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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I smiled. "Well I'm not sure what 'they' teach Padawan," I admitted. I had been too told to be sent to the academy, so Master had kept me with him, except when his work dictated he go alone. "I can show you what my Master taught me. I'm sure it's essentially the same."

Wolfe and Aayla spent an hour doing some lighter exercises, then take a break to eat. Unsurprisingly, many of the exercices they have learned are similar, though they have their variations. After eating, they continue for another two hours after that with some more advanced exercises. Occasionally they admire a little more than each other's technique *le wink*, but the afternoon passes without incident.

It is early evening, now.

"I enjoyed that," I said, when we had finished. I was realizing just how much I had missed having someone to talk to. I hadn't let myself dwell on it much back on the planet. "Thank you for joining me," I added.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Somehow spent and rejuvenated in ways and places I hadn't realized were still possible after all that I'd been through. The relaxed and easy conversation, which got a bit awkward when noting particularly dark differences between Sith and Jedi training, otherwise was absolutely wonderful. I've... missed this kind of interaction. Too much. A calm and content expression rests comfortably and happily on my face and body language, resting in the seat next to Aayla's in the cockpit's passenger seating.

Looking at the board in front of us, I ask Aayla curiously "Have you ever played Chess? It would be nice to have someone to play against."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yes, I've played chess before," I told him. Wolfe seemed to be in a good mood, somewhat different to what I'd experienced from him before. "I wouldn't mind playing a game. Though if you don't mind, I think I'll have a quick shower first, while you set up," I said, standing and stretching. Catching Wolfe's eyes linger on my midriff for a moment as I stretched, I gave him a playful wink before heading for the lift. Tomorrow, I promised myself, I would do my routines in the morning so I could avoid wasting water on multiple showers.

Aayla goes downstairs and has a quick shower while Wolfe sets up the game. When Aayla returns (wearing her robes), they flip and it's decided Wolfe will get black. They play for about an hour and Wolfe ultimately wins.

"Good game," I congratulated him. I was a bit out of practice, but the game had been fun. It felt very civilized to be sitting around, playing a game of chess. "I enjoyed that. Thank you."

After a moment, I decided to broach the topic.

"So about your idea…" I began carefully. "I thought about it earlier… and I'm seeing some problems. I don't know how much you know about my people… but my kind like to keep to themselves, when we can. Twi'lek rarely leave Ryloth unless it's with a collar around their neck," I say with little emotion. It was the truth, albeit a sad one.

"For one of my kind to become a slaver would be… odd," I add, choosing not to expand on it for the moment. "And to be honest somehow I doubt one of my kind taking up the work would be very convincing--or very wise. Too many chances a fellow slaver might decide I'd gotten too big for my britches and should wear the collar like the others of my race."

"As to pretending to be a noble… well we didn't have much authority or influence in the Republic, I somehow doubt the Empire suddenly decided to grant our clan leaders status and make any of them Imperial Nobles. I'd be more likely to be the pet of some imperial noble, than the daughter of one," I said honestly.

"I think we'd need to adjust the scenario a little," I finish.

I realized I'd secretly hoped Wolfe might come up with a better option than the most obvious one. But it was the obvious answer. And probably the most convenient one. As a servant of the Empire, Wolfe had papers and IDs that would allow him to travel unchallenged most places. So long as he did not attract the kind of suspicion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Listening intently, her words make nothing but sense. I was looking forward to being led around on a leash in public... ah, well. Slightly disappointed at the lost opportunity, I let my mind consider other possibilities, and one pops to the surface quite quickly.

"I understand. I think my excitement at the thought may have influenced my choice there. The only other thought that comes to mind quickly is something that I don't think you'll like the sound of at all..." I say, my voice escaping reluctantly as the words themselves. "It would be a fairly easy disguise for us to pull off if YOU were to play the act of my slave. Please hear me out? It would only ever have to be a disguise for places where we might get recognized, which we will be avoiding in the first place, so it will be an immensely infrequent occurrence. You would, of course, keep that shock collar controller hidden on your person."

Pausing for a moment in my verbal mad dash I internally debate whether or not to bring this up. But it would support my idea... but she probably hates my idea...

"I saw that beat up old slave collar you wore. I honestly hate to even suggest to a former slave the idea that they should ACT as a slave, to a former enemy at that. But it's the most reliable disguise we could fall back to, in a pinch." Sadness tinges my voice as I speak the words, knowing entirely too well myself the depths of depravity slave owners tend to indulge in.

Barely able to snap out of that unwanted and deep recollection, I add finally "And otherwise, we could literally just pose as smugglers, considering my ship's cloaking capacity, and your ability to alter peoples' memories if we bugger our act up badly enough."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"...It would be a fairly easy disguise for us to pull off if YOU were to play the act of my slave," he said, seemingly reluctant to say the words.

So, this again, I thought.

I sighed. Deep down, I had hoped Wolfe might have a better suggestion than the obvious. Wolfe was a servant of the Empire. He had papers and identification that would probably allow him to pass and enter most places without drawing a second glance. Even if I'd known it made the most sense. His pretending to be a slave would have cost of valuable resources and convenience.

"Please hear me out?" he said before beginning to further explain his idea. Wolfe's hesitation to suggest the option showed my earlier behaviour had left an impression. I couldn't blame him, I'd taken it badly. Very badly. I'd mentally disciplined my heart against many things--but the possibility of slavery being made legal had not been one of them.

"I saw that beat up old slave collar you wore..." there was sadness in his voice. Wolfe had been a slave, too. I couldn't shake the sense Wolfe's experiences as a slave had been far more unpleasant than my own. I had been lucky, all things considered.

When he was done talking I calmly said: "You're right. It is the most reliable disguise. I can do it. It won't be the first time," I admitted.

I learned back in my seat. I met Wolfe's eyes. I felt like I owed him something more. "You know... my time as a slave wasn't that bad. I was... prepared for it. I was not upset for my own sake, earlier. I'm sorry if I worried you. I won't let it be a problem again," I reassured him, and myself.

The plan was not a poor one. But the real problem lay in the details. In passing, none would find the sight of a slave following their master out of place. But a discerning individual might wonder what a man in Wolfe's position needed with a slave.

I tilted my head thoughtfully. "What kind of slave would you have me be, Wolfe? If we're going to do this right, we should keep things as consistent as possible. The fewer lies we have to make up on the spot, the better," I explained. It was one of many lessons Master had made sure I remembered.

"We'll need a convincing reason for why you'll need a slave with you, anyway. And you should tell me how you would have been treating--or training--me, so I can adopt the proper demeanour," I added. There were other details, like where I had been "purchased" and when, but those were easy enough to make up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You know... my time as a slave wasn't that bad. I was... prepared for it. I was not upset for my own sake, earlier. I'm sorry if I worried you. I won't let it be a problem again." She said, meeting my eyes sincerely. I'm glad she's forgiven me for breaking the bad news to her. I was afraid I'd really given her quite a terrible shock.

As she says that she'll need to adopt the proper demeanor, I can't help but grin just a little bit. What kind of slave? This should be interesting. With only a small tinge of humor in my voice, still a bit dimmed by my recollection of my past, I say pleasantly "Well, you would most likely have to play the role of my pleasure slave. With your build, and clear interest in me, it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. And it would barely be a lie, excluding the part about you being a slave. And about acquiring you, an easy story would be that I captured and trained you myself. The duality of our interactions should be quite interesting, wouldn't you say?" The sly grin Aayla often manages to drag out of me shows through finally.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well, you would most likely have to play the role of my pleasure slave," he said pleasantly.

A Twi'lek pleasure slave, how very original, I thought dryly. I was entirely unsurprised by the suggestion, especially considering Wolfe's taste in decor.

"With your build, and clear interest in me, it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. And it would barely be a lie, excluding the part about you being a slave," he continued.

I was tempted to challenge his suggestion I had a "clear" interest in him, but at this point there was no point denying I found Wolfe attractive. I suspected he was needling me for fun, since otherwise it would be the pot calling the kettle black.

And what does "it would barely be a lie" mean? I wondered. It seemed a bit of a stretch to suggest a single night together would be a close approximation to an ongoing master-slave relationship. Not unless...

Uh oh.

"And about acquiring you, an easy story would be that I captured and trained you myself. The duality of our interactions should be quite interesting, wouldn't you say?" he said, grinning slyly.

He didn't notice, I realized, now almost certain I'd been operating under a dangerous assumption since the morning. I'd made it almost without thinking it... It hadn't occurred to me the truth might have escaped Wolfe's attention. This will be interesting... I thought. I decided to set the matter aside for now.

"You wouldn't have to have captured me," I informed him, shifting my thoughts back to the task at hand. "We could just as easily say you bought me. It's a common circumstance. Depending on how long we're going to pretend you've had me, you could have easily have bought me right after my parents sold me. That would give you... 8 years to train me?" I thought aloud, trying to remember how long it had been.

"Though it needn't have been that long ago," I added, not sure how long Wolfe had been free himself. "You could say my first master got bored of me and traded me to slavers to make room for something new. Or that I was a bit too rebellious for his tastes," I added. Not all slave owners enjoyed breaking their slaves. For many a pre-broken slave was a much desired luxury. Anything else was too much of a hassle.

"You could have gotten me from slavers on some back water world. Unspoiled even... Quite the bargain," I said a bit jokingly, though it wasn't far from reality. Had my first master tired of my dance routines--ones I had quickly learned to improvise to keep things new and interesting--I'd have ended up on the market. I'd come into my looks by then... There would have been little chance I wouldn't end up a pleasure slave.

"Though if you're attached to the capture idea, it could work, too." I amended. There was an appeal in catching and taming your own slave, to some. If that was the narrative Wolfe felt easiest adopting, I could play along. "In that case we could say you grabbed me off Ryloth... Or after I escaped a former owner."

I shrug, letting him know either scenario worked for me. Either way I played the role of a slave who already knew her place, and apparently liked it. How much resistance I would have put up in the beginning wouldn't change much, unless we pretended I'd been caught recently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You make many many fair points. I will defer to your knowledge on slaves, as most of my time as a slave was in mines. I was mostly thinking of the idea of playing you as captured by my own hand since that's what I'm going to have to tell my Mistress when she contacts me." I say, thinking aloud.

Another thought occurred to me, a rather worrying thought. We should probably work out some plan for when that call comes...

"We might have to start our act a little sooner than expected. She will probably want proof of your capture... If you're good enough, she might leave us be. I might be able to beg her for you as my reward, as our act to her, for the sake of keeping our alliance going and under the imperial radar. All that's left is figuring out exactly how we're going to go about that act." I finish, a note of worry and uncertainty creeping into my voice. "For our plan to succeed, we have to convince her you're mine. If she thinks otherwise, she will call me back right away. And if I don't return, she will send others. The Empire will be made known of our presence, and we will loose our greatest asset: surprise."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Proof of my capture?

I hadn't asked Wolfe exactly what his task had been--I had assumed he'd been sent to kill me. But if capture had been the intent, I could only imagine what might have happened to me once delivered to his mistress. It would have been more convenient if she'd sent him to kill me--he could have pretended my body had been snatched by some predator. Instead, if Wolfe was to continue pasing for a faithful servant of the Empire, she needed to be convinced Wolfe was still doing what she expected of him.

I nodded thoughtfully as he continued to talk.

"For our plan to succeed, we have to convince her you're mine. If she thinks otherwise, she will call me back right away," he said.

I folded my hands thoughtfully in my lap. Wolfe made an interesting point. If his Mistress thought he already had me under his control, there would be no rush in bringing me back quickly. Especially not if some other more urgent task came up.

"I've been on Cholganna almost a year... It's not the most civilized planet. Not an easy place to survive," I said. "A person could become quite emotionally vulnerable, forced to wait in such a place for so long. One could lose hope, become demoralized... And yet the will to survive remains. We cling to a reason to keep going no matter how unlikely it seems," I said, a bit sadly. It was the truth, of course. A slave's life was without meaning, or joy. Yet even when they had nothing to live for they struggled on. Lived on. Not that it was much of a life.

"You could say you found me clinging to the belief my Master would return for me, that ultimately he would save me..." The words hit a bit closer to home then I had intended, but I kept it off my face and continued: "and that you overpowered me then offered to spare my life in exchange for my submission... given that I was not terribly treated during my time as a slave... it would not be a stretch to pretend I'd prefered returning to that life over have none at all," I said truthfully. "Some say once a slave, always a slave," I added. Some I wouldn't have minded punching in the nose, of course... but still a useful mentality to use to our advantage.

"Would that be enough? How 'yours' will I need to be for your Mistress to approve?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"A person could become quite emotionally vulnerable, forced to wait in such a place for so long. One could lose hope, become demoralized... And yet the will to survive remains. We cling to a reason to keep going no matter how unlikely it seems," she replied, a blue feeling tinting her words.

One could lose hope and become demoralized... I know that feeling. Is it bad that I'm glad she knows that feeling? Maybe I'm just bad... Herrm. Snapping out of my mental wanderings, I tune back into her words.

"You could say you found me clinging to the belief my Master would return for me, that ultimately he would save me..." She paused for a moment, and I listened intently for her to continue "and that you overpowered me then offered to spare my life in exchange for my submission... it would not be a stretch to pretend I'd preferred returning to that life over have none at all. Some say once a slave, always a slave."

Her words striking chord after chord, all I can think of is my own past. Other slaves beside me in the mines dying on their feet, literally worked to death... and then being freed from that only to be subjugated further by Mistress.

"Would that be enough? How 'yours' will I need to be for your Mistress to approve?" She finished, which I barely caught, so unbalanced had my own thoughts made me.

It takes me a few moments to fully recollect myself, at least enough to answer her question. Would that be enough? I'm already convinced, and I'm in on the act, sheesh.

I finally manage to barely keep my voice steady as I say "Yes. Definitely enough. I'm honestly a little speechless, your words on slavery speak much of the hardship you've witnessed. Beyond what you've said, the only thing I could possibly add is that she'll probably expect you to still be at least a little defiant, while mostly broken and demoralized. Since you were recently captured, I imagine she will expect you to be bound in one of my cells as a result. Is that alright?"

Almost biting back a request, so silly did it sound to me at first, I simply had to force it out lastly.

Suddenly timid, I say "I must also beg of you to script our performance. I fear my mistress knows me all too well, and that she will recognize anything I think up as simply a farce of my creation. As... forward as I am, I am certainly not confident, especially in the face of my mistress and her scrutiny of my imagination." Looking at the floor, I bear myself truly to this Jedi who so enthralls me. I can't help myself, she's been so forthright with me, so good to me...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wolfe took a few moments to reply, seeming to struggle for a moment. When he spoke, there was a slight tremor in his voice. I supposed my words had struck a chord with him. Perhaps hit a bit close to home.

"... Beyond what you've said, the only thing I could possibly add is that she'll probably expect you to still be at least a little defiant, while mostly broken and demoralized,"

To this I nodded. Some defiance was expected, of course. I'd have to balance the act well... play the part of someone close, but not past, the edge of giving up entirely. It would be expected that I wouldn't be keeping an eye open for a chance to escape... for now. He wouldn't have had time to truly break me.

Wolfe became suddenly timid, looking down at the floor as he spoke. "I must also beg of you to script our performance..."

I was not entirely surprised by his request. Wolfe's earlier mentions of his mistress had painted her as an imposing figure. Fooling her would be a challenge.

"Thats's a good idea. If we were both improvising, it would be hard to sell it. We should decide what you'll tell her. And what, if anything, I might need to say to her. She may also demand some proof that you have things in hand. We should prepare for such an eventuality as well..."

My mind was already travelling forward. I was back in familiar territory. This I knew how to deal with. Wolfe's concern was valid. Improvising was not easy. Though there were ways around that.

"I have an idea, if you're willing. Rather than decide what lies you'll tell your mistress... we could make them half truths. All we have to do is practice our roles ahead of time."

"Let's say you tracked me down on Cholganna. You told me to surrender, I refused and attacked you. We fought and you knocked me out in the end. You can tell your mistress I was not very skilled. I didnt begin my force training until after I was an adult... it's technically true. I don't know nearly as much as I could had I been brought to the Temple as a child..." I realized I was getting off track.

"After you beat me, you brought me back to your ship and put me in a cell. We could practice from there. I'd wake up, you'd make your offer, I'd accept.... That way you don't have to lie about how I became 'yours', per say, since technically what you will say happened, did happen. It will also be s good way to get a feel for your own act, and get used to mine," I finished. I'd of course try and persuade him to release me from the cell, and play the good, obedient girl while looking for an opportunity to gain the advantage. He'd catch me at it, prompting him to toss me back in the cell and giving him plenty of material to draw on for his conversation with his mistress.

"We should do it soon, though. Your Mistress could check in any day. You could pretend to not have caught me yet, but that will probably only work once."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hearing her talk about what proof she might want, memories arise of my first times spent alone with Mistress. A shiver runs down my spine at the images. Those were not good times... I hope Aayla will understand... I think to myself, keeping a cool face instead of a sad one, I continue my attention on Aayla's words.

"Let's say you tracked me down on Cholganna. You told me to surrender, I refused and attacked you. We fought and you knocked me out in the end. You can tell your mistress I was not very skilled." sounds good, and I'm sure we can leave the part about the time of her Jedi training out of it. Can't be letting the Mistress know how weak you are, if we're eventually going to deal with her probably. That thought aside, I nod along with her words.

At the suggestion of practice, I'm lightly relieved. Practice sounds good. I'd forgotten to ask her about that... I'm glad she brought it up.

"We should do it soon, though. Your Mistress could check in any day. You could pretend to not have caught me yet, but that will probably only work once."

The slightly stressful thoughts of attempting to deceive my Mistress were just starting to relax their tension until she mentioned practicing right away. Hmmm. I think I need to clear my head a bit before that.

"Perhaps some food in our bellies first? I know my Mistress will wait to hear from me before calling, definitely at least a couple more days. Everything you've said sounds spot on, how about we work out the details over a bite to eat? To plan our act, before we practice, at least a little." I supply hopefully, feeling hunger tug at my belly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Perhaps some food in our bellies first? I know my Mistress will wait to hear from me before calling, definitely at least a couple more days," Wolfe said. I did not let on that I felt relieved to hear his Mistress might not be checking in for a while longer. If she did not buy the act we would be in quite a bit of trouble.

"Food sounds good," I said sheepishly. For a moment I had almost said we should save the food for the next day. I was beginning to remember how nice it was to eat without the weight of knowing I'd have to hunt and forage to replace each morsel.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sylvar


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That settled, I go about preparing our meal.

"Wait here, I'll get your share as well" I say to Aayla as I step into the lift. A short moment later, I'm back in the cockpit with my high quality imperial rations. Glad I got these, the cheap ones are awful...

Getting comfortable in the passenger seating next to my new friend, I hand to her her share saying "Eat up, I made sure to get the best quality available." Collecting my thoughts I take in the assorted selection of my ration, the smell of it wafting to my nose pleasantly.

"So. The Mistress will certainly eventually contact me for a status report on my mission. When this happens, chances are she'll want to see you, though I will initially do my best to convince her to let me keep you as we've established." I say, starting to feel a bit timid about where this is going.

"What we will be acting is when she wants to see you. The hardest time we'll have convincing her is if she engages you in conversation. She will do her utmost to unravel the possibility of lies, so I think the best way to avoid that is for you to simply remain quiet out of defiance. However, knowing my Mistress, she will expect me to... discipline you, instantly and quite forcefully if I'm to succeed in convincing her of my intents for you. As in, she will expect me to hit you. I must ask you, is this all right? I won't be playing around, if it comes to that." Nibbling on my food now, my uncertainty about proposing this quite plain in my features.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sleeping valor

sleeping valor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I was careful to eat politely--no need for Wolfe to see me stuffing my face. The food was good--certainly better than what I'd made for myself on the planet.

"So. The Mistress will certainly eventually contact me for a status report on my mission. When this happens, chances are she'll want to see you, though I will initially do my best to convince her to let me keep you as we've established," he said.

I nodded.

"... As in, she will expect me to hit you. I must ask you, is this all right? I won't be playing around, if it comes to that," he said, nervously nibbling on his food.

"You don't need to worry about me, Wolfe. Do whatever needs to be done. I can handle it. I had to learn to control my own pain before I could learn to heal," I explained. Though since it was not one I'd had much need to improve much. If this ruse was to work, it might be time for me to spend a bit of time honing the talent so Wolfe would not have to be afraid to be as aggressive as he needed to be. "And I can heal, you know. I'll be fine. If you think she isn't convinced, do what you have to to convince her. We can't afford for her to not be convinced," I said soberly. I had things I needed to do. I couldn't afford to be forced back into hiding just yet.

"If you think you'll hesitate... we should practice that to," I added carefully. Wolfe did not seem eager for the exercise. His nature was very different than I had first surmised from his appearance and stature. Someone who hesitates to hurt others was unsuited to be a Sith, surely.
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