My Character Sheet: (EDITED)
Name : Nathan Bernard.
Age: 16
Starting Gender: Male
Occupation: Student.

Reason for Going: Nathan was rather hooked on video games, something that was hurting his grades over time, even though he was making a few dollars through streaming what he was playing and working at Tempe Chicken to make some minimum wage, in order to fufill his job obligation. Soon enough, his parents decided enough was enough and collectively told Nathan that he would be going to Eden to hopefully fix his attitude and personality, something he detested to think about. However, he didn't have a choice and soon enough, he was on the bus headed towards the school.

Appearance: Nathan was supposed to be wearing a blazer, but kept it in his suitcase, instead wearing a casual blue shirt to relax in. He also has some cargo shorts and some sneakers on. He has short brown hair and dark brown eyes, as well as being light skinned, with a bit of stubble coming on, but not too much to be considered a full-blown mustache or beard. He has little to no muscle on him and is 6"0' and 135 lbs as a result. If the air ever gets chiller, he changes into some heavier clothing, deciding not to wing it with the temperature, preferring to stay warm and comfortable.

Personality: Nathan is adept at video games and enjoys boasting about his skills to others. He tends to jump to conclusions, but usually makes right decisions when he does, mostly through a matter of luck. He enjoys playing computer games on his laptop when not doing his schoolwork, which he usually spends minimal time on, but always has time for other things when he's not doing either of them. He has a tendency to be a rebel at times and go against the rules if they seem unfair in his opinion and usually has a way to sneak himself out of trouble, leaving behind little to no evidence. He warms up to people fairly easily, but has a bit of trust issues when it comes to people he finds suspicious.

Other Facts: Nathan brought among his clothing, his mid-end laptop, a pair of sunglasses and his trusty charger alongside him. He also holds his 3DS with him, just in case his laptop doesn't work for the night.

Second RP Sheet for Principal: (There is a vice principal slot open, which is as equally as important. This character will only be used in confrontations with the character herself. If you think you can play her, feel free to ask, I can slot you in. You can play this character alongside your own and you'll have full control of her after the initial assembly ends.)
Name: Kathy Willheart
Age: 38
Occupation: Principal

Reason for Going: Has been principal at the boarding school and has controlled many troublemakers trying to avoid the pills. Makes them try to feel welcome with their new lives, but sometimes will have to resort to brainwashing people who rebel. Plus the pay's quite good compared to her old teaching job. This is her 6th year on the job and with every year, she manages to keep more students under control. Failure isn't an option for her, but she knows what she's doing.

Appearance: She is 6’0” and is 126 lbs. She has a generally friendly face with brown eyes, but can be serious at times when it’s necessary. She has long blond hair halfway down her back and wears a red suit and some formal pants, as well as some dress shoes and some thin glasses. Finally, she has a gold bracelet around her right hand, which reads “Embrace the New You.”, the motto of the school. She doesn't care much about brand names, but wears them anyways, as her paycheck is quite high and she can cover it.

Personality: She is generally friendly until students start noticing the changes, at which point she has to get serious with them and explain they have to live with their new lives. She used to be a student at the school who was changed and came to accept her new identity, eventually becoming a teacher and working her way up to principal. If students rebel, she'll be sure to take major action against them with her no-nonsense attitude. Don't expect any mercy from her, she'll make sure the school takes action against any wrongdoers.

Other Facts: N/A