Hello everyone, it has been a long time since I frequented this forum. But I'm back and wanna do some 1x1's again. I'll tell you a little about me, a little about my personal rules of the trade and then give you some ideas of what I'm interested in writing now.

~About Me~

I'm Angel, I'm in my twenties, work full time at a retail grocery store in the Midwest and was an avid writer and love video games and reading books. While work has sapped a lot of my energy for writing, I want to try and ease myself back into writing every day, even if that means trying to reply to an RP post every day, at least it'll exercise those muscles! I like reading books, playing video games and I am a girl who likes her JRPGs and action games. <3

My Rules

1. My 1x1's are mostly PG13 rated, some fandoms (like persona) can be a little more, but while I don't mind cussing and gore, anything of the sexual nature has to be limited to fade to black.
2. I like to have something to respond too, while you don't have to give me like 15 paragraphs to work with, I know that I give what I get back, if we can keep the story moving and all that I'll be fine with what you give me. Just make sure we are both doing some work.
3. As for how long between replies, if you find you can't do it at least once a week, then you can move on. I would aim for every other day personally, but I realize (especially with my own work schedule) that sometimes life gets busy. So, once a week is usually my bench mark.
4. I also would like to get to know my RP partner, we are creating a story together and I'd like to see how well we work together to create a cohesive story line and characters.
5. And finally, if you pick one of my fandom's or ideas, be prepared to toss ideas back and forth for a little bit and PM me. I'd rather do the story on the forum rather than email or PM. Thank you for reading this!

My Interests

These will be updated over time. Anything with a * next to it, I'm really craving.