Current status: Closed for just now (looking for just one person)

  • I consider myself a casual to high-casual, on occasion I can dip my toes into the advanced pool when the time calls for it or I am particularly motivated. So on average 300-500 words and I ask the same from my partner or at least there abouts.
  • I certainly prefer good spelling and grammar but it's not a deciding factor for me in the end.
  • I try my best to post once a week and more if possible, I will also notify my partner if I suddenly become bus or unable to post. I hope for the same in return!
  • Communication IS key, let's talk and have fun yeah? If you're going to be busy or absent for a while please let me know and I'll show you the same courtesy.
  • This RP will contain mature themes so please be at least 18 years of age, the usual violence/gore, language, sex and other topics will likely crop up... some more than others. I'm not asking it to be mature content all the time but I just like to keep my options open.
  • Let's both carry the weight of this plot and not let one of us do the heavy lifting, it's for the best!

The Plot
The world itself is still a blank slate so some world-building will be required though we don;t have to delve into every tiny detail, in my head it's something of a cross between game of thrones and lord of the rings or something to that effect. It'll be dark and gritty with the occasional ray of light or otherwise I may get too depressed haha though the happy moments don't have to be fluffy and cute. The very core of this idea is the adventure of a dragonrider and the dragon that he rides, now how they get there and what happens before is all up for discussion. I'd quite like for a large chunk of the RP be about them travelling this world and discovering ancient cultures, mysterious artefacts, traversing dangerous dungeons, meeting Gods, entering new dimensions and so much more. Having a overarching plot would also be good like the shadows of war brewing in the background. An example of what our characters could come across is a village under attack from a local Lord, they then have a choice of ignoring it or trying to help them or even the Lord if they are so inclined but whatever choice they make will have consequences they will have to face later. The story will contain intrigue, betrayal, love, hate, passion, war, moral greys, loyalty, there's just so much I'd love to explore!

Oh, before I forget to mention it I know there are plenty of different lore's for how how dragons and their riders bond and such but I'm not too well versed in any of them so that's another thing we'd need to chat about.

Your character is very open too, the only things I would ask if that she isn't too meek and also that her humanoid form still makes her look like a dragon. I would be willing to go a human form with draconic features like scales, horns, tail and I would even go so far as a human/insert-race-you'd-like-her-to-be form but my preference is for the first choice. I'm flexible though so I'm more than happy to discuss this, anything else is up to you entirely: like her colour, if she can use magic, history etc. Here are some images for inspiration or use: Picture one Picture two

I am using a bit of D+D lore for my character (I'm happy for us to use pieces of lore from RPG's, books, comics, films, whatever to create our awesome world), he is a Vryloka which is a pseudo-vampire but they are in a place between living and undead trapped somewhere in the middle. He is an Eldritch Knight which is essentially a combination of a warrior and a mage/wizard. I have more thoughts on him but I'd like to share them with someone that is interested in this. Also here are two images I really liked for him, since I am torn between the two I'd be willing to let my partner choose for me. Picture one Picture two

Final Point
Best way to contact me is with a PM! I look forward to hearing from anyone wishing to join me on this adventure of a lifetime. Thank you for reading. ^_^