Project Nightmare:

an organization made to re-wright reality by slaying the current gods and replacing them with man made ones these were made by kidnapping people with high compatibility rates as that to Ragnarok the God Killing Sword they are then tortured and experimented for several years of there youth then executed for a certain amount of time to explore the horrors of the afterlife then reincarnated and forcefully shoved back into there body's each subject would have a partner depending on there task in this grand plan no further information is known about this organization Subjects so far there are only 12 subjects in project nightmare all members wield weapons infused with fragments of the Ragnarok blade the God slayer giving them all unique ability's


Directer of Project Nightmare and lead scientist of the Research and Development section: known as "The Mad Scientist" by people who don't know his affiliation.

Features and Equipment: he's about age 37 looks about 28 personality wise 18 around with shoulder length silver grey hair wearing that covers his left eye and wears black framed scientist glasses equipped with a research variant H.U.D this H.U.D is designed to keep track of experiments and the like he wears a white formal button shirt and a black lab coat over it along with black formal pants and boots on his hands and wrists he has a pair of white formal gloves on and a silver watch on his right hand.

Weapons: he carries a long barrel silver revolver which he uses to mercifully kill failed subjects other then this his other weapons are Unknown due to him being the R and D lead researcher and created every unique weapon and equipment design of Project Nightmare take caution around him.

Class: Researcher

Psych Profile: unknown


Subject 12: Fenrir The Executioner

Features and Equipment: age 29 he has long black straight yet puffy hair the tips of his hair is maroon colored his eye color is a teal green wearing his white bullet proof fire resistant clothing that has a sub material which negates electricity he had black metal combat boots and a sweater he had on a special pair of combat gloves given to him by the Grim Reaper Anubis it acts as a gate way to a pocket dimension for storing equipment,and guiding lost souls to where they rightfully belong along with a unique emblem on they have been named Ninka Yami his mask is highly advanced equipped with an H.U.D that keeps track of enemy's as soon as they appear in there line of sight and amount of ammo such as explosives and rounds it's capable of one A.I. interface.

Image Available at:

Weapons: his weapons of preference are Kusanagi once legendary blade corrupted by being infused with a fragment of Ragnarok the god slaying sword due to this infusion it granted the blade the ability to switch into the following blade types:-Scythe,-Bustersword,-Katana(defualt form),the paired weapons of a single bladed brass knuckle and a combat knife.

He carries a special fire arm named "Heavens Executioner" made of orichalchum an extremely rare magic type material that's nearly indestructible; in it's default form it's a pistol but it can switch into other fire arms as long as Fenrir knows the schismatics of the gun in subject and has the ammunition for it Ability's are unknown at the moment....

Class: Jack of all Trades

Psych Profile: N/A

Subject 11: Waldo The Nightmare

Equipment and Features: age 22 He has long straight black hair with blood red eyes he has black surrounding his irises he has black feathered wings and a white dragon like tail with black tiger like stripes on it he wears a military sweater that has a black and red striped pattern on it it's sleeves were torn off and he has black leather armor on his shoulder black sleeves emerged from the shoulder pads to wrap around his arms he had black gauntlet like combat gloves on and a top his head he wore a beanie with the same color pattern as his sweater he wore black combat pants that had cloth hanging from his belt making it seam like he wore a trench coat from the waist down this cloth was also black it was there to make his leg movements harder to track he had leather knee pads on to prevent injury in those areas and wore black metal combat boots he had a pair of dog tags around his neck the tags stated "Project Nightmare , Subject 11" the other stated "Designated : Waldo , Class : Hunter " his clothing was torn from several area's as if he had experienced several battles there was a little bit of rust on his tags making them a bit harder to read he had blood stains on them but they were hard to spot

Weapons: he uses duel Cleaver like blades called the Kurai Akumu which give him a brutal fighting style made to inflict fear and uncomparible pain and injury's

Class: Hunter

Psych Profile: Waldo is a brutal being who always seams upset over something it's very hard to find him in a good mood he seams to enjoy the missions he gets which are usually to kill off all personal of bases or targets of interest from the reports we assume the area's which the mission takes place is a mess of body's,blood,and severed limbs and organs

Subject 10: Vincent Night A.K.A Vincent the Wicked

Equipment and Features: age 28 he has long brown hair wearing glasses his eye color is hazel he wore a black steam punk themed trench coat over a steel grey button shirt he had a black vest over the shirt as well as a formal tie tied around his neck along with a black pair of formal pants and boots he had white formal gloves as well as a black top hat with a white ribbon tied around it he had a pair of dog tags hanging from his wrist one tag stated "Project Nightmare,Subject 10" the other stated "Designated: Vincent Night, Class:Special unit"

Weapons: he had a pair of katana based broad swords they were thin and long just like a katana these were called Shinda Omoide and were infused with the fragment of Ragnarok this allowed them to shift into a single spear,along with as well as one was on his back the hilt was pointed down the other was on the back part of his waist the hilt facing up towards his left he had special fire arms one was a double barreled pistol the upper barrel uses a revolver system of firing it fires explosive sniper rounds while the barrel under it uses a magazine system which uses incendiary shells it was holstered under his coat the other was a silenced machine pistol firing rail rounds or other wise known as Bullets laced with electricity this was holstered on his right leg

Class: Destructor

Psych Profile: Vincent is an eccentric individual he likes to view his missions as if they were plays and he was the actor from what the soldiers tell us in our organization he seams to make every move flow perfectly from one to the next as if he were doing a dance

Subject 09: Jen Black

Equipment and Features: Jen Black is a doll type golumn she appears to be a black and white cat she's as tall as regular store mannequins she wears a red scarf around her neck and has long black fluffy fur on her head that resembles hair it's layered with white fur she has golden yellow eyes and wears a special medic uniform it's a mix of both black and white with a special nano machine system to hide her for a little bit of time but it usually helps with healing her allies or possible enemy hostages

Weapons: she has no known weapons except for medication and healing equipment she does have heighten sense of hearing,sight,and smell she's extreamly durable due to her being a golumn as long as the part in her body that store's the magic energy that keeps her alive is destroyed

Class: Medic

Psych Profile: She doesn't like violence and because of that she hates her line of work if she weren't so afraid of returning to being just a doll she would have ran from the organization along time ago she loves children and dreams of somehow escaping Project Nightmare and helping in places like school's,hospitals,or nursery's

Subject 08:

Armor: not much is known about Subject 08 other then it's a dragon anthro and wears a full advanced suit made to handle it's unique flame ability due to it being equipped with this armor for most of it's life and covers it's full body the being it self does not know it's true gender nor it's physical appearance or age

Weapons: it has triple barreled revolving flamethrowers being able to release a large
amount of fire that can reach the range of most fully automatic assault rifle's equipped with napalm fuel,making fires burn hotter stick to targets and stay light longer on it's arms and legs as well as one set on it's tail it's set up to also create a shield of fire and due to the barrels revolving when pulling the trigger of the flamethrowers it'll create tornado like fire blast's it has claws on it's hands and feet that don't necessarily get in the way of pulling the flamethrower's trigger

System: depending on who's in control the visor/eye color will be a different color for example if the user had blue eyes and was in control the visor and eye color would be blue but if the user was unconscious or unable to move then the armor would be set to automatic this specific armor's element is fire thus the visor/eye color would be red but if they were both fully synced then the color would be mixed in this case purple

Class: Living Weapon

Psych Profile: No one really knows what Subject 08 is like both physically and mentally we can't really tell what it's gender is ether when we ask Subject 08 responds with "Unknown" so most of us consider it a living weapon it stays in it's own designated section in the base it is currently assigned too most of the time usually it's sent into missions where the organization needs something completely wiped out like a living nuke of sorts except much less of a surprise and more like releasing a monster from it's very short leash

Subject 07: Dust The Detonator

Equipment and Features: age 18 he has long straight black hair and wears a sage green Russian coat with the same armor although this one is optimizes for sentry work

Weapons: Dust uses a pair of gauntlets that summon an infinite amount of chains and explosives he can merge these explosives to any thing he desires forming unique combinations he also uses a special chainsaw called the Hakamori

Class: Fortification/ Demolition Expert

Psych Profile: Dust is one of the more friendlier Subjects most of the personal at the organization like him after all he seams mostly normal he uses chains and explosives to set up traps or secure areas of interest usually when he isn't working he could be spotted socializing with the personal on break

Subject 06: Fade/Black

Equipment and Features: age 15 Fade is a runaway subject who is barley in control of his ability's he has long black hair in a sort of cow lick hair style and has light violet he wore the standard black Asylum uniform that subjects ware at the pre-beta phase these uniforms offer little protection

Weapons: his ability is to turn any thing he can get into a weapon by using his aura to amplify its strength if he doesn't have any on hand he can turn him self into a weapon but if he were to get an actual tool of deadly force he will be a lot harder to beat

System: Fade is one of the more unique subjects with a unique A.I system and nano-machines the A.I system works almost the same way as a split personality except the A.I is silent for the majority of the time Fade switches out the personality to Black an A.I that handles the violent missions when Fade is in control the eye color on his body is a light violet when he switches to the A.I he has has dark purple cool calculating eyes

Class: Assassin

Psych Profile: Fade is one of the more innocent and child like subjects he's ignorant of the world and try's to help others he's often afraid of combat and likes to try to talk the situation down working like a negotiator while Black on the other hand is a cool calculating killing machine who's assignment is to kill targets and nothing else Black is generally in control when Fade needs to fight

Subject 05: Cheshire

Equipment and Features: Cheshire is a cat neko age 18 he has medium length black hair and had a sort of sky blue eyes.he wears a unique black trench coat that ends just about his knee's,the design of the coat is odd it has two zippers one ends at his collar bones the other ends at the end of his chest revealing a wet work suit underneath it the sleeves of this coat were removed as this kind of coat is normally worn by snipers,or scouts to blend in with environments in different patterns he wore black combat pants the kind usually seen by military special forces he had a sort of leather gauntlet like armor pieces on his arms that start from his wrist and end at his elbows underneath it he has black bandages covering his arms from his hands to elbow he had a similar type of armor pieces around near his upper arm it starts a little above his elbows and ends just before it reaches his shoulders these leather armor pieces are strong enough to deflect bullets as well as blade assaults they are generally lighter then most armor the draw back is that they require repair after a long amount of sustained damage he had a pair of special boots it looks like the boots had slots in them to allow his claws to be released he had a pair of dog tags hanging from his coat the first tag stated "Project Nightmare, Subject 05" the second stated "Designated : Cheshire, Class: Recon" the fur pattern on his cat ears and tail were a dark purple mixed with lighter shades of the same color four pairs of earring one pair of silver earring and the other pair of gold he had them on in a sort of symmetrical fashion the silver ones being closer to his head then the golden ones the silver earrings are actually a special communication system that is relatively hidden

Weapons: he carried a mini shotgun holstered on his back specially designed for certain tasks it had a good rate of fire as well as an average spread of firing he had a short katana like tanto blade holstered on the back side of his waist the hilt facing upwards towards his left this blade gives off an ominous feel to it for some odd reason he also had an odd fire arm holstered on his right leg it was a weird cross between a sub machine fun and a machine pistol

Class: Recon

Psych Profile: Cheshire is odd at most a lot of people like him he's a lot like a live cat simply lazing around,entertaining his curiosity and likes to play of course he knows he has missions and does a lot of recon work getting more info for operatives on missions so they could increase there chance of success which is odd for his personality Cheshire gets along well with the other subjects as well as people it's pretty hard to stay mad at him if he does something wrong sometimes he'll be required to take action and support the troops with ground fire and so on which he's happy to do if he gets to see his fellow operatives get out alive to play with him some more

Subject 04: Cynthia

Equipment and Features: she's one of the few elf's that were seen in the world she was left to die a member of P.N a certain infantry soldier brought her in the director was happy to see an elf to test on she wears a red scarf wrapped around her neck that covered her face up to her nose and most of the time wears dark sunglasses her eye color is several different shades of gold and has dark brownish hair mixed with a lighter shade of brown she had the P.N emblem on her left armor shoulder piece she had a pair of exposed dog tags wrapped around her neck her uniform consists of a torn trench coat with holes all over the bottom free moving cloth part of it she had armor covering it as well in certain spots her chest shoulders arms in the form of gauntlets as well as her legs and feet along

Weapons: she carried a single revolver holstered on her right side along with a unique tanto razor type blade holstered on her back and a grappling gun holstered under her arm

Class: Infantry Commander

Psych Profile: Cynthia is pretty cold as if she was trained to be a soldier she was saved by one of the P.N's special forces agents and was healed of her disabilities and injuries by the Director as a Subject she has her own squad of infantry as she works like the acting commander of the armed force in the organization a lot of her own squad members tease her about her role due to her appearance when there not in battle engagements but when it's time to fight they follow her orders as best as possible

Subject 03: Luna

Equipment and Features: Luna is a completely strange being altogether we classify her as a shadow her kind tend to live deep in the forest they're generally very mislead by outsiders assuming each one is an enemy they tend to have dark faded hair like silver,black,brown,etc Luna has black grayish hair with grey silver eyes she wears a white sweater with a black tail coat combined with the themes of a kimono she has the kimono sleeves that expose her shoulders they cover there faces with faceless masks or hide there faces with there magic when undisturbed shadows generally look similar to elves but they also have feathered wings each vary from color ,Luna's is a mix of silver feathers and black feathers, and claws the claw type also vary although each shadow can use a certain amount of dark magic/abilities such as illusions,dark spells like possession,etc Luna her self is extreamly shy but also extreamly curios

Weapons: when she was in the forest with her people she only carried a small hunting knife but since she was forced into the Project Nightmare Program she carries a special katana that uses her magic abilities to improve her form of combat the sheath is a custom double barreled shotgun sheath capable of firing the katana blade through one barrel as well as shotgun shells through the other

Class: Illusionist

Psych Profile: Luna is a pretty shy person she tends to stay by herself most of her times she only has a few acquaintances within the organization as she's one of the rare beings known as a "Shadow" Jen likes to visit her as they both dislike conflict and as soon as Jen did a couple of the personal have began to befriend her seeing how she was like is nothing to worry about as they soon noticed she's more scared of them then they are to her she likes to eat sweets that some of the personal give her she's kind of like the cheerleader of sorts in the organization despite her modifications that allow her to do amazing actions

Subject 02: Rei

Equipment and Features: she has long wild black hair layered with dark grey hair tips she has a bright violate eye color she wore a black sweater normally worn by soldiers with an open black combat based trench coat with no sleeves she had black leather shoulder pads on her black gauntlet like combat gloves extended to just bellow her elbow she wears black combat pants and boots she has equipment to be able to climb onto surfaces.

Weapons: she uses black gauntlet like combat gloves that generate electricity which is released upon impact on target

Class: Close Quarters Combat

Psych profile: is known to be quite over confident with her combat skills but she has much reason for it as she's highly trained to handle any sort of situation unarmed and ill equipped usually the last enemy unit left alive will always ask her one thing "How are you able to cause so much damage without any sort of weapons?" in which she replied with "I just punched my way out it's not that hard" she also has experience in stealth based missions

Subject 01:

Equipment and Features: Guardian class beast kin,He's Lupine Dragon with arctic fox like features.His fur color is that of several shades of white and gray.His dragon like eyes are an ice blue shade almost representing willpower.He's got black horns sticking out of his head.His fur/hair tips fade to gray closer to it's ends.His hair length is medium to shoulder length,and styled in a wild messy manner.He wears a black mad hatter styled top hat with a silver colored bow tied around it.He wears a steel gray with black fade marks button shirt,over that he wears a black formal tie and unique styled vest.He also wears a dark red tailcoat that has similar fades to his shirt,it's got white accents.This coat is worn undone,he has a golden chain to keep it from being blown out of position. He wears black formal gloves and matching boots.When he's in an animal form,he only wears a black bow-tie around his neck.

Weapons: N/A

Class: N/A

Psych Profile: He's known to fairly kind and friendly towards others,he always tries his best to make ends meet for both parties.but it's said that no matter how many times he's befriended others they would always leave him.Due to his breed he has a large natural lifespan.It's unsure what kind of past experiences he's had nor what the organization wants of him....

Subject 00: The Corrupted King

Equipment and Features: The Corrupted King has black long hair atop it he wears a black king like crown a remnant of his past.he has silver-grey eyes,and wears completely black formal attire from boots to button-shirt to vest and pants as well as coat and tie he wears white formal gloves and has king like cape wrapped around his shoulders kept in place by two silver chains this cape is black and lined with silver fur

Weapons: he uses every weapon the other subjects are given as well as his own weapon Excalibur a deadly blade once known as the hero's weapon corrupted into a tool to slay millions this blade is odd in design it appears to be a perfect balance of certain aspects of the following blade designs: tanto blade,katana,broadsword,and long sword

Class: Jack of all Trades

Psych Profile: It's been said that he was once a kind noble king his servants always loved his rule over the kingdom he ruled,but suddenly something happened all of them vanished without a trace the king's kingdom slowly went to ruin,once a warlock went to his kingdom to visit a relative that lived in his kingdom but soon discovered all of them disappeared without a trace,in a fit of sadness and rage the warlock cursed the lands to a frozen hell an everlasting snowfall began to form over the kingdom the only one left was the king who remained.the king him self was found simply waiting at his throne it wasn't hard to get him into the program his true history is unknown.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Distinguished Project P.N. Featured Personal


Features and Equipment: Lock has medium length black hair with silver high lights. His eye color is a dark silver. He wears black combat pants,boots,and a black combat based coat extending just above his knees,underneath it.He wears a black combat sweater thats usually worn by special forces ,he wears black combat gloves as well.His clothing and armor is made with unique nano fiber that scans the surroundings to create camo.

Weapon: He carries a modern Vladas sub-machine gun, a modern hammerli sp20 pistol,and a combat sword.The Vladas is equipped with armor piercing plus an extended barrel.The Hammerli is equipped with special ammunition that modifies atoms-making them weaker or stronger also equipped with red dot sight. The combat sword's appearance resembles that of a katana and Cleaver by that it's body is mostly katana but just like a cleaver it doesn't have a blade tip this design was made purely for slashing however he rarely even uses this weapon.

Class: Retrieval unit,Gunmen Class.

Psych Profile: Lock is one of Project Nightmare's retrieval units,he's distinguished himself several times when retrieving stolen equipment,run away subjects,as well as the handling of top tier missions.Lock him self doesn't appear to be to speak to others out side of mission parameters it's deemed he may be deteriorating for further missions...


Features / Equipment: Chains has black medium length hair,which is slightly pulled back,yet parted in a way where it covers the face; majority of the hair covering his face is on the right side. He has blue tiger like eyes. As well as Tiger markings around certain parts of his body;He's got tiger like cat ears atop his head as well as a tail and claws to match. He wears a unique special forces uniform,made of unique nano fibers which scan the environment and apply appropriate camo. He has a black leather collar around his neck. He's got a short sleeved black coat over a black v-neck shirt.He wears a pair of black combat pants and black combat boots.He's got Black gauntlet like combat gloves on.His gloves and boots have slots in them to allow him to unsheathe his claws.

Weapons / Abilities: Chains uses odd weaponry although he's trained to use chainsaws he's also known to use several other weapons usually mechanical types.

Class: Retrieval unit,Special unit class.

Psych Profile: Chains is seen to be pretty confident and is some what of an optimist,at first he doesn't appear to be that much of a highly trained soldier,but upon seeing him in action it's plain to see as such he's regarded as a wild card by others.


Features / Equipment: had long brown hair braided from the back, it was long that it kept getting in his face.(( typical anime bedhead hairstyle from the front )) It's done in a clean yet wild manner.His eyes were a forest green color,on his head he wore a black beanie.He wore a black combat turtleneck sweater, over it he had a heavy military like hoodie, the hood lined with silver fur,it was currently down. With matching black combat pants designed to handle this current weather,he also had on a pair of black boots and full fingered combat gloves.Hanging from his coat he had a pair of dog tags, the first stated "Project Nightmare,Retrieval unit". The second tag stated "Designation: Link , Class: C.Q.C. ". He also had a small communicator holstered on the front of his coat.He wore a pair of dark lenses glasses in order to block the snow , it's also equipped with a H.U.D or Heads Up Display. The H.U.D. he's currently equipped with keeps track of his objective, the environment,his movements,and important items such as food or other goods.

Weapons / Abilities: On his back he had a cleaver like sword,on the right side of his waist he had a katana,and in his right hand he carried a two handed long sword. He also carried several throwing blades as well holstered on his upper arms and legs.

Class: Retrieval , C.Q.C

Psych Profile: Link considers himself a swordsmen and likes to duel opponents rather then bothering with back up he would rather fight one on one. Despite his knight like persona he seems confident perhaps a tad bit too confident.He likes to make allies when available he calls them that but he's learned the hard way that loosing a friend is more painful then loosing an ally but that's just his excuse.


Project Sanctum:

An organization set to gain the knowledge of every reality thus they do a lot of research into entering parallel worlds they also have done jobs like mercenary work such as policing city's,etc they use Volunteer Subjects or Subjects that don't have any reason to go on with there lives


Director and Head Researcher: Danial White

Features and Equipment: Danial White is a rabbit neko who wears a white button shirt and black pants his shirt is worn in a casual manner his eye color is a cyan blue color

Weapons and Ability: he doesn't have any weapon he could use the only ability or more so of a characteristic is his speed as he is a rabbit beast-kin 1st quarter class.

<!//"Note to self: reread every character sheet,and add the beastkin character sheet"//>

Class: Researcher

Psych profile: Unknown


Subject 012:

Features and Equipment:

Weapons and Ability:


Psych Profile:

Subject 11:

Features and Equipment:

Weapons and Ability:


Psych Profile:

Subject 10: The Jester

Features and Equipment: The Jester appears to be 22 and has dark brown mixed with a lighter brown to a brownish gold shoulder length straight,spiked yet messy hair and ware's a mask with a crooked smile it has straight lines going down where it reveals his gold colored eyes along with a pair of golden earrings and was wearing a black button shirt with a red vest over it the vest resembles that of a tail coat and black pants he had black formal boots and black leather gloves and had a silver ring on his wedding finger his button shirt was open at his neck two buttons down..

Weapons and Ability: he wields a single pistol attached to a holster on the side of his right leg it was specially crafted out of orichalchum a nearly indestructible material his firearm is the type that's highly customize-able able to me modified into a shotgun,a a semi automatic sniper rifle ,a burst fire assault rifle or a sub machine gun with ease if he had the parts on hand his ability was creating illusions

Class: Jack of all Trades

Psych Profile: The Jester is an unknown he keeps all personal details hidden and is very difficult to track the only means to contact him is via a cellphone he keeps at all time he sounds mainly bored of life his code named was given to him ironically as he doesn't really seem to try to make life easier on him self nor does he make it harder

Subject 09: Cerberus

Features and Equipment: his age appears to be 28 he's a neko of sorts somewhere in the canine variety but no one can tell from which breed specifically do to his nature he's been classified as a breed of his own a hell hound he wears a black torn to near shreds trench coat with a black color around his neck which is kept there by a lock he wears black formal pants that are torn and shredded from the bottom as well as a torn up button shirt his clothes has faint traces of blood on them he has dark purple eyes and black straight,spiky,wild hair he has cloth wrapped around his feet and hands to allow him to use his claws if he needs to his fur color is a black color

Weapons and Ability: he's trained to use any weapon he can get his hands on but specializes in melee type weapons mostly blunt or bladed weaponry he carries a metal gauntlet on his left arm to use as a shield leaving his hands free his ability is unknown currently

Class: Distructor

Psych Profile: Cerberus could the confident type he's normally calm and enjoys the challenge of a good battle but has a strict sense of justice being one of the guardians of hell his power is restrained due to the lock attached to the color around his neck he prefers to eat meat instead of sweets

Subject 08: "Blank"

Features and Equipment: when "Blank" is off duty you could spot it roaming around it wears an odd set of clothing in pure white a white trench coat like robe it covers all the way down to just below it's knee's where it hints that it wears white armor underneath "Blank" wears a hoodie to cover it's head from the end of it's sleeves it appears to have on heavy black gauntlets the kind you see on armor it's nearly impossible to see it's facial features

Armor: Blank wears a set of pure white advanced armor it's a mix of both cloth and armor

Weapons: Blank carries what appears to be an odd sword of pure white it doesn't have a hilt guard it's blade resembles that of a katana he carries a large white rectangular case

Ability: Blank is a sort of prototype combat unit the user within the armor is unknown but it has extreamly unique ability's being able to absorb the exact traits of beings from alternate reality's it's currently the first weapon system designed by Project Sanctum to rely on parallel realms the name of this unit as well as it's ability was named "Blank" as in it's empty but can be replaced it's weapon and armor are simple in design to be able to copy traits from an alternate reality

System: the system for the Blank armor and weapons is difficult to understand currently it can only absorb traits one at a time depending on what item it's trying to modify an example of this is it's cloth can be modified so they can be fire resistant however the armor cannot but can be changed to be more flexible it's sword can be modified to be able to generate electricity but it can out change it's shape it's also possible for it to be able to change it's shape but it won't be able to have any sort of special effect the large white case Blank carries can be changed into any form with the ability to get one special trait exactly it can be turned into a rocket launcher and it's special trait could be something like rail accelerated rockets or it can be turned into a sniper rifle or even a set of hand guns

Class: Living Weapon

Psych Profile: Blank is a strange being it always seams to be in a dazed state when we ask what's wrong it replies that it's simply processing the massive amount of information from the alternate reality's it states that it's unable to rest some times and some times it's rest is disturbed by nightmares other times it claims to see minor events far off into the future or into the past as well as several other symptoms it's starting to act like the Director.White in a way where it's starting to forget which reality it's in we suggested that Blank should remove the armor's processor and shut it down when it's not in situations where the armor isn't needed the results are favorable when Blank started to follow the suggestions symptoms are reduced but there still there a strange but understandable side effect of using this system

Subject 07: Grey

Features and Equipment: Grey wears a mix of cloth and high powered armor designed for infiltration and range type combat he's equipped with a unique H.U.D simply designed to track targets and keep track of ammo the armor's capability's change based on range of target an example if the user is armed with a sniper rifle in his hands it will alter the armor and cloth's property's via nano machines to conceal the wearer if the user is carrying a shotgun the armor/cloth changes for it to absorb the most damage and allow free movement Grey him self as black hair with silver highlights and grey to silver eyes

Weapons and Ability: Grey doesn't have very many ability's his consist of a temporary body enhancement such as power or speed but never two at the same time he's primary trained to handle shotguns,flamethrowers,pistols,and sniper rifles as well as bladed throwing weapons

Class: Infantry Commander

Psych Profile: Grey is more of a hardened soldier most of the soldiers under his command both fear and respect him he apparently has been fighting since a young age he was one of the few survivors in all of those long battles and with out any other purpose in life was recruited by Project Sanctum to handle security

Subject 06: Soul

Features and Equipment: Soul is a black wolf jackal mix he's got long black and white fur on his head that's layered to make it look spiky and wild but also looks like a bed head it resembles hair the length of which extents to his waist he has the back part of it tied by a ribbon when it reaches his upper back just below his shoulder line he wears a unique variation of samurai garb both mixed with armor form the far future the area's he has armor plating on are his shoulders and his legs he wears samurai gauntlets made of material strong enough to block blades and durable yet flexible cloth from the past he has two sets of cloth around his pants with hiding his legs well making it unpredictable for his movements the kimono he wears is sleeveless his entire samurai garb is both black and white he will wear a black cloak when he enters cold environments this cloak will conceal his whole body's appearance easily from sight and wears a bamboo hat over his head to hide his eyes which were a silver grey color there's a black cloth covering it to hide his head's appearance and prevent snow from hitting him

Weapons and Ability: he uses several bladed weapons a katana at his side the katana's hilt is unique as it super charges the katana blade with volts of electricity the blade's sharp enough to cut through just about anything in the hands of a skilled wielder he also carries throwing weapons like knifes,daggers,darts,and tomahawks depending on his objectives he may carry explosives as well

Class: Hunter

Psych Profile: Soul is an odd being going by account records of conversations they had with him he seams to be just as he appears a samurai when he isn't on missions he can be found killing time in snow filled areas

Subject 05: Kitsune

Features and Equipment: as her name suggests she's a human fox hybrid or kitsune she has long black hair and wears a sort of white v-neck shirt the sleeves are designed to be the same type like a kimono's which expose her shoulders with a black hoodie she wears a sort of black Hakama like pants as well as a white cloth that hang from her belt that reach down to 8 inches below her knee's kind of resembling a trench coat this cloth was white and she had this cloth on both sides of her waist her fur color on her fox ears and tail is primarily a silver that fades to grey that fades to black at the tips she has a sort of crystal blue eye color

Weapons and Ability: kitsune is primarily used to help support when needed she primarily uses bladed weapons but has some fire arms as well for support as well as explosive and heavy weaponry depending on the objective she's been given she has six katana's , as well as four scythes,two spears,as well as some bladed gauntlet like equipment,she has a 7th katana that she always has sheathed at her right side,she has a unique variant sniper rifle as well as a Uzi type mini silenced sub machine gun that she has hidden on her body along with her katana using a unique piece of equipment all the weapons she has are stored in a sort of artificial pocket dimension,heavier weapons are sent to her via another access at the sanctum base when requested which allows her to summon it from her location.her special abilities are unknown

Class: Recon

Psych Profile: none of the personal know her,but it's common knowledge that she attends several public events when she's not on missions people hold some respect for her,

Subject 04:

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Psych Profile:


Subject 03: Yuki

Features and Equipment: Yuki is a female snow leopard hybrid.She has snow fur with black markings.she has snow white medium length layered hair ,the layering makes it appear that she has black hair tips,she has what appears to be black highlights,her hair is parted so it covers her right eye. Yuki wears black combat boots that allow her to unsheathe her claws,she also wears black leather gloves as if to deny her species of being an animal.She wears white combat pants designed to blend in snow environments,and she wears a unique combat sweater that also appears to take the traits of a button shirt for it's single sleeve meant for the right arm;Also designed to blend in with snow based environments. On.On her left arm she has a unique armored shoulder piece,as well as a unique armor based gauntlet,a wet work suit can be seen underneath the armor. She wears a black torn up cloak it seams war torn as it's seen a lot of conflict weather they be battles of enemy's or simply battling the harsh elements of travailing,she wears this cloak to stay hidden in darker areas as well as stand out in whiter areas,she wears this to conceal her body as well as hide away any potential item,or being if said being were small enough.

Weapons and Ability: Yuki carries a uniquely yet carefully crafted blade that combines the traits of a tanto blade,katana,and's light and thin like a tanto blade strong and long like a katana,but like a cleaver lacks a blade point making it more suited to slashing.She also has experience handling other weapons such as crossbows and certain fire arms.

Class: Mercenary Psych Profile:

Subject 02: Tenshi

Features and Equipment: Tenshi is as her name implies she's an angel who was forced out of paradise or heaven however you want to call it by some unknown force she has white to silver grey long messy styled hair she wears a uniform worn by all combat type angels the type varies by the angels natural element such as wind,water,fire,etc these were charmed with holy type magic and are unable to be worn by others unless they are pure of heart or become angels them selves her uniform is a specially ordered set of armor as does every angel orders her's were designed to work best with certain weaponry and the angels element her teal green coat resembles that of a trench coat combined with a formal tail coat except it ends at the knee's,the sleeves were removed as well underneath it she wore a long sleeved white sweater and wears a red tattered scarf which she wore for a very long time she wears a pair of white pants and brown leather boots and gauntlets the leather was made to be strong enough to block the blows of weaponry but they only have limited use before they need to be repaired

Weapons and Ability: She uses a spear as a weapon that could be turned into a katana if need be as well as bow and arrow along with being able to use wind and holy type magic along with a little bit of healing type and illusionary

Class: Arial

Psych Profile: When Tenshi landed from heaven due to an unknown force she lost some memories she remembered most of her life except for a few minor things as well as her own name and was given the name Tenshi by the person who found her wondering around in circles she's pretty calm most of the time a phrase that's always stuck in her head is "Treat others the way you want to be treated"

Subject 01:

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Subject 00:

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