it in my hands. I can't tell if she's joking or not. "Try it if you don't believe me," she says, sounding almost like a dare. For a very brief moment I actually consider it, but then I shake my head."Nah. I'm not about to have a spell backfire and hit me. Maybe you're pulling my leg, maybe not. I'd rather not risk the humiliation," I reply, carefully replacing the wand in my sleeves, and wondering if she's being serious.

"Well...goodnight, Alex. I'll meet you down here at 9 tomorrow? That should give us plenty of time to...well...grab a quick bite and then dash out the doors to the carriages. But hey, it's late. I'm not getting my stuff ready tonight." Yeah, um. Goodnight then. See you tomorrow," I say, surprised at the genuine feeling of disappointment at her parting. It occurs to me that I am actually going to miss her. Well, not that it surprised me. I've been coming to terms with certain...feelings I've developed over our weeks spending time together. I'm not entirely sure what to think of that. It scares me, in some ways. Everyone I ever cared about was slaughtered right before my eyes. If I care too much, will she be next? It's a little too late for that now, I tell myself. You already care too much. So now you just have to see what happens. Lost in my own thoughts, I make my way up to the mens dorms, where I fall asleep damn near as soon as my body touches he bed.


I wake up early the next morning. I decide to pay my Owl, Gaia, a visit. A beautiful jet black Great Horned owl immediately soars in my direction. I smile, and pet it's head. "Well hello, Gaia" I greet it, running my fingers along it's neck. A lot of students chose rats or cats as pets. Me, I wanted practicality. Back when my family was...well. Alive, I wanted an owl to communicate back and forth. She hadn't been sent on a delivery in years, but she gets around on her own well enough.

Deciding I better get my stuff ready, I go back to the dormitory, and open the trunk at the foot of my bed. I grab a spare pair of unmarked robes, with a hooded dark cloak. No need to advertise to the world that there is a Hogwarts student in their midst, especially if we're hitting the shadier areas of Diagon Alley. I also grab what appears to be a small bag to hang at my hip. And it is indeed a small bag, but enchanted with an extension charm. I can fit quite a load in this bad. Not near as much as Bridget's vault, but it will do. I take about half the money I allow myself for spending as well. I leave the other half in my trunk. Not that I can't handle myself if someone tries to steal from me, but I'd rather not risk losing everything I have for the year.

I walk down to the common room, dressed in my unmarked robes and covered in my cloak, hood down (for now), and wait for Bridget. Sitting in a big fluffy chair, I begin to contemplate what I might find, if anything. And when I do eventually find something...what will I do about it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

For once, I slept without any dreams. It was nice, especially since I'd only gotten about five hours of sleep, due to dormitory mates that stayed up late talking about their vacations. They hadn't seemed to have gotten the hint when I'd sighed loudly and drawn the curtains around my bed. Sure, they blocked out light, but not sound.

Yawning, I stumbled into the girls' bathroom in the dormitory and took a shower, the water finally being what woke me up. I darted back to get ready. Biting my lip, I threw on Muggle clothes for the time being, my usual winter combination of sweater, jeans, boots, plus my encrusting of bracelets on one wrist and a wristlet on the other to minimize any risks. I set my coat aside after checking that my hat, scarf, and gloves were firmly tucked inside a pocket.

Time to pack. I went over and dug in my big trunk, pulling out a messenger bag that was large enough to fit my mini-trunk through the opening. Of course, like the trunk, it was charmed with an extension charm. After first throwing in the trunk, I put in a nondescript pair of black hooded robes to wear over my clothes, as I always did when dealing with shady people. After that, of course, I threw in some more Muggle clothes, as I didn't particularly want to wear these the entire time, along with my money bag. The last thing that I threw in was a bag that normally went to Potions class with me, containing my own personal stock of ingredients. I was taking this because A) I needed to restock, and B) I would be needing to use them.

I slung the bag over my shoulder, pleased when I felt what would amount to a "normal" schoolbag's weight, the charm deceptively hidden in this one by a simple compartment at the top that snapped to the side and held a bound parchment book, along with quill and ink. No one would be the wiser. Tucking my wand into my left boot, I snagged my coat and left.

Heading down to the Common Room, I wasn't surprised to find Alex already waiting there for me. What I didn't see on him was a bag of any kind, although he was wearing robes that would blend in nicely to what we were going to embark on.

"Er, Alex? Did you plan on changing clothes for...15 days? You don't have anything to take with you!" I pointed out, walking over. "I, on the other hand, I said smugly, "I'm ready. Look."

I opened the bag and pulled aside the compartment, you could clearly see my unexpectedly packed bag.

"Just saying, we might want to be prepared. Well, want to grab something and head to the carriages as we eat?"

I flounced out the door of the Common Room and headed toward the Great Hall, where I didn't bother to sit down, just grab some toast, spoon some eggs and sausages between the slices, and wrap it up in a napkin to take with me. I waited for Alex to grab something of his own, then grinned and struck up a nondescript conversation with him as we headed out.

Once we reached the carriages, I patted a thestral on the flank before climbing up into a wagon. It would wait until it was full before taking off, as it usually did. Then off we were on to the station, the Hogwarts Express, and finally to London.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A look of confusion crosses my face at Bridget's words when she sees me. "Er, Alex? Did you plan on changing clothes for...15 days? You don't have anything to take with you!" I frown, folding my arms over my chest. "Hmm. I hadn't realized we weren't coming back here today; my misunderstanding. Allow me to um. Pack more reasonably for a two week venture," I say sheepishly. Back in the dorm, I open my bag and proceed to pack extra clothing; both robes and muggle clothes consisting of jeans and hoodies. I also packed with me school books for each of my classes, in case I decided I wanted to study ahead. And some owl treats as well, because surely Gaia would find me later on.

I return back down, my bag considerably heavier than it had been the first time; but still tied to my waist, looking little more than a knapsack. We then headed to breakfast, grabbing a quick bite to eat. As we head to the carriages I turn to face the school one last time before departing. It feels like I'm leaving home, to be honest. Hogwarts is my only home now. "Farewell," I mutter under my breath. I then turn to see the carriages. And the thestrals that pull them. I watch Bridget pat one, and I smile. Most would recoil in fear, if they knew just what it was that pulled us to and from the Hogwarts Express. But not her. I, too, give a Thestral a little pat as I board the carriage, taking a seat right next to Bridget.

The carriage ride was about as uneventful as the train ride. I spend about as much time talking to Bridget as I do sleeping, and I briefly wonder if my tendency to fall asleep during transport like this is annoying for her--but I don't ask her. Before too long, we are back in London, at Platform 9 and 3/4. I hop off the train, suddenly as energetic as ever.

"WELL, am I glad to be off that train," I exclaim, with a smile. "Now, while we could walk, I have a better idea," I say, nearly pulling Bridget along behind me. I find the nearest curb and I hold my wand in my right hand, extending it in front of me. It doesn't take long for a bus to seemingly appear out of nowhere. "The knight bus," I say. "I don't know if you've had reason to ever use it but...I'd make sure to hang on if I were you, because it can get little...bumpy." With a wry grin, I hop up onto the bus, give the driver a nod, and flop down in the nearest seat. "Oi, driver, the Leaky Cauldron please. And make it snappy if you would? We've got business, mate."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The train ride was long and boring, while I read a potions book (yes, boring), Alex mostly slept. It was hours before we finally got to Platform 9 3/4.

"Well, am I glad to be off that train. Now, while we could walk, I have a better idea," Alex said, a smile crossing his face that I was immediately suspicious of. He promptly grabbed my hand, and before I could manage to yank it away and just follow him, he was pulling me along behind him so fast I had to walk fast to keep up with him.

"Alex, where are we - " I started to ask, but he pulled us both through the portal to Kings Cross Station and outside to the nearest curb. The next thing I knew, he was pulling out his wand to summon - of all things - the Knight Bus. I'd never been on it, but I had caught a glimpse of it once.

Alex pulled us onto it and we sat down, the seats immediately sliding across the floor. I was nearly launched across the seats lying down, and grabbed onto the bottom of my chair. This was a mistake, as I tipped over entirely and hit Alex's legs. At that point, I let go of the bottom of my seat and sat near a support bar on the floor, hanging on and hoping not to get crushed by anything. I looked over as the viscous motions continued and shot Alex a filthy look at making me endure this.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was actually just a few minutes at most. When the bus came to a stop in front of what looked like a dilapidated old building, I stood up with shaky legs and ran outside to a garbage can, promptly heaving my breakfast into it. When Alex got off the bus, I turned to face him.

"Thank you SO much for that experience. I will never do that again," I said, meaning it. I turned and walked into the building, immediately greeted by a larger crowd of Wizards than I was expecting. Alex, of course, was right behind me.

When we finally managed to fight through the busy room to the counter, I waved the owner, Tom, over. "Hello, we need two rooms for 15 days," I said, motioning to the two of us separately.

The old gentleman looked at his ledger filled with disorganized notes and spidery handwriting. Shortly he looked up. "I'm sorry, we only have one room left at the moment. Lots of families in London with their students. But the amount of days is no problem. Payment is up front. 30 galleons for 15 days."

I chewed my lip and resisted looking at Alex. We didn't really have a choice, I hated commuting from Muggle hotels to Diagon Alley. Without a word to either Alex or Tom, I pulled out my money bag and counted out 30 galleons. The old man handed me a key and I tromped off, my face reddening.

Room 23. The old stairs were creaky as I headed up, making me wonder just how secure they were. Once reaching the door, I unlocked it and stepped in.

There were *thankfully* two beds, I would have conjured one or duplicated the one if I'd had to. As if sharing a room wasn't bad enough.

Tromping over to the one closest to the lavatory, I cast off my bag onto it and then flopped down, cheeks flaming.

"Well...that didn't go as expected," I managed to say in a small voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I don't know what I was expecting when this damned bus took off, but I should have known it would be a rough ride. Used to this personally, I turn to Bridget. To say she is having a rough time would be something of an understatement. She is being thrown around like a ping pong ball, and for a moment I'm actually worried she might get hurt. But she quickly manages to brace herself. Well...more or less. I can't help myself, the look of pure horror on her face as the bus shifts and turns, stops then accelerates at seemingly mach speeds, I start to laugh. I know I looked the same way the first time I rode, but it was funny to see it for mysef.

When the bus finally stops, we lurch farward before jerking back. "Merlin's beard, what the sodding hell is wrong with this driver?" I exclaim as I hop off the bus. I see Bridget run for the nearest trash. "Hey what's wro--oh. Ohhh no. That's just. Ohhh," I say, turning my head away as I hear her lose about 10 pounds of vomit. "Thank you SO much for that experience. I will never do that again," she says to me. I shrug my shoulders in response. "Well, I mean, you get used to it you know." I grin mischievously and follow her into the Leaky Cauldron.

I listen to her ask for two rooms, and arch an eyebrow in surprise when we are told he only has one. I go to look at Bridget, but she seems to be avoiding my gaze. My own face reddens at the thought of sharing a room with her. Not that I don't like her, but...sharing a room? For 2 weeks? Well. This will certainly be interesting. As she storms off, I follow, unsure of what, exactly, to say to her. If anything.

When we get to our room, I can only hope that there's no Boggarts hiding out in the closet or something. Place looks shoddy enough to have one lying around. At least there's two beds though. I strategically go to the bed that Bridget DOESN'T toss her things on, and sit down, gazing at her for a moment.

"Well...that didn't go as expected," I hear her say in a rather low voice. I nod, slightly. "Yeah, no, not quite. So um. These contacts of yours...I take it we don't exactly want to be meeting them after dark, am I right?" In truth, I'm just trying to spark some sort of conversation to mask the awkwardness I am feeling right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

After a few moments of Alex and I awkwardly staring at each other, he finally broke the silence. "Yeah, no, not quite. So um. These contacts of yours...I take it we don't exactly want to be meeting them after dark, am I right?" he said. I jumped out of my skin from the break in the silence, then managed to blush.

"Uh," I said. "Yeah, some of them. Okay, 90% of them." Standing up, I walked over to the coat rack in the room and took off my things, hanging them up. I pointed to various parts of the room and cast cleaning spells, finally deeming it clean enough to take off my boots. The floors, were not actually made of sickly gray looking planks, but of a pretty dark pine. Same with the rest of the furniture, and the lavatory.

Walking back to the bed, I cast one more charm on the beds to reveal paisley bedspreads and off-white sheets. I left my bag sitting on the bed and sat back down, edging to be against the wall for support and tucking my legs under me. "There. That's something you have to do here, I mean Tom isn't exactly a woman who's focused on keeping everything clean," I said.

"Anyway, Alex. No. I wouldn't recommend meeting with most of the people I know at night, although one of them is only reachable at night. But he's the only exception. I'll send him a message tonight and see when he can meet with me. As for the others, we can just get away with going cloaked in the day, although there's one guy..." I drifted off for a second and bit my lip. "There's one guy I use Polyjuice Potion to meet with. He's sketchy even on his good days, and once he was having a bad day and I had to threaten him to get him to cooperate."

Too comfortable to get up, I pointed at the table in the room with my wand and moved it over to my bedside. Out of my bag I pulled my potions box, and my chest-vault, setting them on the table. I was unaware that a pair of my underwear had gotten stuck to the potions box.

"So you've seen my vault, obviously. The other one is my potions box, all my stuff is in there. I have a stock of Polyjuice," I said. "We'll just need to pull some hairs out of someone."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I listen to Bridget explain some of her contacts, and the entire thing not only sounds sketchy, but downright dangerous. I wonder about the odds of one of these people being tracked by Aura's, and then us getting caught up in the middle of a bust. That would be my luck, honestly. I'm taken a bit off guard as she casts a charm to make clean blankets and sheets appear. I wouldn't have thought to do that, but it's no doubt a good idea. "Huh," I say, nodding in approval. "Probably not a bad idea. I didn't think about that. I probably would've just laid down and caught Gohnaherpacephylaid's or something." I then proceed to mock her charm, making my own bedding appear.

"So this guy, the one you use Polyjuice Potion to see," I say as she summons her vault, "Do you think he's dangerous sketchy? I mean, it sounds like any of these guys could have the Aura's knocking down their doors at any second. Not that I'm worried, mind, between the two of us I'm pretty sure we could take on just about anyone. It's just, well. It would be nice NOT to have to live a life on the run from the Ministry of Magic. Pretty sure Headmaster Dumbledore would be kinda pissed." I chuckle as stand, leaning against the foot of her bed. It takes me a minute but I notice a pair of her underwear on the box. I arch an eyebrow, and point to the edge of the box where they are hanging.

"Is that a common potions ingredient?" I quip, with a smirk. "I mean, I've never thought of those as useful in potions but hey, it's that sort of out of the box thinking that makes a fantastic potions master. Professor Snape would be proud!" I can't help but grin mischievously. "Seriously though, if we're gonna use Polyjuice, are you wanting to just grab random hairs? I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to find one, especially around here. Though I'm not sure one would want to ingest any you find in this building..."

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