It has been a few days now since the conflict was resolved and as the dead are now buried the wounded have also been tended to. The woman awoke gasping lightly as her eyes fluttered around the room taking note of her surroundings. She had expected to be killed along with her fellow Angels but here she lay in disbelief. The midday sun hung high in the sky beating down on the small dessert town. A lone man dressed in all black stands in the towns graveyard staring aimlessly into the recently churned dirt as the woman suddenly appears next to him. "I see you are feeling better." The man jests. "Why not kill me like the rest?" The woman asks with sorrow hanging from her mouth.

"Your kind used to ask for permission and when an Angels soul co-existed harmoniously with their human host; oh you have not witnessed destruction. I listened as billions of souls screamed and cried in horror as their known galaxy was removed from existence and then nothing but cold, dead, silence. It simply saddens me to see how much of yourselves you have actually lost. You are now like children stumbling in the dark who would be unable to see past their own noses even if they weren't blind." The man says his eyes never shifting from his downward gaze.
"So I am only alive because of your demented pity!?" The woman accuses. Slightly enraged she attempts to assault the man to no avail. The man trips her up and then pins her hands above her head while he sits atop her abdomen.
"I would rip the heart from your body just to see the expression of pain in your eyes but as I have been taught to be cruel I too over time have learnt what kindness is. There will be a time for you to hate me but I am not the one who dared to tread knowingly where you could not follow." The man says before removing himself from atop her.
"Then to what end do I now exist?" She asks defeated.
"To whatever end you would like but if we want to survive the coming storm we will all need the other." The man says as the woman rises into a seated position.
"Exiled or not you are the Angel of Death. You can not tell me you fear for your life." The woman says half astonished.
"What right has Death to live? When time itself would be lost." The man responds turned away from the woman.
"You were human once." She says softly.
"And not a day goes by where it does not haunt me. I am no stranger to mortalities plights but tell me Angel does it feel strange to bleed?" The man asks looking over his shoulder at her.

If this interests you at all PM me for more details.