Silana sighed. The new apprentices still weren't understanding that when you magic you had to conserve your energy and not just fling any spell out there. You had to think before you spent energy on a spell.
"Ok let's try this again. First, you need to judge whether or not your opponent is a mage or not. Then, you need to judge what to use against them when it comes to the three different spell categories of Destruction magic." Silana said.
One of the apprentices raised their hand.
"Yes?" Silana asked.
"Ma'am what about wards?" They asked.
Silana raised a hand to silence the apprentice.
"I was getting to that. See wards use magicka just like everything else magical. Wards also take time to charge up. The greater the ward the greater the charge time. Wards are defensive in nature, so use them wisely the next time you go up against an opponent using magic."