So I have a very specific plot idea that I have not found any luck finding interest for in the many sites I have searched. I personally think it is very good. Without further ado, here is my idea:

The Premise

The idea I have is that both Muses will be ponies or pegasi from the My Little Pony universe. I am willing to do OC x OC or OC x Canon for this. A new MMO game has been released to the pony market using the HTC VIVE (imagine it's many years advanced from what we have right now), but when they start playing, they learn that there's a catch. They get trapped in a VRMMO and must fight for their lives in a world with RPG mechanics and literal, permanent death. They are now in the game Sword Ponies Online!

Sounds straightforward right? Wrong. Because I have an idea planned that after they escape from the game, the zombie apocalypse breaks out from the mindcontrolled corpses of the ponies who died, and they need to use their skills obtained from the game to survive and thrive.

Canons I Play

  • Rainbow Dash
  • Applejack
  • Twilight Sparkle
  • Derpy Hooves

About Myself

  • I'm a 20 year old girl from USA
  • I've been roleplaying since I was sixteen but still have so much to learn
  • I love doing both genders but have been playing males more then females recently.


  • I'm looking for a dedicated Advanced partner(s) with at least five paragraphs five line paragraphs per post
  • Please let me know if you wish to end our roleplay (if our current roleplay is not going well, I will ask if we can try something else and if not we can part ways without much of a problem)
  • I do not know every single fandom or know how to play ever single canon character. If you do not wish to do canon x canon we can always do canon x original characters or crossovers.
  • One to three replies a day works fine with me (I understand that we all have a busy schedule, and need breaks every now and again)
  • Please PM me Short answers such as "Can we roleplay?" or "Still Searching" is insufficient, so please include all of your preferences and boundaries. Any responses to this thread will be ignored
  • Sexual content is only allowed if you are 18+ and highly recommended to keep my interest.