I've recently joined the guild, and I'm still new here. I'm quite an amateur to the guild and I don't use pictures that much, but I try my best as I can if it's not so appealing. The history of it starts in the first two sections. Where the characters start in the third section. The story starts off with the life of children and going to school and getting along as they're in a enclosed environment impossible to get out or in, but peaceful to keep away from the other world. Later on, it may involve fighting and war as well as many antagonist forces. If there are any errors or changes that should occur, advise me so I can make some changes of sorts. And thank you if you plan on joining or reading and watching. > w <!

-The Origin-

In a world of fiction, God could not keep hold of the current Earth. He then created two daughters, one of creation and one of destruction. The Goddess of creation would be named Genesis and the Goddess of destruction would be named Chronos. As God would take over the last moments of Earth, they would use their powers well. Genesis would mold the world of the second Earth known as New Earth as Chronos would destroy any plagued souls. To only wish for a hopeful and happy world of harmony and peace, they had worked together, yet they would be listed separate of such powers. Chronos had argued how much people would adore Genesis as Genesis would keep steadfast on her role as she would not simply mind her hate. As Genesis would continue as the symbol of peace, Chronos had become tired as she wished to destroy her sister for power. Soon Chronos's attempt of destroying her, Genesis had created angels for her own defense as the fight would simply live on her passive self with the use of others to fend for her. Soon God had gotten tired of their dispute and had banished Chronos from all Heavenly powers. With the trust given to Genesis, she would created the world on her own and lead the cycle. Soon the New Earth was born.

In the world, it was blissful as the land was beautiful and natural with it's abundant resources. The animals lived in harmony as the nature had grown so well and it would all be overlooked by the sole Goddess. She had made beings to live as these beings had progressed to be perfect, yet they still had their vile feelings of Pandora's mistakes and redemption. These beings grew given the power of technology and magic. These humans couldn't live alone without guidance, so the Goddess bestowed them angels. However, she was blind to the actions of Chronos's existence. Chronos had not disappeared yet as she would linger around and wish for discord. Being the disowned daughter of God, she had wished to thwart Genesis's world as God had no power as he would slowly cease. As these angels seemed to carry on the world, the humans soon became very sinful as the discord had spread. Despite the sins and mistake of Pandora, they had become more subjected to vice. Soon it would be overwhelmed to become her hell as the chalice had been created and spilled in with poison to drink for Genesis. As it took her time to realize what was wrong, she had realized her evil forces couldn't destroy anything, but only spread the will of it. She had no ability to destroy her corrupted creations, instead she had sent angels and marked them as Angels of Genesis. What was once created must tend to itself as they had begin to dictate the humans. As they couldn't face the powers of the angels, they soon had followed, despite any vice. With that, a new haven was created called Utopia's Paradise. Despite the irony of what it may be, all those who were pure were allowed as many remained under the cruelty of being corrupted had remained. Centuries would pass to a time where all may be progressed.

-Myriad of Chronicles-

Soon the world had become a peaceful place with the control of angels. God had deceased as the other world had become destroyed, and all souls were lost but not finite. The angels had split those of evil into their solitude of a world called purgatory. They would remain there and be unable to force away from the angel's force. Even if not all were plagued of corruption, it would be the kingdom of vice and their prison of sins. Utopia's Paradise had grown to less than half the size of Purgatory, had become a life of harmony and prosperity. As Genesis was in her own fight to eliminate Chronos, she could not handle creation, as it was not needed entirely. Chronos, however, had become part of New Earth as she was still the adversary of creation, destruction, but had dictated the cycle of death of sparing all souls from destruction.-

As their vengeful and regretful spirits could not be sated of their ambition, monsters known as Anima had been created ever since. They were then released into the world through the strange phenomenon of an occurring portal, but it would mainly occur on the outskirts of Utopia's Paradise. As these beings were to wreak havoc, humans and angels had to fight off the Anima. The war occurred for quite long as angels and humans fought against them, even those in Purgatory. As they had prevailed against the war, they were able to seal it out into a hole in the world called Hell's Gate, as it was a misleading name, yet not quite off on the thought without the powers of the Devil as he was deceased with God without any offspring of sorts, but still would lead the world asunder if unattended.

-Soon, angels and humans of Utopia's Paradise had to reproduce their ownselves without the power of Genesis. As Angels and humans of Utopia's Paradise had coexisted, they had been able to hold more power against Anima together. With this segregated world of those good and evil and dictated to their respective life and actions, it would remain unchanged, until another force would shake the world into another form.

-One's Destiny (Origin)-

It was in the time of the 27th New Generation. Soon humans and angels had grew up well together as the sinners of Purgatory still remained a misery. However, discord had grown off to the angels, as they were somehow unable to hold up their just divinity and purity. As the phenomenon was marked as the fallen angels, they would be the same as angels, but only in Purgatory. The world remained fine the way it was, but the forces of evil would slowly establish themselves.

In the town of Eden, it would be a lovely place, almost fit with nature and a flexible use of technology and magic, a new batch of successors were born offspring of their predecessors and before as they were not heroes or legends, but simply those who wished to bestow them to this place. However, as the rules of the world would change, the actors of the performance must adapt to their changing roles. It was a small place, but the last to be created by the Goddess before she left, almost like her will for a last hope. As it was a special place that only they were confined to, they would grow into more powerful than others, but not enough to overpower each other, for now at least, and unable to wreak havoc upon a thousandfold. It was sealed with magic that only Genesis or Chronos could interfere with, but to dictate the inside of it, they had allowed angels, even fallen angels, as well as humans. Soon the children there would get to know one another in the quiet peaceful place, and grow up as they would be the first and last offspring of the place as they lived in a preserved atmosphere, for now. As these children weren't given rules, they were subject to any sort of vice and crimes and any purities and laws. The children may be preserved well, and may end up being quite evil, but such a personality doesn't need to match who they are by racial standards, only the rules. So what will it be? Will you throw this world into anarchy of chaos and crime with the release of sinners? Will you allow the world to purge all sinners and make this world pure? Or do you wish for the absolute destruction? Children cannot figure this out alone, only in will they shall.


All characters start at childhood, around the age of 8 to 10 to have communications to one another. The roleplay will transition to the ages of 14 to 17. Lastly, the characters will reach the age of above 18 (Roughly around the mid 20s if possible) where they will be granted their own freedoms and responsibilities. If the transitions grow too long, a skip maybe possible. Preferable maximum of main characters : Around 10, but can allow more if needed. NPCs can be directed by myself or others. At the ages of 10 to 13, people will be able to fight, but under the watch of the supervisors, they won't be able to kill off each other from "accidents", but my grow bad tensions with one another. The Anima will possibly become a threat to them as they are like demonic manifestations of humans, angels, or even animals.

-Follow the Guild's rules
-Info will change over the three phases, but you can list the change of the info for your character during the three phases. Age will change, but you may change what you want
-Character and out of character is different, so you can be jerks (But not a lot) too each other if it's in character, but not out of character D:<
-No god modding
-I'm still an amateur and new here, but I'll do my best to direct here. If you wish to take over an NPC or create one, tell me ahead of time (Even though I'm not super active)
-Romance is allowed, but if you're going to get 18+ in here, either void it or do it in PM > w <! On that note, genders doesn't matter and no bias against any type of romance. I support BL >//w//<
-It's possible to start up fights (Otherwise we'd all be pacifists), but going too far is too much, especially for children who aren't fully grown. If you're going to kill someone for future reference, consent of the victim and the perpetrator.
-If there are any rules that are good and should be included tell me please.