Name of roleplay: Perfect Dark: Revenge of the Skedar
Genre: Action (possible romance)
Year of roleplay: Approx. Five years after destruction of the Skedar home world (Nintendo 64 story-line)
Character types: Original Characters only (Cannon characters will be support characters only)

Synopsis: It has been five years since the events that conspired between the Carrington Institute and the warlike race known as the Skedar. Joanna Dark the Institutes top agent with the help of Maian comrade Elvis topple the Skedar and prevent a global disaster which could have spelled the end of Earth. With Cassandra De Vries the head of DataDyne Corporation gone, murdered by the Skedar, the once well funded organization sank into disarray and would nearly suffer bankruptcy. It was within the fifth year after the incident however that a new founder took over operations at DataDyne and brought the company back from the brink of collapse. The mysterious figure head has revived the old company and has turned it into the top leading weapons developer in the greater world. But like its previous CEO, the mysterious figure head has fallen under suspicion by the Carrington Institute. Suspecting a plot which could throw the world into chaos Daniel Carrington sends top Agent Joanna Dark back in the fire to discover what the new CEO of DataDyne is up to. But something has gone wrong, Agent Dark has disappeared along with any trace of her existence. Unable to contact Agent Dark and with no intelligence as to her current condition Daniel Carrington has contacted two of his independent agencies from around the world requesting their top operatives to assist him in finding Agent Dark. A war of shadows is about to begin, and old adversary will return, and a plot that could end the world is in motion. Will the Carrington Institute be able to hold back the tide this time or will DataDyne have its final revenge?

The Role you will play: You will be playing one of the Top agents, your agency can be in whatever location you desire, it doesn't matter as to the location, so you feel free to decide. Your character and mine the second Agent will be undertaking a mission to ascertain the whereabouts of Agent Dark and if possible bring her back to the institute. As we progress we will carry out more vital missions.

Ideal Partner: I am looking for someone who knows Perfect Dark for the N64 its important that you know the story line from the game as much of this story will revolve around it. I am also looking for someone who is willing to stick with the story until its conclusion, someone dedicated and at the same time I am looking for someone who is not intimidated by adding onto the story and not just following my lead. As I am a rather care free person I am looking for someone of similar sort who is interested in having a fun time making this story. Also as there is a possibility of romance 18+ is a requirement if you want to have a relationship in story, if your younger then that then the romantic components are off the table.

About me: As I enjoy knowing whom I am roleplaying with I will add in a little bit about myself so you can get a feel for who I am. I am 24 and reside in Northern Michigan, if there's snow I am one who knows where and how much. I have been roleplaying for the better part of 15 to 16 years. My style of writing is very varied and I can write anywhere from 5000 characters to 20000+ depending. I am a relaxed type of person so I am not high strung or do I get angry or offended easily, I am very approachable if you have issues with something and am more then willing to chat with you out side of the story. I am a gamer and a writer by nature and I enjoy both equally. I am a nice guy all in all and will always show you the respect that you show me.

Writing Level: As mentioned in the tags this is Casual Advanced, I will be writing at least 5000+ for most posts and some posts may very well go beyond 15000+ depending on what portion of story I need to get out. Its important to note that unlike some I will not criticize you if you are unable to write that much, so you should not be intimidated by long posts. I am looking for anyone who wants to create this story so as long as you can go beyond constant one liners your welcome to join me. Remember the cardinal rule I can only give you what you give me.

Anything Else: This roleplay will have a large dose of realism, iv played the game and knowing that you can run through each level like a mad man and killed people at will I am making this Perfect Agent leveled when its comes to realism. For those of you who never tried Perfect Agent you are actually required to hide around corners and not run blindly at an enemy for they will kill you quickly. Besides that any other information required is listed above and I am ofcourse available for any questions you may have. If your interested in this story then shoot off a PM to me or respond in this thread. Also I prefer using threads of PM but I am not totally against PM if thats your preference.