A las, I have became bored of the same old school. Ever since Rin Okumura has entered the school it started to get exciting. It didn't last long though, so instead I have opened a replica of True Cross Academy! Here at Murasaki No Honoo Academy we welcome only 'humans', Murasaki No Honoo means 'purple flame' just for future informaton. Murasaki Academy, for short, is where you can forfill your dreams as a exorcist. ~Sincerely, Mephisto

Now, onto the creation;






Breed: - Human, half demon, demon (keep in mind only Mephisto, Amaimon, Rin and Yukio can be the sons of Satan)

Occupation: (Exorcist/Exorcist teacher/cram student)

Rank: -Class (e.g. middle first classIf you're a cram student you start as page and move to esquire with the others, moving up the ranks as we go along and type e.g. knight or tamer you can have more than one type e.g. a knight and a doctor


This is the Rankings.

This is the Class types)

Other: (Like character's history, goal or other things that are others need to know)