As the TARDIS slowly circled the cold star, icy frost formed on the sleek blue wood. The geometric patterns formed and thrived on the sleek blue panels, slowly imprisoning the TARDIS in a sheen of ice.

Inside, the Doctor was trapped.

The Doctor ran down the steel grey corridor, occasionally ducking down into a side passage or jumping down into a canyon only to have his gravity reversed and be upright again. But it still followed him- constantly, always, forever. You should not have come, Doctor, the voice echoed across the infinite corridors. You should not have came back for me. For I was in wait.

The Doctor turned. "Kronos- I didn't come for you. You had the Key, and I needed that from you. I didn't know, please!"
I don't believe that, Doctor, Kronos boomed.
"Please do. It's the truth. I didn't know you were using it as a node!"
Are you sure?
"Yes! I am sure!"
There was silence for a couple of seconds, then Kronos spoke again.

And Kronos was there, in front of the Doctor, and the Doctor was afraid. Come and play, Kronos chided, before rushing forward and-