Denis could easily pick up the scent of other demons in the club. It wasn't something unusual and most of the time he would simply choose to ignore them, but as he observed them from afar he noticed how they almost got into a fight with some human guys in front of everybody, and how they were now challenging each other over a prey. By the girls' looks, it seemed they were the kind that liked pretending to be civilized, but this sort of things could easily get out of hand. And if by any chance they ended making a mess it would be bad for Denis to be near them.

He could just call it a night and leave the place, but decided to get closer and maybe warn the demons before they did something silly, so when the prey they were fighting over walked to the bar to order some drinks, the boy took the chance to approach her in an attempt of being invited to their little group, rather than talking directly to the demons.

"Hello~" He said in a sweet voice and quickly averted his gaze, trying to look bashful or a bit nervous. "I... I was supposed to wait here for a friend, but it's been a while and he didn't come, and..." He looked around and bit his lip with feigned worry. "Well, I saw what happened with those guys and I don't feel comfortable here all alone..." Denis wasn't exactly a 'lady in distress', but he was the closest thing a man could be. Or at least that was what the boy was pretending to be. "Do you mind if I join you and your friends for a little while?" He put up a cute, timid smile hoping that the girl in black leather would take him with them and waited patiently for her reply.