
Once upon a time, everyone in the entire world died. It was during the time before the awakening, a time where the world was split into nations that held different groups of people of all colors and beliefs, all who were fighting for domination of the world as they knew it. A world where humans were the alpha-race, before there were Angels and Hell-spawn, before the Angel Protection Acadamy (A-P-A) and Government of Districts{g-o-d} were formed. This time was known as the P.A or pre-awakening, where humans relied more on machines than their own will and strength. No one knows for certainty who started the war or why, though some theorist have their opinions, but what is known is that on that day, the world changed forever.

Terms and General Knowledge

Angels- A race created after the cataclysm that destroyed the world. Having enhanced strength, speed, brain activity and other senses and abilities, Angels are the 2nd strongest beings in the known world.

Appearance-Black ring that cuts through the iris of the eye, separating it into two shades of the same color. i.e light/dark brown,blue,green etc.

Strengths- Halo, a weapon activated when Angels awaken their spirits or energy. Halos are created from the angels own thoughts and way of fighting. Halos range from physical weapons, skin adaptations, physical enhancements and mental awareness. Once a halo is created an Angel is stuck with it for life.

Weaknesses-Hell-spawns/blood , Null Gas, decapitation.

Tainted- A subrace branching from both Angel and hell-spawn blood. The strongest beings in existence, the tainted are beings created when hell-spawn blood is mixed with the blood of an angel and a dose of null gas. Though the stronger of the two, Tainted are driven mad and are very hostile to those not of their species.

Appearance- Neon colored eyes, fangs.

Strengths- Like their counterparts, the tainted also have spirit energy that they can use to strengthen their physical abilities. However, they cannot create nor use halos. They also have the ability to regenerate from visually any wound if given enough time.

Weaknesses- Full decapitation and fire.

Humans-The weakest species of the group, humans are the most adaptable to environments. Being able to handle null gas and tame hell-spawn, they are also the only species than can read without having to be taught.

Strength- Intellect, Ability to tame Hell-spawn, null gas.

Weakness-Pretty much anything.

Hell-spawn Hellish creatures created by the same cataclysm that gave birth to the angels. Adorned with sharp fangs, claws and talons. Very dangerous during the day, and completely hostile in the night.

Appearance- Red eyes, smell of sulfur.

Strengths- Regeneration, thick hardened skin.

Weaknesses-Decapitation of the spine.

Road-burners- Powerful legs propel them over vast distances and allow them to leap just under 50 feet. They can reach speeds up to 140 mph. they stand at an average height of 6ft and are active both day and night.

Sky scrapers- A bird like hell-spawn with a wing span of 7ft. If one is not careful they can find themselves in the talons of one of these creatures. They hunt only during the day. Mostly active at dawn and sunset.

Maulers- A four legged beast that hunts in packs, known to hunt during the night. Has the ability to climb and can sense a heartbeat in a 3 mile radius. Stands 7ft on all four legs

Chorilla-A humanoid like hell-spawn with a long thick tail used for balance and hunting. Generally hunts in the night but can be seen during the day if one gains it's attention. Highly intelligent stands at 9ft tall

Earth-Churner- A worm/snake like creature that travels beneath the ground causing small to massive earth quakes. Randomly appears. Over 40ft long

Water-Devil. A sea creature that has the tail of a fish and the torso of a human. covered with gills and leathery skin that moves them like jets through the water, they are known for puling ships apart and devouring seafarers with their rows of sharp teeth.


Sanctuary- The richest and safest district. Home of Government of districts (god) where leaders make decisions for the lands. Being completely rebuilt after the destruction of the war, anyone that hails from this district is a person of class, honor and grace.

City of Michel-A city named after the first Angel to awaken, Michel is the second district following the Sanctuary. Here one will find mostly Angels and some humans who most likely are attending the Angel protection Acadamy (Apa)

The Gutter- The third district filled with the working class, Mostly ran by humans and some Angels, these people set the standard way of life for most. Sitting on the border of the hell-zone, some humans ride maulers and bet on fights between Angels and Hell-spawn.

Hell-zone- A district completely filled with rubble and ruin from the world before the war. Filled with Hell-spawn, only the experienced are allowed to pass through the gates to enter the land. Some go out to prove themselves in rights of passage, others go out in search of trinkets and treasures of the world before.

The Wasteland-A part of the Hell-zone, this piece of land lay claim to the tainted. No one really knows what goes on out that deep in the Hell-zone, but any human or angel that travels out that deep is never seen again legend says.

Null Gas- The infamous gas that created the Angels, Hell-spawn and tainted. Whether it's being created in a lab, or found in a rubble, humans are the only ones that can come in direct contact with it. It has been known to be harvested and used to make bullets and weapons that can harm the other three species.


You can have up to three cs, one for each playable race- Angels, Humans, Tainted

No Godmodding and stick to the lore of the story.

You have creative freedom of your character(s) in every sense. Just make sure you keep track of them so others don't get confused.

Finally, however the order starts will be the order we post in. Anyone new that joins will create a new slot.

Have fun.