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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jorie Fritzgig




Jorie is 4’11” and is not expected to grow much more throughout her life. Her petite figure is outfitted in a simple pair of black cotton undergarments, with a tawny makeshift apron dress to top them off. She wears a gear belt snugly around her tiny waist, which contains trainer’s equipment and an assortment of other miscellaneous items. Her hair is the color of sunflower petals and streams like a river of gold down to the small of her back. Jorie’s thick bangs tease the tips of her long eyelashes, especially after removing her signature sun hat. The flouncy hat was made by Jorie and is garnished by a pair of Pokémon feathers on the left side. A black satin ribbon holds the feathers in place. Jorie’s emerald eyes accompany her fair skin, and her nose bears a small notched scar at the tip of the bridge. She wandered too close to an overprotective Spearow's nest as a child. Her infectious smile is Jorie’s best physical feature.

Jorie is possibly the most optimistic, energetic, and giggly inhabitant in the Orre Region. Despite her painful past, this girl’s foundation is forged from the most stable sense of self. Her smile is constantly visible, and the brightness of her eyes seldom fades away. She is extremely compassionate and has a gift for finding the inherent “good” in everyone. Jorie’s high level of curiosity has landed her in many a challenging situation, but it is matched by her quick wit and intuitiveness. She can be rather naïve at times, but has an uncanny understanding of sensitivity. Jorie knows when to speak and when to keep her mouth shut. She also knows how to wheedle her way in and out of almost any situation. She hums and whistles often, even if it's only with her partner Maren, and is consistently on the move. Her enthusiasm for life and adventure seem to know no end. Although Jorie’s personality can be quite overwhelming to some, she is genuine and loyal to those she holds close to her heart.

Jorie's mother had her at the ripe age of eighteen. The meager rations she was able to acquire were given directly to little Jorie. In many circumstances, their survival depended on stealth, thievery, and a dishonesty in both words and actions. When Jorie was seven years old, her mother left her at the shrine to Celebi in Relic Forerst and never returned. Little is know about what happened to Miss Fritzgig, but officers were able to recover the young woman's identification card and a scrap of bloodied blouse from the crime scene.

Alone and afraid, Jorie wandered aimlessly between the Relic Forest and Agate Village for several days until people began to notice her pattern. One of the officers assigned to her mother's case took particular interest in Jorie. This woman, Officer Beckett, began building a relationship with the girl and took to her almost instantaneously. Beckett was an unmarried woman who had never anticipated children of her own, but something stood out about little Jorie. She took her under her wing and into her home in Agate Village.

Jorie bounced back from the tragedy quickly, and Beckett was eager to teach her everything she knew about the region of Orre and Pokémon training. Although Beckett served as a surrogate parent for the girl, Jorie still insisted upon living on her own for the most part. When she was twelve, Jorie began working for a local berry farmer and paid rent to live in his humble guest house. Most people regarded an independent twelve year old as peculiar, but Beckett found everything about Jorie extremely admirable. Most in Agate Village mistook Beckett as Jorie's older sister, and Jorie preferred it this way. Jorie continued to perform odd jobs for anyone who was willing to hire her from the village. She soon became a beloved asset in the community and snuggled into place among the people.

☼Starter Pokemon☼





Static- Has a 30% chance of paralyzing attacking Pokémon on contact.

Headbutt & Growl

Maren is an enchanting little fellow with a heart of gold. He serves as a personal protector and irreplaceable friend to Jorie. Don’t let his incredibly soft and fluffy outside fool you, Maren is a fierce opponent in battle! He packs a paralyzing punch and has great stamina. Maren can be stubborn and indignant at times, but typically follows orders without question. Jorie and Maren stumbled upon each other in Relic Forest. Maren was the runt in a herd of Mareep used to keep the generators outside of Agate village active. His size was actually an advantage, due to the fact that more electricity was generated in his small body and at a faster rate, but he was constantly bullied by his "comrades". Maren strayed from the herd one evening and into Relic Forest. There, he noticed a small girl bundled at the foot of the shrine in the center of the forest. When Jorie awoke, she immediately noticed the warmth rushing through her skin. Maren had cuddled up comfortably beside her and was sleeping peacefully. Since then, Maren has faithfully followed Jorie like the "lost sheep" he is.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alison "Ali" Blaire




Ali is 5'8" and weighs around 115 pounds. Her luscious strawberry blonde curls rest just beneath her breasts. Her skin is fair and practically flawless in quality. She has sparkling blue eyes that are accompanied by long, thick lashes that tickle the tips of her eyebrows occasionally. Ali's lips are full and naturally blush colored. Hidden behind them are two rows of pristinely white teeth. Her smile melts many an unsuspecting heart. As her Alias would suggest, she is a dazzling feminine subject to behold.

Alison can transduce sonic vibrations into various types of light. She prefers utilizing music, particularly that which is rhythmically sustained, but cannot use the sound of her own unamplified voice. Dazzler can generate illumination, create realistic holograms, emit pulses or strobes to blind or disorient others, and fire laser-like cutting beams or "solid photon" concussive force beams. She is immune to the harmful effects of bright lights and loud noise.

Dazzler is a highly skilled athlete and roller skater, a good hand-to-hand combatant, and a talented singer.

Personality traits*
Ali is bold, motivated, genuine, charming, spirited, loud, and an overall entertainer.

Alison was born to Carter and Katherine Blaire in the Long Island suburb of Gardendale, New York. The Blaire's picture-perfect relationship was filled with tension and doubt. Mr. Blaire was a dedicated law student, and Mrs. Blaire was a high energy performer. Katherine eventually walked out on Carter and a young Alison to pursue her own life of fame and fortune. Carter's mother, Bella Blaire, stepped in to help her son care for Alison. Carter kept his daughter's painful past a secret to protect her, but Ali's heart instinctively burned with a passion for the arts. Her grandmother also encouraged Ali to enhance and pursue her musical skills. At a high school dance, Alison's powers manifested, blinding everyone in attendance. Ali was too afraid to confide in her family, but began to use her father's intelligible law skills to investigate her powers further. Under the Alias, Dazzler, she began performing in local jazz clubs throughout New York. Ali would use her abilities to create phenomenal light shows as she was singing. It was during one of her performances that she was approached by Charles Xavier and informed of the secret mutant population of New York.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Guinevere "Gwen"

17 years


Guinevere is tall and strongly built like her father, but possesses the feminine features of her late mother. She stands at about 5'9", has long ashen blonde hair, and fierce blue eyes. Her jaw is slightly squared and accompanied by luscious lips. She has her father's long nose and stern brow line, but her mother's rosy cheeks and delicate blonde lashes. Guinevere usually intricately braids her hair into a half-ponytail and adds in the few wildflowers picked for her by strangers or wandering peasant children. She wears the noble dresses provided to her by her royal family, but always adds a light layer of specially made chain mail beneath her bodice. She also wears hunting boots rather than the frilly shoes from the palace.

Guinevere is bold and oppositional. She was raised in a royal home and taught by the finest of scholars for most of her life. From this she gained her vast knowledge and hunger to better herself. After her mother's death, Guinevere became calloused and emotionally guarded. She does not base her decisions on feelings and tends to think logically and leave everything to reasoning. Her father's insistence on treating her like a lady pushed Guinevere to seek out equality among men and women. She demanded to be trained privately in combat strategies and practiced battle techniques secretly in her spare time. She is skilled on horseback and can handle a hunting bow with great accuracy.


Guinevere carries a valuable Hunting Bow she purchased from a notable guild of assassins in Carhaise's black market.

King Leodegrance who served Uther Pendragon and kept the Round Table for him.

Young Arthur began garnering support early for his foreboding war with King Rience. It was during one of these escapades that he met Guinevere's father and offered to defend his kingdom, Carhaise, from Rience's growing army. King Leodegrance had served under Arthur's blood father and had great admiration for the young boy's spirit and innate sense of leadership. Guinevere was betrothed to Arthur at this time as an act of gratitude. Guinevere protested the arrangement and insisted on her intentions to fight for her kingdom's freedom. Her father reluctantly asked her betrothed to let his daughter leave with him and his supporters to keep her mind away from the strife and misfortunes in her own kingdom. Arthur agreed, but Guinevere's desire to protect and serve only strengthened as they traveled throughout the land.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Parent CS

Aubrianna "Aubri" Winters

35 years



American black bear

Due to her genetic splice Aubri has heightened sense in her strength, hearing, swimming, and smell. She is able to lift objects that more than double her weight and can also climb with ease. Aubri's greatest defense is her ability to hear in all directions. It exceeds human frequencies and the same goes for her smelling capabilities. Her vision is sharp and defined close-up, but she has trouble distinguishing at a distance. Aubri's reflexes and quickness are also lacking, but she makes up for them with her other abilities. She performs best in a defensive situation.

Aubri is average height, standing at approximately 5'7", and has strongly built shoulders.Her jaw is square and her cheekbones are high and defined. She has fierce chocolate brown eyes and luscious, full lips. Aubri's flawless sun-kissed skin and bright smile are some of her greatest features. Her hair is a deep mahogany color and subtly streaked with hints of auburn from the sun. It is naturally filled with loose curls and is very thick to the touch. Aubri has Native American roots which play into her overall proud, mighty appearance.

Aubrianna is a stubborn beyond stubborn individual. She was raised primarily by her paternal grandfather who instilled in her a sense of pride and deep reflection. Aubri constantly questions the ways of her world, including the war and class system. She is a very intuitive woman and will always speak her mind passionately. Her sense of humoris very sarcastic and bitter, but she does not pass up an opportunity to laugh. She enjoys life in its most simplistic fashion and is constantly adventuring throughout the wilds. Always seeking opportunity and companions who share her ideals or just someone to have an enjoyable conversation with.

As stated earlier, Aubri was raised by her paternal grandfather. She lives in a "tribal" community, consisting of small connected families and friends all of Native American decent (also all Goldens). The community follows a traditional way of life and tends to stay separated from modern medicines and conveniences.This lifestyle shaped Aubri into the individual she is today. She values family above all else and is extremely resourceful. Aubri began working for the trade caravans that would travel to city when she was 18 years old. Her speech skills and persuasiveness were invaluable to the business. It was during these travels that Aubri met, and fell in love with Matthias Winters. His stark red hair and blue eyes were not the only things that set him apart from the other city boys. Matthias was a Filthy and his fox-like fangs were accompanied by a bushy tail which he wrapped cleverly around his waist. Aubri had never understood the resentment between her people and the Filthies, and saw nothing but perfection in Matthias. Unfortunately, her grandfather did not feel the same. They eloped on Aubri's 21st birthday, and shortly after Matthias was recruited for the impending war. Not only did he leave Aubri his last name, but also a gorgeous daughter. Matthias sent reparations and affection when he was able, and eventually earned the respect of Aubri's stern grandfather. Over the years, Aubri and Margot have formed an insanely close bond. Matthiasis involved as much as he can be, but has not seen his daughter since she was 3 years old. Aubri's desire to join her love in the war is only conflicted by her need to protect Margot.

Matthias Winters

37 years




Same as his daughter Margot's, just more matured due to his age and experience.

Matthias is short for a man, standing at 5'10", but is lean and slender in body build. His chest and stomach ripple with defined muscles, but his arms and legs are skinnier. His skin is fair, which makes his blue eyes stand out more. His stark red hair is his most defining feature, besides his filthy attributes. Matthias' upper canines are sharp and often stick outside his lips. He also has small black whiskers beneath his nose, but they are masked by his sleek red mustache. His fox tail is more than obvious, but is tucked slyly around his waist as a belt. Despite his peculiar looks, he is quite the handsome man.

Matthias is, in all sense of the word, charming. He is able to talk his way in or out of any situation. He is a care-free man and rarely ever loses his temper. His demeanor is cool and collected, and he often spends his free time engrossed in a book or gambling game. Matthias is flirtatious and a favorite among many of the city girls. His wit and humor are envied by many. One of his greatest, but most surprising traits, is his genuine care and selflessness. Matthias loves spending time caring for his younger brothers and sisters.

Matthias is the eldest son in a family blessed by 7 beautiful children. Matthias' older sister Caroline was killed in house fire at the age of 12. By circumstance, this makes Matthias the oldest living sibling. His mother was one of the few humans who remained hidden during the experimental testing. Her genes were not marred by any animal coding. His father's family, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. Despite the criticisms from their families, the two married and immediately established a family. Caroline was born like her mother, clean of any genetic mutations. Their second child, Matthias, was gifted with his patriarchal grandfather's filthy blood. Out of the remaining 6 younger children, only the youngest boy was born "clean". When Caroline passed, Matthias instinctively took on the role of a surrogate father to the family. His own father worked diligently in the coal mines to provide a living for the family. His mother practiced healing through herbs and offered her services and goods to the city folk. Thus, Matthias met his wife Aubrianna and formed his own family.

Daughter CS

Margot Winters

18 years




Margot inherited her genetic mutation and abilities from her father, but maintained her mother's Golden blood-line and appearance. She is cunning, quick, sneaky, and incredibly alluring. Margot's most incredible asset is her ability to use the Earth's magnetic field to aim her strikes. Unlike her mother, Margot is much more of an offensive player. She is agile and has outstanding reflexes both in everyday life and combat. Margot relies on her wit, rather than her strength. She has average strength capabilities, but would not fare well in hand-to-hand combat without proper training. Which is precisely why her quickness and striking speed are to her advantage.

Margot's facial features very much resemble her mother's. Square jaw, high cheek bones, and a pleasantly plump pair of lips. Although her skin is fairer than Aubri's, her Native American ancestry is still visible in her features. Her eyes are the same stark blue as her father, however, and her figure is taller and leaner like Matthias'. She is 5'9" and has long, slender legs and arms. Her hair is loosely curled and a mousy brown color. It is faintly tinted with streaks of auburn as well. Margot usually keeps her hair pulled back in a loose top knot with a few wispy strands hanging playfully on her face and neck.

Margot is wild and fiercely spirited. She is extremely curious and is constantly on the move or butting her way into other people's business. Although she is very excitable, she can be helpful and kind as well. Margot takes her mother's persuasiveness to a new level. The cunning and manipulation may be attributed to her DNA splice, but it is also very much embedded in her personality. Her alluring eyes and feminine charm can pinpoint most weaknesses in men and older members of the community and city. She is passionate, creative, and young at heart.

Daughter of Matthias and Aubrianna Winters
To be determined...
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


n a m e
Dahlia Maven

a g e
23 years

a p p e a r a n c e
Dahlia is petite and stands at about 5’3” when her posture is pristine. Her hair is the color of deep mahogany and glistens with tints of auburn in the sunlight. It reaches to the tops of her collar bone and is filled with long, thick layers. Her face is full and rounded, but her chin squares off slightly. It gives her an overall sturdy and powerful appearance. Her eyes, like the other four Golden Uisilons, burn with a striking mixture of yellow and orange. They are narrow, elongated, and topped off with thin, dark eyebrows. Her curvy lips are almost always coated with a light cherry colored smear that set off her fair, elegant skin. She prefers to wear darker colored clothing that flows and envelops her body like the waters she is so familiar with manipulating. She constantly wears an ornate opal necklace that was passed down to her from her late grandmother.

p e r s o n a l i t y
Dahlia, who prefers to be called by her last name, is a quietly fierce young woman. She is a deep-thinker with a thirst for solving complicated problems of any form. She prefers solitude and enjoys long sessions of silent contemplation in the more deserted regions of Undaro. Dahlia does not necessarily shy away from socialization, but she is very particular about who she actively speaks with. She has a passion for helping others, but despises any taste of recognition for her kind deeds. Her grandmother was a very strict disciplinarian, and Dahlia grew up with an attitude of absolute humility. Her heart, much like her eyes, is truly golden in her words and actions. Whether or not that fact is openly displayed is an entirely different matter.

h i s t o r y
Dahlia’s parents were very intellectual, much like their daughter, and continued to study the Mundane civilization in secret after the banishment. Their work kept them away from Undaro for weeks at a time, leaving Dahlia in the care of her paternal grandmother. Mother Maven, as the Uisilons called her, was beloved by all. She was a wise woman with an instinctual understanding for the thoughts and actions of others. This wisdom was what ultimately led to her selection by the Uisilon council to collaborate with the Mundane political leaders. Mother Maven left Dahlia with the cryptic words, “Your quiet ferocity is what frightens them the most. Be loud, my dear. Be loud.”

After her grandmother’s death, Dahlia’s parents put a hiatus on their study of the Mundanes. Their only child, gifted to become a Golden Uisilon, became their total focus and prodigy. They had Dahlia studying, practicing, and utilizing her skills for weeks at a time with no rest. The young girl took her grandmother’s words seriously and stayed diligent throughout the years. As Dahlia grew older, she began extending her skills to the Uisilon community. These charitable acts became her passion and gave her a serenity that her laborious studying could never grant.

r a n k
Golden Uisilon

p o w e r
Dahlia has the ability of aquakinesis. She can create, shape, and manipulate it as an inorganic compound in any state. This power includes changing water back and forth from its various states.

s t a n c e
The Maven family has been opposed to the idea of “hiding” underground for generations. They are a proud blood-line with a strong sense of unity and democracy. Dahlia’s grandmother was willing to negotiate with the Mundanes over the issue of societal integration, but was murdered before she could openly voice her ideas. Dahlia, being raised primarily by Mother Maven, assimilated her grandmother’s values with her own. She has a deep-rooted desire for integration because she is intrigued with the Mundane civilization. On the other hand, there is a pang of bitterness stemming from her grandmother’s untimely end that conflicts Dahlia’s inherently peaceful nature. A darker side of her wishes to seek out the select political Mundane leaders and serve them a plate of demise forged from their own sinful actions.
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Juliana has an overall lengthiness to her physical appearance. She is 5’11” with long, lanky arms and legs to match. Her nose and cheeks are peppered with tiny brown freckles that draw attention to her steely blue irises. Juliana’s luscious lips are one of her more alluring features. Her hair is parted down the middle of her scalp and reaches to the bottom of her small breasts. It has been stained with dye for her disguises throughout her years and has now taken on a permanent faded turquoise color. Juliana usually fishtails her unruly mane into low pigtails, although multiple strands still tease at her bubbled nose. She wears whatever she can make or acquire, but prefers oversized clothing that lets her skin breath freely. There’s a gruesome burn scar that stretches along the length of her right forearm, but she conceals it with a layers of rags and athletic tape.

Juliana Brandshei

February 29, 2988 (21 years)

Juliana Branshei was born into a broken world and a broken family. Her mother was a knocked-up prostitute, hoping the birth of her child would instill a sense of responsibility hiding deep within her. It didn’t. Juliana was abandoned as a toddler in the shady alleyways of San Diego. After 3 weeks on her own, little remained of the young girl besides desperation and bones. She was discovered by an elderly vagabond who, against his better judgment, took her under his wing and into his “home”.

Caesar, the man called himself, was on his last bit of luck. He had been on the run from the law for many years. Grand arson. His obsession with fire outweighed any sense of compassion for Juliana. He enlisted the girl to entice a slur of victims into his greedy web. The two were able to survive together for a decade before Juliana was bold enough to escape from the abusive man. She didn’t make it very far before being surrounded by Caesar’s remaining psychotic followers.

As punishment for her betrayal, Caesar slathered her arm in petroleum jelly and lit it on fire. Juliana went insane with pent up rage and pain. In the chaos that followed her public burning, she slipped a broken bottle deep into Caesar’s gut. His cowardly goons fled the scene, but none of them could escape her brutal adrenaline. She murdered them all in gruesome ways within the week. Since the incident, Juliana trusts and follows no one but herself.

S||tarting weapon
Her tiny fists a.k.a. nothing

S||ocial skill
Deception. Juliana can bluff, mislead, or otherwise flat out lie her way out of various situations. She is quick of mind and movement, which aid to this impish skill.

C||ombat skill
Precision. Juliana has pristine accuracy with small weapons. She can hit her mark from many yards away with a lot of aim and a little bit of luck.

C||rafting skill
Traps. Juliana can set and spot traps with ease. Although the materials for trap-making are few and far between, she has learned how to utilize common objects and even seemingly useless scraps to her advantage.

Richter has the muscular physique of the common gray wolf. His flat, broad nose and widely-set jaws are more atypical of the African lion. The delicately pointed ears on the side of his head can hear a multitude of frequencies, which he relies on more due to his poor eyesight. His body is covered in sharp, thick, black scales that are tinted along the edges with a bloody red. His tail is fairly long and greatly attributes to his speed and balance. His most deadly features are the talons extending from the thumbs of his paws and his mouthful of canine teeth.


Richter serves as a loyal guardian to Juliana Brandshei. She began feeding the hellish hound scraps while she was living in the chains of Caesar. The skittish mutant didn't get close to the girl for many years, but eventually his curiosity overcame him. A strong bond formed between the two, and Richter has remained close to the young woman since her desertion.

Richter is a threatening predator. He hunts for food (especially meat) during the mornings for himself and occasionally his partner. He is wildy aggressive, and not even Juliana can contain him in all situations. He is fast, nimble, and incredibly dangerous to enemies. Richter's hearing is super-developed, along with his sense of smell, which aids to his hunting abilities. It also serves as a warning and protection system to Juliana. His body radiates an intense amount of heat which can also be utilized when necessary.

He stays with or within the area surrounding Juliana Branshei.

This NPC is controlled/owned solely by Juliana by decree of the mighty ViKtorious (will be controlled by ViK until granted to Juliana in game)
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Name Title
Lilith Shatterfell

Age Length of life
20 years

Gender Curse

Class Affiliation
Leader of the Exiled

Appearance Mien
Lilith Shatterfell is graced with stern, but enticing facial features. Her high cheekbones and dimpled chin are slightly softened by her quiet jade eyes. The girl's bone chilling voices pierces through a pair of sensual lips. Stark red hair caresses around the frame of her face and drops below her strong jawline.

Lilith's skin is fair, unlike her blackened heart, and ripples with coarse muscle mass. She stands at an average height of 5'7", but commands her army with the ferocity of one thousand men. The specialized leather armor she wears is laced with crimson and gold stitching. When Lilith is not called to battle, she adorns her body in seductively sewn outfits that greatly compliment her fit body. She radiates raw, terrifying beauty.

Personality Disposition
The Third Heir to the Shatterfell throne is most definitely the mirrored image of nobility. Lilith is manipulative and rules with the fear that has surrounded her since the murder of Gifre. She is passionately vicious and maintains control with her cruel methodology. Her heart is covered in parasites. Greed. Hatred. Cruelty. Doubt. The girl will not trust, she cannot feel, and she refuses to display weakness.

Lilith's ability to lead is one of the few faint connections between her brothers, Rorick and Alden. She has a natural intimidation factor that none are immune to. Her reputation precedes her, and Lilith enjoys every bit of the infamous attention. She lacks the emotions to form relationships, but greatly desires affection and exhortation. She has seduced and captured the hearts of many, if not all, of the Exiled.

There is a secretive side to the young girl that is extremely rare to witness. On certain occasions, Lilith is contemplative and reflective, but most always lets her instincts guide her words and actions. She is wicked, blunt, rash, and extremely offensive in her military rulings. Her spirit is dark, wild, and longing for the affirmations that her mentor promised.

Skills/abilities Expertise
Knife throwing
Illusion magic

History Antiquity
*refer to History hider in original OOC post

Whisper post Bondage
Lilith's small hand clutched tightly to Gifre's dark robes. Their footsteps crunched through piles of dead leaves as they made their way briskly through the twisted trees. The young girl's red hair bobbed with each step and she stumbled to keep up with the older man. Gifre threw his arm backwards, smacking her hard across her cheek, and spun around angrily.

"Will you stop dawdling, child! You must learn to start leading and not trailing along behind others. You are impossible!"

His hands gripped in frustration at his face as Lilith widened her eyes in confusion and terror. He slowly lowered his face to the ground and shook his head disapprovingly. The girl touched her bruised cheek gently and stood shakily to her feet. She furrowed her brows and reached for the dagger concealed in Gifre's belt. Her tiny fingers could hardly wrap around the handle, but she pointed it towards her mentor and spoke icily into the silence separating them.

"I am the strongest! You'll see, Master Gifre. You will never doubt again. Look at me, I say! Look at me!"

The intensity steadily rose in her voice and her lungs burned inside her chest. The cold of winter was settling in, and her breath carried like a ghostly fog. Gifre's eyes rose but focused on something looming in the distance behind Lilith. She could stand it no longer, she refused to be ignored. She turned sharply on her heels to confront whatever had attracted Gifre's attention. A small, glowing orb of light stalked steadily from side to side feet away from Lilith. Her white jade eyes followed it mesmerized and the dagger in her hand swept steadily back and forth.

"It cannot be?"

Gifre gasped aloud in realization of the Whisper before them. His own soul had not been affected during the betrayal, so he knew this to be the youngest Shatterfell's missing essence. She cannot possibly be ready. The man's rotted teeth exposed themselves as his lips parted in an evil smile. He stared at the back of his apprentice's red head and tapped his spindly fingers along her shoulder. Lilith looked up at him momentarily and he nodded without further affirmation or instruction.

Lilith stepped forward cautiously, never letting her eyes linger from the Whisper's bright trail. The Whisper slowly bobbed forward as well. She was inches from the magnificent light when her arm reached forward enticingly. Her palm extended and made contact with the orb in an explosion of blinding rays. Gifre pried open his eyelids and unshielded his wrist from his face. Before him stood a smiling Lilith and the newly formed outline of her magnificent beast. His whispered words echoed sickeningly in the dying woods.

"I'm looking, dear. I'm looking."

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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Sun-kissed skin, freckled nose bridge, and a pair of charming amber eyes. These are the most noticeable features upon gazing into Calliope's youthful face. Her bone structure is high and just pointed enough to give her a regal appearance. The hair framing her cheeks is cut into shorter layers that are dressed in all shades of red. The longer strands of hair along her chin are usually aligned in an organized chaos of sorts. Her figure is lean and muscular; she stands at about 5'7". She adorns herself in typical Harbinger attire made of light, flexible materials. She also faithfully wears a silver bangle on her left wrist.

Calliope "Calli" Triske




Panthera Gymno called "Bastian"
Bastian is a hybrid beast that predominantly resembles a lion. Tucked beneath his sharp shoulder blades is a pair of radiant white wings. Calliope pales in comparison to Bastian's encroaching size, but the beast loves the girl in the gentlest of manners. By nature, Bastian is cautious and defensive. His aggression is rarely exhibited unless his partner is in danger. His incredible agility and senses make him a keen asset to the Harbingers.

Calliope has a child-like spirit paired with a vigorous appetite for adventure. She often lets her curiosity get the better of her but can very smoothly wheedle her way around or out of a threatening situation. She has a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue at times. Calliope tends to follow her heart over her head, which can lead her astray during important Harbinger missions. It does, however, aid her in empathizing with others she comes into contact with. Her hand to hand combat skills are finely tuned, but her greatest area of strength is acrobatics. Calliope is light as a feather on her feet, quick as lightning, and balanced as the evening tides. She also has a talent for understanding and connecting with animals of all species.

Fratenal twin to Kieren Triske. Current leader of the Harbinger Estuary. More history to follow in the IC.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

n a m e.
Adeline "Del" Mortis

a g e.
26 years

s p e c i e s.
Common death adder

a b i l i t i e s.

  • Adaptive camouflage- Although the scales on Del's transformed skin are limited in their color-changing capabilities, her mind is hyper-aware of her surroundings at all times. She is usually able to successfully blend in with most environments by utilizing a combination of her natural camouflage and perceptiveness.
  • Sinister stealth- Patience is a virtue, and Del will wait for days to execute a mission without any trace of foul play.
  • Terrific swimmer- When presented with a chase, Del would much prefer a watery playing field. She propels through it with unparalleled ease and grace.
  • Extreme reflexes- Dexterity doesn't even come close to describing the speed and precision of Del's limbs. Many of her gestures and actions cannot be followed by the human eye.
  • Postsynaptic neurotoxin- "Beware the mouth of a Mortis girl." Wise words considering that Del can deliver a paralyzing venom that may also lead to respiratory failure, if the victim doesn't die first.

m o t i v a t i o n a l m u s i c.
"Boy with a Coin" -Iron & Wine

b a c k s t o r y.
Del and her sisters were abandoned by their mother at a young age, due to the nature of their scandalous conception. Miss Mortis was a suggestible mortal woman with very loose morals; known to pleasure even the filthiest of hybrids for a meager handful of coin. Her whereabouts are unknown to this day, although her name is still a dark whisper in many of the villages. When the girls came of age, the transformations slowly took their young lives. All but Del perished from the venom that their bastard father had genetically gifted. As she grew, so did her abilities and overall stoicism in regards to life. She's made a living by offering her deadly talents to vengeful mortals. Assassin, mercenary, murderer, a title matters little to Del, but her name is well known to mortals and hybrids alike. She claims allegiance to no one, and will work for whoever offers the most advantageous price.

o t h e r.
Despite the nature of her work, Del doesn't wear much for protection. She prefers delicate, feminine clothing that leaves little to the imagination. Her prey is so easily led astray by a pretty face, besides the fact that weightlessness aids to her stealth, speed, and overall movement. Because she disapproves of the taste of many mortal men, she prefers to kill with a twin set of poisoned daggers hidden beneath her thighs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jagajac
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Coraline Jenkins "C.J."

It seems that C.J.'s body grew faster than she aged. Her spindly legs carry her at a whopping 5'9", which is impressive for a mere teenager. Her face is rosy and youthful; her bright blue eyes framed by layers of mousy-brown hair. She loves stripes and polka-dots, so her everyday shirt consists of one of those two patterns. C.J. always sports a yellow jacket adorned with jade detailing that resemble Oddish sprouts. It was a congratulatory gift from her parents at the beginning of her adventure as a trainer. No matter the weather, C.J. always seems to be cold, so a pair of neutral leggings usually accompanies her worn jean shorts. To help make her figure look a little more proportional, she also wears rather tall, comfortable leather boots.

C.J. is a boisterous youngster with little to no fear when it comes to her Pokémon adventure. In fact, she usually charges into skeptical situations with a confident, headstrong attitude. Her parents, both avid Pokémon photographers, let their daughter accompany them on many of their own excursions. She has spent her entire life examining and interacting with the creatures in their natural habitats. She is known to have a fiery temper at times, but her demeanor is overall warm and welcoming. She's never met a stranger, so her acquaintances are many. Unfortunately, because of her boldness, C.J. has never been able to truly bond with another trainer. As a child, many children were intimidated by C.J. and shied away from friendship. Luckily, her optimism keeps a smile on her face and a happy in her heart. Only with her Pokémon partners will C.J. share the unbearable loneliness that occasionally creeps up on her.

A rather anxious Ekans called Zulu accompanies C.J. The sweet snake often retreats into the folds of C.J.'s jacket, securing itself around the girl's slim arm. Despite her partner's obviously opposite personality, C.J. loves the creature fiercely. Her love is returned ten fold by Zulu, and he tries desperately to show his bravery in order to impress his friend.

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